Gaetano Laghetti
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Bari
Tel: (39) 0805583400-202
E-mail: gaetano.laghetti[at]
Laghetti Gaetano, IBBR-CNR
Personal Information | Born in Bari (Italy) on 14.05.1959 In 1984 at the University of Bari, Faculty of Agriculture he obtained cum laude a degree in Agricultural Science In 1986 at the Faculty of Agriculture of Bari he passed the State Examination for qualification to practice the profession of agronomist In 1987 he won an international scholarship by I.I.T.A. (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) of Ibadan (Nigeria), on “Exploration, collecting and characterisation of a germplasm collection of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) from Mediterranean” Since 1990 he is Researcher at the ‘Plant Genetics Institute’ of CNR in Bari where, in 2001, he became Senior Scientist He has been member of the Scientific Council of the former ‘Istituto del Germoplasma’ Since 2002 he belongs to the new ‘Register of Experts of Ministry of Public Education, University and Research’ to evaluate private projects presented to get public financing Since 01/01/2011 he is the head of the CNR’s work order (‘commessa’ in Italian) ’Biodiversity for the sustainability of Mediterranean agricultural systems’ In 2011 he becomes the curator of the CNR’s Gene Bank sited in Bari. Since March 2012 he is in the ECP/GR the Italian representative in the working group ’Solanaceae’ Since October 2013 he is deputy of the director of IBBR |
Present Position | Senior Scientist at IBBR-CNR of Bari |
Work Experiences | Before his engagement as researcher: one year as pioneer during one’s military service (1985-86); various field works as member of a labour co-operative; organizer of linguistic and informatic courses on behalf of a private society; temporary teacher (mathematics and natural sciences) in three middle schools. |
Tutorial and Teaching Activities | As tutorial activity he has been responsible of a Research Doctorate, a Degree Thesis and 6 scholarships. As teaching activity he has given 5 external courses of lessons, and 8 seminars both in Italy and abroad. |
Fields of interest | Safeguarding of Plant Genetic Resources, Plant Genetics, Applied Statistics |
Research Activities | Plant collector during ca. 50 exploration and collecting missions carried out in Italy and abroad (South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Albania, France, Greece) with more than 5.000 accessions gathered. Characterisation and evaluation of several germplasm collections (e.g. Triticum spp., Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp., Aegilops spp., Lens spp., Capsicum spp.) using agronomical, morphological and biochemical traits. Since 2003 person in charge of an experimental field where several scientific trials, together with the periodical multiplication activity, are usually carried out. Statistical analysis (mainly with the SAS® software) of characterisation data using both uni and multivariate analytical methods, some of which new (see Laghetti G., Pignone, D. and Sonnante G., 2008). Taxonomic and ecogeographical studies to find out the centre of origin and the wild ancestors of some important crops (e.g. cowpea, emmer, spelt). Assessment of genetic, phenetic and geographic variability of several Mediterranean crops. Experience in obtainment of EU quality marks (e.g. IGP, DOP) for local products (e.g. ‘Fagioli di Sarconi’, ‘Melanzana di Rotonda’) and two plant patents (i.e. ‘Farvento’ and ‘Triventina’). Since 2002 he is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Since 2012 he is peer-reviewer for the ’Dove Medical Press journals’ in the fields of ’Botanics: Targets and therapy’ and ’Research and Reports in Biodiversity Studies’. At present he is referee of Euphytica, Biodiversity and Conservation, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, Australian Journal of Crop Science, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter (FAO - BIOVERSITY), African Journal of Agricultural Research, African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, African Journal of Biotechnology, African Journal of Microbiology Research, Pharmaceutical Biology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Journal of Languages and Culture. He is author of ca. 200 papers mainly on International Journals and editor and/or coordinator of four books. He has been the scientific responsible of 6 internal CNR projects and 7 external projects, and collaborator in 21 other projects. |
Pubblications | Selections of 10 papers published in the last 5 years: Hammer K, Gladis Th, Laghetti G. and Pignone D., 2013. Cichorium intybus L. as a root vegetable in Italy and remarks on the infraspecific classification of the cultivated races of this species. International Journal of AgriScience, Vol. 3(12):927-938. Laghetti G, Ghiglione G, Miceli F, Cifarelli S, Pignone D, Hammer K, 2011. Collecting crop genetic resources in two Italian linguistic (Occitan and Ladin) islands and west Liguria with historical and ethnobotanical notes. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 3(12). Laghetti G., Pignone D., De Lisi A., Cifarelli S., Faslia N. & Hammer K., 2011. Collecting crop genetic resources in Italian towns of Albanian origin across the Molise, Calabria and Sicily regions. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 58: 139-152. Laghetti G., 2009. Microevolution of Scolymus hispanicus L. (Compositae) in south Italy: from gathering of wild plants to some attempts of cultivation. In: Agrobiodiversity and Genetic Erosion, Contributions in Honor of Prof. Dr. Karl Hammer. Andreas Buekert and Jens Gebauer (Editors). Supplement No. 92 to the Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Kassel University press GmbH., pp. 119-126. Laghetti G., Fiorentino G., Hammer K. and Pignone D. 2009. On the trail of the last autochthonous Italian einkorn (Triticum monococcum L.) and emmer (Triticum dicoccon Schrank) populations: a mission impossible? Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 56:1163-1170. Laghetti, G., Cifarelli, S. and Hammer, K., 2008. Exploration and collecting expeditions on Montecristo, Gorgona and Giannutri islands (Italy). Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 153:61-66. Laghetti G., Pignone, D. and Sonnante G., 2008. Statistical approaches to analyse genebank data using a lentil germplasm collection as a case study. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, Vol. 73(3):175-181. Laghetti G., Piergiovanni A.R., Sonnante G., Lioi L. and Pignone D., 2008. The Italian lentil genetic resources: a worthy basic tool for breeders. The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 2(1): 48-59. Laghetti G., Accogli R. and Hammer K., 2008. Different cucumber melon (Cucumis melo L.) races cultivated in Salento (Italy). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 55:619-623. Hammer K, Laghetti G and Pignone D (eds.), 2011. Linguistic Islands and Plant Genetic Resources - The Case of the Arbëreshë. ARACNE, Rome, ISBN 978-88-548-3958-8 |
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Agronomic performance and phenolic profile of Tritordeum (x Tritordeum martinii A. Pujadas) lines
Montesano V, Negro D, De Lisi A, Urbano M, Sarli G, Laghetti G
Year: 2020
Le antiche varietà di cereali dell’area sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Carriero F, Lacertosa G, Sassone N, Zienna P, Gallo S, Margiotta B, Urbano M, Laghetti G, Iannucci A, Codianni P
Year: 2019
Presentazione dei risultati dei progetti integrati per la biodiversità. Progetto Savegrain
Margiotta B, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR
Year: 2019
Le antiche varietà di fagiolo dell’area Sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Zienna P, Sassone N, Illiano M, Gallo S, Carriero F, Mango T, Grillo R, Lioi L, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR
Year: 2018
Conservation of crop genetic resources in Italy with a focus on vegetables and a case study of a neglected race of Brassica oleracea
Hammer K, Montesano V, Direnzo P, Laghetti G
Year: 2018
Genetic resources of vegetable crops and their safeguarding in Italy
Laghetti G, Bisignano V, Urbano M
Year: 2018
Leguminose, cereali e foraggere: un catalogo della biodiversità pugliese
Margiotta B, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR
Year: 2018
CNR-IBBR Attività di coordinamento ed organigramma del capofila
Margiotta B, Lioi L, Finetti Sialer M, Urbano M, Tomaselli V, Bisignano V, Polignano GB, Colaprico G, Cataldo P, Scarascia M, Campanella G, Stimolo L, Cifarelli S, Losavio FP, Rapanà N, Veronico G, Tricarico A, Livorti M, Fortunato R, Fornarelli N, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G
Year: 2018
Partecipazione alla "Settimana della Biodiversità Pugliese" Bari 20-26 maggio 2018
Margiotta B, Piergiovanni AR, Urbano M, Laghetti G, Stimolo L, Campanella G, Scarascia M, Cataldo P, Fornarelli N
Year: 2018
Domesticazione della Salicornia patula Duval-Jouve nel territorio garganico
Urbano M, Tomaselli V, Bisignano V, Veronico G, De Lisi A, Laghetti G
Year: 2018
Lenticchia di Altamura: una risorsa del passato per la produttività e sostenibilità degli agro-ecosistemi attuali
Direnzo P, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Fracchiolla M, Giunta R, Centoducati G
Year: 2017
SaVeGraINPuglia for safeguarding legume, cereal and forage landraces from Apulia region (Italy)
Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Margiotta B
Year: 2017
Genome-wide association mapping reveals a rich genetic architecture of stripe rust resistance loci in emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum)
Liu W, Maccaferri M, Chen X, Laghetti G, Pignone D, Pumphrey M, Tuberosa R
Year: 2017
Partecipazione alla "Settimana della biodiversità pugliese di interesse agricolo e alimentare" Bari 18-26 maggio 2017
Margiotta B, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Lioi L, Urbano M, Stimolo L, Campanella G, Scarascia M, Cataldo P, Cifarelli S
Year: 2017
In Puglia la valorizzazione di leguminose, cereali e foraggere
Margiotta B, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Lioi L, Urbano M, Tomaselli V, Finetti Sialer M, Bisignano V, Polignano G, Mita G, Santino A, Leonetti P, Pantaleo A, De Vita P, Pecorella S, De Mastro G, Ruta C, Cazzato E, Blanco A, Mangini G, Simeone R, Ricciardi L, Accogli R, Mattia C, Creanza G, Guida D, Abrusci V, Abrusci G, Lotti C, Capurso A, Drago S, Spoto G, Raffa A, Stasolla F, Dalfino G, Magnatta M, Razionale V, Papa MR, Ferrarese MC, Zema M, Belliggiano A, Panarese F, Racano E, Intini M
Year: 2017
The fascinating history of bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso & Poiteau), the exclusive essence of Calabria: a review
Maruca G, Laghetti G, Mafrica R, Turiano D, Hammer K
Year: 2017
Leguminose, cereali, foraggere di Puglia. Fonti storiche
Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Margiotta B
Year: 2017
Salicornia patula Duval-Jouve: from gathering of wild plants to some attempts of cultivation in Apulia region (southern Italy)
Urbano M, Tomaselli V, Bisignano V, Veronico G, Hammer K, Laghetti G
Year: 2017
Le antiche varietà di patata del Pollino
Cerbino D, De Lisi A, Giunta R, Montesano V, Losavio F, Direnzo P, Stimolo L, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Figliuolo G, Laghetti G
Year: 2016
Le antiche varietà di patata del Pollino
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Cirigliano M, Di Napoli A, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Direnzo P, Giunta R, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Negro D, Sarli G, Di Paola A, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
Le melanzane dell’area sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Sonnante G, Nigro D, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Giunta R, Piergiovanni AR, Morgese A, Hammer K, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
Le melanzane dell’area sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Sonnante G, Nigro D, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Giunta R, Piergiovanni AR, Morgese A, Hammer K, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
Étude préliminaire sur l’horticulture dans les Régions de Thiès, Diourbel et Fatick.
Giunta R, Kane PD, Direnzo P, Diatte M, Diop F, Laghetti G
Year: 2016
La valorizzazione degli agroecotipi di melanzana del Parco Nazionale del Pollino: caratterizzazione morfo-agronomica, biochimica e molecolare
Laghetti G, Cerbino D, De Lisi A, Piergiovanni AR, Sonnante G, Giunta R, Negro D, Losavio F, Morgese A, Stimolo L, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Figliuolo G, Hammer K
Year: 2016
Banca dati SaVeGraINPuglia
Margiotta B, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Spoto G, Drago S
Year: 2016
Collecting landraces of vegetable crop species in the South-West Romania
Sarli G, Tigan E, Bitonte D, Montemurro F, Montesano V, Laghetti G, Hammer Karl
Year: 2016
Indagini storico-bibliografiche e raccolta di leguminose e cereali tipiche della regione Puglia.
Direnzo P, Lucarelli R, Veronico G, Margiotta B, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G
Year: 2015
SaVeGraINPuglia: a project to safeguard legume, cereal and forage landraces of Apulia region
Laghetti G, Bisignano B, Campanella G, Casini G, Cataldo P, Cifarelli S, Colaprico G, De Virgilio M, Direnzo P, Finetti Sialer M, Lioi L, Losavio F, Polignano GB, Scarascia M, Stimolo L, Tomaselli V, Urbano M, Veronico G, Piergiovanni AR, Margiotta B
Year: 2015
CNR-IBBR Attività di coordinamento e organigramma del capofila
Laghetti G, Bisignano B, Campanella G, Casini G, Cataldo P, Cifarelli S, Colaprico G, DE Virgilio M, Direnzo P, Finetti Sialer M, Lioi L, Losavio FP, Polignano GB, Scarascia M, Stimolo L, Tomaselli V, Urbano M, Veronico G, Piergiovanni AR, Margiotta B
Year: 2015
Religious and Cultural Significans of the Citron (Citrus medica L. "Diamante") from Calabria (South Italy): A biblical Fruit of the Mediterranean Land
Maruca G, Laghetti G, Hammer K
Year: 2015
Recupero, caratterizzazione, salvaguardia e valorizzazione di leguminose, cereali da granella e foraggio in Puglia: progetto SaVeGraINPuglia
Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Margiotta B
Year: 2015
Mediterranean Germplasm Database
Bucci G, Scarascia M, Cataldo P, Ianigro M, Laghetti G, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Genetic diversity in Borago officinalis germplasm as revealed by seed oils and AFLP polymorphism
De Lisi A, Montesano V, Negro D, Sarli G, Blanco E, Sonnante G, Laghetti G
Year: 2014
SaVeGRAINPuglia: recupero, caratterizzazione, salvaguardia e valorizzazione di leguminose e cereali da granella e foraggio in Puglia
Laghetti G, Bisignano V, De Virgilio M, Finetti Sialer M, Lioi L, Maruca G, Tomaselli V, Urbano M, Piergiovanni AR, Margiotta B
Year: 2014
SaVeGRAINPuglia: recupero, caratterizzazione, salvaguardia e valorizzazione di leguminose e cereali da granella e foraggio in Puglia
Laghetti G, Bisignano V, Finetti Sialer M, Lioi L, Maruca G, Tomaselli V, Urbano M, Piergiovanni AR, Margiotta B
Year: 2014
Le secteur semencier dans la moyenne Casamance aperçu sur l’organisation et les limitations de la filière des semences de riz
Manzelli M, Laghetti G
Year: 2014
Grano duro. Risultati 2012-13 della Rete Nazionale. Areale Sud peninsulare. Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata e Calabria
Codianni P, De Vita P, Paone S, Colecchia S, Papa R, Fornara M, Mazzon V, Belocchi A, Quaranta F, Preiti G, Laghetti G, Losavio FP, Tedone L, De Mastro G, Schiavone D, Mori M, Di Mola I, Blanco A, Signorile MA, De Santis V, Colonna M, Ricci M
Year: 2013
The wild and the grown - remarks about the botanical classification of Brassica
Hammer K, Gladis T, Laghetti G, Pignone D
Year: 2013
The wild and the grown-remarks on Brassica
Hammer K, Gladis T, Laghetti G, Pignone D
Year: 2013
Cichorium intybus L. as a root vegetable in Italy and remarks on the infraspecific classification of the cultivated races of this species
Hammer K, Gladis TH, Laghetti G, Pignone D
Year: 2013
Survey for The Conservation of Agrobiodiversity in Three Italian Linguistic (Occitan, Croatian and Franco-Provençal) Islands.
Laghetti G, Ghiglione G, De Lisi A, Maruca G, Losavio F, Pignone D
Year: 2013
Collecting crop genetic resources in two Italian linguistic (Occitan and Ladin) islands and West Liguria with historical and ethnobotanical notes
Laghetti G, Ghiglione G, Miceli F, Cifarelli S, Pignone D, Hammer K
Year: 2013
Historical and Traditional Notes on Collecting Crop Genetic Resources in Central Part of Calabria Region
Maruca G, Laghetti G, Losavio F, Pignone D, Hammer K
Year: 2013
Characterization of Italian Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) germplasm by multidisciplinary approach
Zaccardelli M, Sonnante G, Lupo F, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Sparvoli F, Lioi L
Year: 2013
Cereali, grano duro. Varietà 2012. Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata e Calabria - Areale sud peninsulare.
Codianni P, De Vita P, Papa R, Fornara M, Mazzon V, Quaranta F, Preiti G, Laghetti G, Losavio Fp, Tedone L, De Mastro G, Schiavone D, Mori M, Blanco A, Colonna Me Ricci M
Year: 2012
Notes about the uses of plants by one of the last healers in the Basilicata Region (South Italy)
Montesano V, Negro D, Sarli G, De Lisi A, Laghetti G, Hammer K
Year: 2012
Characterization of Italian lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm by agronomic traits, biochemical and molecular markers
Zaccardelli M, Lupo F, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Sonnante G, Daminati MG, Sparvoli F, Lioi L
Year: 2012
Characterization of Italian lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm by agronomic traits, biochemical and molecular markers
Zaccardelli M, Lupo F, Piergiovanni AR, Laghetti G, Sonnante G, Daminati MG, Sparvoli F, Lioi L
Year: 2012
The evolution of Arbà«reshà« agriculture - historical documents
Cifarelli S, Laghetti G
Year: 2011
Varietà 2011. Grano duro la scelta delle varietà. Areale Sud peninsulare
Codianni P, De Vita P, Papa R, Fornara M, Mazzon V, Quaranta F, Preiti G, Laghetti G, Losavio FP, Tedone L, De Mastro G, Blanco A, Colonna M
Year: 2011
Cultural evolution and Plant Genetic Resources
Hammer K, Laghetti G
Year: 2011
Checklist and short history of South Italian cultivated plants
Hammer K, Laghetti G, Pignone D
Year: 2011
The meeting of two cultures and their agricultures
Hammer K, Laghetti G, Pignone D
Year: 2011
Linguistic Islands and Plant Genetic Resources
Hammer K, Laghetti G, Pignone D
Year: 2011
A list of the collected material.
Laghetti G, Cifarelli S
Year: 2011
Notes on Arbà«reshà« cultural evolution - from agriculture to cuisine
Laghetti G, Hammer K
Year: 2011
Plant genetic resources collecting missions in the Arbà«reshà« area.
Laghetti G, Hammer K
Year: 2011
Collecting crop genetic resources in Italian towns of Alabnian origin across the Molise, Calabria and Sicily regions
Laghetti G, Pignone D, De Lisi A, Cifarelli S, Faslia N, Hammer K
Year: 2011
Characterization of Italian grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) germplasm using agronomic traits, biochemical and molecular markers
Lioi L, Sparvoli F, Sonnante G, Laghetti G, Lupo F, Zaccardelli M
Year: 2011
La conservazione ex situ della biodiversità delle specie vegetali spontanee e coltivate in Italia. Stato dell’arte, criticità e azioni da compiere
Laghetti G, Piotto B, Giacanelli V, Ercole S, Sonnante G, Bretzel F, Puglisi S
Year: 2010
Small Agricultural Islands and Plant Genetic Resources - Le piccole isole rurali italiane
Hammer K, Laghetti G
Year: 2006
Agricultural sustainability and underutilized crop species in southern Italy. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization
Polignano GB, Laghetti G, Margiotta B, Perrino P
Year: 2004