Marco Michelozzi
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-5225724
E-mail: marco.michelozzi[at]
NAME: Marco Michelozzi
BIRTHDATE: Firenze, 24 April 1957
ADDRESS: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Istituto di Bioscenze e Biorisorse (IBBR), Area di Ricerca CNR di Firenze, Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), ITALY
Tel. +39-055-522 5724 Fax +39-055 522 5729
Interests and present fields of work
Forest Ecophysiology:
Research in forest ecophysiology is intended to produce biological knowledge that can be used for sustainable forest management.
The forest ecophysiology research program focuses on:
- The relationship between terpenes and the attack of pest and diseases.
- Characterization of less susceptible terpene chemotypes to the attack of insects and fungi.
- The effect of abiotic stresses on biosynthesis of volatile terpene compounds.
- Variation of ecophysiological responses to biotic and abitic stresses.
- Development of eco-friendly delivering systems (lipid nanovectors, cocrystals, and cyclodextrins) based on terpenoids as a valid alternative to synthetic pesticides
Degree and post-degree experience
1985 Graduated in Agricultural Science, University of Firenze Italy. 1982 with 110/110. His thesis concerned utilization of forestry biomass for production of chemicals.
1988 CNR fellowship at Department of Forestry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA, July 1988 - February 1989 to perform studies on terpenes as biochemical markers in forest genetics under the supervision of Prof. A. Squillace and Prof. T. White and to conduct experiments in plant ecophysiology under the supervision of Prof. J. Johnson.
1989 CNR fellowship at Laboratoire d’Amelioration des Arbres Forestiers, INRA, Pierroton (Francia), November 1989 - January 1990 to perform studies on terpenes as biochemical markers in forest genetics under the supervision of Prof. P. Baradat.
1991 N.A.T.O-CNR fellowship, at Department of Forestry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA, , June 1991 - August 1991 to perform studies on terpenes as biochemical markers in forest genetics under the supervision of Prof. A. Squillace and Prof. T. White and to conduct experiments in plant ecophysiology under the supervision of Prof. J. Johnson.
1996 CNR fellowship at Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, June 1996 to perform studies on terpenes as biochemical markers in forest genetics under the supervision of Prof. K. Raffa.
1997 CNR fellowship at Department of Forestry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA, April 1997, to perform studies on terpenes as biochemical markers in forest genetics under the supervision of Prof. A. Squillace and Prof. T. White and to conduct experiments in plant ecophysiology under the supervision of Prof. J. Johnson.
1997 N.A.T.O-CNR fellowship, at Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, June 1997 - August 1997 to perform studies on terpenes as biochemical markers in forest genetics under the supervision of Prof. K. Raffa.
1986-2005 Researcher (permanent position, III level) at Istituto di Genetica Vegetale (IGV), Area di Ricerca CNR di Firenze.
2005 Senior researcher (II level) at CNR-IGV, Area di Ricerca CNR di Firenze.
Other professional experiences
1987-1989 Responsible of the research line “Study of genetic variation in terpene composition of forest plants by gaschromatography” of C.N.R. Istituto di Genetica Vegetale
1993-1998 Responsible of the research line “Genetic variation and physiological adaptability in forest plants” of C.N.R. Istituto di Genetica Vegetale
1999-2003 Responsible of the research line “Analysis of the ecophysiological and biochemical responses of the plant to biotic and abiotic stresses” of C.N.R. Istituto di Genetica Vegetale
2004-2009 Responsible of the research macroline “Plant interactions with biotic and abiotic stresses present in the surrounding environment” of C.N.R. Istituto di Genetica Vegetale
2004-present Responsible of the Joint Laboratory for Gaschromatography of plant metabolites between C.N.R. Istituto di Genetica Vegetale Firenze and Perkin-Elmer Italia S.p.A
1998-present Coordinator of the Working Group on “Terpenes and Ecology” of the Societa’ Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale (SISEF)
2012 Employment contract for 2 months at the Ionicon Analytic GmbH., in the framework of FP7-IAPP Marie Curie PTR-TOF Nr. 218065, July - August 2012.
Teaching experience
2004-2005 Course of Gaschromatografy for the analysis of essential oil in plant species used in Pharmacopoeia at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Firenze, ITALY.
1999-2000 Coordinator of the Course Wood technology at the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, University of Firenze, ITALY.
1999-2000 Course of Wood chemistry extractives at the the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, University of Firenze, ITALY.
1998-1999 Course of Wood chemistry extractives at the Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, University of Firenze, ITALY.
Mentor training
Supervisor of High School, M.S., Ph.D and Postdoc students.
Editorial activity - evaluator expertise
Referee for several international journals in the field of plant science and chromatography: Forest Genetics, Journal of Chromatography A., Annals of Forest Science, Plant Byosystems, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Tree Physiology, Journal of Essential Oil, iForest
Associate Editor of the on-line journal Forest@
Component of the Component of the Advisory review board of the on-line journal iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry
1989 One year bilateral project CNR-INRA (Laboratoire d’Amelioration des Arbres Forestiers Pierroton (Francia) to study the variation in terpene composition of Pinus halepensis Miller.
1990 One year bilateral project CNR- Department of Forestry, University of Florida to study the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of the plant in response to environmental stress.
1991-1995 Partecipant in the project RAISA-CNR “Hydrological, ecophysiological and ecogenetic processes in beech forest”
1997-2001 Partecipant in the project of European Commission “Global, physiological and molecular responses to climatic stresses of three Mediterranean conifers”, Contract INCO-FORADAPT C18-CT97-0200.
1997-2001 Partecipant in the project of European Commission “Identification of ecophysiologically adapted indigenous Milicia excelsa genotypes for suistainable tropical timber production”, Contract INCO - DC ERB3514PL961724.
1997-2001 Partecipant in the project of European Commission “Adaptation and selection of mediterranean Pinus and Cedrus for sustainable afforestation of marginal lands”, Contract FAIR CT95-0097
2001-2004 Coordinator of Workpackage “Terpene Analysis” and Workpackage “Molecular Markers” within the European Commission project "Quality of life and management of living resources resistance of spruce to root and butt rot disease" (RESROBS Contract QLRT-2000-00241).
2001-2007 Partecipant in the international project of “Conifer defense against insects and phytopathogenic fungi - CONDEF”
2004-2005 Coordinator of the project “Characterization and production of essential oils and polyphenolic extracts of Tuscan ecotypes of the Mediterranean flora" contract between A.R.S.I.A Regione Toscana and IGV-CNR.
2005-2009 Partecipant in the project of European Commission "Developing best practice for seed sourcing of planted and natural regeneration in the neotropics", Contract n. FP6-2002- INCO-DEV-1 SEEDSOURCE.
2006-2008 Partner in the project “OLICANTO - Tuscan hemp oil" contract between A.R.S.I.A Regione Toscana and Legambiente Toscana Onlus.
2006-2010 Partecipant in the project of European Commission “Evolution of trees as drivers of terrestrial biodiversity”, Contract n. GOCE n. 016322 - EVOLTREE.
2007-2010 Partecipant in the project “Increase in the quantity and quality of pine cones and pine nuts in domestic pine. Conservation strategies and use of improved material", supported by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies2008 Scientific Responsible of the project “B.O. 2007 - Development of innovative products from flower tissues L.R. 32/99 art. 4”, Contract between Azienda Regionale Veneto Agricoltura and IGV-CNR
2008 Scientific Responsible of the project “B.O. 2007 - Development of innovative products from rose flower tissues of S. Antonio ", Contract between Azienda Regionale Veneto Agricoltura and IGV-CNR
2008-2009 Coordinator of the project “MELASUK - Use of the ancient Tuscany variety Rotella for the production of apple juices” Contract between A.R.S.I.A Regione Toscana and IGV-CNR.
2008-2012 Coordinator of the project “OLIROTO - Essential oils of Rosemary from Tuscany" contract between A.R.S.I.A Regione Toscana and IGV-CNR.
2012-2015 Partecipant in the project European Commission - 7 FP KBBE Programme: WATBIO Development of improved perennial non-food biomass and bioproduct crops for water stressed environments
2012-2015 Partecipant in the project “Assessing the impacts of invasive fungal pathogens and phytophagous insects on native plants, pathogens, phytophagous insects and symbionts " supported by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
2013-2016 Partecipant in the project “Assessing the impacts of invasive fungal pathogens and phytophagous insects on native plants, pathogens, phytophagous insects and symbionts (FIRB) supported by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
2017 - 2020 Scientific Responsible of workpackage within the project “CISOL - Characterization of chemical and physical cues that regulate the passage of Philaenus spumarius, the main vector of Xylella fastidiosa on olive trees”, Contract between Regione Puglia - Dipartimento Agricoltura, Sviluppo Rurale e Ambientale and IPSP-CNR.
2018-2022 Partecipant in the project European Commission - 1 H2020 - EU. Holistic Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases.
Memberships to scientific societies
- Societa’ Italiana di Selvicoltura ed Ecologia Forestale (SISEF).
- Societa’ Italiana per la Ricerca sugli Oli Essenziali (SIROE).
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
In vitro and in vivo copper-treated Myrtus communis L.: terpene profiles and evidence for potential cultivation on metal-contaminated soils
Capuana M, Michelozzi M, Colzi I, Menicucci F, Cencetti G, Gonnelli C
Year: 2023
Essential Oils for the Conservation of Paper Items
Menicucci F, Palagano E, Michelozzi M, Ienco A
Year: 2023
Assessment of biodiversity indicators in beech forests with diverse management systems in the Italian Apennines
Parisi F, Vangi E, Mazziotta A, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Garosi C, Londi G, Marchetti M, Tognetti R, Chirici G, Travaglini D
Year: 2023
Monarda didyma Hydrolate Affects the Survival and the Behaviour of Drosophila suzukii
Finetti L, Civolani S, Mirandola D, Benetti L, Francati S, Albanese F, Menicucci F, Michelozzi M, Bellardi MG, Dindo ML, Bernacchia G
Year: 2022
Il profilo chimico del legno di castagno per la produzione di vasi vinari
Grossi B, Brunetti M, Calamai L, Michelozzi M, Pizzo B
Year: 2022
Il profilo chimico del legno di castagno per la produzione di vasi vinari
Grossi B., Brunetti M., Calamai L., Michelozzi M., Pizzo B.
Year: 2022
Effects of trapped-into-solids volatile organic compounds on paper biodeteriogens
Menicucci F, Palagano E, Michelozzi M, Cencetti G, Raio A, Bacchi A, Mazzeo PP, Cuzman OA, Sidoti A, Guarino S, Basile S, Riccobono O, Peri E, Vizza F, Ienco A
Year: 2022
Plant Sampling for Production of Essential Oil and Evaluation of Its Antimicrobial Activity In Vitro
Menicucci F, Palagano E, Raio A, Cencetti G, Luchi N, Ienco A, Michelozzi M
Year: 2022
Citrus Varieties with Different Tolerance Grades to Tristeza Virus Show Dissimilar Volatile Terpene Profiles
Guarino S, Abbate L, Mercati F, Fatta Del Bosco S, Motisi A, Arif MA, Cencetti G, Palagano E, Michelozzi M
Year: 2021
Effects of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) Needle Extract Produced via Hydrodynamic Cavitation on Seed Germination
Ugolini F, Crisci A, Albanese L, Cencetti G, Maienza A, Michelozzi M, Zabini F, Meneguzzo F
Year: 2021
Effects of soil fertilization on terpenoids and other carbon-based secondary metabolites in Rosmarinus officinalis plants: a comparative study
Bustamante MÁ, Michelozzi M, Barra Caracciolo A, Grenni P, Verbokkem J, Geerdink P, Safi C, Nogues I
Year: 2020
Monarda citriodora hydrolate vs essential oil comparison in several anti-microbial applications
Di Vito M, Bellardi MG, Mondello F, Modesto M, Michelozzi M, Bugli F, Sanguinetti M, Sclocchi MC, Sebastiani ML, Biffi S, Barbanti L, Mattarelli P
Year: 2019
Relative importance of host and plant semiochemicals in the foraging behavior of Trichogramma achaeae, an egg parasitoid of Tuta absoluta
Gontijo L, Cascone P, Giorgini M, Michelozzi M, Rodrigues HS, Spiezia G, Iodice L, Guerrieri E
Year: 2019
Designing a palette of cocrystals based on essential oil constituents for agricultural applications
Mazzeo PP, Carraro C, Monica A, Capucci D, Pelagatti P, Bianchi F, Agazzi S, Careri M, Raio A, Carta M, Menicucci F, Belli M, Michelozzi M, Bacchi A
Year: 2019
Comparative transcriptional and metabolic responses of Pinus pinea to a native and a non-native Heterobasidion species
Pepori AL, Michelozzi M, Santini A, Cencetti G, Bonello P, Gonthier P, Sebastiani F, Luchi N
Year: 2019
Drought stress modulates secondary metabolites in Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC) Alef, var. sabellica L.
Podda A, Pollastri S, Bartolini P, Pisuttu C, Pellegrini E, Nali C, Cencetti G, Michelozzi M, Frassinetti S, Giorgetti L, Fineschi S, Del Carratore R, Maserti B
Year: 2019
Leaves of isoprene-emitting tobacco plants maintain PSII stability at high temperatures
Pollastri S, Jorba I, Hawkins TJ, Llusia J, Michelozzi M, Navajas D, Penuelas J, Hussey PJ, Knight MR, Loreto F
Year: 2019
Tree-ring volatile terpenes show potential to indicate fungal infection in asymptomatic mature Norway spruce trees in the Alps
Vezzola LC, Michelozzi M, Calamai L, Gonthier P, Giordano L, Cherubini P, Pelfini M
Year: 2019
Report Progetto Integrato di Filiera 3S Eco-Nursery - Misura 16.2 PSR 2014-2020 Regione Toscana
Battista P, Rapi B, Romani M, Sabatini F, Luchi N, Michelozzi M, Raio A
Year: 2018
Integrated pest management (IPM) ed impiego di biopesticidi
Battista P, Rapi B, Romani M, Sabatini F, Luchi N, Michelozzi M, Raio A
Year: 2018
Impiego di bio-pesticidi
Bruschi P, Battista P, Calamai L, Capretti P, Luchi N, Michelozzi M, Rapi B, Romani M, Raio A, Sabatini F
Year: 2018
Monoterpene responses to interacting effects of drought stress and infection by the fungus Heterobasidion parviporum in two clones of Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Madmony A, Tognetti R, Zamponi L, Capretti P, Michelozzi M
Year: 2018
Impact of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Arundo donax L. response to salt stress
Pollastri S, Savvides A, Pesando M, Lumini E, Volpe MG, Ozudogru EA, Faccio A, De Cunzo F, Michelozzi M, Lambardi M, Fotopoulos V, Loreto F, Centritto M, Balestrini R
Year: 2018
Coloured-fleshed potatoes after boiling: Promising sources of known antioxidant compounds
Bellumori M, Innocenti M, Michelozzi M, Cerretani L, Mulinacci N
Year: 2017
Relevance of terpenoids on flammability of Mediterranean species: an experimental approach at a low radiant heat flux
Della Rocca G, Madrigal J, Marchi E, Michelozzi M, Moya B, Danti R
Year: 2017
Hydrolates and gellan: an eco-innovative synergy for safe cleaning of paper artworks
Di Vito M, Bellardi MG, Colaizzi P, Ruggiero D, Mazzuca C, Micheli L, Sotgiu S, Iannuccelli S, Michelozzi M, Mondello F, Mattarelli P, Sclocchi MC
Year: 2017
Impact of the invasive painted bug Bagrada hilaris on physiological traits of its host Brassica oleracea var botrytis
Guarino S, Peri E, Colazza S, Luchi N, Michelozzi M, Loreto F
Year: 2017
Moderate drought stress induces increased foliar Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) concentration and isoprene emission in two contrasting ecotypes of Arundo donax
Haworth M, Catola S, Marino G, Brunetti C, Michelozzi M, Riggi E, Avola G, Cosentino SL, Loreto F, Centritto M
Year: 2017
Relationship between isoprene emission and photosynthesis in diatoms, and its implications for global marine isoprene estimates
Srikanta Dani K, Silva Benavides AM, Michelozzi M, Peluso G, Torzillo G, Loreto F
Year: 2017
Terpene arms race in the Seiridium cardinale - Cupressus sempervirens pathosystem
Achotegui-Castells A, Della Rocca G, Llusià J, Danti R, Barberini S, Bouneb M, Simoni S, Michelozzi M, Peñuelas J
Year: 2016
The effect of light quality on growth, photosynthesis, leaf anatomy and volatile isoprenoids of a monoterpene-emitting herbaceous species (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and an isoprene-emitting tree (Platanus orientalis L.)
Arena C, Tsonev T, Doneva D, De Micco V, Michelozzi M, Brunetti C, Centritto M, Fineschi S, Velikova V, Loreto F
Year: 2016
Do cytokinins, volatile isoprenoids and carotenoids synergically delay leaf senescence?
Dani KG, Fineschi S, Michelozzi M, Loreto F
Year: 2016
Different responses of Arbutus unedo and Vitis vinifera leaves to UV filtration and subsequent exposure to solar radiation
Grifoni D, Agati G, Bussotti F, Michelozzi M, Pollastrini M, Zipoli G
Year: 2016
Antioxidant properties, sensory characteristics and volatile compounds profile of apple juices from ancient Tuscany (Italy) apple varieties
Maragò E, Michelozzi M, Calamai L, Camangi F, Sebastiani L
Year: 2016
Lipid signals in the interaction between mycotoxigenic fungi and their hosts: the case of lipid-derived BVOCS in Aspergillus flavus-maize interaction
Scala V, Scarpari M, Reverberi M, Punelli M, Miccoli C, La Starza S, Fanelli C, Nogués I, Loreto F, Michelozzi M
Year: 2016
Polyploidization alters constitutive content of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and improves membrane stability under water deficit in Volkamer lemon (Citrus limonia Osb.) leaves
Vieira DD, Emiliani G, Michelozzi M, Centritto M, Luro F, Morillon R, Loreto F, Gesteira A, Maserti B
Year: 2016
An innovative approach to the recovery of phenolic compounds and volatile terpenes from the same fresh foliar sample of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Bellumori M, Michelozzi M, Innocenti M, Congiu F, Cencetti G, Mulinacci N
Year: 2015
Heterobasidion irregulare un patogeno forestale invasivo in Italia
Gonthier P, Anselmi N, Capretti P, Bussotti F, Giordano L, Honorati T, Lione G, Luchi N, Michelozzi M, Paparatti B, Pollastrini M, Sillo F, Vettraino AM, Garbelotto M
Year: 2015
Early physiological responses of Pinus pinea L. seedlings infected by Heterobasidion in an ozone-enriched atmospheric environment
Pollastrini M, Luchi N, Michelozzi M, Gerosa G, Marzuoli R, Bussotti F, Capretti P
Year: 2015
An integrated approach to control the introduced forest pathogen Heterobasidion irregulare in Europe
Gonthier P, Anselmi N, Capretti P, Bussotti F, Feducci M, Giordano L, Honorati T, Lione G, Luchi N, Michelozzi M, Paparatti B, Sillo F, Vettraino AM, Garbelotto M
Year: 2014
Oli essenziali prodotti da piante di Myrtus communis allevate in vitro mediante l’impiego dell’innovativo bioreattore plantform
De Carlo A, Benelli C, Cencetti G, Michelozzi M
Year: 2013
Investigating the effects of invasive fungal plant pathogens and phytophagous insects on native plants, pathogens, phytophagous insects and symbionts: toward an holistic understanding of biological invasions
Gonthier P, Luchi N, Petrucco Toffolo E, Balestrini R, Colazza S, Faccoli M, Garbelotto M, Guarino S, Giordano L, Guglielmo F, Lione G, Loreto F, Mello A, Michelozzi M, Pepori AL, Santini A, Sillo F, Vizzini A, Zampieri E
Year: 2013
Changes in UV-B absorbing compounds and photosynthetic parameters of Sangiovese grapevine induced by changes of exposure to different UV regimes
Grifoni D, Agati G, Bussotti F, Pollastrini M, Michelozzi M, Zipoli G
Year: 2013
The freezing process helps to preserve the quality of extra virgin olive oil over time: A case study up to 18months
Mulinacci N, Ieri F, Ignesti G, Romani A, Michelozzi M, Creti D, Innocenti M, Calamai L
Year: 2013
Preliminary investigation on volatile terpene profiles from in vitro shoot cultures of thymus vulgaris L. clones
Ozudogru EA, Cencetti G, Michelozzi M
Year: 2012
The impact of winter flooding with saline water on foliar carbon uptake and the volatile fraction of leaves and fruits of lemon (Citrus x limon) trees
Velikova V, La Mantia T, Lauteri M, Michelozzi M, Nogues I, Loreto F
Year: 2012
Nutritional and pathogenic fungi associated with the pine engraver beetle trigger comparable defenses in Scots pine
Villari C, Battisti A, Chakraborty S, Michelozzi M, Bonello P, Faccoli M
Year: 2012
Variations in terpene profiles of different strains of Cannabis sativa L.
Casano S, Grassi G, Martini V, Michelozzi M
Year: 2011
Drought responses in Aleppo pine seedlings from two wild provenances with different climatic features
Michelozzi M, Loreto F, Colom R, Rossi F, Calamassi R
Year: 2011
Storage method, drying processes and extraction procedures strongly affect the phenolic fraction of rosemary leaves: An HPLC/DAD/MS study
Mulinacci N, Innocenti M, Bellumori M, Giaccherini C, Martini V, Michelozzi M
Year: 2011
Defensive roles of variation in enantiomeric and non-enantiomeric terpene profiles of different provenances of Rosmarinus officinalis L
Capretti P, Comparini C, Martini V, Michelozzi M, Scala A
Year: 2010
Antifungal activity of terpenes identified in leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis
Martini V, Comparini C, Capretti P, Michelozzi M, Scala A
Year: 2010
The role of volatile compounds in the chemical defense system of Picea sitchensis against Heterobasidion annosum attack.
Martini V, Woodward S, Deflorio G, Capretti P, Michelozzi M
Year: 2010
Constitutive monoterpenes and rust susceptibility in jack pine
Michelozzi M, Raffa K
Year: 2010
Geographic variation in growth, carbon isotope discrimination, and monoterpene composition in Pinus pinaster Ait. provenances
Tognetti R, Michelozzi M, Lauteri M, Brugnoli E, Giannini R
Year: 2000
Response of foliar metabolism in mature trees of Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex to long-term elevated CO2
Tognetti R, Johnson JD, Michelozzi M, Raschi A
Year: 1998
Eco-ethological analysis of the interaction between isoprene and the behaviour of Collembola
Michelozzi M, Raschi A, Tognetti R, Tosi, L
Year: 1997
Monoterpene composition and fusiform rust resistance in slash and loblolly pines
Michelozzi M, White TL, Squillace AE, Lowe, WJ
Year: 1995
Effects of Seiridium cardinale culture filtrate on ethylene production in Cupressus sempervirens L
Tonon G, Capuana M, Michelozzi M
Year: 1995
Genetic variation in Abies nebrodensis: a case study for a highly endangered species
Vendramin GG, Michelozzi M, Lelli L, Tognetti R
Year: 1995