Records: 2
IBBR News: Training
2014 Training School of COST Action FP1202 MaP-FGR (7-11 July 2014, Jaca - Spain): call for applications
The topic of this 2014 TS will be ‘’Adaptation and evolution of Marginal-Peripheral populations of forest trees at the leading, altitudinal and rear edges of species distribution’’. The TS will focus on: Introduction of ‘’population’’, ‘’ma
Last Updated: Apr 15, 2014 (12:11)
Training School FP0905 - Oeiras (Lisbon, Portugal)
Dear All, I am pleased to announce the training school in the frame of the COST Action FP0905 is now open. The Training School will be from the 12 to 14 February 2014 (Oeiraas, Portugal). The program of the Training School with all the information on...
Last Updated: Dec 23, 2013 (10:47)