Francesco Paolocci
Role: Research Director
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Perugia
Tel: (39) 075-5014816
E-mail: francesco.paolocci[at]
Curriculum vitae
Ruolo: Dirigente di Ricerca
Comparto: Ricercatori e Tecnologi
Tel: (39) 075-5014816
Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Perugia, National Research Council, - Via Madonna Alta, 130, 06128 Perugia , Italy,
Tel: ++39 075 5014816, Fax: ++39 075 5014869
Education, Training and Professional experience
(from 2014 back to 1989)
- 5-2019 - todate Research Director c/o CNR - IBBR Division of Perugia
- 2007-2019 Senior researcher c/o CNR - IBBR Division of Perugia
- Oct 2018 Visiting scientist c/o Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de
Plantas- Departament de Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular, Universitat de Valencia (Spain) - Sep 2015 Visiting scientist Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell CNRS, Université Paris Sud _Orsay Paris (France)
- 2014 Passed the qualifying examination launched by the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca as I level Professor area 07/E1 (Plant Genetics)
- Sep 2008 Visiting scientist c/o John Innes Centre (JIC), Norwich (UK)
- 2006/2010 Professor of Plant Biotechnology c/o Università degli Studi “Carlo Bo” di Urbino, Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie, Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologia
- Oct 2005 Visiting scientist c/o Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research” (IGER) di Aberystwith (Wales, UK)
- 2001- 2006 Permanent researcher c/o CNR - Plant Genetics Institute Division of Perugia
- 1999-2001 CNR Researcher (CNR grant ex art 36) c/o CNR Plant Genetics Institute Division of Perugia
- 1994-1999 CNR fellowship c/o CNR Institute of Plant Genetics - Division of Perugia
- 1994 Researcher for “Società 3A del Parco Tecnologico Agroalimentare di Todi”- Perugia Italy
- 1993-1994 Fellowship at CNR International Institute of Genetics and Biophysics (IIGB)- Naples
- 1991-1992 Fellowship sponsored by Ministry of University of Scientific and Technological Research (MURST) c/o CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, Canberra (Australia)
- 1990-1991 CNR fellowship c/o “Istituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Foraggere (IRMGPF) Perugia, ITALY
- Nov 1989. Italian National qualification as Agronomist
- Feb 1989 Graduation in “Scienze Agrarie” , specialization in "Produzioni Vegetali", subspecialization in "Produzioni frutticole e commercializzazione" University of Perugia (score 110/110).
Recent Scientific Activities
- Scientific responsible of several national and international projects
- Ad Hoc Reviewer for more than 30 scientific journals.
- Invited speakers at international and national congresses.
- 2020. Member of “Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca” in Biotecnonologia dell’Università di Perugia
- 2020."Cultore della Materia" for University of Perugia for Corso di Fisiologia Vegetale (Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche) ed Ecofisiologia Vegetale (Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Sciernze e Tecnologie Naturalistiche e Ambientali)
- 2005-2015 Member of “Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Biologia Vegetale e Biotecnologie Agroalimentari”, University of Perugia
- Tutor and advise of Graduate students and PhD students of University of Perugia and University of Urbino
- Advice of Post doc students c/o CNR- IBBR Division of Perugia
Main Research fields
- Genetic and environmental control of flavonoid biosynthesis in crops and model species
- Cloning and functional characterization of regulatory (bHLHs, MYBs) and structural genes involved in anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in forage legumes and ferns
- Whole transcriptome analysis of genes related to oxidative stress, flavonoid and sugar biosynthesis indifferent plant species
- Breeding forage legumes by transgenesis, interspecific hybridization and genome editing
- Genetics and genomics of Tuber spp. and other Pezizomycetes
- Life cycle, sexual and asexual propagation patterns of Tuber spp.
- Effects of cocultivation with Azolla spp on rice
- 28-12-2008 Awarded with “Premio 2008 per il Co-finanziamento di ricerche di eccellenza nel settore Agroalimentare” by CNR Agrofood Department.
- 2009. Co-author of a study on Lotus spp. awarded by the “Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion Productiva Presedencia de la Nacion Argentina, with the price “Innovar 2009” Categoría Innovaciones en el Agro
- “Molecular method for the identification of mating type genes of truffles species” (EU patent application n°P10 175517.1) role: co-inventor
Publications, Books and Articles
More than 60 publications, among full papers published in International journals with IF and contributions as chapters in international books with ISBN. Holds at present a h index of 27 (source Scopus).
Please find the list of my publications at the following URL:
Editorial activities
Co-Editor of The Open Agriculture Journal
Review Editor for Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers in Fungal Biology, Plants
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Multiple bHLH/MYB-based protein complexes regulate proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in the herbage of Lotus spp.
Escaray FJ, Valeri MC, Damiani F, Ruiz OA, Carrasco P, Paolocci F
Year: 2024
ORIGIN OF RECOGNITION COMPLEX 3 controls the development of maternal excess endosperm in the Paspalum simplex agamic complex ( Poaceae )
Bellucci M, Caceres ME, Paolocci F, Vega JM, Ortiz JP, Ceccarelli M, De Marchis F, Pupilli F
Year: 2023
Impact of High Light Intensity and Low Temperature on the Growth and Phenylpropanoid Profile of Azolla filiculoides
Cannavò S, Bertoldi A, Valeri MC, Damiani F, Reale L, Brilli F, Paolocci F
Year: 2023
Assessment of biodiversity indicators in beech forests with diverse management systems in the Italian Apennines
Parisi F, Vangi E, Mazziotta A, Paffetti D, Vettori C, Garosi C, Londi G, Marchetti M, Tognetti R, Chirici G, Travaglini D
Year: 2023
Exposure to different light intensities affects emission of volatiles and accumulations of both pigments and phenolics in Azolla filiculoides
Brilli F, Dani KG, Pasqualini S, Costarelli A, Cannavò S, Paolocci F, Zittelli GC, Mugnai G, Baraldi R, Loreto F
Year: 2022
Genetic transformation of plant cells as a possible strategy for the production of bioactive compounds or biopolymers
Maricchiolo E, Bellucci M, De Marchis F, Fraternale D, Paolocci F, Zattoni A, Roda B, Marassi V, Pompa A
Year: 2022
Desert truffle genomes reveal their reproductive modes and new insights into plant-fungal interaction and ectendomycorrhizal lifestyle
Marqués-Gálvez JE, Miyauchi S, Paolocci F, Navarro-Ródenas A, Arenas F, Pérez-Gilabert M, Morin E, Auer L, Barry KW, Kuo A, Grigoriev IV, Martin FM, Kohler A, Morte A
Year: 2021
Genetic Structure and Phylogeography of Tuber magnatum Populations
Belfiori B, D’angelo V, Riccioni C, Leonardi M, Paolocci F, Pacioni G, Rubini A
Year: 2020
Whole-transcriptome analysis unveils the synchronized activities of genes for fructans in developing tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke
Bizzarri M, Delledonne M, Ferrarini A, Tononi P, Zago E, Vittori D, Damiani F, Paolocci F
Year: 2020
Drought stress induces a biphasic NO accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Ederli L, Bianchet C, Paolocci F, Alqurashi M, Gehring C, Pasqualini S
Year: 2019
Molecular phylogenetic analyses show that Amanita ovoidea and Amanita proxima are distinct species and suggest their assignment to Roanokenses section
Riccioni C, Paolocci F, Tulloss RE, Perini C
Year: 2019
Orchard conditions and fruiting body characteristics drive the microbiome of the Black Truffle Tuber aestivum
Splivallo R, Vahdatzadeh M, Maciá-Vicente JG, Molinier V, Peter M, Egli S, Uroz S, Paolocci F, Deveau A
Year: 2019
Early Responses to Severe Drought Stress in the Arabidopsis thaliana Cell Suspension Culture Proteome
Alqurashi M, Chiapello M, Bianchet C, Paolocci F, Lilley K, Gehring C
Year: 2018
Isolation and Characterization of the Flavonol Regulator CcMYB12 From the Globe Artichoke [Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus (L.) Fiori]
Blanco E, Sabetta W, Danzi D, Negro D, Passeri V, Lisi AD, Paolocci F, Sonnante G
Year: 2018
Pezizomycetes genomes reveal the molecular basis of ectomycorrhizal truffle lifestyle
Murat C, Payen T, Noel B, Kuo A, Morin E, Chen J, Kohler A, Krizsán K, Balestrini R, Da Silva C, Montanini B, Hainaut M, Levati E, Barry KW, Belfiori B, Cichocki N, Clum A, Dockter RB, Fauchery L, Guy J, Iotti M, Le Tacon F, Lindquist EA, Lipzen A, Malagnac F, Mello A, Molinier V, Miyauchi S, Poulain J, Riccioni C, Rubini A, Sitrit Y, Splivallo R, Traeger S, Wang M, Zifcáková L, Wipf D, Zambonelli A, Paolocci F, Nowrousian M, Ottonello S, Baldrian P, Spatafora JW, Henrissat B, Nagy LG, Aury JM, Wincker P, Grigoriev IV, Bonfante P, Martin FM
Year: 2018
Ribosomal DNA polymorphisms reveal genetic structure and a phylogeographic pattern in the Burgundy truffle Tuber aestivum Vittad.
Riccioni C, Rubini A, Türkoglu A, Belfiori B, Paolocci F
Year: 2018
The R2R3-MYB TT2b and the bHLH TT8 genes are the major regulators of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in the leaves of Lotus species
Escaray FJ, Passeri V, Perea-García A, Antonelli CJ, Damiani F, Ruiz OA, Paolocci F
Year: 2017
The R2R3MYB VvMYBPA1 from grape reprograms the phenylpropanoid pathway in tobacco flowers
Passeri V, Martens S, Carvalho E, Bianchet C, Damiani F, Paolocci F
Year: 2017
Lotus spp: biotechnological strategies to improve the bioeconomy of lowlands in the Salado river basin (Argentina)
Antonelli CJ, Calzadilla PI, Escaray FJ, Babuin MF, Campestre MP, Rocco R, Bordenave CD, Perea GarcÍa A, Nieva AS, Llames ME, Maguire V, Melani G, Sarena D, Bailleres M, Carrasco P, Paolocci F, Garriz A, MenÉndez A, Ruiz OA
Year: 2016
Characterization of the reproductive mode and life cycle of the whitish truffle T. borchii
Belfiori B, Riccioni C, Paolocci F, Rubini A
Year: 2016
Innovative Lotus material to answer ancient questions?
Escaray FJ, Damiani F, Passeri V, Perea-Garcia A, Montenovo E, Cacioni E, Ruiz OA, Paolocci F
Year: 2016
Tuber magnatum: the special one. What makes it so different from the other Tuber spp.?
Riccioni C, Rubini A, Belfiori B, Gregori G, Paolocci F
Year: 2016
An apomixis-linked ORC3 -like pseudogene is associated with silencing of its functional homolog in apomictic Paspalum simplex
Siena LA, Ortiz JP, Calderini O, Paolocci F, Cáceres ME, Kaushal P, Grisan S, Pessino SC, Pupilli F
Year: 2016
Certainties and uncertainties about the life cycle of the Périgord black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.)
Le Tacon F, Rubini A, Murat C, Riccioni C, Robin C, Belfiori B, Zeller B, De La Varga H, Akroume E, Deveau A, Martin F, Paolocci F
Year: 2015
Certainties and uncertainties about the life cycle of the Périgord black truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.)
Le Tacon F, Rubini A, Murat C, Riccioni C, Robin C, Belfiori B, Zeller B, De la Varga H, Akroume E, Deveau A, Martin F, Paolocci F
Year: 2015
SSR-based identification of genetic groups within European populations of Tuber aestivum Vittad.
Molinier V, Murat C, Peter M, Gollotte A, De la Varga H, Meier B, Egli S, Belfiori B, Paolocci F, Wipf D
Year: 2015
Comparative genomics and population genetics provide new insights on the life cycle of the Black truffle of Périgord (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.)
Riccioni C, Murat C, H De La Varga, Todesco F, Rubini A, Belfiori B, Payen T, Le Tacon F, Robin C, Paolocci F, Martin F
Year: 2015
Lotus tenuis x L. corniculatus interspecific hybridization as a means to breed bloat-safe pastures and gain insight into the genetic control of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in legumes
Escaray FJ, Passeri V, Babuin FM, Marco F, Carrasco P, Damiani F, Pieckenstain FL, Paolocci F, Ruiz OA
Year: 2014
Morfologia delle micorrize del tartufo bianco pregiato. Un arcano risolto dalla biologia molecolare
Rubini A, Belfiori B, Riccioni C, Paolocci F
Year: 2014
Impact of the competition between mating types on the cultivation of Tuber melanosporum: Romeo and Juliet and the matter of space and time
Rubini A, Riccioni C, Belfiori B, Paolocci F
Year: 2014
Il ciclo vitale del tartufo nero pregiato
Rubini A, Riccioni C, Belfiori B, Paolocci F
Year: 2014
Mating type locus of Chinese black truffles reveals heterothallism and the presence of cryptic species within the T. indicum species complex
Belfiori B, Riccioni C, Paolocci F, Rubini A
Year: 2013
Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of the black truffle ( Tuber melanosporum ) investigated with neutral microsatellites and functional mating type genes
Murat C, Rubini A, Riccioni C, De la Varga H, Akroume E, Belfiori B, Guaragno M, Le Tacon F, Robin C, Halkett F, Martin F, Paolocci F
Year: 2013
Comparison of ectomycorrhizal communities in natural and cultivated T. melanosporum truffle grounds
Belfiori B, Riccioni C, Tempesta S, Pasqualetti M, Paolocci F, Rubini A
Year: 2012
Self/nonself recognition in Tuber melanosporum is not mediated by a heterokaryon incompatibility system
Iotti M, Rubini A, Tisserant E, Kholer A, Paolocci F, Zambonelli A
Year: 2012
Genomics of Tuber melanosporum: New Knowledge Concerning Reproductive Biology,Symbiosis, and Aroma Production
Rubini A Belfiori B Riccioni C Paolocci F
Year: 2012
The Arabidopsis thaliana cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase CKR20 modulates host responses to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 infection
Ederli L, Madeo L, Calderini O, Gehring C, Moretti C, Buonaurio R, Paolocci F, Pasqualini S
Year: 2011
Distribution and localization of microsatellites in the Perigord black truffle genome and identification of new molecular markers
Murat C, Riccioni C, Belfiori B, Cichocki N, Labbé J, Morin E, Tisserant E, Paolocci F, Rubini A, Martin F
Year: 2011
Distribution and localization of microsatellites in the Perigord black truffle genome and identification of new molecular marker
Murat C, Riccioni C, Belfiori B, Cichocki N, Labbé J, Morin E, Tisserant E, Paolocci F, Rubini A, Martin F
Year: 2011
The strawberry transcription factor FaMYB1 inhibits the biosynthesis of proanthocyanidins in Lotus corniculatus leaves
Paolocci F, Robbins MP, Passeri V, Hauck B, Morris P, Rubini A, Arcioni S, Damiani F
Year: 2011
Assessing genetic variability in T. aestivum populations from Turkey
Riccioni C, Kuyumcu S, Belfiori B, Rubini A, Turkoglu A, Paolocci F
Year: 2011
The AD-type ectomycorrhizas, one of the most common morphotypes present in truffle fields, result from fungi belonging to the Trichophaea woolhopeia species complex
Rubini A, Belfiori B, Passeri V, BACIARELLI FALINI L, Arcioni S, Riccioni C, Paolocci F
Year: 2011
Tuber melanosporum: mating type distribution in a natural plantation and dynamics of strains of different mating types on the roots of nursery-inoculated host plants
Rubini A, Belfiori B, Riccioni C, Arcioni S, Martin F, Paolocci F
Year: 2011
Isolation and characterization of MAT genes in the symbiotic ascomycete Tuber melanosporum
Rubini A, Belfiori B, Riccioni C, Tisserant E, Arcioni S, Martin F, Paolocci F
Year: 2011
Novel morphological and genetic tools to discriminate species among the family Plumatellidae (Phylactolaemata, Bryozoa
Rubini A, Pieroni G, Elia AC, Zippilli L, Paolocci F, Taticchi MI
Year: 2011
Agronomic and molecular analysis of heterosis in alfalfa
Scotti C, Carelli M, Calderini O, Panara F, Gaudenzi P, Biazzi E, May S, Graham N, Paolocci F, Arcioni S
Year: 2011
Assessment of reproductive mode in Tuber melanosporum, the fungal species producing the most appreciated black truffles
Belfiori B, Paolocci F, Riccioni C, Rubini A
Year: 2010
Le sexe caché des truffes
Murat C Rubini A Paolocci F Riccioni C Martin F
Year: 2009
Impiego di marcatori molecolari per risalire alla composizione varietale degli oli di oliva e per determinare la presenza di olio di altre specie
Mariotti R, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, Cultrera NG, Servili M, Baldoni L
Year: 2008
Tuber Melanosporum Outcrosses: Analysis of the Genetic Diversity within and among its Natural Populations under this new Scenario
Riccioni C, Belfiori B, Rubini A, Passeri V, Arcioni S, Paolocci F
Year: 2008
Tmt1: the first LTR-retrotransposon from a Tuber spp
Riccioni C, Rubini A, Belfiori B, Passeri V, Paolocci F, Arcioni S
Year: 2008
Isolation and characterization of some mycelia-inhabiting Tuber ascomata
Pacioni G, Leonardi M, Aimola P, Ragnelli AM, Rubini A, Paolocci F
Year: 2007
Troubles with truffles: unveiling more of their biology
Rubini A, Riccioni C, Arcioni S, Paolocci F
Year: 2007
Morphological and molecular analyses of ectomycorrhizal diversity in a man-made T. melanosporum plantation: description of novel truffle-like morphotypes
Baciarelli Falini Rubini A, Riccioni C, Paolocci F
Year: 2006
Molecular cytogenetics and DNA sequence analysis of an apomixis-linked BAC in Paspalum simplex reveal a non pericentromere location and partial microcolinearity with rice
Calderini O, Chang SB, de Jong H, Busti A, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, de Vries SC, Abma-Henkens MH, Lankhorst RM, Donnison IS, Pupilli F
Year: 2006
Reevaluation of the life cycle of Tuber magnatum
Paolocci F, Rubini A, Riccioni C, Arcioni S
Year: 2006
Molecular markers as a tool to characterize and promote the Italian truffle production (Tuber spp.)
Paolocci F, Rubini A, Riccioni C, Vendramin GG, Alba E, Arcioni S
Year: 2006
Assessment of inter- and intra-specific variability in the main species of Boletus edulis complex by ITS analysis
Leonardi M, Paolocci F, Rubini A, Simonini G, Pacioni G
Year: 2005
Genetica ed applicazioni biomolecolari in tartuficoltura
Year: 2005
Genetic and Phylogeographic Structures of the Symbiotic Fungus Tuber magnatum
Rubini A, Paolocci F, Riccioni C, Vendramin GG, Arcioni S
Year: 2005
Tuber aestivum and Tuber uncinatum: two morphotypes of two species
Paolocci F, Rubini A, Riccioni C, Topini F, Arcioni S
Year: 2004
Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in white truffle (Tuber magnatum
Rubini A, Topini F, Riccioni C, Paolocci F, Arcioni S
Year: 2004
The Headspace Volatiles of the Asian Truffle Tuber indicum Cooke et Mass
Bellesia F, Pinetti A, Tirillini B, Paolocci F, Rubini A, Arcioni S, Bianchi A
Year: 2002
Plant DNA methylation and gene expression
Bellucci M, Paolocci F, Damiani F, Arcioni S
Year: 2002
The synthesis of condensed tannin in Lotus corniculatus: production and characterisation of polymorphic isogenic lines
Turchetti V, Tosti N, Ragano Caracciolo M, Bellucci M, Paolocci F, Damiani F
Year: 2002
Somatic hybridisation between Medicago sativa and Medicago falcata
Arcioni S, Damiani F, Paolocci F, Pupilli F
Year: 2001
Morphological characterization of molecular-typed T. magnatum Pico ectomycorrhizae
Rubini A, Paolocci F, Granetti B Arcioni S
Year: 2001
Accumulation of maize γ-zein and γ-zein: KDEL to high levels in tobacco leaves and differential increase of BiP synthesis in transformants
Bellucci M, Alpini A, Paolocci F, Cong L, Arcioni S
Year: 2000
Cloning and characterization of two repeated sequences in the symbiotic fungus Tuber melanosporum Vitt
Paolocci F Rubini A Riccioni C Granetti B Arcioni S
Year: 2000
Metodi molecolari per l’identificazione delle diverse specie di tartufi
Agostini D, Amicucci A, Barbieri E, Bertini L, Mello A, Paolocci F, Percudani R, Piccoli G, Polidori E, Potenza L, Rivetti C, Rossi I, Rubini A, Soragni E, Zambonelli A, Zeppa S
Year: 1999
Transcription of a maize cDNA in Lotus corniculatus is regulated by T-DNA methylation and transgene copy number
Bellucci M, Alpini A, Paolocci F, Damiani F, Arcioni S
Year: 1999
Rapid molecular approach for a reliable identification of Tuber spp. ectomycorrhizae
Paolocci F Rubini A Granetti B Arcioni S
Year: 1999
Come salvaguardare le specie pregiate di tartufo
Year: 1999
Single step molecular characterization of morphologically similar black truffle species
Rubini A Paolocci F Granetti B Arcioni S
Year: 1998
A repetitive and species-specific sequence as a tool for detecting the genome contribution in somatic hybrids of the genus Medicago
Calderini O, Pupilli F, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, S
Year: 1997
Typing Tuber melanosporum and Chinese black truffle species by molecular markers
Paolocci F Rubini A Granetti B Arcioni S
Year: 1997