Gabriella Sonnante
Role: Research Director
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Bari
Tel: (39) 0805583400-240
E-mail: gabriella.sonnante[at]
Gabriella Sonnante
Role: Research Director Tel: (39) 080-5583400 E-mail:
Research Director at IBBR/CNR
Previous Positions
2021 - present: Research Director at the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, CNR, Bari
2007 - 2020: Senior Researcher at the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (former Institute of Plant Genetics), CNR, Bari
1994 - 2006: Researcher at the Institute of Plant Genetics (former Germplasm Institute), CNR, Bari
Education, training and visits to other Institutions
2008: short visit at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK
2003: short visit at the Botanic Institute, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
1997: visiting scientist at the Institute of Molecular Biology (Prof. G. Kahl), Biozentrum, University of Frankfurt, Germany (2 months)
1993: visiting scientist at the Genetics Department (Prof. J. Orellana), Politenic University of Madrid, Spain for a “Training and Mobility” programme of the European Community (1 month)
1992 - 1994: IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria) fellow at the Germplasm Institute, CNR, Bari
1991: visiting scientist at the Department of Agronomy and Range Science (Prof. P. Gepts), The University of California, Davis (1 year)
1990 - 1991: fellow at the Germplasm Institute, CNR, Bari
1988: Graduated in biology cum laude, University of Bari
National scientific qualification for full professorship
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN) 2014-2020 - Bando 2013 per Professore Universitario I Fascia (DD n.161/2013) - Settore concorsuale 07/E1 - CHIMICA AGRARIA, GENETICA AGRARIA E PEDOLOGIA
Main research topics
Scientific activity includes researches on plant molecular evolution and differentiation of genepools, domestication, identification of molecular markers (SNP, SSR, AFLP, etc.) for the evaluation and utilization of plant genetic resources.
Plant genomics and transcriptomics.
Isolation, characterization, expression and functional characterization of structural genes, transcription factors and micro RNAs involved in the synthesis of polyphenols, in the use of nitrogen and in the response to abiotic stresses.
Species of interest: wheat; legumes; globe artichoke and other vegetable crops.
Other activities
Management of the Cynara (globe artichoke) field collection at CNR-IBBR
Member of the PhD teaching staff of the University of Bari - PhD in “Biodiversity, Agriculture and Environment”.
2006 - to present
Delegate for the CNR - Department of Bio-AgriFood Sciences at EPSO (European Plant Science Organization) 2013-2018
Main Research Projects
Agritech National Research Center - European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR)—MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4—D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022. Funded by: European Union
BiodiverSO VEG - "Biodiversità delle Specie Orticole non da Frutto della Puglia" - Progetti Integrati per la Biodiversità - PSR Puglia 2014-2020, Misura 10.2. Funded by: Regione Puglia (2022-2025).
PON ALIFUN - ‘Sviluppo di alimenti funzionali per l’innovazione dei prodotti alimentari di tradizione italiana‘ - ARS01_00783_ALIFUN, Decreto concessione n.0002852, 30/11/2021. Funded by: Ministry of University and Research.
PON E-crops - “Tecnologie per l’Agricoltura Digitale Sostenibile” - PNR 2015-2020 ARS01-01136. Funded by: Ministry of University and Research.
BIODRUBA - "Biodiversità delle Drupacee della Basilicata" - PSR Basilicata mis. 10.2. Provvedimento di Concessione CUAA 80054330586 Prot. CNR-IBBR N.0004095 del 22/05/2018. Funded by: Regione Basilicata
BiodiverSO - "Biodiversità delle Specie Orticole della Puglia" - Progetti Integrati per la Biodiversità - PSR Puglia 2007-2013, Misura 214/4 sub-azione a). Funded by: Regione Puglia (2013-2015).
BioNet - PTP, Biodiversità per la valorizzazione e sicurezza delle produzioni alimentari tipiche pugliesi - Cod. Progetto 73 - Progetto Reti di Laboratorio, Bando BURP n. 41 del 13/03/2008. Funded by: Regione Puglia (2013-2015).
ISCOCEM - PON 01_01445 “Sviluppo tecnologico e innovazione per la sostenibilità e competitività della cerealicoltura meridionale (ISCOCEM), decreto MIUR prot. n. 658/ ric. del 14/10/2011. Funded by: Ministry of Education and Research (2011-2015).
BIOforIU - PONA3_00025 D.D. 957/ric del 18/11/2011 prot. N. 1424/29 “Infrastuttura multidisciplinare per lo studio e la valorizzazione della biodiversità marina e terrestre nella prospettiva della Innovation Union”. Funded by: Ministry of Education and Research (2012-2014).
PRIN 2010-2011 “Identificazione e caratterizzazione di geni utili ad incrementare la produttività e sostenibilità del frumento duro”. Funded by: Ministry of Education and Research (2013-2016).
“Valorizzazione di leguminose tipiche pugliesi attraverso la caratterizzazione e la determinazione delle proprietà farmacologiche di nuovi inibitori Bowman-Birk”. Funded by: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia” (2011-2012).
C.I.S.I.A. - Conoscenze Integrate per la Sostenibilità e l’Innovazione del made in Italy Agroalimentare, project for the innovation of made in Italy agro-food compartment. Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Legge n. 191/2009 (2011-2015).
CYNARES (AGRI GEN RES 063) “European genetic resources of Cynara spp.”. Funded by the European Union (2007-2011).
CAR-VARVI “Valorizzazione di germoplasma di carciofo attraverso la costituzione varietale e il risanamento da virus” (D.M. 6323/7303/09 del 11/03/2009). Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture and Forest (2009-2013).
SCRIGNO - Sviluppo e Caratterizzazione delle Risorse Genetiche Native in Ortofrutticoltura, Settore Agrobiotecnologie (Legge 449/97) - "Studio della diversità genetica, caratterizzazione e valorizzazione di germoplasma di Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus L.". Funded by: Ministry of University and Research (2002-2004).
Publications, Books and Articles
Please find the full list of my publications at the following URL:
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Biodiversity of globe artichoke in the Mediterranean area: metabolomic characterization of landraces by means of non-targeted NMR spectroscopy analysis
Blanco E, Musio B, Todisco S, Mastrorilli P, Gallo V, Sonnante G
Year: 2023
Sweet Cherry Diversity and Relationships in Modern and Local Varieties Based on SNP Markers
Palasciano M, Zuluaga DL, Cerbino D, Blanco E, Aufiero G, D’agostino N, Sonnante G
Year: 2023
Genetic Mapping of Flavonoid Grain Pigments in Durum Wheat
Sgaramella N, Nigro D, Pasqualone A, Signorile MA, Laddomada B, Sonnante G, Blanco E, Simeone R, Blanco A
Year: 2023
Non-targeted NMR approach to unveil and promote the biodiversity of globe artichoke in the Mediterranean area
Blanco E, Musio B, Todisco S, Mastrorilli P, Gallo V, Sonnante G
Year: 2022
R2R3-MYBs in Durum Wheat: Genome-Wide Identification, Poaceae-Specific Clusters, Expression, and Regulatory Dynamics Under Abiotic Stresses
Emanuela Blanco, Pasquale Luca Curci, Andrea Manconi, Adele Sarli, Diana Lucia Zuluaga, Gabriella Sonnante
Year: 2022
Sweet Cherry Diversity and Relationships in Modern and Local Varieties Based on SNP Markers
Palasciano M, Zuluaga DL, Cerbino D, Blanco E, Aufiero G, D’Agostino N, Sonnante G
Year: 2022
An Integrated Management of Vegetable Agro-Biodiversity: A Case Study in the Puglia Region (Italy) on the Artichoke Landrace âààCarciofo di Lucera’
Signore A, Di Giovine F, Morgese A, Sonnante G, Santamaria P
Year: 2022
Biodiversità delle drupaceae nella regione Basilicata: il progetto BioDruBa
Sonnante G, Blanco E, Zuluaga DL, Sarli A, Morgese A, Zienna P, Cerbino D
Year: 2021
Diversità molecolare in germoplasma di ciliegio
Sonnante G, D’Agostino N, Blanco E, Zuluaga DL, Sarli A, Morgese A, Todisco MC, Logoluso V, Cerbino D, Palasciano M
Year: 2021
Year: 2021
Exploring on-farm agro-biodiversity: a study case of vegetable landraces from Puglia region (Italy)
Conversa G, Lazzizera C, Bonasia A, Cifarelli S, Losavio F, Sonnante G, Elia A
Year: 2020
Genotyping-by-sequencing reveals molecular genetic diversity in Italian common bean landraces
Lioi L, Zuluaga DL, Pavan S, Sonnante G
Year: 2019
Durum wheat genome highlights past domestication signatures and future improvement targets
Maccaferri M, Harris NS, Twardziok SO, Pasam RK, Gundlach H, Spannagl M, Ormanbekova D, Lux T, Prade VM, Milner SG, Himmelbach A, Mascher M, Bagnaresi P, Faccioli P, Cozzi P, Lauria M, Lazzari B, Stella A, Manconi A, Gnocchi M, Moscatelli M, Avni R, Deek J, Biyiklioglu S, Frascaroli E, Corneti S, Salvi S, Sonnante G, Desiderio F, Marè C, Crosatti C, Mica E, Özkan H, Kilian B, De Vita P, Marone D, Joukhadar R, Mazzucotelli E, Nigro D, Gadaleta A, Chao S, Faris JD, Melo AT, Pumphrey M, Pecchioni N, Milanesi L, Wiebe K, Ens J, Maclachlan RP, Clarke JM, Sharpe AG, Koh CS, Liang KY, Taylor GJ, Knox R, Budak H, Mastrangelo AM, Xu SS, Stein N, Hale I, Distelfeld A, Hayden MJ, Tuberosa R, Walkowiak S, Mayer KF, Ceriotti A, Pozniak CJ, Cattivelli L
Year: 2019
Genetic diversity in broccoli rabe (Brassica rapa L. subsp. sylvestris (L.) Janch.) from Southern Italy
Mazzeo R, Morgese A, Sonnante G, Zuluaga DL, Pavan S, Ricciardi L, Lotti C
Year: 2019
The chloroplast genome
Sonnante G
Year: 2019
Overexpression of the MYB29 transcription factor affects aliphatic glucosinolate synthesis in Brassica oleracea
Zuluaga DL, Graham NS, Klinder A, van Ommen Kloeke AE, Marcotrigiano AR, Wagstaff C, Verkerk R, Sonnante G, Aarts MG
Year: 2019
The use of nitrogen and its regulation in cereals: structural genes, transcription factors, and the role of miRNAs
Zuluaga DL, Sonnante G
Year: 2019
Nuovo Almanacco BiodiverSO
Accogli R, Conversa G, Ricciardi L, Sonnante G, Santamaria P
Year: 2018
Isolation and Characterization of the Flavonol Regulator CcMYB12 From the Globe Artichoke [Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus (L.) Fiori]
Blanco E, Sabetta W, Danzi D, Negro D, Passeri V, Lisi AD, Paolocci F, Sonnante G
Year: 2018
Asparagine synthetase genes (AsnS1 and AsnS2) in durum wheat: structural analysis and expression under nitrogen stress
Curci PL, Bergès H, Marande W, Maccaferri M, Tuberosa R, Sonnante G
Year: 2018
Germplasm collection, genetic diversity and on-farm conservation of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] landraces from Apulia region (southern Italy)
Lioi L, Morgese A, Cifarelli S, Sonnante G
Year: 2018
Genotyping-by-sequencing highlights patterns of genetic structure and domestication in artichoke and cardoon
Pavan S, Curci PL, Zuluaga DL, Blanco E, Sonnante G
Year: 2018
MicroRNAs in durum wheat seedlings under chronic and short-term nitrogen stress
Zuluaga DL, Liuzzi V, Curci PL, Sonnante G
Year: 2018
Differential representation of albumins and globulins during grain development in durum wheat and its possible functional consequences
Arena S, D’Ambrosio C, Vitale M, Mazzeo F, Mamone G, Di Stasio L, Maccaferri M, Curci PL, Sonnante G, Zambrano N, Scaloni A
Year: 2017
Transcriptomic response of durum wheat to nitrogen starvation
Curci PL, Aiese Cigliano R, Zuluaga DL, Janni M, Sanseverino W, Sonnante G
Year: 2017
Genetic diversity and accession structure in European Cynara cardunculus collections
Pagnotta MA, Fernández JA, Sonnante G, Egea-Gilabert C
Year: 2017
A distinct genetic cluster in cultivated chickpea as revealed by genome-wide marker discovery and genotyping
Pavan S, Lotti C, Marcotrigiano AR, Mazzeo R, Bardaro N, Bracuto V, Ricciardi F, Taranto F, D’Agostino N, Schiavulli A, De Giovanni C, Montemurro C, Sonnante G, Ricciardi L
Year: 2017
Collecting, characterizing and promoting vegetable genetic resources in Apulia, Southern Italy
Sonnante G, Blanco E, Cifarelli S, Curci PL, Di Renzo P, Lioi L, Liuzzi V, Losavio F, Morgese A, Quattromini A, Sonnante Gi, Zuluaga DL
Year: 2017
Artichokes from Apulia region, a source of genetic variation
Sonnante G, Curci PL, Pavan S, Blanco E, Zuluaga DL, Losavio F, Morgese A
Year: 2017
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of binary vectors with multiple sgRNAs for editing nitrogen metabolism genes in durum wheat
Zuluaga DL, Acosta IF, Sonnante G
Year: 2017
Durum wheat miRNAs in response to nitrogen starvation at the grain filling stage
Zuluaga DL, De Paola D, Janni M, Curci PL, Sonnante G
Year: 2017
Le melanzane dell’area sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Sonnante G, Nigro D, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Giunta R, Piergiovanni AR, Morgese A, Hammer K, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
Le melanzane dell’area sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Sonnante G, Nigro D, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Giunta R, Piergiovanni AR, Morgese A, Hammer K, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
The chloroplast genome as a tool for exploring genetic relationships among globe artichoke, leafy cardoons and wild artichokes
Curci P, De Paola D, Sonnante G
Year: 2016
Development of chloroplast genomic resources for Cynara
Curci PL, De Paola D, Sonnante G
Year: 2016
The miRNAome of durum wheat: isolation and characterisation of conserved and novel microRNAs and their target genes
De Paola D, Zuluaga DL, Sonnante G
Year: 2016
La valorizzazione degli agroecotipi di melanzana del Parco Nazionale del Pollino: caratterizzazione morfo-agronomica, biochimica e molecolare
Laghetti G, Cerbino D, De Lisi A, Piergiovanni AR, Sonnante G, Giunta R, Negro D, Losavio F, Morgese A, Stimolo L, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Figliuolo G, Hammer K
Year: 2016
Fertilization strategies on cultivars of globe artichoke: Effects on yield and quality performance
Negro D, Montesano V, Sonnante G, Rubino P, De Lisi A, Sarli G
Year: 2016
Almanacco BiodiverSO - Biodiversità delle specie orticole della Puglia
Accogli R, Conversa G, Ricciardi L, Sonnante G, Santamaria P
Year: 2015
Genetic variability in wild cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. sylvestris) revealed by SSR markers and morphological traits
Ben Ammar I, Sonnante G, Al Mohandes Dridi B
Year: 2015
Serotonin gene polymorphisms and lifetime mood disorders in predicting interferon-induced depression in chronic hepatitis C
Cozzolongo R, Porcelli P, Cariola F, Giannuzzi V, Lanzilotta E, Gentile M, Sonnante G, Leandro G
Year: 2015
Chloroplast genome diversity in Cynara
Curci PL, De Paola D, Danzi D, Sonnante G
Year: 2015
Complete Chloroplast Genome of the Multifunctional Crop Globe Artichoke and Comparison with Other Asteraceae
Curci PL, De Paola D, Danzi D, Vendramin GG, Sonnante G
Year: 2015
Development of chloroplast genomic resources for Cynara
Curci PL, De Paola D, Sonnante G
Year: 2015
The complete chloroplast genome of Cynara humilis
Curci PL, Sonnante G
Year: 2015
MicroRNAOME expression in durum wheat: role in plant development and nitrogen metabolism
De Paola D, Zuluaga DL, Danzi D, Janni M, Sonnante G
Year: 2015
Genetic associations of alexithymia in predicting interferon-induced depression in chronic Hepatitis C
Porcelli P, Cozzolongo R, Cariola F, Giannuzzi V, Lanzilotta E, Gentile M, Sonnante G, Leandro G
Year: 2015
Novel and conserved miRNAs involved in plant development and nitrogen metabolism in durum wheat
Zuluaga DL, De Paola D, Danzi D, Janni M, Sonnante G
Year: 2015
Genetic diversity in Borago officinalis germplasm as revealed by seed oils and AFLP polymorphism
De Lisi A, Montesano V, Negro D, Sarli G, Blanco E, Sonnante G, Laghetti G
Year: 2014
Polyphenolic compounds in artichoke cultivars and regulation of their synthesis in artichoke
Blanco E, Negro D, De Paola D, Pignone D, Sonnante G
Year: 2013
MicroRNAS in the globe artichoke: detection and analysis
De Paola D, Cattonaro F, Finetti Sialer M, Catalano D, Fracchiolla A, Morgese A, Pignone D, Sonnante G
Year: 2013
Population structure of Cynara cardunculus complex and the origin of the conspecific crops artichoke and cardoon
Gatto A, De Paola D, Bagnoli F, Vendramin GG, Sonnante G
Year: 2013
Population structure of Cynara cardunculus complex and the origin of conspecific crops artichoke and cardoon
Gatto A, De Paola D, Bagnoli F, Vendramin GG, Sonnante G
Year: 2013
Productive and nutraceutical effects of globe artichoke fertilization
Negro D, Montesano V, De Lisi A, Mastro M, Rubino P, Sonnante G, Sarli G
Year: 2013
Schede valutative di alcuni genotipi di carciofo realizzate nell’ambito del progetto MiPAAF "CAR-VARVI-Valorizzazione di germoplasma di carciofo attraverso la costituzione varietale e il risanamento da virus
Saccardo F, Pagnotta MA, Temperini O, Colla G, Mondini L, Rey N, Ciancolini A, Tavazza R, Crinò P, Barba M, Pasquini G, Dragone I, Morone-Fortunato I, Ruta C, Tagarelli A, Rodio A, Perrini R, Campanelli A, Ferrari V, Ficcadenti N, Campanelli G, Bertone A, Piccinini E, Pepe R, Trotta N, Rofrano G, Vivone A, Tedesco P, De Vivo G, Mennella G, D’Alessandro A, Francese G, Cardi T, Giovanni M, Mario M, Angelo L, Antonino R, Grazia LAM, Alessia R, Rosario M, Sara L, Gaetano P, Sebastiano S, Vincenzo C, Graifenberg A, Pardossi A, Ceccarelli N, Picciarelli P, Curadi M, Botrini L, Granchi G, Lanteri S, Portis E, Sonnante G, De Lisi A, Sarli G, Tucci M, De Masi L, Sonnante G, El-Bahrawy A, Calabrese N, Boari F, Cantore V, Di Venere D, Pieralice M, De Palma E, Linsalata V, Pietro S, Sumerano P, Cadinu M, Pisanu AB, Repetto A, Baghino L, Mallica G, Munton M, Maiani G
Year: 2013
Genetics and genomics of the globe artichoke: where have we got to? - Recent Advances at CNR-IGV, Italy
Sonnante G
Year: 2013
Risorse genetiche e strumenti molecolari per la valorizzazione delle produzioni cinaricole
Sonnante G, Blanco E, De Paola D, Gatto A
Year: 2013
Characterization of Italian Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) germplasm by multidisciplinary approach
Zaccardelli M, Sonnante G, Lupo F, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Sparvoli F, Lioi L
Year: 2013
In-silico and in-vivo analyses of EST databases unveil conserved miRNAs from Carthamus tinctorius and Cynara cardunculus
Catalano D, Pignone D, Sonnante G, Finetti-Sialer MM
Year: 2012
Isolation and characterization of novel variants of BBI coding genes from the legume Lathyrus sativus
De Paola D, Blanco E, Pierri CL, Sonnante G
Year: 2012
The miRNAome of globe artichoke: conserved and novel micro RNAs and target analysis
De Paola D, Cattonaro F, Pignone D, Sonnante G
Year: 2012
Artichoke microRNAs involved in the response to biotic stresses
De Paola D, Finetti-Sialer MM, Catalano D, Sonnante G
Year: 2012
Analysis of molecular genetic diversity of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) in Tunisia
Khaldi S, Sonnante G, El Gazzah M
Year: 2012
Polyphenol Compounds in Artichoke Plant Tissues and Varieties
Negro D, Montesano V, Grieco S, Crupi P, Sarli G, De Lisi A, Sonnante G
Year: 2012
Characterization of globe artichoke accessions belonging to the Cynara collection of the Institute of Plant Genetics, CNR, Italy
Sonnante G, Sarli G, Di Venere D, De Lisi A, Montemurro F, Negro D, Morgese A, Grieco S, Sonnante Gi, Montesano V, Pignone D
Year: 2012
Characterization of Italian lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm by agronomic traits, biochemical and molecular markers
Zaccardelli M, Lupo F, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Sonnante G, Daminati MG, Sparvoli F, Lioi L
Year: 2012
Characterization of Italian lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm by agronomic traits, biochemical and molecular markers
Zaccardelli M, Lupo F, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Sonnante G, Daminati MG, Sparvoli F, Lioi L
Year: 2012
Assessment of Genetic Variation in an Artichoke European Collection by Means of Molecular Markers
Boury S, Jacob A-M, Egea-Gilbert C, Fernández JA, Sonnante G, Pignone D, Rey NA, Pagnotta MA
Year: 2011
Purification, biochemical characterization and cloning of a new cationic peroxidase isoenzyme from artichoke
Cardinali A, Tursi N, Ligorio A, Giuffrida MG, Napolitano L, Caliandro R, Sergio L, Di Venere D, Lattanzio V, Sonnante G
Year: 2011
Purification, biochemical characterization and cloning of a new cationic peroxidase isoenzyme from artichoke
Cardinali A, Tursi N, Ligorio A, Giuffrida MG, Napolitano L, Caliandro R, Sergio L, Di Venere D, Lattanzio V, Sonnante G
Year: 2011
Bowman-Birk Inhibitors from Legumes and Human Gastrointestinal Health: Current Status and Perspectives
Clemente A, Sonnante G, Domoney C
Year: 2011
Characterization of Italian grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) germplasm using agronomic traits, biochemical and molecular markers
Lioi L, Sparvoli F, Sonnante G, Laghetti G, Lupo F, Zaccardelli M
Year: 2011
Clorogenic Acid Content Variation in Artichoke Plant Parts and Physiological Stages.
Negro D, Grieco S, De Lisi A, Sarli G, Sonnante G
Year: 2011
Conclusions and considerations for the future - Chapter XII
Pignone D, Sonnante G, Faslia N
Year: 2011
First glance into Cynara cardunculus genome by next generation sequencing
Sonnante G, Cattonaro F, Scalabrin S, De Paola D, Pignone D, Morgante M
Year: 2011
Isolation and Characterization of Genes for the Synthesis of Chlorogenic Acid in Artichoke
Sonnante G, D’Amore R, Blanco E, Luo J, Pignone D, Martin C
Year: 2011
Genetic map of artichoke x wild cardoon: toward a consensus map for Cynara cardunculus
Sonnante G, Gatto A, Morgese A, Montemurro F, Sarli G, Blanco E, Pignone D
Year: 2011
The Evolution of Cynara: Diversity and Domestication of Artichoke and Cardoon
Sonnante G, Morgese A, Sonnante Gi, Pignone D
Year: 2011
Bowman-Birk inhibitors in lentil: Heterologous expression, functional characterisation and anti-proliferative properties in human colon cancer cells
Caccialupi P, Ceci LR, Siciliano RA, Pignone D, Clemente A, Sonnante G
Year: 2010
La conservazione ex situ della biodiversità delle specie vegetali spontanee e coltivate in Italia. Stato dell’arte, criticità e azioni da compiere
Laghetti G, Piotto B, Giacanelli V, Ercole S, Sonnante G, Bretzel F, Puglisi S
Year: 2010
Novel Hydroxycinnamoyl-Coenzyme A Quinate Transferase Genes from Artichoke Are Involved in the Synthesis of Chlorogenic Acid
Sonnante G, D’Amore R, Blanco E, Pierri CL, De Palma M, Luo J, Tucci M, Martin C
Year: 2010
DNA microsatellite region for a reliable quantification of soft wheat adulteration in durum wheat-based foodstuffs by real-time PCR
Sonnante G, Montemurro C, Morgese A, Sabetta W, Blanco A, Pasqualone A
Year: 2009