Francesco Mercati
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578
E-mail: francesco.mercati[at]
Curriculum vitae
Name: Francesco Mercati
Date and Place of Birth: 01.12.1976
Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Palermo, National Research Council, Corso Calatafimi, 414, 90129 Palermo (PA), Italy.
Tel: +39 091 6574578, Fax. +39 091 423424
Work experience (from 2014 back to 2001)
Current position: from February 2013, Researcher at the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR) UOS Palermo, CNR - National Research Council of Italy.
July 2013 - November 2013: Independent contractor ( within the research project “Limseed Asparagus”, titled: “Isolation of genes involved in the sex determination in Asparagus officinalis L.”, at the University of Reggio Calabria, Department of AGRARIA.
March 2012 - January 2013: Post-doctoral fellow, titled: "Genetic characterization of Calabrian and Sicilian varieties in order to develop an Italian wine database”, at the University of Reggio Calabria, Department of AGRARIA.
December 2008 - December 2011: Phd student, on Biology applied to agri-food and forest systems. Title of thesis: “Development of a genetic map in asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) and isolation of markers associated to traits of interest", at the University of Reggio Calabria, Department of AGRARIA.
January 2011 - September 2011: Exchange student at the University of Georgia (USA), Department of Plant Biology, supervisor Prof. Jim Leebens Mack.
November 2008 - January 2009: Independent contractor ( within the project entitled "Technological and genetics characterization of indigenous microorganisms and interaction with the best clones of the grape varieties Nero d’Avola and Inzolia", at the University of Basilicata, Department of Biology, Conservation and Agro Forestry Biotechnology.
December 2007 - June 2008: Independent contractor ( within the project entitled: "Genetic characterization of double-haploid collection of cultivated asparagus”, at the University of Basilicata, Department of Biology, Conservation and Agro Forestry Biotechnology.
May 2006 - April 2007: Fellowship entitled: "Molecular and functional characterization of actinomycetes associated to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi”, at the University of Palermo, Department of Cell Biology and Development.
June 2004 - December 2005: Fellowship within the higher education project eTi Spa-MIUR, for young researchers, in Toxicology, Epidemiology and Risk Assessment, entitled: “New technologies -nanomaterials and biotechnology- application to tobacco products”, at the eTi S.p.A., now BAT (British American Tobacco) Italy.
January 2001 - March 2003: Stage within the project funded by the European Community, entitled: "Genetic polymorphisms and biomonitoring of styrene", at the University of Pisa, Department of Human Sciences and Environment.
PhD: University of Reggio Calabria, Department of AGRARIA, 2012
Batchelor Degree: University of Pisa, 2003
- EPS (Experimental Plant Sciences) PhD course: The power of RNA-seq. University of Wageningen, Netherlands, organized by “Laboratory of Bioinformatics of Wageningen university and the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC). 5 - 7 June 2013
- Blast2GO and Babelomics: suitable tools for functional annotation and data mining. University of Naples, Plant G&M, sponsored by the Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics (SIGA). 12 - 16 November 2012
- Training at the University of Georgia (USA), Department of Plant Biology, supervisor Prof. Jim Leebens Mack, to improve bioinformatics knowledge and genes and QTLs (Quantitative trait loci) identification in Asparagus officinalis L. January 2011 - August 2011
- European Networking Summer School (ENSS) Plant Epigenetics 2010, at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) (Germany). 20-24 September 2010
- In vitro culture and molecular genotyping approach in order to develop/select new plant material to be used in the research project entitled "Asparagus genetic map development and isolation of markers associated to traits of interest”, at the C.R.A., Montanaso Lombardo (LO), Research Unit for Vegetable Crops. June 2010 - July 2010
Main research topics:
- Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies and their implications for plant genetics, DNA barcode and structure population
Using the NGS approach we started studies on important topics of different species (Capparis spp., Vitis vinifera, Vitis sylvestirs, Olea europea L and medicinal plants). We performed a de novo assembly of the transcriptome of non-model species like Capparis spp. to develop a new and efficient panel of molecular markers to study inter and intra population diversity and increasing biodiversity conservation. We also carried out a differential expression study in Capparis spp. to discovery differentially expressed genes involved in the processes of environmental adaptation. In addition, since DNA barcoding is a widely used and effective tool that enables rapid and accurate identification of plant species, we isolated and sequenced whole plastidial genome of the principal olive and grape cultivars of Sicily to identify genetic variants and develop a barcoding system to characterize and safeguard the plant materials and their complex matrices (oil and wine).
- Molecular characterization
We have sampled a large panel of olive and grape cultivars (cultivated and wild populations) of Sicily and genotyped using different molecular markers (ISSR, AFLP, SSR) to underline inter and intra population diversity and to safeguard the biodiversity. In addition, we used the same kind of markers to investigate in different Citrus species the paternity of samples generate by somatic protoplast fusion (hybrids and cybrid genotypes) or to verify the genetic stability of plant regenerated by somatic embryogenesis (SE)
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Landraces in the Lazio Region of Italy
Catarcione G, Paolacci AR, Alicandri E, Gramiccia E, Taviani P, Rea R, Costanza MT, De Lorenzis G, Puccio G, Mercati F, Ciaffi M
Year: 2023
Two main distinct evolutionary stories describe the Italian grapevine assortment
Crespan M, Mercati F, Lorenzis GD, D’Onofrio C, Sunseri F
Year: 2023
Dual domestications and origin of traits in grapevine evolution
Dong Y, Duan S, Xia Q, Liang Z, Dong X, Margaryan K, Musayev M, Goryslavets S, Zdunić G, Bert PF, Lacombe T, Maul E, Nick P, Bitskinashvili K, Bisztray GD, Drori E, De Lorenzis G, Cunha J, Popescu CF, Arroyo-Garcia R, Arnold C, Ergül A, Zhu Y, Ma C, Wang S, Liu S, Tang L, Wang C, Li D, Pan Y, Li J, Yang L, Li X, Xiang G, Yang Z, Chen B, Dai Z, Wang Y, Arakelyan A, Kuliyev V, Spotar G, Girollet N, Delrot S, Ollat N, This P, Marchal C, Sarah G, Laucou V, Bacilieri R, Röckel F, Guan P, Jung A, Riemann M, Ujmajuridze L, Zakalashvili T, Maghradze D, Höhn M, Jahnke G, Kiss E, Deák T, Rahimi O, Hübner S, Grassi F, Mercati F, Sunseri F, Eiras-Dias J, Dumitru AM, Carrasco D, Rodriguez-Izquierdo A, Muñoz G, Uysal T, Özer C, Kazan K, Xu M, Wang Y, Zhu S, Lu J, Zhao M, Wang L, Jiu S, Zhang Y, Sun L, Yang H, Weiss E, Wang S, Zhu Y, Li S, Sheng J, Chen W
Year: 2023
Complementing model species with model clades
Makenzie E. Mabry , 1 R. Shawn Abrahams , 2.3 Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz , 4 William J. Baker , 5 Simon Barak , 6 Michael S. Barker , 7 Russell L. Barrett , 8 Aleksandra Beric , 9.10 Samik Bhattacharya , 11 Sarah B. Carey , 12 Gavin C. Conant , 13 John G. Conran , 14 Maheshi Dassanayake , 15 Patrick P. Edger , 16 Jocelyn C. Hall , 17 Yue Hao , 18 Kasper P. Hendriks , 11.19 Julian M. Hibberd , 20 Graham J. King , 21 Daniel J. Kliebenstein , 22 Marcus A. Koch , 23 Ilia J. Leitch , 5 Frederic Lens , 19.24 Martin A. Lysak , 25 Alex C. McAlvay , 26 Michael T.W. McKibben , 7 Francesco Mercati , 27 Richard C. Moore , 28 Klaus Mummenhoff , 11 Daniel J. Murphy , 29 Lachezar A. Nikolov , 30 Michael Pisias , 31 Eric H. Roalson , 32 M. Eric Schranz , 33 Shawn K. Thomas , 34.35 Qingyi Yu , 36 Alan Yocca , 12 J. Chris Pires 37 and Alex E. Harkess 12,*
Year: 2023
Exploring the genetic landscape of nitrogen uptake in durum wheat: genome-wide characterization and expression profiling of NPF and NRT2 gene families
Puccio G, Ingraffia R, Giambalvo D, Frenda AS, Harkess A, Sunseri F, Mercati F.
Year: 2023
Transcriptome changes induced by Arbuscular mycorrhizalàsymbiosisàin leaves of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) promote higher salt tolerance
Puccio G, Ingraffia R, Mercati F, Amato G, Giambalvo D, Martinelli F, Sunseri F, Frenda AS
Year: 2023
Short-term transcriptomic analysis at organ scale reveals candidate genes involved in low N responses in NUE-contrasting tomato genotypes
Sunseri F, Aci MM, Mauceri A, Caldiero C, Puccio G, Mercati F, Abenavoli MR
Year: 2023
Different cell Types Affect the Transition from Juvenile to Mature Phase in Citrus Plants Regenerated through Somatic Embryogenesis
Catalano C, Abbate L, Fatta Del Bosco S, Motisi A, Carimi F, De Michele R, Mercati F, D’onghia AM, Carra A
Year: 2022
Elucidating the Genetic Relationships on the Original Old Sicilian Triticum Spp. Collection by SNP Genotyping
Fiore MC, Blangiforti S, Preiti G, Spina A, Bosi S, Marotti I, Mauceri A, Puccio G, Sunseri F, Mercati F
Year: 2022
Rootstocks with Different Tolerance Grade to Citrus Tristeza Virus Induce Dissimilar Volatile Profile in Citrus sinensis and Avoidance Response in the Vector Aphis gossypii Glover
Guarino S, Mercati F, Fatta Del Bosco S, Motisi A, Abbate L
Year: 2022
WRKY Gene Family Drives Dormancy Release in Onion Bulbs
Puccio G, Crucitti A, Tiberini A, Mauceri A, Taglienti A, Palumbo Piccionello A, Carimi F, van Kaauwen M, Scholten O, Sunseri F, Vosman B, Mercati F
Year: 2022
Multiple fungal diseases resistance induction in Cucumis melo through co-transformation of different pathogenesis related (PR) protein genes
Raji MR, Lotfi M, Tohidfar M, Ramshini H, Sahebani N, Aalifar M, Baratian M, Mercati F, De Michele R, Carimi F
Year: 2022
The endophytic microbiota of Citrus limon is transmitted from seed to shoot highlighting differences of bacterial and fungal community structures
Faddetta T, Abbate L, Alibrandi P, Arancio W, Siino D, Strati F, De Filippo C, Fatta Del Bosco S, Carimi F, Puglia AM, Cardinale M, Gallo G, Mercati F
Year: 2021
Citrus Varieties with Different Tolerance Grades to Tristeza Virus Show Dissimilar Volatile Terpene Profiles
Guarino S, Abbate L, Mercati F, Fatta Del Bosco S, Motisi A, Arif MA, Cencetti G, Palagano E, Michelozzi M
Year: 2021
Transcriptomics reveal new insights into molecular regulation of nitrogen use efficiency in Solanum melongena
Mauceri A, Abenavoli MR, Toppino L, Panda S, Mercati F, Aci MM, Aharoni A, Sunseri F, Rotino GL, Lupini A
Year: 2021
Integrated Bayesian approaches shed light on the dissemination routes of the Eurasian grapevine germplasm
Mercati F, De Lorenzis G, Mauceri A, Zerbo M, Brancadoro L, D’Onofrio C, Morcia C, Barbagallo MG, Bignami C, Gardiman M, De Palma L, Ruffa P, Novello V, Crespan M, Sunseri F
Year: 2021
A Complex Gene Network Mediated by Ethylene Signal Transduction TFs Defines the Flower Induction and Differentiation in Olea europaea L.
Salimonti A, Forgione I, Sirangelo TM, Puccio G, Mauceri A, Mercati F, Sunseri F, Carbone F
Year: 2021
Moscato Cerletti, a rediscovered aromatic cultivar with oenological potential in warm and dry areas
Sparacio A, Mercati F, Sciara F, Pisciotta A, Capraro F, Sparla S, Abbate L, Mauceri A, Planeta D, Corona O, Crespan M, Sunseri F, Barbagallo MG
Year: 2021
Complete genome sequence of a new isolate of caper latent virus in caper
Tiberini A, Fontana I, Mercati F, Adams I, Fox A, Tomassoli L
Year: 2021
Genetic distinctiveness highlights the conservation value of a Sicilian manna ash germplasm collection assigned to Fraxinus angustifolia (Oleaceae)
Abbate L, Mercati F, Di Noto G, Heuertz M, Carimi F, Fatta del Bosco S, Schicchi R
Year: 2020
Characterization of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) germplasm through a multidisciplinary approach
Carrubba A, Abbate L, Sarno M, Sunseri F, Mauceri A, Lupini A, Mercati F
Year: 2020
Essential oils in Citrus
Fatta Del Bosco S, Abbate L, Mercati F, Napoli E, Ruberto G
Year: 2020
Preserving biodiversity in marginal rural areas: assessment of morphological and genetic variability of a Sicilian common bean germplasm collection
Fiore MC, Raimondo FM, Mercati F, Digangi I, Sunseri F, Scialabba A
Year: 2020
Molecular analysis of the official Algerian olive collection highlighted a hotspot of biodiversity in the Central Mediterranean Basin
Haddad B, Gristina AS, Mercati F, Saadi AE, Aiter N, Martorana A, Sharaf A, Carimi F
Year: 2020
DNA barcoding: a reliable method for the identification of thrips species (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) collected on sticky traps in onion fields
Marullo R, Mercati F, Vono G
Year: 2020
Genetic diversity assessment and marker-assisted selection in crops
Mercati F, Sunseri F
Year: 2020
A New Intra-Specific and High-Resolution Genetic Map of Eggplant based on a RIL Population, and Location of QTLs Related to Plant Anthocyanin Pigmentation and Seed Vigour
Toppino L, Barchi L, Mercati F, Acciarri N, Perrone D, Martina M, Gattolin S, Sala T, Fadda S, Mauceri A, Ciriaci T, Carimi F, Portis E, Sunseri F, Lanteri S, Rotino GL
Year: 2020
Transcriptome analysis and codominant markers development in caper, a drought tolerant orphan crop with medicinal value
Mercati F, Fontana I, Gristina AS, Martorana A, El Nagar M, De Michele R, Fici S, Carimi F
Year: 2019
Genetic diversity in a collection of Italian long storage tomato landraces as revealed by SNP markers array
Tranchida-Lombardo V, Mercati F, Avino M, Punzo P, Fiore MC, Poma I, Patanè C, Guarracino MR, Sunseri F, Tucci M, Grillo S
Year: 2019
Citrus rootstock breeding: response of four allotetraploid somatic hybrids to Citrus tristeza virus induced infections
Abbate L, Panno S, Mercati F, Davino S, Fatta Del Bosco S
Year: 2018
Metabolic Profiling and Post-harvest Behavior of “Dottato” Fig (Ficus carica L.) Fruit Covered With an Edible Coating From O. ficus-indica
Allegra A, Gallotta A, Carimi F, Mercati F, Inglese P, Martinelli F
Year: 2018
An integrated proteomic and metabolomic study to evaluate the effect of nucleus-cytoplasm interaction in a diploid citrus cybrid between sweet orange and lemon
Faddetta T, Abbate L, Renzone G, Palumbo Piccionello A, Maggio A, Oddo E, Scaloni A, Puglia AM, Gallo G, Carimi F, Fatta Del Bosco S, Mercati F
Year: 2018
Characterization of Botrytis cinerea isolates collected on pepper in Southern Turkey by using molecular markers, fungicide resistance genes and virulence assay
Polat Ä, Baysal Ö, Mercati F, Gümrükcü E, Sülü G, Kitapci A, Araniti F, Carimi F
Year: 2018
Single nucleotide polymorphism profiles reveal an admixture genetic structure of grapevine germplasm from Calabria, Italy, uncovering its key role for the diversification of cultivars in the Mediterranean Basin
Sunseri F, Lupini A, Mauceri A, De Lorenzis G, Araniti F, Brancadoro L, Dattola A, Gullo G, Zappia R, Mercati F
Year: 2018
Somatic cybridization for Citrus: polyphenols distribution in juices and peel essential oil composition of a diploid cybrid from Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tan.) and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.)
Fatta Del Bosco S, Napoli E, Mercati F, Abbate L, Carimi F, Ruberto G
Year: 2017
In vitro propagation of the relict laperinne’s olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. Laperrinei)
Haddad B, Carra A, Saadi A, Haddad N, Mercati F, Gristina AS, Boukhalfa S, Djillali A, Carimi F
Year: 2017
The asparagus genome sheds light on the origin and evolution of a young Y chromosome
Harkess A, Zhou J, Xu C, Bowers JE, Van der Hulst R, Ayyampalayam S, Mercati F, Riccardi P, Mckain MR, Kakrana A, Tang H, Ray J, Groenendijk J, Arikit S, Mathioni SM, Nakano M, Shan H, Telgmann-Rauber A, Kanno A, Yue Z, Chen H, Li W, Chen Y, Xu X, Zhang Y, Luo S, Chen H, Gao J, Mao Z, Pires JC, Luo M, Kudrna D, Wing RA, Meyers BC, Yi K, Kong H, Lavrijsen P, Sunseri F, Falavigna A, Ye Y, Leebens-Mack JH, Chen G
Year: 2017
Attempts to eradicate graft-transmissible infections through somatic embryogenesis in Citrus ssp. and analysis of genetic stability of regenerated plants
Meziane M, Frasheri D, Carra A, Boudjeniba M, D’Onghia AM, Mercati F, Djelouah K, Carimi F
Year: 2017
Functional and comparative genome analysis of novel virulent actinophages belonging to Streptomyces flavovirens
Sharaf A, Mercati F, Elmaghraby I, Elbaz RM, Marei EM
Year: 2017
Phenotyping two tomato genotypes with different nitrogen use efficiency
Abenavoli MR, Longo C, Lupini A, Miller AJ, Araniti F, Mercati F, Princi MP, Sunseri F
Year: 2016
Morpho-agronomic and AFLP characterization to explore guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) genotypes for the Mediterranean environment
Gresta F, Mercati F, Santonoceto C, Abenavoli MR, Ceravolo G, Araniti F, Anastasi U, Sunseri F
Year: 2016
Retrotransposon Proliferation Coincident with the Evolution of Dioecy in Asparagus
Harkess A, Mercati F, Abbate L, Mckain M, Pires JC, Sala T, Sunseri F, Falavigna A, Leebens-Mack J
Year: 2016
NAR2.1/NRT2.1 functional interaction with NO3- and H fluxes in high-affinity nitrate transport in maize root regions
Lupini A, Mercati F, Araniti F, Miller AJ, Sunseri F, Abenavoli MR
Year: 2016
High-throughput 18K SNP array to assess genetic variability of the main grapevine cultivars from Sicily
Mercati F, De Lorenzis G, Brancadoro L, Lupini A, Abenavoli MR, Barbagallo MG, Di Lorenzo R, Scienza A, Sunseri F
Year: 2016
Citrus Genetic Improvement: New Citrus Hybrids from Breeding Procedures and Evaluation of Their Genetic and Phytochemical Aspects
Napoli E, Ruberto G, Abbate L, Mercati F, Fatta Del Bosco S
Year: 2016
Sex-biased gene expression in dioecious garden asparagus (Asparagus officinalis)
Harkess A, Mercati F, Shan HY, Sunseri F, Falavigna A, Leebens-Mack J
Year: 2015
Genetic diversity and population structure of an Italian landrace of runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.): inferences for its safeguard and on-farm conservation
Mercati F, Catarcione G, Paolacci AR, Abenavoli MR, Sunseri F, Ciaffi, M
Year: 2015
Characterization of Pseudoperonospora cubensis isolates from Europe and Asia using ISSR and SRAP molecular markers
Polat I, Baysal O, Mercati F, Kitner M, Cohen Y, Lebeda A, Carimi F
Year: 2014
Habitat features and genetic integrity of wild grapevine Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (C.C. Gmel.) Hegi populations: A case study from Sicily
Garfì G, Mercati F, Fontana I, Collesano G, Pasta S, Vendramin GG, De Michele R, Carimi F
Year: 2013
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganesis: tracking strains using their genetic differentiations by ISSR markers in Southern Turkey
Baysal O, Mercati F, Ikten H, Yildiz RC, Carimi F, Aysan Y, Teixeira da Silva JA
Year: 2011
Intra-varietal genetic diversity of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivar ‘Nero d’Avola’ as revealed by microsatellite markers
Carimi F, Mercati F, De Michele R, Fiore MC, Riccardi P, Sunseri F
Year: 2011
Microsatellite analyses for evaluation of genetic diversity among Sicilian grapevine cultivars
Carimi F, Mercati F, Abbate L, Sunseri F
Year: 2010