Giacomo Mangini
Ruolo: Ricercatore
Comparto: Ricercatori e Tecnologi
Sede: Bari
Tel: (39) 0805583400
Since July 2020 permanent position as researcher at Institute of Biosciences and BioResources - National Research Council of Italy (IBBR-CNR) in Bari, Italy
- National Scientific Habilitation Sector 07 / E1 - Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Genetics and Pedology, as Associate professor (ASN 2016-2018, D.D. 1532/2016)
- PhD in Breeding and pathology of agricultural and forestry plants at University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Qualification as professional agronomist
- Bachelor degree in Agricultural and Technology Sciences at University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Wheat genetic diversity, association mapping, detection of candidate genes related to grain yield and grain quality
- Expert evaluator by European Commission Research Executive Agency for the 2018 call of Horizon 2020 with topic Innovations in plant variety testing (SFS-29-2018)
- Expert in characterization, breeding and genetic analysis of cereals and olive by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB), Italy, as part of the cooperation project Italy-Tunisia Ressources phytogénétiques tunisiennes mieux conservées et valorisées
- Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA) Award for the poster communication Yield components and adaptive traits in a segregant population of durum wheat under drought conditions, at the 49th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Congress in Potenza, Italy, 12-15 September 2005
- Subject expert from 2014 to 2017 for the course of Agricultural Genetics, Degree Course in Biotechnology for Processes and Products Innovation, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Subject expert from 2012 to 2014 for the course of Agricultural Genetics and Biotechnology to improve plant products, Degree Course in Biotechnology for Processes and Products Innovation, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Participation in research activities with the Banque Nationale des Gènes (BNG) of Tunisi, Tunisia
- Participation in research activities with the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB), Italy
- Participation in research activities of the Italy-Tunisia project: Ressources phytogénétiques tunisiennes mieux conservées et valorisée” supported by grants from MAECI, Italy
- Participation in research activities with the Laboratoire de protection et d’amélioration des plantes, Biotechnology Center of Sfax (CBS), Tunisia
- Participation in research activities with the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) of Foggia, Italy
- Technical responsibility of the project: Recupero, Caratterizzazione, salvaguardia e valorizzazione di leguminose e cereali da granella e foraggio in Puglia (SAVEGRAINPUGLIA), for the Cereals Unit Research of Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences at University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Participation in research activities of the project: Recupero, caratterizzazione, salvaguardia e valorizzazione di leguminose e cereali da granella e foraggio in Puglia (SAVEGRAINPUGLIA). Supported by grants from Apulia Region, PSR 2014-2020 projects
- Participation in research activities of the project: Identificazione e caratterizzazione di nuove varianti alleliche di geni per l’elevata efficienza di utilizzazione dell’azoto (NUE), supported by grants from MiUR, Italy, projects PRIN 2010-2011
- Participation in research activities of the project: Sviluppo tecnologico e innovazione per la sostenibilità e competitività della cerealicoltura meridionale (ISCOCEM), supported by grants from MiUR, Italy, projects “PON-01_01145 -ISCOCEM”
- Participation in research activities the project: Pasta e nuovi prodotti Alimentari ad Alta Qualità da cereali italiani (PAQ), supported by grants from MiSE, Italy projects Industria 2015 - Nuove tecnologie per il Made in Italy
- Participation in research activities of the project: PRO DOP ALTAMURA. Integrated Projects for supply chain. Supported by grants from Apulia Region, PSR 2007-2013 projects
- Participation in research activities of the project Esplorazione della biodiversità vegetale e animale alla ricerca di alleli superiori da inserire nei programmi avanzati di miglioramento genetico a sostegno dell’agricoltura nazionale (ESPLORA), supported by grants from MiPAAF, Italy
- Participation in research activities of the project: Laboratorio di Genomica per caratteri di importanza agronomica in frumento duro: identificazione di geni utili, analisi funzionale e selezione assistita con marcatori molecolari per lo sviluppo della filiera sementiera (AGROGEN) supported by grants from MiUR, Italy
- Participation in research activities of the project: Sistemi, metodologie e strategie per la caratterizzazione e valorizzazione della granella e degli alimenti derivati del frumento duro in ambienti marginali e/o vocazionali (FISR), supported by grants from MiUR, Italy
- Participation in research activities of the project: Sistema Integrato per lo Sviluppo della Cerealicoltura Meridionale (SiCerME), supported by grants from MiPAAF, Italy
- Research Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB, engagement letter prot. Dir.11/651 MR/gn), for the Drafting of a catalog about existing and available cultivated durum wheat varieties at the Banque Nationale de Gènes (BNG) of Tunis, Tunisia
- Teaching Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB, engagement letter prot. Dir.01/472 OA/ah) to perform the advanced training course: Classical and advanced breeding strategies, at Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences at University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Scientific collaboration and Technical Support Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB), engagement letter prot. Dir.11/238 MR/gn) to perform the research activities: i) Characterization and analysis of cereal collections to be transferred to the Banque Nationale de Gènes in Tunis; ii) Technical assistance for cereal breeding at the Laboratoire de Grandes Cultures del Institut National de Recherche Agronomique de Tunis (INRAT) of Tunisia.
- Teaching Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB, engagement letter prot. Dir. 01/768 OA/ah) to perform the advanced training course: Characterization and genetic analysis of wheat germplasm, at the Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences at University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
- Teaching Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB, engagement letter prot. Dir. 11/780 MR/gn) to perform the advanced training course: Classical and modern breeding strategies to improve grain yield, at the Banque Nationale de Gènes (BNG) of Tunis, Tunisia
- Teaching Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB, engagement letter prot. Dir. 11/331 MR/gn) to perform the advanced training course: Participatory techniques for the cereal accession collections, at the Banque Nationale de Gènes (BNG) of Tunis, Tunisia
- Teaching Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB, engagement letter prot. Dir.11/531 MR/gn) to perform the advanced training course: Genetic controls on plant materials cultivated in purity, at the Banque Nationale de Gènes (BNG) of Tunis, Tunisia
- Teaching Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB, engagement letter prot. Dir. 01/672 OA/ah) to perform the advanced training course: Analysis, characterization and evaluation of wheat and olive, at the Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences at University of Bari Aldo Moro
- Teaching Assignment received by Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAM, engagement letter prot. Dir.11/314 MR/gn) to perform the advanced training course: Methods for characterization and evaluation of wheat collections according to international standard procedures, at the Banque Nationale de Gènes (BNG) of Tunis, Tunisia
- Laboratory tutor in teaching Agricultural Genetics, Biotechnologies for Processes and Products Innovation, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Thesis title: Phenotypic and molecular diversity in durum and bread wheat landraces
- Laboratory tutor in teaching Agricultural Genetics, Biotechnologies for Processes and Products Innovation, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Thesis title: Identification of molecular markers associated with QTL of kernel morphology in a tetraploid wheat collection
- Laboratory tutor in teaching Agricultural Genetics, Biotechnologies for agricultural and food products, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Thesis title: Analysis of the genetic variability of the kernel morphology in a collection of tetraploid wheats and association with SNP markers
- Laboratory tutor in teaching Agricultural Genetics, Biotechnologies for agricultural and food products, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Thesis title: Genetic variability of yellow index and grain protein content in wheats
- Laboratory tutor in teaching Agricultural Genetics, Biotechnologies for agricultural and food products, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Thesis title: Genetic analysis of polyphenol oxidase activity in durum wheat kernels
- Laboratory tutor in teaching Agricultural Genetics with laboratory of Agricultural Genetics, Biotechnologies for agricultural and food production, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Thesis title: Identification of molecular markers associated with the grain protein content in durum wheat
- Laboratory tutor in teaching Agricultural Genetics, Biotechnologies for agricultural and food production, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Thesis title: Cultivar identification in durum wheat by molecular markers
- Guest Editor, for a Special Issue of Agronomy Agricultural Biotechnology and Resilience Capacity of Wheat Genetic Resources.
- Editorial Board for Agronomy
- Reviewer Editor for Crop Science and Horticulture section for Frontiers in Plant Science
- Reviewer Board for Diversity
- Reviewer for BMC Genetics, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Genes and Cereal Research Communications
- Invited Speaker at the International Workshop Tunisian: Phytogenetic resources better conserved for future generations, 2-3 October 2019, Tunis, Tunisia. Oral communication title: Contribution of SNP genotyping to wheat landraces genetic diversity studies
- Speaker at the Congress Legumes, cereals and forage: the results of the SAVEGRAINPUGLIA project, 6 February 2018, Bari, Italy. Oral communication title: Phenotypic and molecular biodiversity of Apulian wheat landraces
- Speaker at the 3rd Meeting about Biodiversity of legumes, cereals and forage of Apulia Region: Resources of the past for the future, 28-29 September 2015, Bari, Italy. Oral communication title: Analysis of genetic diversity in Apulian wheat ecotypes
- Speaker at the 10th National Biodiversity Congress, 3-5 September 2014, Rome, Italy. Oral communication title: Analysis of the allelic variability of PPO genes in durum wheat germplasm
- Speaker at the Congress about the final results of SiCerME project, 10 December 2012, Acireale (Catania), Italy. Oral communication title: Identification of durum wheat cultivars using microsatellite markers.
Lista Pubblicazioni
(lista completa disponibile su CNR People)
ll Fascino Sostenibile delle Piante: dal mondo della ricerca all’Agenda 2030
Cillo F, Stavolone L, Carluccio AV, Fanelli E, De Luca F, Troccoli A, Sabetta W, Mangini G, De Paola D, De Tullio M
Anno: 2022
Polyphenol oxidase genes as integral part of the evolutionary history of domesticated tetraploid wheat
Taranto F, Mangini G, Miazzi MM, Stevanato P, De Vita P
Anno: 2021
Serendipitous in situ conservation of Faba bean landraces in Tunisia: a case study
Babay E, Khamassi K, Sabetta W, Miazzi MM, Montemurro C, Pignone D, Danzi D, Finetti-Sialer MM, Mangini G
Anno: 2020
Mapping powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) resistance in wild and cultivated tetraploid wheats
Simeone R, Piarulli L, Nigro D, Signorile MA, Blanco E, Mangini G, Blanco A
Anno: 2020
GBS-derived SNP catalogue unveiled wide genetic variability and geographical relationships of Italian olive cultivars
D’agostino N, Taranto F, Camposeo S, Mangini G, Fanelli V, Gadaleta S, Miazzi MM, Pavan S, di Rienzo V, Sabetta W, Lombardo L, Zelasco S, Perri E, Lotti C, Ciani E, Montemurro C
Anno: 2018
Exploring SNP Diversity in Wheat Landraces Germ plasm and Setting of a Molecular Barcode for Fingerprinting
Mangini G, Nigro D, Margiotta B, De Vita P, Gadaleta A, Simeone R, Blanco, A
Anno: 2018
Fad7 gene identification and fatty acids phenotypic variation in an olive collection by EcoTILLING and sequencing approaches
Sabetta W, Blanco A, Zelasco S, Lombardo L, Perri E, Mangini G, Montemurro C
Anno: 2013