Nicolò Cultrera
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Perugia
Tel: (39) 075-5014804
E-mail: niccolo.cultrera[at]
Main research topics
Main focus of the research includes molecular biology of tree crops, plant genetics, biochemistry, functional genomics, biotechnology and breeding.
In particular, activities are carried out on:
- Isolation and functional characterization of the acyl carrier protein (ACP) gene family and other genes involved in chloroplast FASII pathway;
- Characterization of genes involved in resistance to Verticillium dahliae, drought tolerance, secoiridoid synthesis and fruit development;
- Analysis of the flower incompatibility system;
- Analysis of Olea europaea L. plastome polymorphisms;
- Development of new SNP and SSR markers;
- Genotyping and phenotyping cultivated and wild olives;
- DNA testing of varietal composition and detecting olive oil frauds;
- Study the physiology of ripening in soft fruits and the interaction between aminoacids and organic acids metabolism;
- Analysis of the photosynthesic pathway.
Work experience
2012-2015: Researcher III Level at IBBR/CNR, Perugia;
2004-2012: Postdoc contracts at CNR - Institute of Plant Genetics (CNR-IGV);
2000-2004: Fellowships at CNR - Institute of Olive Research (CNR-IRO, present ISAFOM-CNR).
Education and training
2011: Qualification as Researcher III Level, Position 364.96. Scientific Area of Agricultural Science code PG41/1;
2004: PhD in “Productivity of Cultivated Plants”, XV Cycle, University of Perugia;
1999: Graduation in Agricultural Sciences, University of Perugia.
Articles on international ISI journals
Cultrera, N.G.M., 2023. Genetica del metabolismo vegetale. Int. J. Mol. Sci. , 24, 6890. Alagna, F., Reed, J., Calderini, O., Thimmappa, R., Cultrera, N. G., Cattivelli, A., Tagliazucchi, D., Mousavi, S., Mariotti, R., Osbourn, A., Baldoni, L. (2023). OeBAS and CYP716C67 catalyze the biosynthesis of health‐beneficial triterpenoids in olive (Olea europaea L.) fruits. New Phytologist. DOI : Mousavi, S., Mariotti, R., Stanzione, V., Pandolfi, S., Mastio, V., Baldoni, L., & Cultrera, N. G. (2021). Evolution of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quality under Different Storage Conditions. Foods, 10(8), 1945. Contreras, C., Mariotti, R., Mousavi, S., Baldoni, L., Guerrero, C., Roka, L., ... & Tivani, M. (2020). Characterization and validation of olive FAD and SAD gene families: expression analysis in different tissues and during fruit development. Molecular Biology Reports. Mariotti R., Fornasiero A., Mousavi S., Cultrera N.G.M., Brizioli F., Pandolfi S., Passeri V., Rossi M., Magris G., Scalabrin S., Scaglione D., Di Gaspero G., Saumitou-Laprade P., Vernet P., Alagna F., Morgante M., Baldoni L. (2020). Genetic Mapping of the Incompatibility Locus in Olive and Development of a Lin.... Front. Plant Sci. 10, 1760. Alagna F., Caceres M.E., Pandolfi S., Collani S., Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Baldoni L., Barcaccia G., 2019.The Paradox of Self-Fertile Varieties in the Context of Self-Incompatible Genotypes in Olive. Front. Plant Sci. 10:725. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00725. Mousavi, S.,Regni, L.,Bocchini, M.,Mariotti, R., Cultrera, N.G.M., Mancuso, S.,Googlani, J., Chakerolhosseini, M.R., Guerrero, C.,Albertini, E., Baldoni, L., Proietti, P.,2019. Physiological, epigenetic and genetic regulation in some olive cultivars under salt stress. Scientific Reports 9: 1 1093. Cultrera N.G.M., Sarri V., Lucentini L., Ceccarelli M., Alagna F., Mariotti R., Mousavi S., Ruiz C.G., Baldoni L.,2019. High Levels of Variation Within Gene Sequences of Olea europaea L.. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 1932. Belaj A., De La Rosa R., J. Lorite I.J., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Beuzón C.R., González Plaza J.J.... L., (2018). Usefulness of a New Large Set of High Throughput EST-SNP Markers as a Tool for Olive Germplasm Collection Management. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9 (1320). ISSN 1664-462X. Hmmam I., Mariotti R., Ruperti B., Cultrera N., Baldoni L., Barcaccia G., (2018). Venetian olive (Olea europaea) germplasm: disclosing the genetic identity of locally grown cultivars suited for typical extra virgin oil productions. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1 (18). ISSN 1573-5109. Mousavi S., Mariotti R., Bagnoli F., Costantini L., Cultrera N.G., Arzani K., Pandolfi S., Vendramin G.G., Torkzaban B., Hosseini-Mazinani M. and Baldoni L., (2017). The eastern part of the Fertile Crescent concealed an unexpected route of olive (Olea europaea L.) differentiation. Annals of Botany, 119(8), pp.1305-1318. ISSN 1095-8290. Saumitou-Laprade P., Vernet P., Vekemans X., Billiard S., Gallina S., Essalouh L., Mhaïs A., Moukhli A., El Bakkali A., Barcaccia G., Alagna F., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Pandolfi S., Rossi M., Khadari B., Baldoni L., 2017. Elucidation of the genetic architecture of self-incompatibility in olive: evolutionary consequences and perspectives for orchard management. Evolutionary Applications, ISSN 1752-4571 Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Mousavi S., Baglivo F., Rossi M., Albertini E., Alagna F., Carbone F., Perrotta G. and Baldoni L., (2016). Development, evaluation, and validation of new EST-SSR markers in olive (Olea europaea L.). Tree Genetics & Genomes, 12(6), p.120. DOI 10.1007/s11295-016-1077-9. Alagna F., Cirilli M., Galla G., Carbone F., Daddiego L., Facella P., Lopez L., Colao C., Mariotti R., Cultrera N., Rossi M., Barcaccia G., Baldoni L., Muleo R., Perrotta G., 2016. Transcript analysis and regulative events during flower development in olive (Olea europaea L.). PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152943. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152943. De Marchis F., Valeri M.C., Pompa A., Bouveret E., Alagna F., Grisan S., Stanzione V., Mariotti R., Cultrera N., Baldoni L., Bellucci M., 2015. Overexpression of the olive acyl carrier protein gene (OeACP1) produces alterations in fatty acid composition of tobacco leaves. Transgenic Research, 25:45-61. DOI 10.1007/s11248-015-9919-z. Hedayati V., Mousavi A., Razavi K., Cultrera N., Alagna F., Mariotti R., Hosseini-Mazinani M., Baldoni L., 2015. Polymorphisms in the AOX2 gene are associated with the rooting ability of olive cuttings. Plant Cell Reports, 34:1151-1164. DOI: 10.1007/s00299-015-1774-0. Cultrera N.G.M., Alagna F., Mariotti R., De Marchis F.,Pompa A., Bellucci M., Baldoni L., 2014. Isolation and molecular characterization of three acyl carrier protein genes in olive(Olea europaea L.). Tree Genetics & Genoms, 1-15, doi 10.1007/s11295-014-0730-4. Hosseini-Mazinani M, Mariotti R, Torkzaban B, Sheikh-Hassani M, Ataei S, Cultrera N.G.M., Pandolfi S., Baldoni L., 2014. High Genetic Diversity Detected in Olives beyond the Boundaries of the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE 9(4): e93146. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093146. Colao M.C., Colli F., Cammilli C., Gutierrez-Pesce P., Cristofori V., Rugini E., Muleo R., Baldoni L., Cultrera N., Mariotti R., 2011. Assessment of olive variability in Latium (central Italy) through SNPs, SSRs and morphological traits. Acta Horticulturae, Volume 918, 31: 253-260 DOI:10.1016/j.scienta.2011.08.005. Rotondi A., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R.,Baldoni L., 2011. Genotyping and evaluation of local olive varieties of a climatically disfavoured region through molecular, morphological and oil quality parameters. Scientia HorticulturaeVolume 130, Issue 3, 30: 562-569. Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Muñoz Díez C., Baldoni L.,Rubini A., 2010 Identification of new polymorphic regions and differentiation of cultivated olives (Olea europaea L.) through plastome sequence comparison. BMC Plant Biology, 10:221. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-014-0730-4. | |
Galla G., Barcaccia G., Ramina A., Collani S., Alagna F., Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Martinelli F., Sebastiani L., Tonutti P., 2009. Computational annotation of genes differentially expressed along olive fruit development. BMC Plant Biology, 9:128. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2229-9-128. | |
Baldoni L., Cultrera N. G., Mariotti R., Ricciolini C., Arcioni S., Vendramin G. G., Buonamici A. Porceddu A., Sarri V., Ojeda M. A., Trujillo I., Rallo L., Belaj A., Perri E., Salimonti A., Muzzalupo I., Casagrande A., Lain O., Messina R., Testolin R., 2009. A consensus list of microsatellite markers for olive genotyping. Mol. Breeding, 24:213-231. DOI: 10.1007/s11032-009-9285-8. | |
Sarri V., Baldoni L., Porceddu A., Cultrera N.G.M., Contento A., Frediani M., Belaj A., Trujillo I., Cionini P.G., 2006. Microsatellite markers are powerful tools for discriminating among olive cultivars and assigning them to geographically defined populations. Genome, 49, 12:1606-1615. DOI: 10.1139/G06-126. | |
Famiani F., Cultrera N.G.M., Battistelli A., Casulli V., Proietti P., Standardi A., Chen Zhi-Hui, Leegood R. C. And Walker R. P., 2005. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxikinase and its potential role in the catabolism of organic acids in the flesh of soft fruit during ripening. J. Exp. Bot., 56(421):2959-2969. | |
Pandolfi S., De Angelis S., Paoletti A., Baldoni L. Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Perri E., Pannelli G., 2010. Varietà ed Ecotipi di Olivo del Lazio. Ed. by Assessorato Agricoltura Regione Lazio, Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l’Innovazione dell’Agricoltura del Lazio Arsial, CRA - Center of Olive and Olive Oil Industry, Spoleto, Piano di Informazione e Divulgazione Agricola delle Regione Lazio. | |
Baldoni L., Ricciardelli D’Albore M., G., Cultrera N.G.M., Cirino P., Galassi A., 2004. Percorso storico del paesaggio olivicolo: dall’introduzione della pianta in Italia alla sua coltivazione in Umbria. In: Olivi Secolari della Provincia di Perugia | |
Genetica e Genomica. Vol. 3: Genomica e Biotecnologie genetiche (seconda edizione) March 2019 Publisher: Liguori Editore, Napoli (Italy) ISBN: 978-88-207-3743-6 Pandolfi S., Cultrera N., Mariotti R., 2017. Section “Umbria” in “Guida agli extravergini dal 2011 al 2018. Slow Food Editore ü 2011: ISBN: 9788884992581 (AA.VV. Editore) ü 2012: ISBN-13: 9788884992840 (Slow Food Editore) ü 2013: ISBN-10: 9788884993342 (Slow Food Editore) ü 2014: ISBN: 9788884993502 (Slow Food Editore) ü 2015: ISBN - EAN: 9788884993816 (Giunti Editore) ü 2016: ISBN 2016: 9788884994127 (Slow Food Editore) ü 2017: ü 2018: ü 2019: ISBN 9788884995971 (Slow Food Editore) ü 2020: ISBN 9788884996428 (Slow Food Editore) | |
Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., 2012. DNA tracking for the authentication of edible plant oils. In: Food Authentication Using Biomolecules. Ed. Stefano Sforza, DEStech Publications, Inc. | |
Pandolfi S., Mariotti R., Cultrera N., Alagna F., 2012. Section “Umbria” in “Guida agli extravergini 2012”. Pp. 145-162. Slow Food Editore | |
Baldoni L., Cultrera N., Mariotti R., Pandolfi S., Montemurro C., Blanco A., et al. 2011. Caratterizzazione molecolare delle varietà di olivo. In. Progetto Interregionale OLVIVA. Manuale per l’identificazione e il riordino del patrimonio varietale di olivo. Pp. 10-21. Ed. Rete Interregionale per la Ricerca Agraria, Forestale, Acquacoltura e Pesca. | |
Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Pandolfi S., Blanco A., Montemurro C., et al. 2011. Catalogo Nazionale delle Cultivar di Olivo - Progetto OLVIVA: Qualificazione del vivaismo olivicolo, Caratterizzazione varietale, sanitaria e innovazioni nella tecnica vivaistica. Ed. Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” - Dip. Biologia e Chimica Agroforestale ed Ambientale. ISBN 978-88-88793-97-9. | |
Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Alagna F., 2011. Genomica e miglioramento genetico dell’olivo. In: Genetica e Genomica, Vol. II - Miglioramento Genetico. Liguori Editore . | |
Cultrera N., Mariotti R., Pandolfi R., Pandolfi S., Ranaldi F., Tiberi M., 2011. Section “Umbria” in “Guida agli extravergini 2011”. Pp. 175-192. Slow Food Editore | |
Baldoni L., Arcioni S., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., 2010. Tracciabilità molecolare degli oli di oliva. In: Olio ed olivo nel CNR. A cura di Andrea Di Vecchia, Annalisa Rotondi e Enrico Licausi, pp. 73-75. | |
Pandolfi S., De Angelis S., Paoletti A., Baldoni L. Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Perri E., Pannelli G., 2010. Varietà ed ecotipi di olivo del Lazio. Ed. a cura dell’Assessorato all’Agricoltura Regione Lazio, ARSIAL. | |
Baldoni L., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., 2010. Capitolo 2: Caratterizzazione molecolare delle varietà di olive e degli oli di oliva. In: Oleum, Ed. IlSole24Ore Libri, Bologna. | |
Baldoni L., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., 2010. Tracciabilità molecolare degli oli di oliva: dalla ricerca all’applicazione. Atti del Convegno Giornata di studio: frontiere della tracciabilità molecolare e sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari, Accademia dei Georgofili, Quaderno V, Firenze, 18 Marzo, pp. 71-77. | |
Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Baldoni L., 2009. Caratterizzazione molecolare degli olivi secolari. In: Oleum Castrocarj - L’oro verde nel cuore della Romagna. Ed. Comune di Castrocaro, pp. 55-64. ISBN 9788883129094 | |
Rotondi A., Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Fabbri A., 2007 Alla scoperta delle varietà autoctone, 24-49. In: Alimenti Funzionali, salute e benessere dai prodotti della terra e dell’allevamento. | |
Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., 2005. Materiali e metodi per l’analisi molecolare. In: Olivi Secolari della Provincia di Perugia. Vol. II “Il Cuore dell’Umbria”. Ed. A.PR.OL. Perugia. | |
Ziliotto F., Ferasin M., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Tonutti P. 2006. Identificazione di alcune cultivar di olivo presenti nella Pedemontana Trevigiana. L’Informatore Agrario 43, 3/9 Novembre: 68-71. ISSN 0020-0689 | |
Abstract - Comunicazioni Orali o Presentazione di Poster in Congressi Nazionali e Internazionali Alagna F., Thimmappa R., Reed J., Cultrera N.G.M., Calderini O., Baldoni L., Osbourn A (2019). Olive triterpenoids: identification and functional characterization of key bio... in SIGA LXIII Convegno Annuale "Science and innovation for sustainable agriculture intensification: the contribution of plant genetics and breeding", Napoli Italy, 10-13 Settembre 2019. ISBN 978-88-904570-9-8 Cultrera N., Mariotti R., Alagna F., Sarri V., Ceccarelli M., Bellucci M., Baldoni L., 2014. Identifying genes involved in fatty acid synthesis in olive. International Conference for Olive Tree and Olive Product, Amman, Jordan 3-6 November. Mariotti R., Mousavi S., Hosseini-Mazinani M., Torkzaban B., Cultrera N., Baldoni L. 2014. S. Exploring and characterizing unknown olive variants. International Conference for Olive Tree and Olive Product, Amman, Jordan 3-6 November. | |
Sassolini A., Marconi G., Miliani C., Raggi L., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., Baldoni L., Falcinelli M., Veronesi F., Albertini E., 2012. Evaluating the genetic diversity in isolated iranian olive genotypes. 56th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Perugia, Italy - 17/20 September. | |
Mousavi S., Hosseini Mazinani M., Arzani K., Cultrera N.G.M., Baldoni L., Mariotti R., 2012. Evaluating the genetic diversity in isolated iranian olive genotypes. 56th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Perugia, Italy - 17/20 September. | |
Cultrera N.G.M., Baldoni L., Mariotti R., 2011. Development of new molecular markers for olive oil DNA tracking. IV Int. Conf. OLIVEBIOTEQ, 31 Ott - 4 Nov, Chania, Creta, Grecia. | |
Sheikh-Hassani M., Torkzaban B., Hosseini Mazinani M., Baldoni L., Pandolfi S., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., 2010. Evaluation of the Iranian olive germoplasma by SSR and chloroplast. 54° Annual Congress SIGA, Matera 27/30 September. | |
Cultrera N.G.M., Alagna F., Mariotti R., Baldoni L., 2010. Exploring allelic variation and functionof acyl carrier protein loci in olive. 54° Annual Congress SIGA, Matera 27/30 September. | |
Sarri V., Ceccarelli M., Baldoni L., Mariotti R., Cultrera N.G.M., 2008. Characterization of the acyl carrier protein gene in olive. 52° Annual Congress SIGA, Padova 14/17 September. | |
Mariotti R., Baldoni L., Alagna F., Cultrera N.G.M., Sarri V., 2008. Characterization of the acyl carrier protein gene in olive. 52° Annual Congress SIGA, Padova 14/17 September. | |
Mariotti R., Paolocci F., Arcioni S., Cultrera N.G.M., Servili M., Baldoni L., 2008. Impiego di marcatori molecolari per risalire alla composizione varietale degli oli di oliva e per determinare la presenza di olio di altre specie. Convegno Medoliva“L’olio di qualità del Mediterraneo, conoscere, innovare, competere”, Centro Affari di Arezzo (AR), 17 - 19 May 2008 | |
Cultrera N.G.M., Rubini A., Baldoni L., Munoz Diez C., Damiani P., Anastasi V., Mariotti R., 2007. Olive chloroplast genome sequencing and identification of intervarietal polymorphisms. 51° Annual Congress SIGA, Riva del Garda 23/26 September. | |
Sarri V., Vendramin G.G., Sebastiani F., Porceddu A., Baldoni L., Alagna F., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., 2007. SNPs detected on candidate genes of olive. 51° Annual Congress SIGA, Riva del Garda 23/26 September. | |
Ricciolini C., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Arcioni S., Porceddu A., Vendramin G.G., Buonamici A., De La Rosa R., Baldoni L., 2006. A genetic linkage map for olive using AFLP, RAPD, SSR and SNP markers. Second Int. Seminar "Biotechnology and Quality of Olive Tree Products around the Mediterranean Basin". 5-10 November, Marsala-Mazara del Vallo. | |
Ricciolini C., Porceddu A., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Arcioni S., Vendramin G.G., Buonamici A., De La Rosa R., Baldoni L., 2006. Construction of a genetic linkage map for olive using AFLP, RAPD, SSR and SNP markers. L Annual Cong. SIGA, Ischia, 10/14 September. | |
Sarri V., Baldoni L., Porceddu A., Contento A., Cultrera N.G.M., Frediani M., Belaj A., Trujillo I., Cionini P.G., 2006. Microsatellite markers are powerful tools for discriminating among olive cultivars and assigning them to geographically defined populations. Annual Cong. SIGA, Ischia, 10/14 September. | |
Ricciolini C., Porceddu A., Cultrera N.G.M., Arcioni S., Baldoni L., Tosti N., 2005. Developing SNP markers from candidate genes in olive. XLIX Annual Cong. SIGA, Potenza 12/15 September. | |
Farinelli D., Pandolfi A., Cultrera N.G.M., Standardi A., 1998. Osservazioni sul comportamento vegeto - produttivo del Lampone (Rubus idaeus L.) in Umbria nel triennio 1995 - 1997. Atti “IV Congresso Società Orticola Italiana, S.O.I.”, Sanremo (IM), 1 - 3 April, pag. 109-110. |
Baldoni L., Cultrera N.G.M., Mariotti R., Servili M., Perri E., 20 Aprile 2016 pubblicato il 20 Ottobre 2017: Deposito n 102016000040560 a nome CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE di brevetto per invenzione industriale dal titolo "Procedimento per l’estrazione di acidi nucleici da matrici oleose", Rif. CNR: 10476; rilasciato in data 19 ottobre 2018 con il n. 102016000040560.
Please find a list of my publications at the following URL:
Progetti IBBR
Progetto IBBR # -
A holistic frameWork with Anticounterfeit and inTelligence-based technologieS that will assist food chain stakehOlders in rapidly identifying and preveNting the spread of fraudulent practices
Project ID | - |
ID | DBA.AD004.342 |
Acronym | WATSON |
Project acronym and title | WATSON - A holistic frameWork with Anticounterfeit and inTelligence-based technologieS that will assist food chain stakehOlders in rapidly identifying and preveNting the spread of fraudulent practices |
Contract | GRANT AGREEMENT Project 101084265 — WATSON |
Description | WATSON provides a methodological framework combined with a set of tools and systemsthat can detect and prevent fraudulent activities throughout the whole food chain thus accelerating the deployment of transparency solutions in the EU food systems. The proposed framework will improve sustainability of food chains by increasing food safety and reducing food fraud through systemic innovations that a) increase transparency in food supply chains through improved track-and-trace mechanisms containing accurate, time-relevant and untampered information for the food product throughout its whole journey, b) equip authorities and policy makers with data, knowledge and insights in order to have the complete situational awareness of the food chain and c) raise the consumer awareness on food safety and value, leading to the adoption of healthier lifestyles and the development of sustainable food ecosystems. WATSON implements an intelligence-based risk calculation approach to address the phenomenon of food fraud in a holistic way. The project includes three distinct pillars, namely, a) the identification of data gaps in the food chain, b) the provision of methods, processes and tools to detect and counter food fraud and c) the effective cross border collaboration of public authorities through accurate and trustworthy information sharing. WATSON will rely upon emerging technologies (AI, IoT, DLT, etc.) enabling transparency within supply chains through the development of a rigorous, traceability regime, and novel tools for rapid, non-invasive, on-the-spot analysis of food products. The results will be demonstrated in 6 use cases: a) prevention of counterfeit alcoholic beverages, b) preservation of the authenticity of PGI honey, c) on-site authenticity check and traceability of olive oil, d) the identification of possible manipulations at all stages of the meat chain, e) the improved traceability of high-value products in cereal and dairy chain, f) combat of salmon counterfeiting. |
Funding body | HORIZON EUROPE 2021-2022, HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-11 Type of Action HORIZON-RIA Type of Model Grant Agreement HORIZON-AG |
UOS | Perugia |
Role | CNR-IBBR Task Leader 5.4 - Pilot 3 - Rapid Traceability of Greek and Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil |
Signatory | Nicolò Cultrera |
Contact Person | Nicolò Cultrera |
Starting of activities | 2023 |
Ending of activities | 2026 |
Extension | - |
Amount (euro) | 999 598.75 |
Technological Area | - Developing and demonstrating a framework methodology for studying the impact of R&D tax credits and incentives on SME-led innovation in Europe. |
Technological Field | The DNA traceability of EVOO will be the core focus of this Task. A representative dataset of leaf/fruit samples, will be collected from several olive orchards as well as samples of their produced EVOO, focusing to commercially relevant Italian varieties. The DNA profiles will be obtained using low-cost and portable DNA based devices, which will be analysed using a robust AI/ML post-processing pipeline for the accurate and automated DNA classification of each lot of a label in base of its variety (or varieties), creating a “digital DNA fingerprint”. The “digital DNA fingerprint”, as well as other data (e.g., geo-locus orchards, date of milling, bottling etc) will be subsequently stored in the blockchain platform. The above collected data will be accessible to the involved stakeholders via the QR code in the product label. The specific use case study will be showcased in Italy, 2nd largest EU producing country of Olive oil. Replicable activities in Greece and business models will also be provided targeting the wide acceptance of WATSON solutions. |
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
OeBAS and CYP716C67 catalyze the biosynthesis of health-beneficial triterpenoids in olive ( Olea europaea ) fruits
Alagna F, Reed J, Calderini O, Thimmappa R, Cultrera NG, Cattivelli A, Tagliazucchi D, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Osbourn A, Baldoni L
Year: 2023
Characterization and validation of olive FAD and SAD gene families: expression analysis in different tissues and during fruit development
Contreras C, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Baldoni L, Guerrero C, Roka L, Cultrera N, Pierantozzi P, Maestri D, Gentili L, Tivani M, Torres M
Year: 2020
Genetic mapping of the incompatibility locus in Olive and development of a linked sequence-tagged site marker
Mariotti R, Fornasiero A, Mousavi S, Cultrera NG, Brizioli F, Pandolfi S, Passeri V, Rossi M, Magris G, Scalabrin S, Scaglione D, Di Gaspero G, Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Alagna F, Morgante M, Baldoni L
Year: 2020
The paradox of self-fertile varieties in the context of self-incompatible genotypes in Olive
Alagna F, Caceres ME, Pandolfi S, Collani S, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Baldoni L, Barcaccia G
Year: 2019
Olive triterpenoids: identification and functional characterization of key biosynthetic genes
Alagna F, Thimmappa R, Reed J, Cultrera NGM, Calderini O, Baldoni L, Osbourn A
Year: 2019
High levels of variation within gene sequences of Olea europaea L.
Cultrera NG, Sarri V, Lucentini L, Ceccarelli M, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Ruiz CG, Baldoni L
Year: 2019
Physiological, epigenetic and genetic regulation in some olive cultivars under salt stress
Mousavi S, Regni L, Bocchini M, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Mancuso S, Googlani J, Chakerolhosseini MR, Guerrero C, Albertini E, Baldoni L, Proietti P
Year: 2019
Usefulness of a New Large Set of High Throughput EST-SNP Markers as a Tool for Olive Germplasm Collection Management
Belaj A, De la Rosa R, Lorite IJ, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Beuzón CR, González-Plaza JJ, Muñoz-Mérida A, Trelles O, Baldoni L
Year: 2018
Venetian olive (Olea europaea) germplasm: disclosing the genetic identity of locally grown cultivars suited for typical extra virgin oil productions
Hmmam I, Mariotti R, Ruperti B, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Barcaccia G
Year: 2018
The eastern part of the Fertile Crescent concealed an unexpected route of olive (Olea europaea L.) differentiation
Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Bagnoli F, Costantini L, Cultrera NG M, Arzani K, Pandolfi S, Vendramin GG, Torkzaban B, Hosseini-Mazinani M, Baldoni L
Year: 2017
Elucidation of the genetic architecture of self-incompatibility in olive: Evolutionary consequences and perspectives for orchard management
Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Vekemans X, Billiard S, Gallina S, Essalouh L, Mhaïs A, Moukhli A, El Bakkali A, Barcaccia G, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Pandolfi S, Rossi M, Khadari B, Baldoni L
Year: 2017
Transcript Analysis and Regulative Events during Flower Development in Olive (Olea europaea L.)
Alagna F, Cirilli M, Galla G, Carbone F, Daddiego L, Facella P, Lopez L, Colao C, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Rossi M, Barcaccia G, Baldoni L, Muleo R, Perrotta G
Year: 2016
Overexpression of the olive acyl carrier protein gene (OeACP1) produces alterations in fatty acid composition of tobacco leaves
De Marchis F, Valeri MC, Pompa A, Bouveret E, Alagna F, Grisan S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Year: 2016
Development, evaluation, and validation of new EST-SSR markers in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Mousavi S, Baglivo F, Rossi M, Albertini E, Alagna F, Carbone F, Perrotta G, Baldoni L
Year: 2016
Increased oleic acid content in tobacco leaves due to the expression of an olive acyl carrier protein
De Marchis F, Valeri MC, Pompa A, Bouveret E, Alagna F, Grisan S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Year: 2015
Polymorphisms in the AOX2 gene are associated with the rooting ability of olive cuttings
Hedayati V, Mousavi A, Razavi K, Cultrera N, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Hosseini-Mazinani M, Baldoni L
Year: 2015
Isolation and molecular characterization of three acyl carrier protein genes in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Cultrera NGM, Alagna F, Mariotti R, De Marchis F, Pompa A, Bellucci M, Baldoni L
Year: 2014
Overexpression of an olive acyl carrier protein (ACP) in tobacco tissuues.
De Marchis F, Pompa A, Cultrera N, Mariotti R, Alagna F, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Year: 2013
Current status of the exploitation of the olive genetic resources.
Belaj A, León L, De La Rosa R, Cultrera NG M, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Year: 2010
Exploring allelic variation and functionof acyl carrier protein loci in olive
Cultrera NG M, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Year: 2010
Identification of new polymorphic regions and differentiation of cultivated olives (Olea europaea L.) through plastome sequence comparison
Mariotti R, CULTRERA NG M, MUÑOZ DÍEZ C, Baldoni L, Rubini A
Year: 2010
Varietà ed ecotipi di olivo del Lazio
Pandolfi S, De Angelis S, Paoletti A, Baldoni L Cultrera NG, Mariotti R, Perri E, Pannelli G
Year: 2010
Evaluation of the Iranian olive germoplasma by SSR and chloroplast
Sheikh-Hassani M, Torkzaban B, Hosseini Mazinani M, Baldoni L, Pandolfi S, Cultrera NG M, Mariotti R
Year: 2010
A consensus list of microsatellite markers for olive genotyping
Baldoni L, Cultrera N, Mariotti R, Ricciolini C, Arcioni S, Vendramin GG, Buonamici A, Porceddu A, Sarri V, Ojeda M, Trujillo I, Rallo L, Belaj A, Perri E, Salimonti A, Muzzalupo I, Casagrande A, Lain O, Messina R, Testolin R
Year: 2009
Characterization of the acyl carrier protein gene in olive
Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Alagna F, Cultrera NG M, Sarri V
Year: 2008
Determinazione della composizione varietale degli oli di oliva extra vergine mediante marcatori molecolari
Mariotti R, Damiani P, Anastasi V, Arcioni S, Cultrera NG M, Baldoni L
Year: 2008
Impiego di marcatori molecolari per risalire alla composizione varietale degli oli di oliva e per determinare la presenza di olio di altre specie
Mariotti R, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, Cultrera NG, Servili M, Baldoni L
Year: 2008
NPs detection on Olea europaea candidate genes and their potential use in oil traceability
Sarri V, Baldoni L, Arcioni S, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG
Year: 2008
Microsatellite markers are powerful tools for discriminating among olive cultivars and assigning them to geographically defined populations
Sarri V, Baldoni L, Porceddu A, Cultrera N, Contento A, Frediani M, Belaj A, Trujillo I, Cionini P
Year: 2006