Luciana Baldoni
Ruolo: Dirigente di Ricerca
Comparto: Ricercatori e Tecnologi
Sede: Perugia
Tel: (39) 0755014812-3283760912
E-mail: luciana.baldoni[at]
Le sue principali attività di ricerca comprendono biologia, genetica, genomica e miglioramento genetico dell’olivo (Olea europaea L.), con particolare riferimento ai seguenti aspetti:
- genotipizzazione di cultivar di olivo, con particolare attenzione alle varietà locali, minori, neglette, alberi secolari ed ecotipi, e di popolazioni di olivo selvatico per la loro identificazione, discriminazione, analisi delle relazioni genetiche e studi di domesticazione e origine;
- caratterizzazione funzionale di geni ed elementi regolatori coinvolti in importanti vie metaboliche (accumulo di olio, sintesi dei polifenoli e dei triterpeni, fioritura);
- sequenziamento e analisi dei trascrittomi;
- valutazione della risposta della pianta a stress ambientali (siccità, sale) e biologici (Bactrocera oleae, Spilocaea oleagina);
- partecipazione alle attività di sequenziamento del genoma di olivo, cv. Leccino;
- analisi del sistema di auto- e inter-incompatibilità;
- sviluppo di marcatori SNP, SSR polinucleotidici, marker plastidiali e mitocondriali;
- fenotipizzazione dei frutti e dell’architettura dell’albero;
- identificazione di marcatori funzionali e QTL attraverso mappatura genetica e Genome-wide association studies;
- analisi del DNA contenuto nell’olio per l’autenticazione dell’origine genetica degli oli;
- breeding attraverso incroci intervarietali e selezione di nuove varietà (contenuto in composti bioattivi del frutto, architettura dell’albero, fertilità, produzione) e portinnesti (controllo del vigore dell’albero, tolleranza alla siccità, resistenza ai patogeni);
- conservazione e valutazione di una vasta collezione di genotipi di olivo, comprese varietà, olivi selvatici e sottospecie affini;
- sviluppo e gestione della banca dati dei profili molecolari di oltre 4.000 genotipi di olivo e di dati fenotipici e immagini digitali di circa 200 varietà.
Gruppo di ricerca
- Maria Cristina Valeri - Assegnista
Progetti in corso
- 2022-2025 - BIOMEnext - Modelling integrated biodiversity-based next generation Mediterranean farming systems. PRIMA Program - Area Tematica 2 - Farming systems
- 2019-2022 - LIVINGAGRO - Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry (GC A_A.2.1_0190) Programma ENI CBC MED .
- 2021-2023 - ALIFUN - Development of functional foods for the innovation of Italian traditional food products - PON ARS01_00783.
- 2022-2023 - OLIVE HUB - Development of alternative cultivars to face the new challenges of the olive growing - PSR Umbria, Measure 16.2.1.
- 2020-2022. DOPUP - DOP olive oil for a new presence of Umbria on the planet (CN 19423) PSR Umbria, Misura 16.1.
- 2018-2021 - INNO.V.O. - Sviluppo di varietà alternative per affrontare le nuove sfide dell’olivicoltura (CN B91I18000240002) PSR Umbria, Misura 16.2.1.
- 2018-2021 - MULTI.PARK - Modelli di innovazione per la multifunzionalità e la sostenibilità delle aziende agricole nelle aree parco (CN 84250019795) PSR Umbria, Misura 16.1.
- 2020-2021. ARSIAL - Recupero e valorizzazione di varietà locali di olivo (PN 0000047/2020) .
Mascagni F., Barghini E., Ceccarelli M., Baldoni L., Trapero C., Díez C.M., Natali L., Cavallini A., Giordani T., 2022. The singular evolution of Olea genome structure. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 869048-869048.
Mousavi S., Stanzione V., Mariotti R., Mastio V., Azariadis A., Passeri V., Valeri M.C., Baldoni L., Bufacchi M., 2022. Bioactive compound profiling of olive fruit: the contribution of genotype. Antioxidants, 11(4), 672.
Belaj A., Ninot A., Gómez-Gálvez F.J., El Riachy M., Gurbuz-Veral M., Torres M., Lazaj A., Klepo T., Paz S., Ugarte J., Baldoni L., Lorite I.J., Šatović Z., de la Rosa R., 2022. Utility of EST-SNP markers for improving management and use of olive genetic resources: a case study at the Worldwide Olive Germplasm Bank of Córdoba. Plants, 11(7), 921. 1.
Valeri M.C., Mifsud D., Sammut C., Pandolfi S., Lilli E., Bufacchi M., Stanzione V., Passeri V., Baldoni L., Mariotti R., Mousavi S., 2022. Exploring olive genetic diversity in the Maltese islands. Sustainability, 14(17), 10684. 4.
Torres M., Pierantozzi P., Contreras C., Stanzione V., Tivani M., Mastio V., Gentili L., Searles P., Brizuela M., Fernández F., Toro A., Puertas C., Trentacoste E., Kiessling J., Mariotti R., Mousavi S., Bufacchi M., Baldoni L., Maestri D., 2022. Thermal regime and cultivar effects on squalene and sterol contents in olive fruits: Results from a field network in different Argentinian environments. Scientia Horticulturae, 303, 111230.
Rodríguez-López C.E., Hong B., Paetz C., Nakamura Y., Koudounas K., Passeri V., Baldoni L., Alagna F., Calderini O., O’Connor S.E., 2021. Two bi-functional cytochrome P450 CYP72 enzymes from olive (Olea europaea) catalyze the oxidative C-C bond cleavage in the biosynthesis of secoxy-iridoids - flavor and quality determinants in olive oil. New Phytol., 229(4), 2288-2301.
Mariotti R., Pandolfi S., De Cauwer I., Saumitou‐Laprade P., Vernet P., Rossi M., Baglivo F., Baldoni L., Mousavi, S., 2021. Diallelic self‐incompatibility is the main determinant of fertilization patterns in olive orchards. Evol. Appl., 14(4), 983.
Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Valeri M. C., Regni L., Lilli E., Albertini E., Proietti P., Businelli D., Baldoni L., 2021. Characterization of differentially expressed genes under salt stress in olive. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23(1), 154.
Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Stanzione V., Pandolfi S., Mastio V., Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G., 2021. Evolution of extra virgin olive oil quality under different storage conditions. Foods, 10(8), 1945.
Mariotti R., Belaj A., De La Rosa R., Leòn L., Brizioli F., Baldoni L., Mousavi S., 2020. EST-SNP study of Olea europaea L. uncovers functional polymorphisms between cultivated and wild olives. Genes, 11(8): 916.
Contreras C., Mariotti R., Mousavi S., Baldoni L., Guerrero C., Roka L., Cultrera N.G.M., Pierantozzi P., Maestri D., Gentili L., Tivani M., Torres M., 2020. Characterization and validation of olive FAD and SAD gene families: expression analysis in different tissues and during fruit development. Mol. Biol. Rep. 47: 4345-4355.
Mariotti R., Fornasiero A., Mousavi S., Cultrera N.G., Brizioli F., Pandolfi S., Passeri V., Rossi M., Magris G., Scalabrin S., Scaglione D., Di Gaspero G., Saumitou-Laprade P., Vernet P., Alagna F., Morgante M., Baldoni L., 2020. Genetic mapping of the incompatibility locus in olive and development of a linked sequence-tagged site marker. Front. Plant Sci. 10: 1760.
Mousavi S., de la Rosa R., Moukhli A., El Riachy M., Mariotti R., Torres M., Pierantozzi P., Stanzione V., Mastio V., Zaher H., El Antari A., Ayoub S., Dandachi F., Youssef H., Aggelou N., Contreras C., Maestri D., Belaj A., Bufacchi M., Baldoni L., Leon L., 2019. Plasticity of fruit and oil traits in olive among different environments. Sci. Rep. 9(1), 1-13.
Regni L., Del Pino A.M., Mousavi S., Palmerini C.A., Baldoni L., Mariotti R., Mairech H., Gardi T., D’Amato R., Proietti P., 2019. Behaviour of four olive cultivars during salt stress. Front. Plant Sci. 10: 867.
Alagna F., Caceres M.E., Pandolfi S., Collani S., Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Baldoni L., Barcaccia G., 2019. The paradox of self-fertile varieties in the context of self-incompatible genotypes in olive. Front. Plant Sci. 10, 725.
Mousavi S., Regni L., Bocchini M., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Mancuso S., Googlani J., Chakerolhosseini M.R., Guerrero C., Albertini E., Baldoni L., Proietti P., 2019. Physiological, epigenetic and genetic regulation in some olive cultivars under salt stress. Sci. Rep. 9(1): 1093.
Mousavi S., Stanzione V., Mencuccini M., Baldoni L., Bufacchi M., Mariotti R., 2019. Biochemical and molecular profiling of unknown olive genotypes from central Italy: determination of major and minor components. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 245: 83-94.
Cultrera N.G.M., Sarri V., Lucentini L., Ceccarelli M., Alagna F., Mariotti R., Mousavi S., Guerrero Ruiz C., Baldoni L., 2018. High levels of variation within gene sequences of Olea europaea L. Front. Plant Sci. 9: 1932.
Belaj A., De La Rosa R., Lorite I.J., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M, Beuzón C.R., González Plaza J.J., Muñoz-Mérida A., Trelles O., Baldoni L., 2018. Usefulness of a new large set of high throughput EST-SNP markers as a tool for olive germplasm collection management. Front. Plant Sci. 9: 1320.
Ninot A., Howad W., Aranzana M.J., Senar R., Romero A., Mariotti R., Baldoni L., Belaj A., 2018. Survey of over 4.500 monumental olive trees preserved on-farm in the northeast Iberian Peninsula, their genotyping and characterization. Sci. Hortic. 231: 253-264.
Hmmam I., Mariotti R., Ruperti B., Cultrera N., Baldoni L., Barcaccia G., 2018. Venetian olive (Olea europaea) germplasm: disclosing the genetic identity of locally grown cultivars suited for typical extra virgin oil productions. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 65 (6): 1733-1750.
Saumitou-Laprade P., Vernet P., Vekemans X., Castric V., Barcaccia G., Khadari B., Baldoni L., 2017. Controlling for genetic identity of varieties, pollen contamination and stigma receptivity is essential to characterize the self-incompatibility system of Olea europaea L. Evol. Appl. 10(9): 860-866.
Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Bagnoli F., Costantini L., Cultrera N.G.M., Arzani K., Pandolfi S., Vendramin G.G., Torkzaban B., Hosseini-Mazinani M., Baldoni L., 2017. The eastern part of the Fertile Crescent concealed an unexpected route of olive (Olea europaea L.) differentiation. Ann. Bot. 119(8): 1305-1318.
Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Regni L., Nasini L., Bufacchi M., Pandolfi S., Baldoni L., Proietti P., 2017. The first molecular identification of an olive collection applying standard simple sequence repeats and novel expressed sequence tag markers. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 1283.
Grasso F., Coppola M., Carbone F., Baldoni L., Alagna F., Perrotta G., Perez-Pulido A.J., Garonna A., Facella P., Daddiego L., Lopez L., Vitiello A., Rao R., Corrado G., 2017. The transcriptional response to the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) reveals extended differences between tolerant and susceptible olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties. Plos One 12(8): e0183050.
Saumitou-Laprade P., Vernet P., Vekemans X., Billiard S., Gallina S., Essalouh L., Mhaïs A., Moukhli A., El Bakkali A., Barcaccia G., Alagna F., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Pandolfi S., Rossi M., Khadari B., Baldoni L., 2017. Elucidation of the genetic architecture of self-incompatibility in olive: evolutionary consequences and perspectives for orchard management. Evol. Appl. 10(9): 867-880.
Blazakis K.N., Kosma M., Kostelenos G., Baldoni L., Bufacchi M., Kalaitzis P., 2017. Description of olive morphological parameters by using open access software. Plant Meth. 13(1): 111.
Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Mousavi S., Baglivo F., Rossi M., Albertini E., Alagna F., Carbone F., Perrotta G., Baldoni L., 2016. Development, evaluation and validation of new EST-SSR markers in olive (Olea europaea L.). Tree Genet. Genomes 12(6): 120.
De Marchis F., Valeri M.C., Pompa A., Bouveret E., Alagna F., Grisan S., Stanzione V., Mariotti R., Cultrera N., Baldoni L., Bellucci M., 2016. Overexpression of the olive acyl carrier protein gene (OeACP1) produces alterations in fatty acid composition of tobacco leaves. Trans. Res. 25: 45-61.
Alagna F., Kallenbach M., Pompa A., De Marchis F., Rao R., Baldwin I.T., Bonaventure G., Baldoni L., 2016. Olive fruits infested with olive fly larvae respond with an ethylene burst and the emission of specific volatiles. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 58(4): 413-425.
Alagna F., Cirilli M., Galla G., Carbone F., Daddiego L., Facella P., Lopez L., Colao C., Mariotti R., Cultrera N., Rossi M., Barcaccia G., Baldoni L., Muleo R., Perrotta G., 2016. Transcript analysis and regulative events during flower development in olive (Olea europaea L.). PloS One 11(4): e0152943.
Alagna F., Geu-Flores F., Kries H., Panara F., Baldoni L., O’Connor S.E., Osbourn A., 2015. Identification and characterization of the iridoid synthase involved in the biosynthesis of oleuropein in olive (Olea europaea) fruits. J. Biol. Chem. 291: 5542-5554.
Lazović B., Adakalić M., Pucci C., Perović T., Bandelj D., Belaj A., Mariotti R., Baldoni L., 2016. Characterizing ancient and local olive germplasm from Montenegro. Sci. Hortic. 209: 117-123.
Torkzaban B., Kayvanjoo A.H., Ardalan A., Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Baldoni L., Ebrahimie E., Ebrahimi M., Hosseini-Mazinani M., 2015. Machine learning based classification of microsatellite variation: an effective approach for phylogeographic characterization of olive populations. PloS One 10(11): e0143465.
Hedayati V., Mousavi A., Razavi K., Cultrera N., Alagna F., Mariotti R., Hosseini-Mazinani M., Baldoni L., 2015. Polymorphisms in the AOX2 gene are associated with the rooting ability of olive cuttings. Plant Cell Rep. 34: 1151-1164.
Hosseini-Mazinani M., Mariotti R., Torkzaban B., Sheikh-Hassani M., Ataei S., Cultrera N.G.M., Pandolfi S., Baldoni L., 2014. High genetic diversity detected in olives beyond the boundaries of the Mediterranean sea. Plos One 9(4): e93146.
Mousavi S., Hosseini Mazinani M., Arzani K., Ydollahi A., Pandolfi S., Baldoni L., Mariotti R., 2014. Molecular and morphological characterization of Golestan (Iran) olive ecotypes provides evidence for the presence of promising genotypes. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 61: 775-785.
Cultrera N.G.M., Alagna F., Mariotti R., De Marchis F., Pompa A., Bellucci M., Baldoni L., 2014. Isolation and molecular characterization of three acyl carrier 5 protein genes in olive (Olea europaea L.). Tree Genet. Genomes 10: 895-909.
Barcaccia G., Botton A., GallaG., Ramina A., Muleo R., Baldoni L., Perrotta G., 2012. Comparative genomics for identifying flower organ identity genes in peach and olive. Acta Hortic. 967: 43-54.
Collani S., Galla G., Ramina A., Barcaccia G., Baldoni L., Alagna F., Càceres E.M., Muleo R., Perrotta G., 2012. Self-Incompatibility in olive: a new hypothesis on the S-locus genes controlling pollen-pistil interaction. Acta Hortic. 967: 133-140.
Imperato A., Corrado G., Alagna F., Varricchio P., Baldoni L., Rao R., 2012. Olive molecular response to attack of Bactrocera oleae: identification of up-regulated genes in infested olive fruits. Acta Hortic. 929: 125-128.
Bianco L., Alagna F., Baldoni L., Finnie C., Svensson B., Perrotta G., 2013. Proteome regulation during Olea europaea fruit ripening. PLoS One 8(1): e53563.
Alagna F., Mariotti R., Panara F., Caporali S., Urbani S., Veneziani G., Esposto S., Taticchi A., Rosati A., Rao R., Perrotta G., Servili M., Baldoni L., 2012. Olive phenolic compounds: metabolic and transcriptional profiling during fruit development. BMC Plant Biol. 12: 162.
Corrado G., Alagna F., Rocco M., Renzone G., Varricchio P., Coppola V., Coppola M., Garonna A., Baldoni L., Scaloni A., Rao R., 2012. Molecular interactions between the olive and the fruit fly Bactrocera oleae. BMC Plant Biol. 12: 86.
Rossi S., Calabretta A., Tedeschi T., Sforza S., Arcioni S., Baldoni L., Corradini R., Marchelli R., 2012. Selective recognition of DNA from olive leaves and olive oil by PNA and modified-PNA microarrays. Artif. DNA PNA & XNA 3(2): 1-10.
Rotondi A., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Baldoni L., 2011. Genotyping and evaluation of local olive varieties of a climatically disfavoured region through molecular, morphological and oil quality parameters. Sci. Hortic. 130: 562-569.
Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Muñoz Díez C., Baldoni L., Rubini A., 2010. Identification of new polymorphic regions and differentiation of cultivated olives (Olea europaea L.) through plastome sequence comparison. BMC Pl. Biol. 10: 211.
Collani S., Moretto F., Galla G., Alagna F., Baldoni L., Muleo R., 2010. A new hypothesis on the mechanism of self-incompatibility occurring in olive (Olea europaea L.): isolation, characterization and expression studies of slg and srk genes as candidates for a sporophytic self-incompatibility system. J. Biotechnol. 150: S502-S502.
Belaj A., Muñoz-Diez C., Baldoni L., Satovic Z., Barranco D., 2010. Genetic diversity and relationships of wild and cultivated olives at regional level in Spain. Sci. Hortic. 124: 323-330.
Alagna F., D’Agostino N., Torchia L., Servili M., Rao R., Pietrella M., Giuliano G., Chiusano M.L., Baldoni L., Perrotta G., 2009. Comparative 454 pyrosequencing of transcripts from two olive genotypes during fruit development. BMC Genomics 10: 399.
Galla G., Barcaccia G., Ramina A., Collani S., Alagna F., Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Martinelli F., Sebastiani L., Tonutti P., 2009. Computational annotation of genes differentially expressed along olive fruit development. BMC Plant Biol. 9: 128.
Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Ricciolini C., Arcioni S., Vendramin G.G., Buonamici A., Porceddu A., Sarri V., Ojeda M.A., Trujillo I., Rallo L., Belaj A., Perri E., Salimonti A., Muzzalupo I., Casagrande A., Lain O., Messina R., Testolin R., 2009. A consensus list of microsatellite markers for olive genotyping. Mol. Breed. 24(3): 213-231.
Muleo R., Colao M.C., Miano D., Cirilli M., Intrieri M.C., Baldoni L., Rugini E., 2009. Mutation scanning and genotyping by High-Resolution DNA Melting Analysis in olive germplasm. Genome 52(3): 252-260.
Consolandi C., Palmieri L., Severgnini M., Maestri E., Marmiroli N., Agrimonti C., Baldoni L., Donini P., De Bellis G., Castiglioni B., 2008. A procedure for olive oil traceability and authenticity: DNA extraction, Multiplex PCR and LDR-Universal Array analysis. Eur. Food Res. Technol. 227: 1429-1438.
Belaj A., Munoz-Diez C.N., Baldoni L., Porceddu A., Barranco D., Satovic Z., 2007. Genetic diversity and population structure of wild olives from the north-western Mediterranean assessed by SSR markers. Ann. Bot. 100: 449-458.
Consolandi C., Palmieri L., Doveri S., Maestri E., Marmiroli N., Reale S., Lee D., Baldoni L., Tosti N., De Bellis G., Castiglioni B., 2007. Olive variety identification by ligation detection reaction in a universal array format. J. Biotechnol. 129: 565-574.
Baldoni L., Tosti N., Ricciolini C., Belaj A., Arcioni S., Pannelli G., Germanà M.A., Mulas M., Porceddu A., 2006. Genetic structure of wild and cultivated olives in the Central Mediterranean Basin. Ann. Bot. 98: 935-942.
Sarri V., Baldoni L., Porceddu A., Cultrera N.G.M., Contento A., Frediani M., Belaj A., Trujillo I., Cionini P.G., 2006. Microsatellite markers are powerful tools for discriminating among olive cultivars and assigning them to geographically defined populations. Genome 49(12): 1606-1615.
Angiolillo A., Reale S., Pilla F., Baldoni L., 2006. Molecular analysis of olive cultivars in the Molise region of Italy. Genet. Res. Crop Evol. 53: 289-295.
Belaj A., Rallo L. Trujillo I., Baldoni L., 2004. Using RAPD and AFLP markers to distinguish individuals obtained by clonal selection of ’Arbequina’ and ’Manzanilla de Sevilla’ olive. HortSci. 39(7): 1566-1570.
La Rosa R., Angiolillo A., Rallo L., Guerrero C., Pellegrini M., Besnard G., Bervillé A., Martin A., Baldoni L., 2003. A first genetic linkage map of olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars using RAPD and AFLP markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106: 1273-1282.
Rotondi A., Magli M., Ricciolini C., Baldoni L., 2003. Morphological and molecular analyses for the characterization of a group of Italian olive cultivars. Euphytica 132(2): 129-137.
Rallo P., Tenzer I., Gessler C., Baldoni L., Dorado G., Martin A., 2003. Transferability of olive microsatellite loci across the genus Olea. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107: 940-946.
Belaj A., Satovic Z., Cipriani G., Baldoni L., Testolin R., Rallo L., Trujillo I., 2003. Comparative study of the discriminating capacity of RAPD, AFLP and SSR markers and of their effectiveness in establishing genetic relationships in olive. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107(4): 736-744.
Contento A., Ceccarelli M., Gelati M.T., Maggini F., Baldoni L., Cionini P.G., 2002. Diversity of Olea genotypes and the origin of cultivated olives. Theor. Appl. Genet. 104: 1229-1238.
González-Lamothe R., Segua R., Trapero A., Baldoni L., Botella M.A., Valpuesta V., 2002. Phylogeny of the fungus Spilocaea oleagina, the causal agent of Peacock Leaf Spot in Olive. FEMS Micribiol. Lett. 210: 149-155.
Baldoni L., Guerrero C., Sossey-Aloui K., Abbott A.G., Angiolillo A., Lumaret R., 2002. Phylogenetic relationships among Olea species based on nucleotide variation at a non-coding chloroplast DNA region. Plant Biol. 4: 346-351.
Lumaret R., Amane M., Ouazzani N., Baldoni L., 2000. Chloroplast DNA variation in the cultivated and wild olive taxa of the genus Olea L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 101: 547-553.
Lista Pubblicazioni
(lista completa disponibile su CNR People)
OeBAS and CYP716C67 catalyze the biosynthesis of health-beneficial triterpenoids in olive ( Olea europaea ) fruits
Alagna F, Reed J, Calderini O, Thimmappa R, Cultrera NG, Cattivelli A, Tagliazucchi D, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Osbourn A, Baldoni L
Anno: 2023
Editorial: Genetics and genomics of plant reproduction for crop breeding, volume II
Barcaccia G, Mazzucato A, Albertini E, Zenoni S, Baldoni L, Mousavi S, Mendes MA, Coimbra S, Granell A, Pupilli F
Anno: 2023
How Temperatures May Affect the Synthesis of Fatty Acids during Olive Fruit Ripening: Genes at Work in the Field
Contreras C, Pierantozzi P, Maestri D, Tivani M, Searles P, Brizuela M, Fernández F, Toro A, Puertas C, Trentacoste ER, Kiessling J, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Mousavi S, Fernandez P, Moschen S, Torres M
Anno: 2023
The Ancient Olive Trees (Olea europaea L.) of the Maltese Islands: A Rich and Unexplored Patrimony to Enhance Oliviculture
Passeri V, Sammut C, Mifsud D, Domesi A, Stanzione V, Baldoni L, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Pandolfi S, Cinosi N, Famiani F, Bufacchi M
Anno: 2023
Bioactive Compound Profiling of Olive Fruit: The Contribution of Genotype
Mousavi S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Mastio V, Azariadis A, Passeri V, Valeri MC, Baldoni L, Bufacchi M
Anno: 2022
Thermal regime and cultivar effects on squalene and sterol contents in olive fruits: Results from a field network in different Argentinian environments
Torres M, Pierantozzi P, Contreras C, Stanzione V, Tivani M, Mastio V, Gentili L, Searles P, Brizuela M, Fernández F, Toro A, Puertas C, Trentacoste E, Kiessling J, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Bufacchi M, Baldoni L, Maestri D
Anno: 2022
Exploring Olive Genetic Diversity in the Maltese Islands
Valeri MC, Mifsud D, Sammut C, Pandolfi S, Lilli E, Bufacchi M, Stanzione V, Passeri V, Baldoni L, Mariotti R, Mousavi S
Anno: 2022
Diallelic self-incompatibility is the main determinant of fertilization patterns in olive orchards
Mariotti R, Pandolfi S, De Cauwer I, Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Rossi M, Baglivo F, Baldoni L, Mousavi S
Anno: 2021
Two bi-functional cytochrome P450 CYP72 enzymes from olive (Olea europaea) catalyze the oxidative C-C bond cleavage in the biosynthesis of secoxy-iridoids - flavor and quality determinants in olive oil
Rodríguez-López CE, Hong B, Paetz C, Nakamura Y, Koudounas K, Passeri V, Baldoni L, Alagna F, Calderini O, O’Connor SE
Anno: 2021
Characterization and validation of olive FAD and SAD gene families: expression analysis in different tissues and during fruit development
Contreras C, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Baldoni L, Guerrero C, Roka L, Cultrera N, Pierantozzi P, Maestri D, Gentili L, Tivani M, Torres M
Anno: 2020
EST-SNP study of olea Europaea L. Uncovers functional polymorphisms between cultivated and wild olives
Mariotti R, Belaj A, De La Rosa R, Leon L, Brizioli F, Baldoni L, Mousavi S
Anno: 2020
Genetic mapping of the incompatibility locus in Olive and development of a linked sequence-tagged site marker
Mariotti R, Fornasiero A, Mousavi S, Cultrera NG, Brizioli F, Pandolfi S, Passeri V, Rossi M, Magris G, Scalabrin S, Scaglione D, Di Gaspero G, Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Alagna F, Morgante M, Baldoni L
Anno: 2020
Cross-Border Living laboratories for Agroforestry
Piras G, Manca M, Maltoni S, Pinna G, Romano F, Bufacchi M, Pisanelli A, Porqueddu C, Franca A, Baldoni L, Chiappini D, Cippitani R, Ajoub S, El Riachy M, Kahwaji J, Chalak L, Kalaitzis P, Stamataki E, Blazakis K, Porazzini D
Anno: 2020
The paradox of self-fertile varieties in the context of self-incompatible genotypes in Olive
Alagna F, Caceres ME, Pandolfi S, Collani S, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Baldoni L, Barcaccia G
Anno: 2019
Olive triterpenoids: identification and functional characterization of key biosynthetic genes
Alagna F, Thimmappa R, Reed J, Cultrera NGM, Calderini O, Baldoni L, Osbourn A
Anno: 2019
High levels of variation within gene sequences of Olea europaea L.
Cultrera NG, Sarri V, Lucentini L, Ceccarelli M, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Ruiz CG, Baldoni L
Anno: 2019
Plasticity of fruit and oil traits in olive among different environments
Mousavi S, de la Rosa R, Moukhli A, El Riachy M, Mariotti R, Torres M, Pierantozzi P, Stanzione V, Mastio V, Zaher H, El Antari A, Ayoub S, Dandachi F, Youssef H, Aggelou N, Contreras C, Maestri D, Belaj A, Bufacchi M, Baldoni L, Leon L
Anno: 2019
Physiological, epigenetic and genetic regulation in some olive cultivars under salt stress
Mousavi S, Regni L, Bocchini M, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Mancuso S, Googlani J, Chakerolhosseini MR, Guerrero C, Albertini E, Baldoni L, Proietti P
Anno: 2019
Behavior of four olive cultivars during salt stress
Regni L, Del Pino AM, Mousavi S, Palmerini CA, Baldoni L, Mariotti R, Mairech H, Gardi T, D’amato R, Proietti P
Anno: 2019
Usefulness of a New Large Set of High Throughput EST-SNP Markers as a Tool for Olive Germplasm Collection Management
Belaj A, De la Rosa R, Lorite IJ, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Beuzón CR, González-Plaza JJ, Muñoz-Mérida A, Trelles O, Baldoni L
Anno: 2018
Venetian olive (Olea europaea) germplasm: disclosing the genetic identity of locally grown cultivars suited for typical extra virgin oil productions
Hmmam I, Mariotti R, Ruperti B, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Barcaccia G
Anno: 2018
Biochemical and molecular profiling of unknown olive genotypes from central Italy: determination of major and minor components
Mousavi S, Stanzione V, Mencuccini M, Baldoni L, Bufacchi M, Mariotti R
Anno: 2018
Survey of over 4.500 monumental olive trees preserved on-farm in the northeast Iberian Peninsula, their genotyping and characterization
Ninot A, Howad W, Aranzana MJ, Senar R, Romero A, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Belaj A
Anno: 2018
Description of olive morphological parameters by using open access software
Blazakis KN, Kosma M, Kostelenos G, Baldoni L, Bufacchi M, Kalaitzis P
Anno: 2017
The transcriptional response to the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) reveals extended differences between tolerant and susceptible olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties
Grasso F, Coppola M, Carbone F, Baldoni L, Alagna F, Perrotta G, Pérez-Pulido AJ, Garonna A, Facella P, Daddiego L, Lopez L, Vitiello A, Rao R, Corrado G
Anno: 2017
The eastern part of the Fertile Crescent concealed an unexpected route of olive (Olea europaea L.) differentiation
Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Bagnoli F, Costantini L, Cultrera NG M, Arzani K, Pandolfi S, Vendramin GG, Torkzaban B, Hosseini-Mazinani M, Baldoni L
Anno: 2017
The first molecular identification of an Olive collection applying standard simple sequence repeats and novel expressed sequence tag markers
Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Regni L, Nasini L, Bufacchi M, Pandolfi S, Baldoni L, Proietti P
Anno: 2017
Elucidation of the genetic architecture of self-incompatibility in olive: Evolutionary consequences and perspectives for orchard management
Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Vekemans X, Billiard S, Gallina S, Essalouh L, Mhaïs A, Moukhli A, El Bakkali A, Barcaccia G, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Pandolfi S, Rossi M, Khadari B, Baldoni L
Anno: 2017
Transcript Analysis and Regulative Events during Flower Development in Olive (Olea europaea L.)
Alagna F, Cirilli M, Galla G, Carbone F, Daddiego L, Facella P, Lopez L, Colao C, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Rossi M, Barcaccia G, Baldoni L, Muleo R, Perrotta G
Anno: 2016
Genetic mapping and detection of quantitative trait loci
Baldoni L, Khadari B, De La Rosa R
Anno: 2016
Overexpression of the olive acyl carrier protein gene (OeACP1) produces alterations in fatty acid composition of tobacco leaves
De Marchis F, Valeri MC, Pompa A, Bouveret E, Alagna F, Grisan S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Anno: 2016
Characterizing ancient and local olive germplasm from Montenegro
Lazović B, Adakalić M, Pucci C, Perović T, Bandelj D, Belaj A, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Anno: 2016
Development, evaluation, and validation of new EST-SSR markers in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Mousavi S, Baglivo F, Rossi M, Albertini E, Alagna F, Carbone F, Perrotta G, Baldoni L
Anno: 2016
Olive fruits infested with olive fly larvae respond with an ethylene burst and the emission of specific volatiles
Alagna F, Kallenbach M, Pompa A, De Marchis F, Rao R, Baldwin IT, Bonaventure G, Baldoni L
Anno: 2015
Increased oleic acid content in tobacco leaves due to the expression of an olive acyl carrier protein
De Marchis F, Valeri MC, Pompa A, Bouveret E, Alagna F, Grisan S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Anno: 2015
Polymorphisms in the AOX2 gene are associated with the rooting ability of olive cuttings
Hedayati V, Mousavi A, Razavi K, Cultrera N, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Hosseini-Mazinani M, Baldoni L
Anno: 2015
Machine Learning Based Classification of Microsatellite Variation: An Effective Approach for Phylogeographic Characterization of Olive Populations
Torkzaban B, Kayvanjoo AH, Ardalan A, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Ebrahimie E, Ebrahimi M, Hosseini-Mazinani M
Anno: 2015
Genomics in olive: applications and perspectives
Baldoni L
Anno: 2014
Isolation and molecular characterization of three acyl carrier protein genes in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Cultrera NGM, Alagna F, Mariotti R, De Marchis F, Pompa A, Bellucci M, Baldoni L
Anno: 2014
Current status of conservation, evaluation and usefulness of wild olive germplasm
De La Rosa R, Klepo T, Arias-Calderon R, Toumi A, Dominguez-Garcia MC, Leon L, Belaj A, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Satovic Z, Atienza SG, Martin A
Anno: 2014
Molecular and morphological characterization of Golestan (Iran) olive ecotypes provides evidence for the presence of promising genotypes
Mousavi S, Hosseini Mazinani M, Arzani K, Ydollahi A, Pandolfi S, Baldoni L, Mariotti R
Anno: 2014
Proteome regulation during Olea europaea fruit ripening
Bianco L, Alagna F, Baldoni L, Finnie C, Svensson B, Perrotta G
Anno: 2013
Overexpression of an olive acyl carrier protein (ACP) in tobacco tissuues.
De Marchis F, Pompa A, Cultrera N, Mariotti R, Alagna F, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Anno: 2013
Olive phenolic compounds: metabolic and transcriptional profiling during fruit development
Alagna F, Mariotti R, Panara F, Urbani S, Veneziani G, Esposto S, Taticchi A, Rosati A, Rao R, Perrotta G, Servili M, Baldoni L
Anno: 2012
Selective recognition of DNA from olive leaves and olive oil by PNA and modified-PNA microarrays
Rossi S, Calabretta A, Tedeschi T, Sforza S, Arcioni S, Baldoni L, Corradini R, Marchelli R
Anno: 2012
Current status of the exploitation of the olive genetic resources.
Belaj A, León L, De La Rosa R, Cultrera NG M, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Anno: 2010
Exploring allelic variation and functionof acyl carrier protein loci in olive
Cultrera NG M, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Anno: 2010
Identification of new polymorphic regions and differentiation of cultivated olives (Olea europaea L.) through plastome sequence comparison
Mariotti R, CULTRERA NG M, MUÑOZ DÍEZ C, Baldoni L, Rubini A
Anno: 2010
Varietà ed ecotipi di olivo del Lazio
Pandolfi S, De Angelis S, Paoletti A, Baldoni L Cultrera NG, Mariotti R, Perri E, Pannelli G
Anno: 2010
Evaluation of the Iranian olive germoplasma by SSR and chloroplast
Sheikh-Hassani M, Torkzaban B, Hosseini Mazinani M, Baldoni L, Pandolfi S, Cultrera NG M, Mariotti R
Anno: 2010
A consensus list of microsatellite markers for olive genotyping
Baldoni L, Cultrera N, Mariotti R, Ricciolini C, Arcioni S, Vendramin GG, Buonamici A, Porceddu A, Sarri V, Ojeda M, Trujillo I, Rallo L, Belaj A, Perri E, Salimonti A, Muzzalupo I, Casagrande A, Lain O, Messina R, Testolin R
Anno: 2009
Characterization of the acyl carrier protein gene in olive
Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Alagna F, Cultrera NG M, Sarri V
Anno: 2008
Determinazione della composizione varietale degli oli di oliva extra vergine mediante marcatori molecolari
Mariotti R, Damiani P, Anastasi V, Arcioni S, Cultrera NG M, Baldoni L
Anno: 2008
Impiego di marcatori molecolari per risalire alla composizione varietale degli oli di oliva e per determinare la presenza di olio di altre specie
Mariotti R, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, Cultrera NG, Servili M, Baldoni L
Anno: 2008
NPs detection on Olea europaea candidate genes and their potential use in oil traceability
Sarri V, Baldoni L, Arcioni S, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG
Anno: 2008
Microsatellite markers are powerful tools for discriminating among olive cultivars and assigning them to geographically defined populations
Sarri V, Baldoni L, Porceddu A, Cultrera N, Contento A, Frediani M, Belaj A, Trujillo I, Cionini P
Anno: 2006
Genetic modification of agronomic traits in Fruit Crops
Baldoni L, Rugini E
Anno: 2002