The Climate Downscaling Tool (ClimateDT) is a geo-web service aimed at downscaling a large number of climatic variables and indexes from multiple climatic scenarios. The system works on a 1km grid using a combination of CRU-TS for the historical climate (1901-now) and the UKCP18 dataset for future projections (current-2098) and combines a plane spatial interpolation (bilinear, inverse distance weight, etc.) of climatic data and a dynamic lapse rate adjustment to implement scale-free queries over Europe.
Using this service, you can upload, check and submit your locations for dynamic downscaling of climatic variables on our dedicated server. You will be alerted by email when the calculation is completed with instruction on how to download the output file (in .csv format).
Please note that, at the moment, the downscaling calculation is limited to 512 locations per submission. The exceeding records will be discarded upon file uploading. We are currently moving to extend the number of input records in the next future.
(1) Upload your location(s) as .csv
Please upload your locations included in a .csv format file, strictly following the instructions available here (one location per row; latitude (dec.deg.), longitude (dec.deg.) and elevation (m a.s.l.) must be comma-separated). Column names in the first row are mandatory.
Download a template file here (.csv)
ATTENTION: locations with duplicated geocoords will be automatically discarded.
(2) Check your locations on the map
Locations are displayed as follows:
- dynamic downscaling allowed ?
- dynamic downscaling allowed, with likely elevation inconsistency ?
- outside the data coverage ?
Drag and drop the markers on the map with your mouse to adjust your locations/elevations. New coordinates will be recalculated dynamically and listed in the table at the page bottom. These are the data that will be submitted to downscaling.
(3) Submit your data
After carefully reviewing your input data, submit your location list by clicking the button below. All locations will be packed and calculated (ca. 9 seconds per locations are needed). You will be alerted by e-mail when the downscaling is completed.
Reload Locations Check & Submit
Please note that the downscaling output file will be erased from the remote server after 5 days since the submission.