National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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IBBR publication #1894

Multiplex IgE diagnostic test: the broad view on IgE reactivity to seeds, legumes, nuts, and cereals

Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A

Allergy 72: 663-663. (2017)

Introduction:A seed is a reproductive structure that possessesembryonic plant, stored material, and a protective coat. Its contentof proteins belonging to different allergenic families is high with pos-sible but not sure phenomena of cross-reactivity. Several seeds havebeen increasingly added in human diet with consequent risk of hy-persensitivity reactions that are often severe. The test is a newnanobead-based IVD test for specific IgE detection using 122 molec-ular allergens and 122 allergenic extracts, coupled to chemically acti-vated nano-particles.Objectives:To investigate profiles of seeds sensitization by meansof test. The tested allergenic preparations, all spotted on the chip,were 28 allergenic extracts (almond, amaranth, barley, bean, brazilnut, buckwheat, cashew, chestnut, carob, corn, chickpea, hazelnut,kamut, kiwi, lentil, linseed, lupine, peanuts, pine nut, pistachio, qui-noa, rice, sesame, soy, tomato seed, walnut, wheat, white mustard)and 23 allergenic proteins (Act d 10, Ana o 3, Ara h 1, Ara h 2, Arah 3, Ara h 6, Ara h Agglutinin, Cor a 8, Cor a 9, Cor a 14, Gly m1,Gly m Agglutinin, Gly m TI, Jug r 2, Jug r 3), along with markers forIgE-CCD reactivity and plant allergens belonging to other groups.Results:Out of the 1751 routinely tested patients 519 (29.64%)turned out to be sensitized to at least one allergenic preparation.The most recognized extract are buckwheat and carob with 50% and49% sensitization prevalence respectively. The least recognizedextract is soy with 0.8% sensitization prevalence. The most recog-nized protein is Jug r 3 with 19.5% sensitization prevalence. Theleast recognized proteins are Jug r 2 and Gly m 1 with 0.2% sensiti-zation prevalence. It is worth noting that within the 519 patientssensitized to at least one allergenic preparation 19% were sensitizedto Bet v 1-like protein, 18% to profilins, 33% to CCD, 33% to LTP.The cluster analysis shows several patterns of sensitization consider-ing molecules and extracts together.Conclusions:The results confirm differences in sensitizationtowards different allergenic sources from seeds and seeds allergenicproteins regardless if they are consumed as such or processed. Fil-tering the sensitization results by positive tests, taking into accountthe chance of co-sensitization to panallergens and CCD, the decisionmaking on which seeds have to be excluded from the diet becomeseasier with the Multiplex IgE test.

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