Elia Di Schiavi
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Naples
Tel: (39) 081-6132365
E-mail: elia.dischiavi[at]ibbr.cnr.it
URL: http://ibbr.cnr.it
Personal Info
Nationality: Italian
Sex: Male
Professional Address:
Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse - Sezione di Napoli
Via P. Castellino 111
I-80131 Napoli (Italy)
Position: Senior Researcher
Main Research Interests
Our group uses the impressive experimental advantages offered by the nematode animal model C. elegans to approach a variety of fundamental biological questions. A major focus of our research is to understand how nervous systems develop, function and react and survive to various insults (a). We also use C. elegans as a model to study in vivo the function played by genes relevant for human health (b) and as a tool in biotechnology (c); these areas are, however, largely interconnected and overlapping in terms of techniques, results, funding and collaborations.
a) C.elegans nervous system is simple and easy to study and to manipulate genetically, but its development and function is remarkably conserved. We have been interested, for example, in avoidance behavior, which is triggered when animals encounter noxious, toxic or repellent stimuli, either produced by plants (e.g. quinine) or by bacteria (e.g from different habitats or pathogenic).
b) We have exploited the extensive conservation of the structure and function of genes and of entire pathways from invertebrates to mammals to study genes whose homologs in humans are involved in diseases.
c) The 1mm size and the 3 days life cycle make C. elegans very attractive as a tool in various biotechnology projects.
- C. elegans is a free living nematode but represents an important model for parasitic ones. We have been interested in finding new targets for the control of plant parasitic nematodes and to set up animal models for screening and validation of new nematocides.
- We are using the disease models we developed to identify and/or validate new molecules capable of slowing down the progression of diseases (e.g Spinal Muscular Atrophy) and to identify chemicals and food contaminants with neurotoxic effects (e.g patulin, chlorpyrifos).
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
A new Caenorhabditis elegans model to study copper toxicity in Wilson disease
Catalano F, O’brien TJ, Mekhova AA, Sepe LV, Elia M, De Cegli R, Gallotta I, Santonicola P, Zampi G, Ilyechova EY, Romanov AA, Samuseva PD, Salzano J, Petruzzelli R, Polishchuk EV, Indrieri A, Kim B, Brown AE, Puchkova LV, Di Schiavi E, Polishchuk RS
Year: 2023
Deregulation of microtubule organization and RNA metabolism in Arx models for DEE
Drongitis D, Caterino M, Verrillo L, Santonicola P, Costanzo M, Poeta L, Attianese B, Barra A, Terrone G, Lioi MB, Paladino S, Di Schiavi E, Costa V, Ruoppolo M, Miano MG
Year: 2023
Conserved functions of mouse ARX and Caenorhabditis elegans alr-1 in controlling pathways damaged in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs)
Drongitis D, Verrillo L, Santonicola P, Di Palma R, Poeta L, Schiano Visconte M, Lioi MB, Terrone G, Di Schiavi E, Miano MG
Year: 2023
The recurrent pathogenic Pro890Leu substitution in CLTC causes a generalized defect in synaptic transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans
Pannone L, Muto V, Nardecchia F, Di Rocco M, Marchei E, Tosato F, Petrini S, Onorato G, Lanza E, Bertuccini L, Manti F, Folli V, Galosi S, Di Schiavi E, Leuzzi V, Tartaglia M, Martinelli S
Year: 2023
Exploitation of the Bio-MEMORY collection CNR-IBBR-CeLITABASE for the characterization of highly conserved molecular pathways involved in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD).
Verrillo L, Drongitis D, Santonicola P, Di Palma R, Zampi G, Schiano Visconte M, Di Schiavi E, Miano MG
Year: 2023
Characterization of highly conserved molecular pathways involved in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs)
Verrillo L, Drongitis D, Santonicola P, Schiano Visconte M, Zampi G, Di Schiavi E, Miano MG
Year: 2023
Mitochondrial ribosomal protein genes connected with Alzheimer’s and tellurite toxicity
Del Giudice L, Alifano P, Calcagnile M, Di Schiavi E, Bertapelle C, Aletta M, Pontieri P
Year: 2022
Anosmin-1-Like Effect of UMODL1/Olfactorin on the Chemomigration of Mouse GnRH Neurons and Zebrafish Olfactory Axons Development
Di Schiavi E, Vistoli G, Moretti RM, Corrado I, Zuccarini G, Gervasoni S, Casati L, Bottai D, Merlo GR, Maggi R
Year: 2022
Deregulation of microtubule organization and RNA metabolism in Arx models for lissencephaly and developmental epileptic encephalopathy
Drongitis D, Caterino M, Verrillo L, Santonicola P, Costanzo M, Poeta L, Attianese B, Barra A, Terrone G, Lioi MB, Paladino S, Di Schiavi E, Costa V, Ruoppolo M, Miano MG
Year: 2022
Microtubule organization and splicing switches are altered in Arx animal models for neurodevelopmental disorders
Drongitis D, Caterino M, Verrillo L, Santonicola P, Costanzo M, Poeta L, Attianese B, Barra A, Terrone G, Lioi MB, Paladino S, Di Schiavi E, Costa V, Ruoppolo M, Miano MG
Year: 2022
Nusinersen Induces Disease-Severity-Specific Neurometabolic Effects in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Errico F, Marino C, Grimaldi M, Nuzzo T, Bassareo V, Valsecchi V, Panicucci C, Di Schiavi E, Mazza T, Bruno C, D’amico A, Carta M, D’ursi AM, Bertini E, Pellizzoni L, Usiello A
Year: 2022
TFEB Regulates ATP7B Expression to Promote Platinum Chemoresistance in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells
Petruzzelli R, Mariniello M, De Cegli R, Catalano F, Guida F, Di Schiavi E, Polishchuk RS
Year: 2022
Extracellular Vesicles From Microalgae: Uptake Studies in Human Cells and Caenorhabditis elegans
Picciotto S, Santonicola P, Paterna A, Rao E, Raccosta S, Romancino DP, Noto R, Touzet N, Manno M, Di Schiavi E, Bongiovanni A, Adamo G
Year: 2022
Synthesis and Characterization of a Biocompatible Nanoplatform Based on Silica-Embedded SPIONs Functionalized with Polydopamine
Romano M, González Gómez MA, Santonicola P, Aloi N, Offer S, Pantzke J, Raccosta S, Longo V, Surpi A, Alacqua S, Zampi G, Dediu VA, Michalke B, Zimmerman R, Manno M, Piñeiro Y, Colombo P, Di Schiavi E, Rivas J, Bergese P, Di Bucchianico S
Year: 2022
Reviewing as a career milestone: aàdiscussion on the importance of including trainees in the peer review process
Dennehy, John; Di Schiavi, Elia; Hoxie, Irene; Onorato, Giada
Year: 2021
Caenorhabditis elegans provides an efficient drug screening platform for GNAO1-related disorders and highlights the potential role of caffeine in controlling dyskinesia
Di Rocco M, Galosi S, Lanza E, Tosato F, Caprini D, Folli V, Friedman J, Bocchinfuso G, Martire A, Di Schiavi E, Leuzzi V, Martinelli S
Year: 2021
Impairment of the neurotrophic signaling hub B-Raf contributes to motoneuron degeneration in spinal muscular atrophy
Hensel N, Cieri F, Santonicola P, Tapken I, Schüning T, Taiana M, Pagliari E, Joseph A, Fischer S, Heidrich N, Brinkmann H, Kubinski S, Bergmann AK, Richter MF, Jung K, Corti S, Di Schiavi E, Claus P
Year: 2021
Mimicking human riboflavin responsive neuromuscular disorders by silencing fladâàà1 gene in C. elegans : Alteration of vitamin transport and cholinergic transmission
Leone P, Tolomeo M, Piancone E, Puzzovio PG, De Giorgi C, Indiveri C, Di Schiavi E, Barile M
Year: 2021
Isolation of extracellular vesicles from microalgae: towards the production of sustainable and natural nanocarriers of bioactive compounds
Picciotto S, Barone ME, Fierli D, Aranyos A, Adamo G, Božič D, Romancino DP, Stanly C, Parkes R, Morsbach S, Raccosta S, Paganini C, Cusimano A, Martorana V, Noto R, Carrotta R, Librizzi F, Capasso Palmiero U, Santonicola P, Iglič A, Gai M, Corcuera L, Kisslinger A, Di Schiavi E, Landfester K, Liguori GL, Kralj-Iglič V, Arosio P, Pocsfalvi G, Manno M, Touzet N, Bongiovanni A
Year: 2021
Novel Curcumin-Diethyl Fumarate Hybrid as a Dualistic GSK-3β Inhibitor/Nrf2 Inducer for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
Di Martino RM, Pruccoli L, Bisi A, Gobbi S, Rampa A, Martinez A, Pérez C, Martinez-Gonzalez L, Paglione M, Di Schiavi E, Seghetti F, Tarozzi A, Belluti F
Year: 2020
Co-occurring WARS2 and CHRNA6 mutations in a child with a severe form of infantile parkinsonism
Martinelli S, Cordeddu V, Galosi S, Lanzo A, Palma E, Pannone L, Ciolfi A, Di Nottia M, Rizza T, Bocchinfuso G, Traversa A, Caputo V, Farrotti A, Carducci C, Bernardini L, Cogo S, Paglione M, Venditti M, Bentivoglio A, Ng J, Kurian MA, Civiero L, Greggio E, Stella L, Trettel F, Sciaccaluga M, Roseti C, Carrozzo R, Fucile S, Limatola C, Di Schiavi E, Tartaglia M, Leuzzi V
Year: 2020
Understanding the effects of deep space radiation on nervous system: the role of genetically tractable experimental models
Onorato G, Di Schiavi E, Di Cunto F
Year: 2020
A Single Amino Acid Residue Regulates PTEN-Binding and Stability of the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Protein SMN
Rademacher S, Detering NT, Schüning T, Lindner R, Santonicola P, Wefel IM, Dehus J, Walter LM, Brinkmann H, Niewienda A, Janek K, Varela MA, Bowerman M, Di Schiavi E, Claus P
Year: 2020
Exploratory analysis of transposable elements expression in the C. elegans early embryo
Ansaloni F, Scarpato M, Di Schiavi E, Gustincich S, Sanges R
Year: 2019
C. elegans expressing D76N β2-microglobulin: a model for in vivo screening of drug candidates targeting amyloidosis
Faravelli G, Raimondi S, Marchese L, Partridge FA, Soria C, Mangione PP, Canetti D, Perni M, Aprile FA, Zorzoli I, Di Schiavi E, Lomas DA, Bellotti V, Sattelle DB, Giorgetti S
Year: 2019
Green kiwifruit extracts protect motor neurons from death in a spinal muscular atrophy model in Caenorhabditis elegans
Mazzarella N, Giangrieco I, Visone S, Santonicola P, Achenbach J, Zampi G, Tamburrini M, Di Schiavi E, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2019
A novel dominant-negative FGFR1 variant causes Hartsfield syndrome by deregulating RAS/ERK1/2 pathway
Palumbo P, Petracca A, Maggi R, Biagini T, Nardella G, Sacco MC, Di Schiavi E, Carella M, Micale L, Castori M
Year: 2019
Histone demethylase KDM5C is a SAHA-sensitive central hub at the crossroads of transcriptional axes involved in multiple neurodevelopmental disorders
Poeta L, Padula A, Attianese B, Valentino M, Verrillo L, Filosa S, Shoubridge C, Barra A, Schwartz CE, Christensen J, van Bokhoven H, Helin K, Lioi MB, Collombat P, Gecz J, Altucci L, Di Schiavi E, Miano MG
Year: 2019
Key role of SMN/SYNCRIP and RNA-Motif 7 in spinal muscular atrophy: RNA-Seq and motif analysis of human motor neurons
Rizzo F, Nizzardo M, Vashisht S, Molteni E, Melzi V, Taiana M, Salani S, Santonicola P, Di Schiavi E, Bucchia M, Bordoni A, Faravelli I, Bresolin N, Comi GP, Pozzoli U, Corti S
Year: 2019
Automated screening of C. elegans neurodegeneration mutants enabled by microfluidics and image analysis algorithms
De Carlos Cáceres I, Porto DA, Gallotta I, Santonicola P, Rodríguez-Cordero J, Di Schiavi E, Lu H
Year: 2018
Silencing of Syntaxin 1A in the dopaminergic neurons decreases the activity of the dopamine transporter and prevents amphetamine-induced behaviors in C. elegans
Lanzo A, Safratowich BD, Kudumala SR, Gallotta I, Zampi G, Di Schiavi E, Carvelli L
Year: 2018
Functional dysregulation of CDC42 causes diverse developmental phenotypes
Martinelli S, Krumbach OH, Pantaleoni F, Coppola S, Amin E, Pannone L, Nouri K, Farina L, Dvorsky R, Lepri F, Buchholzer M, Konopatzki R, Walsh L, Payne K, Pierpont ME, Vergano SS, Langley KG, Larsen D, Farwell KD, Tang S, Mroske C, Gallotta I, Di Schiavi E, della Monica M, Lugli L, Rossi C, Seri M, Cocchi G, Henderson L, Baskin B, Alders M, Mendoza-Londono R, Dupuis L, Nickerson DA, Chong JX, Meeks N, Brown K, Causey T, Cho MT, Demuth S, Digilio MC, Gelb BD, Bamshad MJ, Zenker M, Ahmadian MR, Hennekam RC, Tartaglia M, Mirzaa GM
Year: 2018
Activation of autophagy, observed in liver tissues from patients with Wilson disease and from Atp7b-deficient animals, protects hepatocytes from copper-induced apoptosis
Polishchuk EV, Merolla A, Lichtmannegger J, Romano A, Indrieri A, Ilyechova EY, Concilli M, De Cegli R, Crispino R, Mariniello M, Petruzzelli R, Ranucci G, Iorio R, Pietrocola F, Einer C, Borchard S, Zibert A, Schmidt HH, Di Schiavi E, Puchkova LV, Franco B, Kroemer G, Zischka H, Polishchuk RS
Year: 2018
WDR79/TCAB1 plays a conserved role in the control of locomotion and ameliorates phenotypic defects in SMA models
Di Giorgio ML, Esposito A, Maccallini P, Micheli E, Bavasso F, Gallotta I, Vernì F, Feiguin F, Cacchione S, Mccabe BD, Di Schiavi E, Raffa GD
Year: 2017
Caenorhabditis elegans employs innate and learned aversion in response to bacterial toxic metabolites tambjamine and violacein
Ballestriero F, Nappi J, Zampi G, Bazzicalupo P, Di Schiavi E, Egan S
Year: 2016
Neuron-specific knock-down of SMN1 causes neuron degeneration and death through an apoptotic mechanism
Gallotta I, Mazzarella N, Donato A, Esposito A, Chaplin JC, Castro S, Zampi G, Battaglia GS, Hilliard MA, Bazzicalupo P, Di Schiavi E
Year: 2016
A Caenorhabditis elegans model to study dopamine transporter deficiency syndrome
Illiano P, Lanzo A, Leo D, Paglione M, Zampi G, Gainetdinov RR, Di Schiavi E
Year: 2016
Mutations in SLC25A1, encoding the mitochondrial citrate carrier, cause neuromuscular junction transmission defect
Scarcia P, Zampi G, Porcelli V, Gorgoglione R, Pierri CL, De Grassi A, Sadaa A, Elpeleg O, Chaouch A, Lochmuller H, Di Schiavi E, Palmieri L
Year: 2016
Evaluation of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria pathogenicity using Caenorhabditis elegans
Tedesco P, Di Schiavi E, Palma Esposito F, de Pascale D
Year: 2016
Optofluidic holographic microscopy with custom field of view (FoV) using a linear array detector
Bianco V, Paturzo M, Marchesano V, Gallotta I, Di Schiavi E, Ferraro P
Year: 2015
Investigating the Role of the Host Multidrug Resistance Associated Protein Transporter Family in Burkholderia cepacia Complex Pathogenicity Using a Caenorhabditis elegans Infection Model
Tedesco P, Visone M, Parrilli E, Tutino ML, Perrin E, Maida I, Fani R, Ballestriero F, Santos R, Pinilla C, Di Schiavi E, Tegos G, De Pascale D
Year: 2015
Antinematode activity of Violacein and the role of the Insulin/IGF-1 pathway in controlling Violacein sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans
Ballestriero F, Daim M, Penesyan A, Nappi J, Schleheck D, Bazzicalupo P, Di Schiavi E, Egan S
Year: 2014
Kallmann’s syndrome and normosmic isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: Two largely overlapping manifestations of one rare disorder
Bonomi M, Cappa M, Cariboni A, Di Schiavi E, Fabbri A, Ferlin A, Foresta C, Ghizzoni L, Jannini E, Krausz C, Loche S, Lombardo F, Maggi M, Maggi R, Maghnie M, Mancini A, Merlo G, Panzica G, Radetti G, Russo G, Simoni M, Sinisi AA, Persani L
Year: 2014
Activating mutations in RRAS underlie a phenotype within the RASopathy spectrum and contribute to leukaemogenesis
Flex E, Jaiswal M, Pantaleoni F, Martinelli E, Strullu M, Fansa EK, Caye A, De Luca A, Lepri F, Dvorsky R, Pannone L, Paolacci S, Zhang S-C, Fodale V, Bocchinfuso G, Rossi C, Burkitt-Wright EMM, Farrotti A, Stellacci E, Cecchetti S, Ferese R, Bottero L, Castro S, Fenneteau O, Brethon B, Sanchez M, Roberts AE, Yntema HG, Van Der Burgt I, Cianci P, Bondeson ML, Digilio MC, Zampino G, Kerr B, Aoki BK, Loh ML, Palleschi A, Di Schiavi E, Care A, Selicorni A, Dallapiccola B, Cirstea IC, Stella L, Zenker M, Gelb BD, Cave H, Ahmadian MR, Tartaglia M
Year: 2014