Camilla Avanzi
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 39-055-522-5747
E-mail: camilla.avanzi[at]
Italian, she/her, born 1989 in Monza
Research interests: forest genetics, reproductive dynamics, gene flow, dendrogenetics, marginal and peripheral populations
Professional address: Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Madonna 10, Sesto Fiorentino 50019, Italy
Scopus Author ID: 57203803987
ResearcherID: GBL-5523-2022
Google scholar page:
Academic milestones
2022-present Researcher III level
Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council, Florence, Italy
2019-2022 Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council, Florence, Italy
2019 Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
University of Ferrara (November 2015 - March 2019). Dissertation: Population genetics meets dendrochronology: joint approaches to the exploration of growth and reproductive success in Norway spruce. Advisors: Prof. Stefano Leonardi, Dr. Andrea Piotti
2015 Master Degree in Ecology and Conservation of Nature
University of Parma (October 2012 - April 2015). Dissertation: Struttura genetica spazio-temporale e flusso genico in una popolazione di abete rosso lungo un transetto altitudinale. Advisor: Prof. Stefano Leonardi. Mark: 110/110 cum laude
2012 Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences
University of Milano Bicocca (October 2008 - November 2012). Dissertation: Studio dell’ecologia del moscardino (Moscardinus avellanarius) in alcune aree forestali e agricole campione della Lombardia Occidentale - Advisor: Prof. Luciano Bani. Mark of 110/110 cum laude
Partecipation to national and international projects
[2022-2025] Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano “Programma di Interventi per l’efficientamento energetico, la mobilità sostenibile, la mitigazione e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici degli Enti parco nazionali. Intervento tipologia IV: Valorizzazione delle risorse genetiche e di materiali di propagazione forestale nel Parco nazionale dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano” - Member of the Research Unit
[2022-2023] Parco Nazionale del Pollino “Vivaio di una specie ad alto valore conservazionistico: il Pino loricato (Pinus heldreichii Subsp. leucodermis). Protocollo di raccolta strobili da popolamenti naturali” - Member of the Research Unit
[2021-2025] European project H2020 - FORGENIUS “Improving access to FORest GENetic resources Information and services for end-USers” - Member of the Research Unit
[2021-2024] Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano “Programma di Interventi per l’efficientamento energetico, la mobilità sostenibile, la mitigazione e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici degli Enti parco nazionali. Intervento tipologia IV: Primo programma di interventi per favorire la resilienza delle foreste del parco attraverso interventi favorenti la “migrazione assistita” delle specie arboree" - Member of the Research Unit
[2021-2024] Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna “Ottimizzazione della gestione selvicolturale delle abetine del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi e dei prodotti lignei a ciclo di vita lungo, finalizzati all’aumento dello stoccaggio della CO2, mediante certificazione di gestione forestale sostenibile (GFS) e promozione della catena di custodia (CoC)” - Member of the Research Unit
[2020-2022] Regione Lombardia “ResQ - Deperimento della quercia nei boschi planiziali: studio multidisciplinare per la selezione di risorse genetiche resistenti” - Member of the Research Unit
[2020-2021] Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano “Gestione sostenibile delle popolazioni relitte di abete rosso nel Parco nazionale dell’Appennino tosco-emiliano e delle piantagioni artificiali ad esse limitrofe” - Member of the Research Unit
[2020] TESAF UNIPD “Analisi genetica di campioni di biomassa forestale” - Member of the Research Unit
[2019-2021] ERSAF Lombardia “Assistenza tecnica in ambito forestale per la definizione di criteri e linee guida nella gestione dei querceti lombardi - Progetto LIFE IP Gestire 2020 - Azione A.18 e C.14” - Member of the Research Unit
[2019-2021] Fondazione con il Sud “L’ultima foresta incantata”, Progetto “Ambiente 2018” - Member of the Research Unit
[2019-2020] Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano “Studio della variabilità genetica delle popolazioni di Abete bianco allo scopo di individuare la forma di gestione migliore per evitare la scomparsa dell’habitat prioritario 9220*” - Member of the Research Unit
[2018-2022] European project H2020 - B4EST “Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change” - Member of the Research Unit
[2018] Parco Nazionale della Majella “Indagine integrativa sulla provenienza genetica e livello autoctonia del popolamento di Abies alba in località“Fossa di Pentima” nel territorio del Parco Nazionale della Majella - Member of the Research Unit
[2016-2020] European project H2020 - GenTree “Optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in Europe - Member of the Research Unit
Techical skills
Selection of sampling areas, sampling of leaf and seed material, sampling for contemporary gene flow experiments
Collection of morphometric data
Coring on conifers and broad-leaved tree species
Experience in recognising and assessing decline in oak trees
Characterisation of micro-environmental variability at individual level
DNA extraction of forets tree species, quantification of DNA quality and quantity with spectrophotometer and fluorometer, agarose gel electrophoresis
PCR, fragment size analysis with AB 3500 automatic sequencer
Coding language: R (and some rudiments of C)
Handling elettropherograms to produce robust and reliable microsatellite datasets: GeneMarker
Analysis of genetic data: GeneMarker, GenAlEx, GenePop, HP-RARE, InEst, Bottleneck, Structure, Distruct, StructureHarvester, StructureSelector, CLUMPAK, SpaGeDi, NMπ, FaMoz, Contrib, BAPS, ONeSAMP, Migraine, arlsumstat and main R packages (geneland, adegenet, spdep, related, vegan, adespatial, abc,...)
Simulation of genetic data: fastsimcoal2, SLiM, CDMetaPOP
Analysis of dendrochronological data: basic knowledge of ARSTAN and R package dplR
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Between but not within species variation in the Distribution of Fitness Effects
James J, Kastally C, Budde KB, González-Martínez SC, Milesi P, Pyhäjärvi T, Alizoti P, Alía R, Ambrosio O, Aravanopoulos FA, von Arx G, Audrey A, Auñón F, Avanzi C, Avramidou E, Bagnoli F, Bajc M, Ballesteros E, Barbas E, del Barrio JM, Bastias CC, Bastien C, Beffa G, Benavides R, Benoit V, Bernier F, Bignalet H, Bodineau G, Bouic D, Brodbeck S, Brunetto W, Buchovska J, Buret C, Buy M, Cabanillas-Saldaña AM, Carvalho B, Cavers S, Del Caño F, Cervantes S, Cheval N, Climent JM, Correard M, Cremer E, Danusevičius D, Dauphin B, Denou JL, Dokhelar B, Ducousso A, Fady B, Faivre-Rampant P, Farsakoglou AM, Fonti P, Ganopoulos I, Gilg O, De Girardi N, Graf R, Gray A, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Hartleitner C, Heer K, Hollenbach E, Hurel A, Issenhuth B, Jean F, Jorge V, Jouineau A, Kappner JP, Kesälahti R, Knutzen F, Kujala ST, Kumpula TA, Kärkkäinen K, Labriola M, Lalanne C, Lambertz J, Le-Provost G, Lejeune V, Lesur-Kupin I, Levillain J, Liesebach M, López-Quiroga D, Malliarou E, Marchon J, Mariotte N, Mas A, Matesanz S, Meier B, Meischner H, Michotey C, Morganti S, Myking T, Nievergelt D, Eskild Nilsen A, Notivol E, Ojeda DI, Olsson S, Opgenoorth L, Ostreng G, Pakull B, Perry A, Pinosio S, Piotti A, Plomion C, Poinot N, Pringarbe M, Puzos L, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Rellstab C, Remi D, Reutimann O, Richter S, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Rogier O, Sancho EM, Savolainen O, Scalabrin S, Schneck V, Schueler S, Scotti I, Segundo SS, Semerikov V, Slámová L, Spanu I, Sønstebø JH, Thevenet J, Tollefsrud MM, Turion N, Valladares F, Vendramin GG, Villar M, Westergren M, Westin J, Lascoux M
Year: 2023
A Novel Simplified Protocol for Pre-Processing Whole Wood Samples for Stable Isotope Analysis in Tree Rings
Pericolo O, Avanzi C, Piotti A, Ripullone F, Nola P
Year: 2023
High pollen immigration but no gene flow via-seed into a Genetic Conservation Unit of the endangered Picea omorika after disturbance
Aleksić JM, Mataruga M, Daničić V, Cvjetković B, Milanović Ä, Giuseppe Vendramin G, Avanzi C, Piotti A
Year: 2022
Alla scoperta delle abetine dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
Piotti A, Avanzi C
Year: 2022
Alla scoperta delle abetine dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano. La genetica ci racconta le loro glorie passate, le fragilità del presente e nuove opportunità per boschi misti più resilienti
Piotti A, Avanzi C
Year: 2022
Servizi ecosistemici delle foreste per la salute del pianeta: dalle grandi foreste alle nicchie strategiche. Le foreste italiane: un tesoro genetico per le future foreste d’Europa
Piotti A, Avanzi C
Year: 2022
Fine-scale spatial genetic structure across the species range reflects recent colonization of high elevation habitats in silver fir ( Abies alba Mill.)
Major EI, Höhn M, Avanzi C, Fady B, Heer K, Opgenoorth L, Piotti A, Popescu F, Postolache D, Vendramin GG, Csilléry K
Year: 2021
The GenTree Platform: growth traits and tree-level environmental data in 12 European forest tree species
Opgenoorth L, Dauphin B, Benavides R, Heer K, Alizoti P, Martínez-Sancho E, Alía R, Ambrosio O, Audrey A, Auñón F, Avanzi C, Avramidou E, Bagnoli F, Barbas E, Bastias CC, Bastien C, Ballesteros E, Beffa G, Bernier F, Bignalet H, Bodineau G, Bouic D, Brodbeck S, Brunetto W, Buchovska J, Buy M, Cabanillas-Saldaña AM, Carvalho B, Cheval N, Climent JM, Correard M, Cremer E, Danusevičius D, Caño FD, Denou J-L, Gerardi N, Dokhelar B, Ducousso A, Nilsen AE, Farsakoglou A-M, Fonti P, Ganopoulos I, García del Barrio JM, Gilg O, González-Martínez SC, Graf R, Gray A, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Hartleitner C, Hollenbach E, Hurel A, Issehut B, Jean F, Jorge V, Jouineau A, Kappner J-P, Kärkkäinen K, Kesälahti R, Knutzen F, Kujala ST, Kumpula TA, Labriola M, Lalanne C, Lambertz J, Lascoux M, Lejeune V, Le-Provost G, Levillain J, Liesebach M, López-Quiroga D, Meier B, Malliarou E, Marchon J, Mariotte N, Mas A, Matesanz S, Meischner H, Michotey C, Milesi P, Morganti S, Nievergelt D, Notivol E, Ostreng G, Pakull B, Perry A, Piotti A, Plomion C, Poinot N, Pringarbe M, Puzos L, Pyhäjärvi T, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Rellstab C, Remi D, Richter S, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, San Segundo S, Savolainen O, Schueler S, Schneck V, Scotti I, Semerikov V, Slámová L, Sønstebø JH, Spanu I, Thevenet J, Tollefsrud MM, Turion N, Vendramin GG, Villar M, von Arx G, Westin J, Fady B, Myking T, Valladares F, Aravanopoulos FA, Cavers S
Year: 2021
Population genetics and genomics of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis)
Vendramin GG, Avanzi C, Gonzalez-Martinez S, Grivet D
Year: 2021
Population structure and the influence of microenvironment and genetic similarity on individual growth at Alaskan white spruce treelines
Zacharias M, Pampuch T, Heer K, Avanzi C, Würth DG, Trouillier M, Bog M, Wilmking M, Schnittler M
Year: 2021
Individual reproductive success in Norway spruce natural populations depends on growth rate, age and sensitivity to temperature
Avanzi C, Heer K, Büntgen U, Labriola M, Leonardi S, Opgenoorth L, Piermattei A, Urbinati C, Vendramin GG, Piotti A
Year: 2020
The GenTree Leaf Collection: inter and intraspecific leaf variation in seven forest tree species in Europe
Benavides R, Carvalho B, Bastias CC, López-Quiroga D, Mas A, Cavers S, Gray A, Albet A, Alía R, Ambrosio O, Aravanopoulos F, Auñón F, Avanzi C, Avramidou EV, Bagnoli F, Ballesteros E, Barbas E, Bastien C, Bernier F, Bignalet H, Bouic D, Brunetto W, Buchovska J, Cabanillas-Saldaña AM, Cheval N, Climent JM, Correard M, Cremer E, Danusevičius D, Dauphin B, Del Caño F, Denou J, Dokhelar B, Dourthe R, Farsakoglou A, Fera A, Fonti P, Ganopoulos I, García del Barrio JM, Gilg O, González-Martínez SC, Graf R, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Hartleitner C, Heer K, Hollenbach E, Hurel A, Issehuth B, Jean F, Jorge V, Jouineau A, Kappner J, Kärkkäinen K, Kesälahti R, Knutzen F, Kujala ST, Kumpula T, Labriola M, Lalanne C, Lambertz J, Lascoux M, Le Provost G, Liesebach M, Malliarou E, Marchon J, Mariotte N, Martínez-Sancho E, Matesanz S, Meischner H, Michotey C, Milesi P, Morganti S, Myking T, Nilsen AE, Notivol E, Opgenoorth L, Østreng G, Pakull B, Piotti A, Plomion C, Poinot N, Pringarbe M, Puzos L, Pyhäjärvi T, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Rellstab C, Richter S, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, San Segundo S, Savolainen O, Schneck V, Schueler S, Scotti I, Semerikov V, Henrik Sønstebø J, Spanu I, Thevenet J, Tollefsrud MM, Turion N, Vendramin GG, Villar M, Westin J, Fady B, Valladares F
Year: 2020
The GenTree Dendroecological Collection, tree-ring and wood density data from seven tree species across Europe
Martínez-Sancho E, Slámová L, Morganti S, Grefen C, Carvalho B, Dauphin B, Rellstab C, Gugerli F, Opgenoorth L, Heer K, Knutzen F, von Arx G, Valladares F, Cavers S, Fady B, Alía R, Aravanopoulos F, Avanzi C, Bagnoli F, Barbas E, Bastien C, Benavides R, Bernier F, Bodineau G, Bastias CC, Charpentier JP, Climent JM, Corréard M, Courdier F, Danusevicius D, Farsakoglou AM, del Barrio JM, Gilg O, González-Martínez SC, Gray A, Hartleitner C, Hurel A, Jouineau A, Kärkkäinen K, Kujala ST, Labriola M, Lascoux M, Lefebvre M, Lejeune V, Le-Provost G, Liesebach M, Malliarou E, Mariotte N, Matesanz S, Michotey C, Milesi P, Myking T, Notivol E, Pakull B, Piotti A, Plomion C, Pringarbe M, Pyhäjärvi T, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Ramskogler K, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Savolainen O, Schueler S, Semerikov V, Spanu I, Thévenet J, Mette Tollefsrud M, Turion N, Veisse D, Vendramin GG, Villar M, Westin J, Fonti P
Year: 2020
Le foreste: risorse fondamentali per la vita umana
Meneguzzo F, Piotti A, Avanzi C, Zabini F
Year: 2020
Functional relationships of wood anatomical traits in Norway spruce
Piermattei A, von Arx G, Avanzi C, Fonti P, Gärtner H, Piotti A, Urbinati C, Vendramin GG, Büntgen U, Crivellaro A
Year: 2020
Disentangling the effects of spatial proximity and genetic similarity on individual growth performances in Norway spruce natural populations
Avanzi C, Piermattei A, Piotti A, Büntgen U, Heer K, Opgenoorth L, Spanu I, Urbinati C, Vendramin GG, Leonardi S
Year: 2019
Influence of spatiotemporal dynamics on the fine-scale spatial genetic structure of differently managed Picea abies stands
Piotti A, Garbarino M, Avanzi C, Berretti R, Motta R, Piovani P, Leonardi S
Year: 2018