Ornella Calderini
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Perugia
Tel: (39) 075-5014806
E-mail: ornella.calderini[at]ibbr.cnr.it
Present: Senior researcher at CNR IBBR Perugia, Italy
March 2001-December 2001 fellowship at IGV-CNR Perugia, project "Apotool: Natural apomixis as a novel tool in plant breeding
1998 - 2001 Ph.D. studies at the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, University of Vienna, Austria, laboratory of Prof. E. Heberle-Bors. "The role of MAP kinases in plant mitosis". Phd degree obtained in May the 28th 2003 at the University of Vienna, thesis "Involvement of MAPK signalling in plant cytokinesis"
1996-1998 Italian National Research Council fellowship (10 months) and a European Union fellowship (1 year) at the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, University of Vienna, Austria."Cell cycle analysis in plant cells".
1996 Italian Ministry of Agriculture fellowship at IRMGPF, CNR Perugia. "Analysis of female sterile mutants of alfalfa".
1993-1995. Italian National Research Council (CNR) fellowship at IRMGPF CNR Perugia. "2n gametes in alfalfa breeding".
1992 post-graduate work at Istituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Foraggere (IRMGPF), CNR Perugia, Italy "2n gametes in alfalfa breeding and cytogenetics".
Research activity as guest scientist
February 2020 CNR short term fellowship at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena Germany, laboratory of Prof. Sarah O’Connor on genes for the biosynthesis of olive secoiridoids.
March 2019 visiting scientist at Department of Plant Biology, University of Malaga, Spain, laboratory Prof. Pliego.
November December 2016 CNR short term fellowship at Department of Biosciences, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway, Prof. Reidunn Aalen laboratory.
October-November 2011 CNR Short term fellowship at Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, OK USA, Chen’s laboratory
September 2009 Screening workshop on Medicago truncatula Tnt1 mutants held at Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, OK USA, by Prof. K. Mysore laboratory.
July 2009 collaborative work at Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Aberystwyth (now IBERS), UK (laboratory of Dr. Iain Donnison)
February 2009 screening workshop on Medicago truncatula FND mutants held at Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, OK USA, by Prof. R. Chen laboratory
September 2008 Screening workshop on Medicago truncatula Tnt1 mutants held at Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, OK USA, by Prof. K. Mysore laboratory
September 2007 collaborative work in the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Aberystwyth, UK (laboratory Iain Donnison)
June-July 2007 CNR-DFG exchange program spent at IPK Gatersleben laboratory of Dr Helmut Baumlein
May 2007 short stay at the Institute of Plant Biology University of Zurich, laboratory of Prof. U. Grossniklaus working on plant promoters of use to engineer apomixis
November 2005 Short term fellowship from CNR spent at the Institute of Plant Biology University of Zurich, laboratory of Prof. U. Grossniklaus working on apomixis candidate genes
January 2002-April 2002 collaborative work in the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Aberystwyth, UK, (laboratory Iain Donnison) in the frame of the EU project Apotool.
November-December 2000: short term EMBO fellowship at the Laboratoire Cycle Cellulaire et Recombinaison, Institut de Biotechnologie des Plantes, Universitè de Paris-Sud, France, laboratory of Dr C. Bergounioux.
Research interest:
Plant cell cycle and meiosis
Plant development and reproduction
Signal transduction via MAPK genes related to development and stress responses
Plant functional genomics in model (Arabidopsis and Medicago truncatula) and crop species
Bioenergy crops
Experience: molecular biology and biochemistry; cytology: in situ hybridization and immunolocalization; gene cloning by PCR and library screening, BAC library construction, yeast two-hybrid; plant transformation, microarray analysis.
Activities: laboratory work, tutoring phd, fellowship and undergraduate students, grant writing for Italian and EU funding agencies, project responsibility, collaborations with Italian and international scientists, reviewing activity for scientific publications and projects.
I am curating a Medicago truncatula mutant collection hosted at CNR IBBR Perugia, Italy. We have produced several thousands of transposon-tagged and EMS mutants and we are currently characterizing them for agronomically relevant traits (development, senescence/abscission, secondary compounds). One major gene responsible for a key step in saponin biosynthesis was identified (Carelli et al., 2011). Please have a look on this web site under the resources section.
I am Editor of the following journals: Biologia Plantarum (https://bp.ueb.cas.cz/artkey/inf-990000-0100_Editors.php; Ed: Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) , Plants MDPI (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/plants/sectioneditors/plant_response_abiotic_stress; https://www.mdpi.com/journal/plants/sectioneditors/plant_morphology), PeerJ ( Life&Environment https://peerj.com/OrnellaCalderini/). Please find my activity as reviewer and editor in Publons at: https://publons.com/researcher/2261986/ornella-calderini/
ISCRIZIONE AL REGISTRO NAZIONALE DELLE VARIETÀ DI VITI DEL VITIGNO "GRERO" (DECRETO 22 aprile 2011, GU n. 170 del 23-07-2011), Palliotti A, Petoumenou D, Carletto A, Taticchi A, Calderini O, Panara F, Corsetti R.
Please find the updated list of my publications at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ornella_Calderini
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
OeBAS and CYP716C67 catalyze the biosynthesis of health-beneficial triterpenoids in olive ( Olea europaea ) fruits
Alagna F, Reed J, Calderini O, Thimmappa R, Cultrera NG, Cattivelli A, Tagliazucchi D, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Osbourn A, Baldoni L
Year: 2023
Genome-Wide Identification of Histone Modification Gene Families in the Model Legume Medicago truncatula and Their Expression Analysis in Nodules
Lopez L, Perrella G, Calderini O, Porceddu A, Panara F
Year: 2022
Molecular analysis of Medicago spp.
Calderini O, Porceddu A, Panara F
Year: 2021
Two bi-functional cytochrome P450 CYP72 enzymes from olive (Olea europaea) catalyze the oxidative C-C bond cleavage in the biosynthesis of secoxy-iridoids - flavor and quality determinants in olive oil
Rodríguez-López CE, Hong B, Paetz C, Nakamura Y, Koudounas K, Passeri V, Baldoni L, Alagna F, Calderini O, O’Connor SE
Year: 2021
Plants heterosis
Calderini O, Scotti C (eds)
Year: 2020
Life cycle assessment analysis of alfalfa and corn for biogas production in a farm case study
Filippa F, Panara F, Leonardi D, Arcioni L, Calderini O
Year: 2020
Olive triterpenoids: identification and functional characterization of key biosynthetic genes
Alagna F, Thimmappa R, Reed J, Cultrera NGM, Calderini O, Baldoni L, Osbourn A
Year: 2019
Saponin synthesis in Medicago truncatula plants: CYP450-mediated formation of sapogenins in the different plant organs
Carelli M, Confalonieri M, Tava A, Biazzi E, Calderini O, Abbruscato P, Cammareri M, Scotti C
Year: 2019
Utilizzo di estratti dell’alga bruna Ascophyllum nodosum per migliorare la maturazione fenolica delle uve a bacca nera
Frioni T, Calderini O, Poni S, Palliotti A
Year: 2019
Metabolic and transcriptional changes associated with the use of Ascophyllum nodosum extracts as tools to improve the quality of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera cv. Sangiovese) and their tolerance to biotic stress
Frioni T, Tombesi S, Quaglia M, Calderini O, Moretti C, Poni S, Gatti M, Moncalvo A, Sabbatini P, Berrìos JG, Palliotti A
Year: 2019
Use of molecular markers (SSRs) and public databases in Vitis vinifera L. as the main case of efficient crop cultivar identification
Panara F, Bergamini C, Palliotti A, Calderini O
Year: 2018
T-DNA insertional mutagenesis and activation tagging in Medicago truncatula
Panara F, Calderini O, Porceddu A
Year: 2018
An apomixis-linked ORC3 -like pseudogene is associated with silencing of its functional homolog in apomictic Paspalum simplex
Siena LA, Ortiz JP, Calderini O, Paolocci F, Cáceres ME, Kaushal P, Grisan S, Pessino SC, Pupilli F
Year: 2016
CYP72A67 catalyses a key oxidative step in Medicago truncatula hemolytic saponin biosynthesis
Biazzi E, Carelli M, Tava A, Abbruscato P, Losini I, Avato P, Scotti C, Calderini O
Year: 2015
Biogas da "fieni" reidratati coltivati in terreni marginali
Filippa F, Dini F, Calderini O, Arcioni L
Year: 2015
Seed-Specific Expression of AINTEGUMENTA in Medicago truncatula Led to the Production of Larger Seeds and Improved Seed Germination
Confalonieri M, Carelli M, Galimberti V, Macovei A, Panara F, Biggiogera M, Scotti C, Calderini O
Year: 2014
Reverse Genetics in Medicago truncatula Using a TILLING Mutant Collection
Carelli M, Calderini O, Panara F, Porceddu A, Losini I, Piffanelli P, Arcioni S, Scotti C
Year: 2013
Feasibility study to build an anaerobic digester fed with vegetables matrices in central Italy
Desideri U, Zepparelli F, Arcioni L, Calderini O, Panara F, Todini M
Year: 2013
Ampelographic and genetic characterisation of ancestral grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) accessions present in the Umbria Region (Central Italy
Panara F, Petoumenou D, Calderini O, Dini F, D’Onofrio C, Bedini L, Palliotti
Year: 2013
Medicago truncatula functional genomics- an invaluable resource for studies on agriculture sustainability
Panara F, Calderini O, Porceddu A
Year: 2012
Involvement of protein kinases and calcium in the * NO-signalling cascade for defence-gene induction in ozonated tobacco plants
Pasqualini S, Reale L, Calderini O, Pagiotti R, Ederli L
Year: 2012
Collection of mutants for functional genomics in the legume Medicago truncatula
Calderini O, Carelli M, Panara F, Biazzi E, Scotti C, Tava A, Porceddu A, Arcioni S
Year: 2011
Partial isolation of the genomic region linked with apomixis in Paspalum simplex
Calderini O, Donnison I, Polegri L, Panara F, Thomas A, Arcioni S, Pupilli F
Year: 2011
Medicago truncatula CYP716A12 Is a Multifunctional Oxidase Involved in the Biosynthesis of Hemolytic Saponins
Carelli M, Biazzi E, Panara F, Tava A, Scaramelli L, Porceddu A, Graham N, Odoardi M, Piano E, Arcioni S, May S, Scotti C, Calderini O
Year: 2011
The Arabidopsis thaliana cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase CKR20 modulates host responses to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 infection
Ederli L, Madeo L, Calderini O, Gehring C, Moretti C, Buonaurio R, Paolocci F, Pasqualini S
Year: 2011
Agronomic and molecular analysis of heterosis in alfalfa
Scotti C, Carelli M, Calderini O, Panara F, Gaudenzi P, Biazzi E, May S, Graham N, Paolocci F, Arcioni S
Year: 2011
Specific expression of apomixis-linked alleles revealed by comparative transcriptomic analysis of sexual and apomictic Paspalum simplex Morong flowers
Polegri L, Calderini O, Arcioni S, Pupilli F
Year: 2010
Do pathogen-specific defense mechanisms contribute to wound-induced resistance in tomato
Francia D, Demaria D, Calderini O, Ferraris L, Valentino D, Arcioni S, Tamietti G, Cardinale F
Year: 2008
An Italian functional genomic resource for Medicago truncatula
Porceddu A, Panara F, Calderini O, Molinari L, Taviani P, Lanfaloni L, Scotti C, Carelli M, Scaramelli L, Bruschi G, Cosson V, Ratet P, de Larembergue H, Duc G, Piano E, Arcioni S
Year: 2008
Erba medica, come migliorare la produzione proteica
Arcioni S, Calderini O, Carelli M, Confalonieri M
Year: 2007
Delay of leaf senescence in Medicago sativa transformed with the ipt gene controlled by the senescence-specific promoter SAG1
Calderini O, Bovone T, Scotti C, Pupilli F, Piano E, Arcioni S
Year: 2007
Molecular cytogenetics of the apomixis controlling locus in Paspalum simplex
Calderini O, Chang SB, H de Jong, Bietta A, Arcioni S, Caceres ME, Quarin CL, Hojsgaard DH, Donnison IS, Pupilli F
Year: 2007
Wounding induces resistance to pathogens with different lifestyles in tomato: role of ethylene in cross-protection
Francia D, Demaria D, Calderini O, Ferraris L, Valentino D, Arcioni S, Tamietti G, Cardinale F
Year: 2007
Molecular cytogenetics and DNA sequence analysis of an apomixis-linked BAC in Paspalum simplex reveal a non pericentromere location and partial microcolinearity with rice
Calderini O, Chang SB, de Jong H, Busti A, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, de Vries SC, Abma-Henkens MH, Lankhorst RM, Donnison IS, Pupilli F
Year: 2006
RFLP markers for cultivar identification in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb
Busti A, Caceres ME, Calderini O, Arcioni S, Pupilli F
Year: 2004
Comparative mapping reveals partial conservation of synteny at the apomixis locus in Paspalum spp
Pupilli F, Martinez EJ, Busti A, Calderini O, Quarin CL, Arcioni S
Year: 2004
Plant regeneration from callus of apomictic and sexual lines of Paspalum simplex and RFLP analysis of regenerated plants
Molinari L, Busti A, Calderini O Arcioni S Pupilli F
Year: 2003
A topoisomerase II-dependent checkpoint in G2-phase plant cells can be bypassed by ectopic expression of mitotic cyclin B2
Gimenez-Abian JF, Weingartner M, Binarova P, Clarke DJ, Anthony RG, Calderini O, Heberle-Bors E, Heberle-Bors E, Moreno Diaz de la Espina S, Bogre L, De la Torre C
Year: 2002
A novel tobacco mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase, NtMEK1, activates the cell cycle-regulated p43Ntf6 MAP kinase
Calderini O, Glab N, Bergounioux C, Heberle-Bors E, Wilson C
Year: 2001
Signal transduction by mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs
Heberle-Bors E, Calderini O, Voronin V, Wilson C
Year: 2001
Regulation of cell division and the cytoskeleton by mitogen-activated protein kinases in higher plants
Bogre L, Calderini O, Meskiene I, Binarova P
Year: 2000
A MAP kinase is activated late in plant mitosis and becomes localised to the plane of cell division
Bögre, L, Calderini O, Binarova P, Mattauch M, Till S, Kiegerl S, Jonak C, Pollaschek C, Baker P, Huskisson NS, Hirt H, Heberle-Bors, E
Year: 1999
Distinct osmo-sensing protein kinase pathways are involved in signalling moderate and severe hyper-osmotic stress
Munnik T, Ligterink W, Meskiene I, Calderini O, Beyerly J, Musgrave A, Hirt H
Year: 1999
A cell cycle regulated MAP kinase with a possible role in cytokinesis in tobacco cells
Calderini O, Bögre, L, Vicente O, Binarova P, Heberle-Bors E, Wilson, C
Year: 1998
Increasing 2n gamete production in diploid alfalfa by cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection. Euphytica
Calderini O, Mariani, A
Year: 1997
A repetitive and species-specific sequence as a tool for detecting the genome contribution in somatic hybrids of the genus Medicago
Calderini O, Pupilli F, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, S
Year: 1997
Chromosomal and molecular rearrangments in somatic hybrids between tetraploid Medicago sativa and diploid Medicago falcata
Crea F, Calderini O, Nenz E, Cluster PD, Damiani F, Arcioni, S
Year: 1997
Cytological studies of the nucleolus organizing regions in the Medicago complex: sativa-coerulea-falcata
Calderini O, Pupilli F, Cluster PD, Mariani A, Arcioni, S
Year: 1996
The fate of ribosomal genes in three interspecific somatic hybrids of Medicago sativa: three different outcomes including the rapid amplification of new specer-length variants
Cluster PD, Calderini O, Pupilli F, Crea F, Damiani F, Arcioni, S
Year: 1996
Cytological and molecular analysis of annual species of the genus Medicago
Mariani A, Pupilli F, Calderini O
Year: 1996
Megagametophyte organization in diploid alfalfa meiotic mutants producing 4n pollen and 2n eggs
Calderini O, Mariani, A
Year: 1995
Identification of meiotic mutants producing 2n pollen in the Medicago sativa complex
Calderini O, Mariani, A
Year: 1994
Germplasm transfer to cultivated alfalfa mediated by 2n gametes
Motzo R, Calderini O, Veronesi F
Year: 1994