Alessandra Rogato
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Naples
Tel: (39) 081-6132410
E-mail: alessandra.rogato[at]
curriculum vitae
2007: PhD in Advanced Biology, University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
2002: Degree (Master) in Biotechnological Science, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Professional affiliations and memberships
March 2016- to today: Associate Research at the Department of Integrative Marine Ecology
Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn”, Naples, Italy
November 2018 to November 2028: Qualified for the position of Associate Professor 05/A1 (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Bando 2016 (DD n. 1532/2016) (from 06.11.2018 to 06.11.2029).
November 2018 to November 2028: Qualified for the position of Associate Professor in 05/A2 (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Bando 2016 (DD n. 1532/2016) (from 05.11.2018 to 05.11.2029).
November 2011 to September 2021 CNR researcher, Institute of Bioscience and Bioresources CNR, Via Pietro Castellino 111, 80131 Naples, Italy
Synopsis of research activity
24th March 2023 member of the Doctoral Thesis defence committee for the PhD in Biology XXXV cycle, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
24th November 2022 member of the Doctoral Thesis defence committee for the student Marianna Varrone, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
28th April 2022 member of the Doctoral Thesis defence committee for the student Alessandro Manzotti, Sorbonne Universitée, Paris, France
March 2020 Letters of praise from the President of the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn for scientific productivity for the year 2019
June-July 2014: Visiting Scientist at the Laboratory of Dr. Assaf Vardi at Weizmann Institute of Science. Rehovor, Israel. CNR Short Term Mobilty Fellow
November 2011- May 2012: Visiting Scientist at the Laboratory of Dr Angela Falciatore, Dep Diatom Functional Genomics Team,Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology (LCQB), UMR 7238 Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS-UPMC, Paris, France.
2010-2011: CDD chercheur (chercheur à durée déterminée) at Laboratoire de Génomique des Microorganismes/Diatom Functional Genomics Team UMR 7238 Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS-UPMC, Paris, France.
AXA Research Fund, Post-Doctoral Fellowship
2010: Visiting Scientist at the Laboratory of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hess. Department: Genetics and Experimental Bioinformatics, University of Freiburg, Germany. Two months
2008-2010: Post-Doctoral research, Stazione Zoologica “A. Dohrn”, Naples, Italy
2007-2008: Post-Doctoral research, Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, ABT, CNR, Naples, Italy
June-July 2007 Visiting Science as PhD: at Arterra Bioscience, Naples an Italian research-based biotech company with a strong know-how in biological science and an extensive experience in drug discovery.
2003-2006: PhD training, Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, ABT, CNR, Naples, Italy.
2002-2003: Post graduated training Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, ABT, CNR, Naples, Italy
2001-2002: Master training at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
1999: Erasmus fellowship for developing a research project conducted at the Department of Plant Biotechnologies, Institute Supérieur Agricole de Beauvais, France.
Research interests
Major objective of my research is to identify and characterize the molecular mechanisms underlying the ecological success of photosyntetic organisms and their capacity for handling different adaptative solutions in order to succeed in a variable environment. In this context, examples of environmental adaptations are the ones that take place in the marine diatoms, which display a suite of sophisticated responses (physiological, biochemical, and behavioral) to optimize their photosynthesis and growth under changing conditions. Marine diatoms are prominent microalgae in the contemporary oceans, several evidences indicated that diatoms dispose of a suite of sophisticated responses to optimize their photosynthesis and growth under changing conditions. However, the molecular mechanisms controlling diatom responses are still largely unknown. I’m trying to integrate genomic and genetic resources, with well-established physiological and biophysical approaches, to characterize light and nutrient regulated processes in diatoms. I’m mainly focusing on the pathways of uptake and assimilation of N sources and, on the role played by ammonium and nitrate transporters as sensors of the external N conditions in diatoms and in legume plants as well. In addition, I’m involved in a project aiming at deciphering the biogenesis and function of the diatoms silica cell wall (known as the frustule) and exploring his potential physical, optical and biotechnological applications. This is of fundamental importance in the understanding of the interactions of the living cell with the external environment.
30 September 2022 European Biotech Week. Lectures title “Le diatomee: diversità e successo evolutivo di un organismo unicellulare”
26 September 2019 European Biotech Week. Lectures title “Molecular secrets from the oceans: marine diatoms”
10 October 2018 Course in Environmental Science for PhD students, University of NaplesFederico II. Lectures title “Molecular secrets from the oceans: marine diatoms”
2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 Course of Marine Microbial Biodiversity, University of Naples Federico II. Lectures on the Biology and Genomics of Diatoms
26 September 2016 European Biotech Week. Lectures title “Molecular secrets from the oceans: marine diatoms”
04 February 2015 La scuola va al CNR Titolo: I piccoli sistemi modello, perchè e come studiarli.
01 March 2014 Lecture “Segreti molecolari dal fondo degli oceani: genetica e genomica funzionale delle diatomee marine". Founded by Italian Ministry of Research and Education (MIUR) PON02_2007-2013 (GenHORT). University of Naples Federico II, Italy
18 September 2013 Course of "Signal trasduction" for PhD students Open University of London UK at the Stazione Zoologica "A. Dohrn" Napoli.
November 2010 UE NB213: "Biologie du développement des Plantes" M2, Master BIP, UPMC (1er semestre - 6 ECTS). “Light Sensing in the Ocean”
October 2002: In collaboration with the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies at the secondary school "G. B. Vico " Nocera Inferiore-SA. Italy "Teaching the Science: Practical Demonstration of an Experimental Model”
Partecipation and Organization of Courses and Workshops
20-26 August 8th European Phycological Congress, Brest Brittany (France), Selected Speaker
16-20 July 2023 Virtual Attendees of Molecular Life of diatoms MLD7 - San Diego, California, US POSTER PRIZE, awarded for outstanding poster presentation (corresponding author)
31 August- 3 September 2023 15th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference (ENFC), Naples- Italy, Organizing Committee
21-22 November, 2022. Virtual Attendees of 1st International Symposium on Square Bamboos and the Geometree (ISSBG 2022). Invited speaker
October 2021 Satellite Meeting “Marine Nitrogen-Fixing Symbioses” Organizing Committee
22-26 March 2021 12th International Phycological Congress IPC2021. Selected Speaker
27-31 July 2021 Pant Biology Worldwide Summit (attended by Dr Antonella Longo) Selected Poster categories: Genes & Genomes: Molecular Evolution/Comparative Genomics (corresponding author). DOI: 10.46678/PB.20.1053010
12-14 July 2021 Molecular Life of Diatoms. 6th Biennial Meeting - Virtual Online. Selected Talk
21-24 November 2019: Futuro Remoto 2019 Fondazione IDIS - Città della Scienza, Naples
14-18 July 2019: EMBO Workshop “The Molecular Life of Diatoms” Paris, France, Selected Poster (corresponding author)
12-14 June 2019 Riunione annuale dei gruppi di lavoro SBI, Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare Biotecnologie e Differenziamento, Naples, Italy, Selected Speaker
7-9 June 2017: Workshop “Bringing Maths to Life”. Naples- Italy, Scientific Organiser
9-10 October 2016: Futuro Remoto 2016 Fondazione IDIS - Città della Scienza, Naples I marcatori biologici del cambiamento climatico https://www
19-21 October 2015: Workshop “Bringing Maths to Life”. Naples- Italy, Scientific Organiser
27-29 October 2014: Workshop “Bringing Maths to Life”. Naples- Italy, Scientific Organiser
03 November 2014: Futuro Remoto 2014 Fondazione IDIS - Città della Scienza, Naples, "Alla scoperta dei segreti degli oceani: le alghe, polmone blu del pianeta Terra" Invited Speaker
25-28 June 2013: EMBO Workshop “The Molecular Life of Diatoms” Paris, France, Selected Speaker
24-27 September 2012 XII° FISV Congress -Università di Roma "Sapienza" - Roma, Italy Selected Speaker
July 2012: GerIta Dialogue “Next Generation Sequencing - Application cases and bioinformatics development”, Naples, Italy
9-11 October 2009: EMBO Workshop Evo-Devo meet Marine Ecology, New Frontiers in Ocean Science through Integrative Biology. Sant’Angelo d’Ischia, Italy, EMBO POSTER PRIZE, awarded for outstanding poster presentation
7-11 November 2005: Integral workshop on qRT-PCR. Max Planck Institute, Golm, Germany
1-5 July 2004 Congress VIth European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Toulouse, France. Fellowship conferred from the advisory board of the conference.
Membership of scientific community
2023 to present Member of the Italian BioGeoSCAPES community (Ocean Metobolism and Nutrient Cycle on a changing Planet)
2022 to present Member of the Italian Society for the Study and Applications of Microalgae/ Associazione Italiana per lo Studio e le Applicazioni delle Microalghe (AISAM)
2013 to present Member of the Italian Society of Plant Biology/ Società Italiana di Biologia Vegetale (SIBV)
Institutional responsibilities
Member of the IBBR Webinar Organization Group (
Member of the "Group of Communication and Press Liaisons for the National Research Council for the Institute of Bioscience and BioResources (IBBR) Unit of Naples.
Students’ Supervision
Student’s supervisor of six master students and one PhD student
Chloé Höllerer, Master Student in Biology from the Institut Agro de Rennes, France. From January to July 2024. Title “Study of the nitrogen metabolism of the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata”
- Anna Santin PhD Student, 2019-2022 Open University of London (Co-supervisor with M.I. Ferrante) Title: “Nitrate sensing and uptake in diatoms: from molecular evolution to functional characterization”
- Carmela Borzacchiello, Graduated in 2019, Master Student in Biology, University of Naples FedericoII Title: “Characterization of the nitrate transporters in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum: a molecular and functional study.”
- Anita Ariante, Graduated in 2018, Master Student in Biology, University of Naples FedericoII (Co-supervisor with M. Chiurazzi). Title: “Functional characterization of the gene LjNPF4.1 in the model legume Lotus japonicus”
- Lidia Duplice, Graduated in 2016, Master Student in Biology, University of Naples FedericoII. Title: “ Caratterizzazione di due putativi trasportatori del nitrato nella pianta leguminosa modello Lotus Japonicus e analisi del loro possibile ruolo nel processo di simbiosi con Mesorhizobium loti ”.
- Carmen Marangoni, Graduated in 2011, Master Student in Biology, ERASMUS Fellowship, University of Verona (Co-supervisor with A. Falciatore). Title: “Analisi dei Meccanismi di Fotoprotezione nella Diatomea Marina Phaeodactylum tricornutum”
- Maria Grazia Adelfi, Graduated in 2009, Master Student in Biology, University of Naples Federico II (Co-supervisor with A. Falciatore). Title: “Modulation of gene expression in diatoms by RNA interference”.
Principal collaborations:
Dr. Maurizio Chiurazzi, Institute of BioSciences and BioResources, IBBR-CNR Napoli, Italy
Dr. Maria I. Ferrante, Dr Monia T. Russo, Dr Marina Montresor, Dr. Daniele Iudicone, Dr. Maurizio Ribera D’Alcalà, Dr Ulisse Cardini, Dr, Wiebe Kooistra Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Integrative Marine Ecology Department Napoli, Italy
Prof.ssa Immacolata Castellano, Associate Professor of Biochemistry at University Federico II of Naples, Italy
Prof. Tomas Morosinotto, Full professor in Plant Physiology at the Biology Department at the University of Padova, Italy.
Dr.Angela Falciatore,UMR7141 CNRS-Sorbonne Université (Directrice), Biologie du chloroplaste et perception de la lumière chez les microalgues, Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France
Dr. Antonella Longo, BioDiscovery Institute, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States, Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States.
Dr. Edoardo De Tommasi, Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems, ISASI-CNR Napoli, Italy
Dr. Johan Gielis, University of Antwerp, Department of Bioengineering. Antwerp, Belgium
Referee Activity
Reviewer for grants: National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Ocean Sciences Australian Antarctic Division Science Program, Marine Biotechnology, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) For the evaluation panel “CE20 - Biology of animals, photosynthetic organisms and micro-organisms”. FRA (Finanziamento per la Ricerca di Ateneo) dell’Università Federico II di Napoli.
Reviewer for international journals such as:
BMC Genomics, Molecular Biotechnology, Algal Research, Marine Genomics, Journal of Applied Phycology, Plos One, Water, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Scientific Reports, Journal of Phycology, Applied Sciences, Journal of Marine Research, Plant Physiology, Marine Drugs (reviewer board;, Applied Science (reviewer board: Review Editor for Frontiers in Plant Science, for Plant Symbiotic Interactions Section and Review Editor for Frontiers in Marine Science, for the Marine Biotechnology and Bioproducts Section
Books and Journals edited
Editorial Board of Growth and Form (GAF) Athena Publishing
FEMS Microbiology Letters Thematic Issue on “Biological Nitrogen Fixation: genes, organisms, ecosystems”. Editors: Alessandra Rogato; Alessio Mengoni; Roberto Defez; Marco Bazzicalupo; (in preparation, 2023)
Marine Drugs Special Issue, 2021 "Bioinformatics of Marine Natural Products 2.0" (ISSN 1660-3397). Guest Editors: Alessandra Rogato, Giovanna RomanoMarine Drugs Special Issue, 2020 "Bioinformatics of Marine Natural Products" (ISSN 1660-3397).
Guest Editors: Alessandra Rogato, Giovanna Romano
BMC Bioinformatics Special Issue “Proceedings of Bringing Maths to Life (BMTL) 2017”. Supplement Editors: Alessandra Rogato, Laura Antonelli, Vincenza Colonna ISSN: 1471-2105
Spriger Book 2016: “Dynamics of Mathematical Models in Biology, Bringing Mathematics to Life” Editors: Alessandra Rogato, Valeria Zazzu and Mario R Guarracino, ISBN 978-3-319-45722-2
H-index from Web Google Scholar: 23
H-index from Web of Science: 21
Research articles: 28
Reviews: 8
Chapter book: 2
Protocol paper: 2
- Santin, A; Russo, M T; Laura Morales de los Ríos ;Chiurazzi, M; Ribera d’Alcalà M; Benoît Lacombe; Ferrante, M I; Rogato, A*. (2023) “The tonoplast localized protein PtNPF1 participates in the regulation of nitrogen response in diatoms”. New Phyologist DOI:10.1111/nph.19461 corresponding author
- Russo MT., Rogato A., Jaubert M., Karas B., Falciatore A. (2023) Phaeodactylum tricornutum: An established model species for diatom molecular research and an emerging chassis for algal synthetic biology. Journal of Phycology org/10.1111/jpy.13400
- De Tommasi E., Rogato A. (2023). The Diatom Frustule: Morphogenesis and Role in Light Manipulation. Growth and Form, 2023, ISSN (Online): 2589-8426
- De Tommasi E., Rogato A., Caratelli D., Mescia L. and Gielis J. (2023) Following the photons route: mathematical models describing the interaction of diatoms with light. The Mathematical Biology of Diatoms Book Editor(s):Janice L. Pappas org/10.1002/9781119751939.ch12
- Pelusi, A., Ambrosino, L., Miralto, M., Chiusano M.L., Rogato A., Ferrante M.I., Montresor M. (2023) Gene expression during the formation of resting spores induced by nitrogen starvation in the marine diatom Chaetoceros socialis. BMC Genomics24, 106.
- Rogato A, VT Valkov and M Chiurazzi (2022). 3 plays a hierarchical role in the control of high affinity transport system for root nitrate acquisition in Lotus japonicus. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, vol. 13, ISSN: 1664-462X
- Russo, M.T., Santin, A., Rogato, A., Ferrante, M.I. (2022). Optimized Proteolistic Protocol for the Delivery of the Cas9 Protein in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. In: Verde, C., Giordano, D. (eds) Marine Genomics. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2498. Humana, New York, NY.
- Rogato, A., Falciatore, A. (2022). Detection and Quantification of Small Noncoding RNAs in Marine Diatoms. In: Verde, C., Giordano, D. (eds) Marine Genomics. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2498. Humana, New York, NY. *corresponding author
- Jaubert, M., Duchêne, C., Kroth, P.G., Rogato, A., Bouly, JP., Falciatore, A. (2022). Sensing and Signalling in Diatom Responses to Abiotic Cues. In: Falciatore, A., Mock, T. (eds) The Molecular Life of Diatoms. Springer, Cham. pp:607:639.
- Santin A., Caputi L, Longo A, Chiurazzi M, Ribera d’Alcalà M, Russo M., Ferrante MI, Rogato A * “Integrative-omics identification, evolutionary and structural analysis of low affinity nitrate transporters in diatoms, diNPFs” Open Biology 2021; 11 200395 *corresponding author
- Rogato A, VT Valkov, M Nadzieja, J Stougaard, M Chiurazzi. “The Lotus japonicus AFB6 Gene Is Involved in the Auxin Dependent Root Developm...” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021: 22 (16), 8495
- Ylenia Vittozzi, Marcin Nadzieja,Alessandra Rogato, Simona Radutoiu, Vladimir Totev Valkov, Maurizio Chiurazzi “The Lotus japonicus NPF3.1 is a nodule induced gene that plays a positive role on nodule functioning” Frontiers in Plant Science 2021, 12, 1110
- Rogato A. & De Tommasi E. “Physical, chemical, and genetic modification of diatom frustules for applications in nanotechnology". Applied Sciences 2020, 10(23), 8738;
- Special Issue entitled " New Frontiers in Diatom Nanotechnology".
- Valkov V., Sol S., Rogato A., Chiurazzi M. “The functional characterization of LjNRT2.4 indicates a novel, positive role of nitrate for an efficient nodule N2-fixation activity”. New Phytologist 2020 DOI: 10.1111/nph.16728
- Busseni G., Rocha Jimenez Vieira F., Amato A., Pelletier E., Pierella Karlusich J.J., Ferrante M.I., Winckerd P., Rogato, A., Bowler C.,Sanges R., Maiorano L., Chiurazzi M., Ribera d’Alcalà M., Caputi L., Iudicone D. “Meta-omics reveals genetic flexibility of diatoms nitrogen transporters in response to environmental changes”. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2019 DOI: 1093/molbev/msz157
- Lauritano C, Ferrante MI, Rogato A.* “Marine natural products from microalgae: an -omics overview”. Marine Drugs 2019, 17(5), 269; Cover of the issue ( *corresponding author
- Sol S., Totev Valkov T., Rogato A, Noguero M., Gargiulo L., Mele G., Lacombe B., Chiurazzi M. “Disruption of the Lotus japonicus transporter LjNPF2. 9 increases shoot biomas...” BMC Plant Biology 2019, 19 (1), 1-14
- Rogato A., Del Prete S., Nocentini A., Carginale V., Supuran C.,Capasso C.“Phaeodactylum tricornutum as a model organism for testing the membrane penetrability of sulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors”. Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, 2019 34 (1), 510-518
- Managò S., Zito G., Rogato A., Casalino M., Esposito E., De Luca A. C., De Tommasi E. “Bio-derived three-dimensional hierarchical nanostructures as efficient SERS substrates for cell membrane probing” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018. 10, 15, 12406-12416
- De Tommasi E, Gielis J, Rogato A. * “Diatom Frustule Morphogenesis and Function: a Multidisciplinary Survey”Mar Genomics. 2017; 35:1-18 Cover of the issue *corresponding author
- Lepetit B, Gélin G, Lepetit M, Sturm S, Vugrinec S, Rogato A, Kroth PG, Falciatore A, Lavaud J “The diatom Phaeodactilum tricornutum adjusts nonphotochenical fluorescence quenching capacity in response to dynamic light via fine-tuned Lhcx and xanthophyll cycle pigment synthesis”. New Phytol. 2017 21. doi: 10.1111/nph.14337
- Valkov VT, Rogato A., Alves LM, Sol S, Noguero M, Léran S, Lacombe B, Chiurazzi M. “The nitrate transporter family protein NPF8.6 controls the N-fixing nodule act...” Plant Physiol. 2017 pp.01187.2017.
- Taddei L*, Stella GR*, Rogato A*, Bailleul B, Fortunato AE, Annunziata R, Sanges R, Thaler M, Lepetit B, Lavaud J, Jaubert M, Finazzi G, Bouly JP, Falciatore A. “Multi-signal control of expression of LHCX protein family in marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum”. Exp. Bot. 2016, 67 (13), 3939-3951 doi: 10.1093/jxb/erw198 *co-first author in this publication
- Rogato A, Valkov Totev V, Alves L M, Apone F, Colucci G, Chiurazzi M. “Down-regulated Lotus japonicus GCR1 plants exhibit nodulation signalling pathways alteration.” Plant Sci. 2016; 247:71-82. doi: 10.1016
- Rogato A. *, Amato, D. Iudicone, M. Chiurazzi, M. I. Ferrante, M. Ribera d’Alcalà“The diatom molecular toolkit to handle nitrogen uptake”. Marine Genomics 2015; 24(1): 95-108 doi: 10.1016 *corresponding author
- D’Apuzzo E, Valkov VT, Parlati A, Omrane S, Barbulova A, Sainz MM, Lentini M, Esposito S, Rogato A, Chiurazzi M.”PII Overexpression in Lotus japonicus Affects Nodule Activity in Permissive Lo... Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2015;28(4):432-42. doi: 10.1094
- Rogato A, Richard H, Sarazin A, Voss B, Cheminant Navarro S, Champeimont R, Navarro L, Carbone A, Hess WR, Falciatore A. “The diversity of small non-coding RNAs in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum” BMC Genomics 2014; 15(1): 698. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-698
- Lepetit B, Sturm S, Rogato A, Gruber A, Sachse M, Falciatore A, Kroth P, Lavaud J “High light acclimation in the secondary plastids containing diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum is triggered by the redox state of the plastoquinone pool”. Plant Physiology, 2013 3: p. 853-86511
- Depauw F, Rogato A, Ribera d’Alcalà M and Falciatore A. “Exploring the molecular basis of response to light in marine diatoms”. Jour. of Experimental Botany, 2012 63(4):1575-91.
- Bailleul B *., Rogato A*., de Martino A., Coesel S., Cardol P., Bowler C., Falciatore A. Finazzi G. “LHCX1 an atypical member of the LHCSR protein family, modulates diatoms response to light” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci 2010, 107: 18214-9 *co-first author in this publication
- Rogato A., D’Apuzzo E*., Barbulova A., Omrane S., Parlati A., Carfagna S., Costa A., Lo Schiavo F., Esposito S. and Chiurazzi M. “Characterization of a developmental root response caused by external ammonium supply in Lotus japonicus” Plant Physiology 2010, 0: pp.110.160309v1
- Rogato A., D’Apuzzo E. and Chiurazzi M. “The multiple plant response to high ammonium condition: the Lotus japonicus3 protein acts as a putative transceptor”. Plant Signal Behav. 2010, Dec 1;5 (12)
- De Riso V., Raniello R., Maumus F., Rogato A., Bowler C. and Falciatore A. “Gene silencing in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricotnutum”. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, 37(14):e96
- Coesel S., Mangogna M., Ishikawa T., Heijde M., Rogato A., Finazzi G., Takeshi T., Bowler C.and Falciatore A. “Diatom PtCPF1 is a new cryptochrome/photolyase family member with DNA repair and transcription regulation activity”. EMBO Rep. 2009, 10(6): 655-61
- Omrane S., Ferrarini A., D’Apuzzo E., Rogato A., Delledonne M. and Chiurazzi M.“Symbiotic competence in Lotus japonicus is affected by plant nitrogen status: transcriptomic identification of genes affected by a new signalling pathway”.New Phytol. 2009, 183(2):380-94
- Rogato A., D’Apuzzo E., Barbulova A., Omrane S., Stedel C., Rosin U. S.,Katinakis P., Flametakis M., Udvardi M., Chiurazzi M. “Tissue-specific down-regulation of LjAMT1;1 compromises nodule function and enhances nodulation in Lotus japonicus”. Plant Molecular Biology 2008, 68 (6):585-9
- Barbulova A., Rogato A., D’Apuzzo E., Omrane S., Chiurazzi M. “Differential effects of combined N sources on early steps of the Nod Factor-Dependent transduction pathways in Lotus japonicus”. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction 2007, 20(8): 994-1003
- Barbulova A., D’Apuzzo E., Rogato A. and Chiurazzi M. “Improved procedures for in vitro regeneration and for phenotypical analysis in the model legume Lotus japonicus”. Functional Plant Biology 2005, 32: 529-536
- Ferraioli S., Tatè R., Rogato A., Chiurazzi M. and Patriarca E. J. “Development of ectopic roots from abortive nodule primordia”. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction 2004.17:1043-10
- D’Apuzzo E. *, Rogato A*., Simon-Rosin U., El Alaoui H., Barbulova A., Betti M., Dimou M., Katinakis P., Marquez A., Marini A.-M., Udvardi K. M. and Chiurazzi M.“Characterization of three functional high affinity ammonium transporter in Lotus japonicus with differential transcriptional regulation and spatial expression”. Plant Physiology 2004, 134: 1763-1774 *co-first author in this publication
- Title of the project: “Sensing the Environment: Nitrogen handling Strategies in diatoms - SENSing" PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE -Bando 2022 PNRR Prot. P2022NAJAC. Principal Investigator Alessandra Rogato
- Title of the project: “Molecular mechanisms controlling algal growth, from the lab to the sea and back-OSCAR”. PRIN proposal: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE - Bando 2022, Responsabile Unità CNR-IBBR Alessandra Rogato
- POR H2 AdP MMES/ENEA This research was funded by the European Union - NextGeneration EU from the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security Piano Operativo della Ricerca "Ricerca e sviluppo sull’idrogeno" finanziato dall’Unione Europea - NextGenerationEU - M2C2 Investimento 3.5
- Project Title: IBISBA-IT Project: the Italian node of the European Research Infrastructure IBISBA in which it occupies a well-defined position within four specific areas: Synthetic Biology, Green Chemistry, Sustainable Bioenergy, and Functional Food. Member
- Project Title: Green and Circular Economy (GECE) project N.856, year 2019, funded by the Italian Ministry of University Education and Research (MIUR), Responsabile scientifico WP7 per IBBR “Nuove fonti alimentari da piante acquatiche e microalghe”
- Project Title: BIP BioIndustrial Processess: Founding source: Realizzazione della rete delle biotecnologie campane in attuazione delle azioni a valere e obiettivo operativo 2.1 del POR Campania 2007/2013
- Project Title: “Qualità delle produzioni tipiche campane ed il suo territorio: approcci innovativi ed integrati per rafforzare la competitività del sistema Agroalimentare QUARC”. Funding source: CAMPUS per Progetti di Ricerca Industriale e Sviluppo Sperimentale in attuazione degli obiettivi operativi 2.1 e 2.2. del programma operativo FESR Campania 2007/2013 - POR
- Project Title: “FaReBio di Qualità -Farmaci e reti Biotecnologiche di Qualità”. Funding source: Italian Ministry of Research and Education (MIUR)
- Member of the commission for : della selezione a n. 1 assegno professionalizzante per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca da svolgersi nell’ambito del programma di ricerca “Bando di cooperazione scientifica - Accordo CNR/RFBR (Russia) triennio 2018-2020, CUP B61G18000350005” da usufruirsi presso l’Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse UOS di Napoli. Avviso di selezione n° IBBR-AR-002-2019-NA
- Membro della Commissione esaminatrice della selezione a n. 1 assegno professionalizzante per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca da svolgersi nell’ambito del programma di ricerca “Extracellular vesicles from a natural source for tailormade nanomaterials’ — ‘Ves4US’ - GRANT AGREEMENT CUP B61G18000440006” da usufruirsi presso l’Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse UOS di Napoli. Avviso di selezione n° IBBR-AR-001-2019-NA
- Responsabile del Procedimento selettivo: Oggetto: BANDO IBBR-001-2017-NA - Selezione per titoli e colloquio ai sensi dell’ 8 del“Disciplinare concernente le assunzioni di personale con contratto di lavoro a tempo determinato”, per l’assunzione, ai sensi dell’art. 23 del D.P.R. 12 febbraio 1991 n. 171, di n. 1 unità di personale con profilo professionale di Ricercatore - livello III a tempo parziale presso l’Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse - SS di Napoli, dal 03-06-2017 al 01-09-2017
- Membro della Commissione esaminatrice, con funzione di Segretario, per Incarico di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa presso l’Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse - SS di Napoli. Avviso n. 01/2016 NA
- Membro della Commissione Tipologia concorso: Avviso pubblico n. IBBR-AR-004-2015-NA per il conferimento di N. 1 assegno tipologia “Assegni professionalizzanti” per l’espletamento della seguente attività“Sviluppo di processi innovativi e di prodotti di qualità per il benessere dei consumatori e la valorizzazione del comparto agroalimentare campano” nell’ ambito del POR Campania FSE 2007/2013-POR Campania FSE 2014/2020, asse IV-Capitale umano da usufruirsi presso l’Istituto di Bioscenze e BioRisorse del CNR UOS di Napoli. Lettera di nomina protocollo n. 0007912 data 21/09/2015 dal 21-09-2015 al 25-10-2015.
- Membro della commissione esaminatrice per Incarico di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa di n. 1 unità di personale presso l’ Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse - SS di Napoli. Avviso n, 07/2014 NA
- Membro della Commessa CNR SV.P16.011 (A) Sviluppo e funzionamento dei sistemi complessi - Uso di modelli biologici Tematiche di ricerca: L’uso di sistemi modello e’ universalmente riconosciuto come un momento focale nello studio di meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nello sviluppo e differenziamento e di geni-malattia. Il continuo miglioramento degli approcci sperimentali ed il costante aggiornamento di banche dati dei sistemi modello costituiscono un imprescindibile attributo di una ricerca di alto profilo. La commessa raggruppa un insieme di ricercatori che si occupano di sistemi modelli che coprono la grande maggioranza di quelli usati nella moderna biologia: topo (Filosa), Drosophila (Gigliotti, Andrenacci, Digilio), C. elegans (Di Schiavi, La Volpe, Adamo), funghi e lieviti (Storlazzi), Arabidopsis e L. japonicus (Chiurazzi, Rogato), E. coli (Defez, Bianco), diatomee (Rogato), culture cellulari (Crispi).
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
The Lotus japonicus NPF3.1 Is a Nodule-Induced Gene That Plays a Positive Role in Nodule Functioning
Vittozzi Y, Nadzieja M, Rogato A, Radutoiu S, Valkov VT, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2021
Physical, chemical, and genetic techniques for diatom frustule modification: Applications in nanotechnology
Rogato A, De Tommasi E
Year: 2020
The functional characterization of LjNRT2.4 indicates a novel, positive role of nitrate for an efficient nodule N2-fixation activity
Valkov VT, Sol S, Rogato A, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2020
Phaeodactylum tricornutum as a model organism for testing the membrane penetrability of sulphonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Rogato A, Del Prete S, Nocentini A, Carginale V, Supuran CT, Capasso C
Year: 2019
Disruption of the Lotus japonicus transporter LjNPF2.9 increases shoot biomass and nitrate content without affecting symbiotic performances
Sol S, Valkov VT, Rogato A, Noguero M, Gargiulo L, Mele G, Lacombe B, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2019
Bio-derived three-dimensional hierarchical nanostructures as efficient SERS substrates for cell membrane probing
Managò S, Zito G, Rogato A, Casalino M, Esposito E, De Luca AC, De Tommasi E
Year: 2018
Bio-derived nanostructures as efficient SERS substrates for cell membrane probing
Manago S, Zito G, Rogato A, Casalino M, Esposito E, De Luca AC, De Tommasi E
Year: 2018
TOMRES: screening of traditional tomato varieties for water use efficiency and nutrient use efficiency
Ruggiero A, Batelli G, Van Oosten MJ, Costa A, Grillo S, Maggio A
Year: 2018
Diatom Frustule Morphogenesis and Function: a Multidisciplinary Survey
De Tommasi E, Gielis J, Rogato A
Year: 2017
The nitrate transporter family protein LjNPF8.6 controls the N-fixing nodule activity
Valkov VT, Rogato A, Alves LM, Sol S, Noguero M, Léran S, Lacombe B, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2017
The diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum adjusts nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching capacity in response to dynamic light via fine-tuned Lhcx and xanthophyll cycle pigment synthesis
Lepetit B, Gélin G, Lepetit M, Sturm S, Vugrinec S, Rogato A, Kroth PG, Falciatore A, Lavaud J
Year: 2016
Down-regulated Lotus japonicus GCR1 plants exhibit nodulation signalling pathways alteration
Rogato A, Valkov VT, Alves LM, Apone F, Colucci G, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2016
Dynamics of mathematical models in biology
Rogato A, Zazzu V, Guarracino MR
Year: 2016
Multisignal control of expression of the LHCX protein family in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Taddei L, Stella GR, Rogato A, Bailleul B, Fortunato AE, Annunziata R, Sanges R, Thaler M, Lepetit B, Lavaud J, Jaubert M, Finazzi G, Bouly JP, Falciatore A
Year: 2016
PII Overexpression in Lotus japonicus Affects Nodule Activity in Permissive Low-Nitrogen Conditions and Increases Nodule Numbers in High Nitrogen Treated Plants
D’Apuzzo E, Valkov VT, Parlati A, Omrane S, Barbulova A, Sainz MM, Lentini M, Esposito S, Rogato A, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2015
The diatom molecular toolkit to handle nitrogen uptake
Rogato A, Amato A, Iudicone D, Chiurazzi M, Ferrante MI, D’Alcalà MR
Year: 2015
The diatom molecular toolkit to handle nitrogen uptake
Rogato A, Amato A, Iudicone D, Chiurazzi M, Ferrante MI, D’Alcalà MR
Year: 2015
The diversity of small non-coding RNAs in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Rogato A, Richard H, Sarazin A, Voss B, Navarro soizic C, Champeimont R, Navarro L, Carbone A, Hess WR, Falciatore A
Year: 2014