Angela Carra
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578
E-mail: angela.carra[at]
Personal information
Telephone: +390916574578
Nationality: Italian
Researcher at IBBR/CNR UOS Palermo
The main research activity is involved in programs for the genetic and sanitary improvement of grapevine and other Mediterranean crops. Development of sanitation protocols through somatic embryogenesis of grapevine and other Mediterranean crops. Biodiversity conservation throw plant biotechnologies.
Work experience
2000-2003: PhD Student at the University of Parma.
2003-2012: Independent contractor within the research projects “Coltura in vitro per la conservazione del germoplasma vegetale siciliano minacciato da erosione genetica”; “Conservazione in vivo e in vitro di varietà minori di fruttiferi in via d’estinzione tipici degli ambienti mediterranei”; “Costruzione di una libreria BAC di arancio dolce Vaniglia, estrazione di DNA ad alto peso molecolare da foglie, digestione enzimatica del DNA estratto e selezione dei frammenti aventi peso molecolare compreso tra 100 e 350 kb” at Institute of Plant Genetics (IBBR from 2013), Research Unit of Palermo. Advisor in master degree at IAMB Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari, Valenzano (BA).
2012- : Researcher at Institute of Plant Genetics (IBBR from 2013), Research Unit of Palermo.
PhD: University of Parma, Department of Plant Biology, 2004
Bachelor Degree: University of Parma, 1997
Main Research interest
- In vitro culture aimed to biodiversity conservation, plant regeneration, germplasm conservation and management
- Chemical mutagenesis and isolation of induced mutants
- Micropropagation and in vitro tecniques
- Somatic embryogenesis for genetic and sanitary improvement and plant regeneration
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Increased Zygote-Derived Plantlet Formation through In Vitro Rescue of Immature Embryos of Highly Apomictic Opuntia ficus-indica (Cactaceae)
Carra A, Catalano C, Pathirana R, Sajeva M, Inglese P, Motisi A, Carimi F
Year: 2023
Somatic Embryogenesis and Flow Cytometric Assessment of Nuclear Genetic Stability for Sansevieria spp.: An Approach for In Vitro Regeneration of Ornamental Plants
Catalano C, Carra A, Carimi F, Motisi A, Sajeva M, Butler A, Lucretti S, Giorgi D, Farina A, Abbate L
Year: 2023
Propagation of Calendula maritima Guss. (Asteraceae) through biotechnological techniques for possible usage in phytotherapy
Catalano C, Abbate L, Carimi F, Carra A, Gristina AS, Motisi A, Pasta S, Garfì G
Year: 2022
Different cell Types Affect the Transition from Juvenile to Mature Phase in Citrus Plants Regenerated through Somatic Embryogenesis
Catalano C, Abbate L, Fatta Del Bosco S, Motisi A, Carimi F, De Michele R, Mercati F, D’onghia AM, Carra A
Year: 2022
Long-term field evaluation of conventional vs. micropropagated plants of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
Catalano C, Carra A, Carimi F, Motisi A, Abbate L, Sarno M, Carrubba A
Year: 2022
Influence of Culture Conditions on In Vitro Asymbiotic Germination of Anacamptis longicornu and Ophrys panormitana (Orchidaceae)
Arcidiacono M, Catalano C, Motisi A, Sajeva M , Carimi F, Carra A
Year: 2021
Autotetraploid emergence via somatic embryogenesis in Vitis vinifera induces marked morphological changes in shoots, mature leaves, and stomata
Catalano C, Abbate L, Motisi M, Crucitti D, Cangelosi V, Pisciotta A, Di Lorenzo R, Carimi F, Carra A
Year: 2021
Translocation to prevent extinction in face of global change: the case of the sterile relict tree Zelkova sicula (Sicily, Italy)
Garfì G, Buord S, Carra A, Catalano C, Fazan L, Gautier C, Gristina AS, Livreri Console S, Motisi A, Perrotta G, Kozlowski G, Pasta S
Year: 2021
Overcoming sexual sterility in conservation of endangered species: the prominent role of biotechnology in the multiplication of Zelkova sicula (Ulmaceae), a relict tree at the brink of extinction
Carra A, Catalano C, Badalamenti O, Carimi F, Pasta S, Motisi A, Abbate L, La Bella F, Fazan L, Kozlowski G, Garfì G
Year: 2019
Somatic embryogenesis of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) and genetic stability assessment of regenerants using flow cytometry and ISSR markers
Raji MR, Lotfi M, Tohidfar M, Zahedi B, Carra A, Abbate L, Carimi F
Year: 2018
Elimination of Grapevine leafroll associated virus-3, Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus and Grapevine virus A from a Tunisian cultivar by somatic embryogenesis and characterization of the somaclones using ampelographic descriptors
Bouamama-Gzara B, Selmi I, Chebil S, Melki I, Mliki A, Ghorbel A, Carra A, Carimi F, Mahfoudhi N
Year: 2017
In vitro propagation of the relict laperinne’s olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. Laperrinei)
Haddad B, Carra A, Saadi A, Haddad N, Mercati F, Gristina AS, Boukhalfa S, Djillali A, Carimi F
Year: 2017
Attempts to eradicate graft-transmissible infections through somatic embryogenesis in Citrus ssp. and analysis of genetic stability of regenerated plants
Meziane M, Frasheri D, Carra A, Boudjeniba M, D’Onghia AM, Mercati F, Djelouah K, Carimi F
Year: 2017
Is in vitro micrografting a possible valid alternative to traditional micropropagation in Cactaceae? Pelecyphora aselliformis as a case study
Badalamenti O, Carra A, Oddo E, Carimi F, Sajeva M
Year: 2016
Strategies for conservation of endangered wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (C.C. Gmel.) Hegi)
Carimi F, Carra A, Panis B, Pathirana R
Year: 2016
In-vitro regeneration of Calendula maritima Guss. (Asteraceae), a threatened plant endemic to western Sicily
Carra A, Bambina M, Pasta S, Garfi G, Badalamenti O, Catalano C, Carimi F, Sajeva M
Year: 2016
Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis in eight Italian grapevine cultivars and the genetic stability of embryo-derived regenerants as assessed by molecular markers
Carra A, Sajeva M, Abbate L, Siragusa M, Pathirana R, Carimi F
Year: 2016
Removal of leafroll viruses from infected grapevine plants by droplet vitrification
Pathirana R, McLachlan A, Hedderley D, Carra A, Carimi F, Panis B
Year: 2015
Somatic embryogenesis and virus elimination in Citrus
Carimi F, D’Onghia Am, Carra A, Djelouah K
Year: 2013
Somatic Embryogenesis and Agrobacterium Mediated Genetic Transformation in Vitis
Carimi F, Pathirana R, Carra A
Year: 2013
Biotechnologies for grapevine germplasm management and improvement.
Carimi F, Pathirana R, Carra A
Year: 2012
Potential use of new diphenylurea derivatives in micropropagation of Capparis spinosa L.
Carra A, Del Signore MB, Sottile F, Ricci A, Carimi F
Year: 2012
In vitro plant regeneration of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from floral explants and genetic stability of regenerants
Carra A, Sajeva M, Abbate L, Siragusa M, Sottile F, Carimi F
Year: 2012
Efficient plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in bulbing fennel using immature flowers explants
Fiore Mc, Carimi F, Carra A, Sunseri F
Year: 2012
A first attempt on sanitation of Algerian Citrus genotypes by stigma/ style somatic embryogenesis
Meziane M, Boudjeniba M, Frasheri D, D’onghia Am, Carra A, Carimi F
Year: 2012
Regeneration of Algerian Citrus germplasm by stigma/style somatic embryogenesis.
Meziane M, Boudjeniba M, Frasheri D, D’onghia Am, Carra A, Carimi F, Haddad N, Boukhalfa S, Braneci S
Year: 2012
Small RNA Extraction and Expression Analysis by Northern Blot
Batelli G, Gambino G, Mica E, Schubert A, Carra A
Year: 2010
Citrus sanitation methods for the elimination of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV)
Meziane M, Frasheri D, Carra A, Djelouah K, Carimi F, D’Onghia AM
Year: 2009