Germplasm Database

MGD Accession #115084

Passport Data

2 ACCENUMB 115084 Unambiguous identification number for the accession
- accecode MGD0115084 Accession unique label
- taxon_id 3888  Species code at the NCBI Taxonomy (Bio-sequence data)
- family Fabaceae Latin name of the family
- binomial Pisum sativum Full latin name of the species
5 GENUS Pisum Genus latin name
6 SPECIES sativum Species latin name
7 SPAUTHOR L. Standard abbreviation of the author who described the species
8 SUBTAXA - Any additional taxonomic identification (subsp., convar., var., f., spp.)
9 SUBTAUTHOR - Standard abbreviation of the author who described the subtaxon
- subsp - Subspecies name (old notation)
10 CROPNAME Pea Commom crop name (former cultivar localname)
11 ACCENAME - Official accession name recorded
- origin Italy Country of origin of the material
13 ORIGCTY ITA ISO code of the original country where the accession was collected
3 COLLNUMB 10863 Original number assigned to the accession by the collector
4 COLLCODE - FAO code of the institution that collected the sample
14 COLLSITE Abruzzo, Furci (CH) Locality of the sampling site
18 COLLDATE 1987-09-15 Collection date
15 LATITUDE 42.007935 Latitude of the sampling site (decimal)
16 LONGITUDE 14.587875 Longitude of the sampling site (decimal)
17 ELEVATION 286 Elevation of the sampling site (m a.s.l.)
22 COLLSRC - Source of the material
- aspect 000 Magnetic declination (in degrees from N) of the slope (if any) at the collection site taken with a magnetic compass
- slope 0 Slope (%) at the collection site
- exped CNR-DDR Label of the expedition that collected the sample
- team HL Label of the sampling team
- landform Mountainous Description of the surrounding landscape at the collection site
- site Terrace cult. terr. Description of the collection site
- texture Loam Soil texture at the collection site
- stoniness Tillage difficult Stoniness of the collection site
- depth equal to plow depth Soil depth at the collection site
- drainage WELL DRAINED Drainage at the collection site
12 ACQDATE 1987-10-15 Acquisition date
19 BREDCODE - FAO code of the institute that create the accession
20 SAMPSTAT - Accession biological state
21 ANCEST - Pedigree
23 DONORCODE ITA436, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Bari, Italy
(home page )
FAO code of the donor institute
24 DONORNUMB - Accession number assigned by the donor
25 OTHERNUMB - Other identification numbers assigned to the accession
26 DUPLSITE - FAO code of the institute keeping a security duplicate
27 STORAGE - Conservation type of the germplam
29 COLLDESCR - Decodified name of the institute collecting the accession
30 BREDDESCR - Name (decodified) of the institute that produced the accession
31 DONORDESCR - Name (decodified) of the donor Institute (abbreviated name and location)
32 DUPLDESCR - Name of the institute where a safety duplicate is kept (abbreviated name and location)
34 MLSSTAT 0 Inclusion in the multilateral system (0: no; 1; yes)
35 AEGISSTAT 0 Inclusion in the European Integrated Genetic Bank System (AEGIS - 0: no; 1: yes)
28 REMARKS - General remarks on the accessions
36 GIBA1 - Local vernacular name
37 GIBA2 - Local name of the landrace
38 GIBA3 - Name of the person who collected/prepared the material
39 GIBA4 1 Availability of the material (0: no; 1: yes)
- historic 0 Historical accession record (0: no; 1: yes)
QR code (H)
Barcode (C93)

