Cristina Vettori
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-5225728
E-mail: cristina.vettori[at]
Curriculum Vitae
Work Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Florence, National Research Council, - Via Madonna del Piano, 10 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy,
Tel: ++39 055 5225728, Fax: ++39 055 5225705
Education and Training
(from 2020 back to 1993)
- 07 January 2019 to present: Responsible (RUOS) of IBBR Division of Florence
- December 2017: Get National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for Full Professor in the sector 07/B2 (Scienze e Tecnologie dei Sistemi Arborei e Forestali:validity from 05/12/2017 to 05/12/2026)
- February 2014: Get National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for Associate Professor in the sector 07/E1 (Chimica Agraria, Genetica Agraria e Pedologia: validity from dal 28/02/2014 to 29/02/2023).
- From 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2014 Tutor PhD of the “Dottorato di Scienze e Tecnologie Vegetali, Microbiche e Genetiche ciclo XXVII (Scuola di Agraria, Università degli Studi di Firenze)
- From 05/05/2013 to 31/05/2013 Training of 2 Short Term Scientific Mission COST FP0905 (COST-STSM-FP0905-13718; COST-STSM-FP0905- 13187)
- From 01/02/2012 to 30/03/2013 Tutor of Fellowships related to LIFE DEMETRA
- From 15/04/2010 to 15/06/2013 Tutor of Fellows for Research related to LIFE DEMETRA
- From 01/07/2010 to 28/04/2011 Co-Tutor Thesis in Scienze e Tecnologie dei Sistemi Forestali (Facoltà di Agraria UNIFI): Risposta ad alti livelli di CO2 in Fagus sylvatica,
- Nov 2010: COST Short Term Mission at the Universidad Nacional De la Plata, Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias Y Forestale (La Plata, Argentina)
- Dec 2001: Permanent position as Researcher at the Forest Tree Breeding Institute of the National Research Council of Florence
- Jul 2000: Post Doc at the Forest Tree Breeding Institute of the National Research Council of Florence
- June 1998: Research fellow at the Forest Tree Breeding Institute of the National Research Council of Florence
- Dec 1999: “Short-term mobility” in the Department of Biology, New York University (USA)
- May 1998: Ph.D. in "Crop and Forest Genetics", University of Florence
- Feb - April 1998, Research activity at the IMGPF- CNR, Florence, Italy.
- Nov 1997: Get professional abilitation in Biology
- March - July 1996: Research activity in the Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, Department of Biology, of the New York University
- Sept 1993/94: One year training in Biology, in the Laboratory of Genetics, Department of Animal Biology and Genetics, University of Studies of Florence
- July 1993: Graduated in Biology at the University of Florence
Project Responsibility
- May 2021 to present: Resposible of Task 2.3 Soil biology and biodiversity, and Task 2.6 Genetic selection of resilient and high-quality trees of the Project "Mediterranean Agroecosystems for Sustainability and Resilience under Climate Change (MA4SURE)" (PRIMA CALL 2020, Section 2, MIUR: Progetto Prima 20_00074)
- September 2019 to present: Project manager Project LIFE18ENV/IT/000124, LIFE SySTEMiC (;
- April 2010 - 2014: Coordinator COST Action FP0905 EU (;;;;
- April 2010 - 2014: Grant Holder COST Action FP0905 EU
- Jan 2011 - June 2013: Coordinator Project LIFE+: LIFE08 NAT/IT/000342, DEMETRA (;
- Jan 2010 - June 2013: Scientific Responsible of the LIFE08 NAT/IT/000342, DEMETRA project and of the CNR Unit DEMETRA
- Jul 2009: Responsible of the Project Training School on "FUNCTIONAL AND COMPUTATIONAL GENOMICS IN BEECH”, Action E52
- Nov 2004 to present: Scientific Responsible, Transfer Agreement with University of Ottawa (Canada) on research activity on Trangenic Plants
- Jul 2001 - May 2003: Coordinator, Project CNR-Agenzia 2000 entitled: “Genetic pollution in agro-forest ecosystems resulting from release of exogenous microorganism: binding of DNA on humic acids"
Organization of scientific activities
- 1st COST iPLANTA Conference Creating a Plant RNAi Research Network (COST Action CA15223): local organizer, CNR Rome (Italy) from 15/02/2017 to 17/02/2017
- Member of Scientific Committee of the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference 2017 (4-9/06/2017, Concepción, Chile)
- From 2/06/2013 to 12/06/2015: Organiser as Chair of the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference 2015 (8-12 June 2015, Florence, Italy)
- Organiser and Chairman of the Policy Maker meeting (09/04/2014, Brussels, Belgium)
- Organiser of the Final Conference COST Action FP0905 (4-5/03/2013, Rome, Italy)
- Organiser and Chairman at the Workshop COST Action FP0905 “Planting the seeds of gnetically modified trees”. ESOF 2012 (12 July 2012, Dublin, Ireland)
- Chairman at the Workshop COST Action FP0905 “Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives”. IUFRO Tree Biotechnology (June/July 2011, Brazil)
- Organiser of the Workshop COST Action FP0905 “Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives”. IUFRO Tree Biotechnology (June/July 2011, Brasile)
- Organiser of the Workshop COST Action FP0905 “Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives”. 11th International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (ISBGMO, 15-20 November 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Organiser of thr MC and Workshop at COST Action FP0905 “15 years Tree Biosafety Research in Germany” (8-9 September 2010, Hamburg, Germany)
- Scientific Committee of the Workshop COST E52 “Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry (Burgos - Spain, 3-7 Maggio, 2010).
- Member of the organiser committee of the Workshop COST E52 “Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry (Firenze 16-17 Aprile, 2008).
- Organiser Training school on "FUNCTIONAL AND COMPUTATIONAL GENOMICS IN BEECH": COST Training School Support, Action E52, Reference code: COST-School-E52-00179 (Sesto Fiorentino, FI, dal 20/07/2009 al 24/07/2009).
- 2006 - 2010 Italian member of the WG1 and WG2 of the COST E52 “Evaluation of Beech Genetic Resources for Sustainable Forestry
Reviewer activity
- Feb 2013: Reviewer MIUR projects
- From 2009 to present: Reviewer of international journal with IF
- Aug 2007 - Dec 2008: Reviewer Project FP7-People-2007/2008 (European Community)
- Jul 2003 - Dec 2006: Reviewer Project FP6-2002/2006 Marie Curie (European Community)
Teaching Activity
- Jun 2010: Teacher EVOLTREE Training School (München/Freising Germany)
- Jul 2009: Teacher Training school on "FUNCTIONAL AND COMPUTATIONAL GENOMICS IN BEECH" (Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy)
- Sept 2008: Teacher EVOLTREE Training School (München/Freising Germany)
- Dec 2007 - Feb 2008: Teaching at the course “Genetica di popolazione” del corso di Conservazione delle Risorse Genetiche, University of Florence (A.A: 2207/2008)
- Oct 2006 - Jan 2007: Teaching at the course “Analisi della variabilità in popolazioni forestali ai fini della conservazione”, University of Florence (A.A: 2006/2007)
- April 2006: Teacher at the Training Course in Genetica e Conservazione delle Risorse Genetiche organizzato dal Dipartimento Azienda Regionale Foreste Demaniali Regione Siciliana
- Mar 2006: Teacher at the Training Course in Genetica e Conservazione delle Risorse Genetiche organizzato dal Dipartimento Azienda Regionale Foreste Demaniali Regione Siciliana
- Mar 1996 - Jul 1996: Teacher and development and supervision of the course Module on transformation and transduction laboratory course in microbiology, at the New York University (USA)
Publications, Books and Articles
Please find the full list of my publications at the following URL:;
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Assessment of biodiversity indicators in beech forests with diverse management systems in the Italian Apennines
Parisi F, Vangi E, Mazziotta A, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Garosi C, Londi G, Marchetti M, Tognetti R, Chirici G, Travaglini D
Year: 2023
Meta-Analysis as a Tool to Identify Candidate Genes Involved in the Fagus sylvatica L. Abiotic Stress Response
Garosi C, Ferrante R, Vettori C, Paffetti D
Year: 2022
An Epigenetic Alphabet of Crop Adaptation to Climate Change
Guarino F, Cicatelli A, Castiglione S, Agius DR, Orhun GE, Fragkostefanakis S, Leclercq J, Dobránszki J, Kaiserli E, Lieberman-Lazarovich M, Sõmera M, Sarmiento C, Vettori C, Paffetti D, Poma AM, Moschou PN, Gašparović M, Yousefi S, Vergata C, Berger MM, Gallusci P, Miladinović D, Martinelli F
Year: 2022
Sequencing of two transgenic early-flowering poplar lines confirmed vector-free single-locus T-DNA integration
Kersten B, Leite Montalvão AP, Hoenicka H, Vettori C, Paffetti D, Fladung M
Year: 2020
A single gene underlies the dynamic evolution of poplar sex determination
Müller NA, Kersten B, Leite Montalvão AP, Mähler N, Bernhardsson C, Bräutigam K, Carracedo Lorenzo Z, Hoenicka H, Kumar V, Mader M, Pakull B, Robinson KM, Sabatti M, Vettori C, Ingvarsson PK, Cronk Q, Street NR, Fladung M
Year: 2020
Land use and wind direction drive hybridization between cultivated poplar and native species in a Mediterranean floodplain environment
Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Labriola M, Buonamici A, Bottalico F, Materassi A, Fasano G, Nocentini S, Vettori C
Year: 2018
Phenotypic trait variation measured on European genetic trials of Fagus sylvatica L
Robson TM, Garzón MB, Alia Miranda R, Barba Egido D, Bogdan S, Borovics A, Bozic G, Brendel O, Clark J, De Vries SM, Delehan II, Ducousso A, Fady B, Fennessy J, Forstreuter M, Frydl J, Geburek T, Gomory D, Hauke-Kowalska M, Huber G, Ibañez JI, Ionita L, Ivankovic M, Hansen JK, Kóczán- Horváth A, Kraigher H, Lee S, Liesebach M, Mátyás C, Mertens P, Muhs HJ, Novotny P, Parnuta G, Paule L, Picardo A, Rasztovics E, Rogge M, Stener LG, Sulkowska M, Urban O, Wuehlisch GV, Vendramin GG, Vettori C, Wesoly W
Year: 2018
Assessment of the impact of forest harvesting operations on the physical parameters and microbiological components on a Mediterranean sandy soil in an Italian stone pine stand
Cambi M, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Picchio R, Venanzi R, Marchi E
Year: 2017
Analysing phenological features in natural and semi-natural environments next to cultivated fields as a prerequisite for potential pollen flow evaluation
Tomaselli V, De Vincenzi M, Fasciano C, Materassi A, Veronico G, Paffetti D, Vettori C
Year: 2017
Genetic diversity of walnut (Juglans Regia L.) in the eastern Italian Alps
Vischi M, Chiabà C, Raranciuc S, Poggetti L, Messina R, Ermacora P, Cipriani G, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Testolin R
Year: 2017
Public Knowledge and Perceptions of Safety Issues Towards the Use of Genetically Modified Forest Trees: A Cross-Country Pilot Survey
Kazana V, Tsourgiannis L, Iakovoglou V, Stamatiou C, Alexandrov A, Araújo S, Bogdan S, Božič G, Brus R, Bossinger G, Boutsimea A, Celepirović N, Cvrčková H, Fladung M, Ivanković M, Kazaklis A, Koutsona P, Luthar Z, Máchová P, Malá J, Mara K, Mataruga M, Moravcikova J, Paffetti D, Paiva JA, Raptis D, Sanchez C, Sharry S, Salaj T, Šijačić-Nikolić M, Tel-Zur N, Tsvetkov I, Vettori C, Vidal N
Year: 2016
Public attitudes towards the use of transgenic forest trees: a cross-country pilot survey
Kazana V, Tsourgiannis L, Iakovoglou V, Stamatiou C, Alexandrov A, Araújo S, Bogdan S, Bozic G, Brus R, Bossinger G, Boutsimea A, Celepirović N, Cvrčková H, Fladung M, Ivankovic M, Kazaklis A, Koutsona P, Luthar Z, Máchová P, Malá J, Mara K, Mataruga M, Moravcikova J, Paffetti D, Paiva J, Raptis D, Sanchez C, Sharry S, Salaj T, Šijačić-Nikolić M, Tel-Zur N, Tsvetkov I, Vettori C, Vidal N
Year: 2016
Approaches and tools for a socio-economic assessment of gm forest tree crops: factors for consideration in cost-benefit analyses
Kazana V, Tsourgiannis L, Iakovoglou V, Stamatiou C, Kazaklis A, Koutsona P, Raptis D, Boutsimea A, Šijačić-Nikolić M, Vettori C, Fladung M
Year: 2016
Genome Sequences of Populus tremula Chloroplast and Mitochondrion: Implications for Holistic Poplar Breeding
Kersten B, Faivre Rampant P, Mader M, Le Paslier MC, Bounon R, Berard A, Vettori C, Schroeder H, Leplé JC, Fladung M
Year: 2016
The COST Action FP0905 Experiences on the Web: Web 2.0 and Scientific Dissemination
Migliacci F, Paffetti D, Sweet J, Vettori C
Year: 2016
Vettori C, Fladung M
Year: 2016
Adapting through glacial cycles: insights from a long-lived tree (Taxus baccata)
Mayol M, Riba M, González-Martínez SC, Bagnoli F, de Beaulieu JL, Berganzo E, Burgarella C, Dubreuil M, Krajmerová D, Paule L, Romšáková I, Vettori C, Vincenot L, Vendramin GG
Year: 2015
Would Consumers Be Willing to Buy Woody Biomass Energy Products of Transgenic Origin?
Tsourgiannis L, Kazana V, Karasavvoglou A, Vettori C, Fladung M, Sijacic-Nikolic M, Ionita L
Year: 2015
State and Perspectives of Genetically Modified Trees in some Western Balkan Countries
Nonic M, Nedeljkovic J, Radojevic U, Vettori C, Sijacic-Nikolic M
Year: 2014
COST Action FP0905: Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees
Vettori C, Pilate G, Häggman H, Gallardo F, Ionita L, Ruohonen-lehto M, Glandorf B, Harfouche A, Biricolti S, Paffetti D, Kazana V, Sijacic-Nikolic M, Tsourgiannis L, Migliacci F, Donnarumma F, Minol K, Fladung M
Year: 2014
Geographical information systems for environmental risk assessment and GMO monitoring
Bottalico F, Donnarumma F, Fiorentini S, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Travaglini D
Year: 2013
Sistemi informativi gografici per la valutazione del rischio ambientale e il monitoraggio degli OGM
Bottalico F, Donnarumma F, Fiorentini S, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Travaglini D
Year: 2013
Flusso Pollinico
Buonamici A, Biricolti S, Balducci E, Travaglini D, Paffetti D, Chelazzi L, Materassi A, Fasano G, Donnarumma F, Vettori C
Year: 2013
Pollen flow
Buonamici A, Biricolti S, Balducci E, Travaglini D, Paffetti D, Chelazzi L, Materassi A, Fasano G, Donnarumma F, Vettori C
Year: 2013
Diversità dei microrganismi
Casalone E, Vitali F, Caroppo C, Senatore G, Vettori C, Indorato C, Mastromei G
Year: 2013
Soil microorganisms diversity
Casalone E, Vitali F, Caroppo C, Senatore G, Vettori C, Indorato C, Mastromei G
Year: 2013
Delineation of an analysis method for assessing the risks of genetically modified plants on the environment
Donnarumma F, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Lisa C, Buonamici A, Bottalico F, Vettori C
Year: 2013
Descrizione di un metodo di analisi per stabilire i rischi associati alle piante geneticamente modificate nell’ambiente
Donnarumma F, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Lisa C, Buonamici A, Bottalico F, Vettori C
Year: 2013
Breeding evaluation
Paffetti D, Buonamici A, Travaglini D, Labriola M, Bottalico F, Fiorentini S, Materassi A, Vettori C
Year: 2013
Paffetti D, Buonamici A, Travaglini D, Labriola M, Bottalico F, Fiorentini S, Materassi A, Vettori C
Year: 2013
Within-population genetic structure in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands characterized by different disturbance histories: does forest management simplify population substructure?
Piotti A, Leonardi S, Heuertz M, Buiteveld J, Geburek T, Gerber S, Kramer K, Vettori C, Vendramin GG
Year: 2013
Vettori C, Bartalucci L, Lazzarotto C, Paffetti D, Perfetti A, Travaglini D
Year: 2013
Vettori C, Bartalucci L, Lazzarotto C, Paffetti D, Perfetti A, Travaglini D
Year: 2013
Description of the Studied Areas
Vettori C, Bottalico F, Chelazzi L, Fiorentini S, Paffetti D, Tomaselli V, Travaglini D
Year: 2013
Descrizione delle aree di studio
Vettori C, Bottalico F, Chelazzi L, Fiorentini S, Paffetti D, Tomaselli V, Travaglini D
Year: 2013
DEvelopment of a quick Monitoring index as a tool to assess Environmental impacts of TRAnsgenic crops (DEMETRA)
Vettori C, Travaglini D, Bartalucci L, Lazzarotto C, Paffetti D, Chelazzi L, Perfetti A
Year: 2013
Evaluation of pollen flow in relation to a quick monitoring index (QMI)
Balducci E, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Biricolti S, Bottalico F, Fiorentini S, Buonamici A, Donnarumma F, Materassi A, Fasano G, Chelazzi L, Cimò F, Colombini I, Bartalucci L, Perfetti A, Tomaselli V, Gorelli S, Tonazzini F, Vettori C
Year: 2012
Evaluation of a possible breeding between Brassica napus cultivar and Sinapis arvensis in the field
Buonamici A, Labriola M, Paffetti D, Tomaselli V, Travaglini D, Bottalico F, Balducci E, Materassi A, Fasano G, Vettori C
Year: 2012
Characterization of genetic diversity in poplar stands and evaluation of potential breeding between natural and cultivated populations in Mediterranean environment
Buonamici A, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Bottalico F, Fiorentini S, Lisa C, Labriola MC, Materassi A, Fasano G, Chelazzi L, Tomaselli V, Vettori C
Year: 2012
DEvelopment of a quick Monitoring index as a tool to assess Environmental impacts of TRAnsgenic crops
Donnarumma F, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Chelazzi L, Bartalucci L, Lazzorotto C, Perfetti A, Balducci E, Bottalico F, Vettori C
Year: 2012
A risk analysis method to evaluate the effect of genetically modified plants in the environment
Donnarumma F, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Chelazzi L, Bartalucci L, Lazzorotto C, Perfetti A, Balducci E, Bottalico F, Vettori C
Year: 2012
European discussion forum on transgenic tree biosafety
Fladung M, Altosaar I, Bartsch D, Baucher M, Boscaleri F, Gallardo F, Häggman H, Hoenicka H, Nielsen K, Paffetti D, Séguin A, Stotzky G, Vettori C
Year: 2012
Genetically modified trees - State and perspectives
Nonic M, Vettori C, Boscaleri F, Milovanovic J, Sijacic-Nikolic M
Year: 2012
The influence of forest management on beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand structure and genetic diversity
Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Buonamici A, Nocentini S, Vendramin GG, Giannini R, Vettori C
Year: 2012
Characterization, structure and genetic dating of an old-growth beech-fir forest in the northern Apennines (Italy)
Travaglini D, Paffetti D, Bianchi L, Bottacci A, Bottalico F, Giovannini G, Maltoni A, Nocentini S, Vettori C, Calamini G
Year: 2012
COST Action FP0905: Biosafety of forest transgenic trees
Vettori C, Pilate G, Häggman H, Gallardo F, Ionita L, Ruohonen-Lehto M, Glandorf B, Harfouche A, Biricolti S, Paffetti D, Kazana V, Sijacic-Nikolic M, Tsourgiannis L, Migliacci F, Donnarumma F, Minol K, Fladung M
Year: 2012
Valutazione dell’impatto di possibili coltivazioni di pioppo transgenico in aree protette
Buonamici A, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Biricolti S, Bottalico F, Chelazzi L, Cimò F, Colombini I, Fiorentini S, Tomaselli V, Fasano G, Materassi A, Vettori C
Year: 2011
Evaluating impact of possible transgenic poplar cultivation on protected areas
Buonamici A, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Biricolti S, Bottalico F, Chelazzi L, Cimò F, Colombini I, Fiorentini S, Tomaselli V, Vettori C
Year: 2011
Isolation and characterisation of bacterial colonies from seeds and in vitro cultures of Fraxinus spp. from Italian sites
Donnarumma F, Capuana M, Vettori C, Petrini G, Giannini R, Indorato C, Mastromei G
Year: 2011
Transgene copy number estimation and analysis of gene expression levels in Populus spp. transgenic lines
Donnarumma F, Paffetti D, Fladung M, Biricolti S, Dieter E, Altosaar I, Vettori C
Year: 2011
Environmental impact assessment and monitoring of genetically modified trees
Gallardo F, Ionita L, Ruohonen-Lehto M, Harfouche A, Biricolti S, Boerjan W, Glandorf B, Jouanin L, Fladung M, Vettori C
Year: 2011
Dissemination of Cost Action FP0905 information by website
Migliacci F, Fladung M, Vettori C, Leplé J-C, Minol K, Donnarumma F
Year: 2011
Effects of high levels of CO2 on gene expression in two different genotypes of Fagus sylvatica
Paffetti D, Maren O, Fladung M, Ernst D, Markussen T, Forstreuter M, Donnarumma F, Kucerová V, Veste M, Vettori C
Year: 2011
Biological characterization of genetically modified trees (GMTs)
Pilate G, Haggman H, Allona I, Curtu L, Salaj T, Nilsson O, Fladung M, Vettori C
Year: 2011
Comparison of pollen gene flow among four European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations characterized by different management regimes
Piotti A, Leonardi S, Buiteveld J, Geburek T, Gerber S, Kramer K, Vettori C, Vendramin GG
Year: 2011
A Life+ Project (DEMETRA) for evaluating the impacts of transgenic crops on natural environments
Tomaselli V, Paffetti D, Travaglini D, Chelazzi L, Biricolti S, Boscaleri F, Bottalico F, Buonamici A, Cimò F, Colombini I, Fasano G, Fiorentini S, Mastroianni O, Materassi A, Perfetti A, Russu R, Vettori C
Year: 2011
COST Action FP0905: Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives
Vettori C, Fladung M
Year: 2011
Development of a quick monitoring index as a tool to assess environmental impacts of transgenic crops: the LIFE+ DEMETRA project
Boscaleri F, Perfetti A, Russu R, Travaglini D, Vettori C
Year: 2010
Assessment of local biodiversity in the Migliarino - San Rossore - Massaciuccoli Regional Park (North Tuscany, Italy)
Buonamici A, Casalone E, Chelazzi L, Colombini I, Donnarumma F, Fiorentini S, Messana G, Paffetti D, Perfetti A, Tomaselli V, Travaglini D, Vettori C
Year: 2010
Il bosco vetusto di Fonte Novello
Di Santo D, Catonica C, Ciani L, Di Paolo S, Ferrari B, Giannini R, Paffetti D, Vettori C
Year: 2010
Potential gene exchange between Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki and Bacillus soil in situ
Donnarumma F, Paffetti D, Stotzky G, Giannini R, Vettori C
Year: 2010
Genetic resources of beech in Italy
Giannini R, Capretti P, Emiliani G, Fioravanti M, Nocentini S, Vettori C
Year: 2010
Different gene expression pattern of Populus alba L. genotypes under elevated UV-B radiation
Mara K, Paffetti D, Spanu I, Emiliani G, Raddi S, Vettori C
Year: 2010
LIFE DEMETRA: L’impatto degli OGM sull’ambiente. Il Progetto DEMETRA
Russu R, Boscaleri F, Vettori C, Colombini I, Buonamici A, Casalone E, Vendramin G, Cimò F, Fiorentini S, Tomaselli V, Chelazzi L, Fasano G, Materassi A, Donnarumma F, Bricolti S, Travaglini D, Paffetti D, Bottalico F, Perfetti A, Mastroianni O, Balducci E
Year: 2010
COST action FP0905: Biosafety of forest transgenic trees: improving the scientific basis for safe tree development and implementation of EU policy directives
Vettori C
Year: 2010
Fonte Novello old-growth forest
Vettori C, Paffetti D, Ciani L, Giannini R
Year: 2010
Phylogeny of genus Castanea Miller and identification of C. latifolia (Sord.) in 45.000-year-old samples from Venice Lagoon
Vettori C, Paganelli A, Giannini R, Paffetti D, Emiliani G
Year: 2010
Unexpected presence of Fagus orientalis complex in Italy as inferred from 45.000-year-old DNA pollen samples from Venice lagoon
Paffetti D, Vettori C, Caramelli D, Vernesi C, Lari M, Paganelli A, Paule L, Giannini R
Year: 2007
Valutazione e conservazione della variabilitá del germoplasma forestale in Sicilia
Vettori C, De Carlo A, Proietti AM, Paffetti D, Emiliani G, Saporito L, Giaimi G, Giannini R
Year: 2007
Geographic distribution of genetic variability of Fagus sylvatica L. in Southern Italian populations
Emiliani G, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Giannini R
Year: 2004
Identification of the Fagus sylvatica L. and Fagus orientalis lipsky species and intraspecific variability
Vettori C, Paffetti D, Paule L, Giannini R
Year: 2004
Geographic distribution of chloroplast variation in Italian populations of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Vettori C, Vendramin GG, Anzidei M, Pastorelli R, Paffetti D, Giannini R
Year: 2004
Characterization of microsatellite markers in Fagus sylvatica L. and Fagus orientalis Lipsky
Pastorelli R, Smulders MJ, Van Westende WP, Vosman B, Giannini R, Vettori C, Vendramin GG
Year: 2003
Persistence of toxins and cells of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki
Vettori C, Paffetti D, Saxena D, Stotzky G, Giannini R
Year: 2003
Relict populations of Quercus calliprinos webb on sardinia island identified by chloroplast DNA sequences
Paffetti D, Vettori C, Giannini R
Year: 2001
Transformation and transduction in soil by clay-adsorbed genetic material
Franchi M, Vettori C, Gallori E
Year: 2000
DNA as a possible target for antitumor rurhenium(III) complexes
Gallori E, Vettori C, Alessio E, Gonzalez Vichelz, Vilaplana R, Orioli P, Casini A, Messori L
Year: 2000
Clay minerals protect bacteriophage PBS1 of Bacillus subtilis against inactivation and loss of transducing ability by UV radiation
Vettori C, Gallori E, Stotzky, G
Year: 2000
Clay-nucleic acids complexes: characteristics and implications for the preservation of genetic material in primeval habitats
Franchi M, Bramanti E, Morassi Bonzi L, Orioli PL, Vettori C, Gallori E
Year: 1999
Adsorption and binding of AmpliTaq® DNA polymerase on the clay minerals, montmorillonite and kaolinite
Vettori C, Calamai L, Yoder M, Stotzky G, Gallori E
Year: 1999
Interaction between bacteriophage PBS1 and clay minerals and transduction of Bacillus subtilis by clay-phage complexes
Vettori C, Stotzky G, Yoder M, Gallori E
Year: 1999
Interspecific transformation of Bacillus subtilis by clay-bound DNA in non-sterile soil
Gallori E, Franchi M, Rinaldi L, Vettori C
Year: 1998
Effects of air-drying and wetting cycles on the transforming ability of DNA bound on clay minerals
Pietramellara G, Dal Canto L, Vettori C, Gallori E, Nannipieri P
Year: 1997
Amplification of bacterial DNA bound on clay minerals by the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique
Vettori C, Paffetti D, Pietramellara G, Stotzky G, Gallori E
Year: 1996
Transformation of Bacillus subtilis by DNA-bound on clay in nonsterile soil
Gallori E, Bazzicalupo M, Dal Canto L, Fani R, Nannipieri P, Vettori C, Stotzky G
Year: 1994