National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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IBBR publication #976

Genetic variability in wild cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. sylvestris) revealed by SSR markers and morphological traits

Ben Ammar I, Sonnante G, Al Mohandes Dridi B

Scientia horticulturae 185: 76-81. (2015)

This research aims at characterizing germplasm diversity of wild cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var.sylvestris) for future breeding. Six populations were identified in in the north of Tunisia and 20 individ-uals per population were evaluated using UPOV descriptors, and a large variability was revealed betweenpopulations for their leaf characteristics. The genetic diversity was also assessed using SSR markers atseventeen loci, which were all polymorphic, and a high genetic variation was found out. A low differenti-ation (Fst = 0.104) coupled with a high level of gene flow (Nm = 2.25) were observed among populations.Only 10.4% of total genetic variability is shared between populations in comparison to 89.6% within pop-ulation. Both morphological and molecular characterization showed that population grouping was notclearly related to their geographical distribution and this could be the result of the gene flow betweenregions. These results highlight a high level of genetic variation in Tunisian wild cardoon germplasm,which represents an interesting material to be conserved and exploited in breeding programs ofartichoke.

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