National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Gianna Palmieri

Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Naples
Tel: (39) 081-6132711-081-6132291
E-mail: gianna.palmieri[at]


1989 Degree in Chemistry achieved at the University of Naples “Federico II”, final mark: 110/110 cum laude.
1990 Approval to the profession of Chemist.
1992/94 3-year specialization degree in “Advanced Biotechnology

Employment and experience

1987/1989 Post-degree stage at University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry (DCOB)
1989/91 Two-years National Council of Research (CNR) fellowship at the Institute ICMIB, Naples.
1990/91 Visiting scientist at Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston (USA).
1991/92 Scientific collaboration contract by CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate S.C.a r.l., Naples.
1992/94 3-year specialization degree in “Advanced Biotechnology”
1995/96 One-year CNR fellowship at University of Naples, DCOB.
1996/97 Scientific contract at the University of Naples, DCOB.
1997/98 Senior University fellowship, at DCOB.
1998/99 Scientific Contract as senior researcher, at the University of Naples, DCOB in the Project of Science and Technology Park.
1999/00 Scientific Contract as senior researcher, at the University of Naples, DCOB.
2000 Research staff scientist, IABBAM-CNR Institute, Naples.
2005 Research staff scientist, IBBR-CNR Institute, Naples


Dr. Palmieri, has given several experimental lessons and educational seminars for students in Chemistry during the academic years from 1997 to 2003. She also organized several seminars at the School of “Specialization in biotechnology applications” and for students in Chemistry. Since 1991 she has assisted in the preparation of the thesis many students in biology and chemistry, PhD and specializing students. During the academic year 1999/2000 she was the teacher of the course ’Bioanalytical Chemistry’ degree in Biotechnology.

Brief description of research activities

Dr. Gianna Palmieri has achieved her master degree in Chemistry at the University of Naples and she became researcher at the National Research Council (CNR) in 2000. Her scientific and research activity has been focused on the study of the structure/function relationship of proteins from different sources with the aim to obtain biotechnological tools for industrial applications within different fields. In particular, Dr Palmieri has studied for a long time enzymes from basidiomycetes fungi involved in lignin bio-degradation. This research activity has allowed acquiring a consolidated know-how concerning the protein purification procedures as well as kinetic, chemical-physical, and structural characterization of enzymes involving in degradation of biopolymers. In the last ten years she focused her attention on proteolytic systems and specifically on the Acyl Peptide Hydrolases (APEH) studying its involvement in proteasome down-regulation for the development of new anticancer strategies. In addition she functionally and structurally characterized the first APEHs from different Antarctic fishes evidencing a new important role of this class of enzymes as antioxidant defence enzymatic systems. All these activities produced about 50 publications on peer-reviewed journals and 80 contributions to conference proceedings, which have received more than 2000 citations. She is co-inventor of 2 International Patents (1. PCT/EP2001/009147, Waste water treatment method using microorganisms. Inventors: Sannia G., Giardina P., Palmieri G., Mountadar M., Assobehei O., Kissi M., Mele A. 2. PCT/IT2009/000478. Proteases targeting agents. Inventors: Rossi M., Ruvo M., Palmieri G.)
Dr. Palmieri has a long and strong scientific background, developed over 26 years of growing experience acquired by intense training in Italian and international laboratories of both academic and industry institutions. In particular she has attended the laboratory of Prof. A. M. Klibanov, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston (USA), and she worked in industrial research laboratories, in the project of’ high quality training of scientist for advanced biotechnologies. She is reviewer of several international journals as Journal of Protein Research. PLOS one; Applied Environmental Microbiology; Free Radical Biology & Medicine; Microbiology Letters; Biochimica et Biophysica Acta; Extremophiles.

Selected Peer-reviewed Publications

P. Giardina, R. Cannio, L. Martirani, L. Marzullo, G. Palmieri and G. Sannia. Cloning and sequencing of a laccase gene from the lignin-degrading basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1995) 61, 2408-2413.

G. Palmieri, M. Di Palo, A. Scaloni, S. Orrù, G. Marino and G. Sannia. Glutamate 1-semiadehyde aminotransferase from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Biochem. J. (1996) 320, 541-545.

G. Palmieri, P. Giardina, C. Bianco, A. Scaloni, A. Capasso, e G. Sannia. A novel white laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus. J. Biol. Chem. (1997) 272, 31301-31307 .

P. Giardina, G. Palmieri, A. Scaloni, B. Fontanella, V. Faraco, G. Cennamo, and G. Sannia. Protein and gene structure of a blue laccase from Pleurotus ostreatus. Biochem. J. (1999) 341, 655-663.

G. Palmieri, P. Giardina, B. Fontanella, C. Bianco, and G. Sannia. Copper induction of laccase isoenzymes in the lignonolytic fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (2000) 66, 920-924.

G. Palmieri, C. Bianco, G. Cennamo, P. Giardina, G. Marino, M. Monti and G. Sannia. Purification characterization and functional role of a novel extracellular protease from Pleurotus ostreatus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (2001) 67 (6), 2754-2759.

V. Faraco, G. Palmieri, G. Festa, M. Monti, G. Sannia and P. Giardina. A new subfamily of fungal subtilases: structural and functional analysis of a Pleurotus ostreatus member. Microbiology. (2005) 151 (2), 457-466

G. Palmieri, G. Catara, M. Saviano, E. Langella, M. Gogliettino, and M. Rossi. First Archaeal PEPB-Serine Protease Inhibitor from Sulfolobus solfataricus with Non-Canonical Amino Acid Sequence in the Reactive-Site Loop. J. Proteome Res. (2009) 8(1), 327-34.

G. Palmieri, R. Cannio, I. Fiume, M. Rossi, G. Pocsfalvi. Outside the unusual cell wall of hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix. Mol. Cell. Proteomics. (2009) 8, 2570-2581.

M. Gogliettino, M. Balestrieri, G. Pocsfalvi, I. Fiume, L. Natale, M. Rossi and G. Palmieri. A highly selective oligopeptide binding protein from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. J. Bacteriol. (2010) 192, 3123-3131

M. Balestrieri, M. Gogliettino, I. Fiume, G. Pocsfalvi, G. Catara, M. Rossi, G. Palmieri. Structural and functional insights into OppAAp from Aeropyrum Pernix: A member of a novel Archaeal OppA-subfamily. J. Bacteriol. (2011) 193, 620-630.

P. Bergamo, M. Gogliettino, G. Palmieri, E. Cocca, F. Maurano, R. Stefanile,M. Balestrieri, G. Mazzarella, C. David, and M. Rossi. Conjugated Linoleic Acid protects against gliadin-induced depletion of intestinal defenses. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. (2011) 55, S248-S256.

G. Palmieri, P. Bergamo, M. Gogliettino, M. Ruvo, A. Sandomenico, E. Langella, A. Luini, R. Hedge, M. Saviano, M. Rossi. Acyl peptide hydrolase inhibition as targeted strategy to induce proteasomal dysfunction. PLoS One (2011) 6, e25888.

Sandomenico A, Russo A, Palmieri G, Bergamo P, Gogliettino M, Falcigno L, Ruvo M. Small peptide inhibitors of Acetyl-Peptide Hydrolase having an uncommon mechanism of inhibition and a stable bent conformation. J Med Chem. (2012) 55(5), 2102-2011. doi: 10.1021/jm2013375.

Gogliettino M, Balestrieri M, Cocca E, Mucerino S, Rossi M, Petrillo M, Mazzella E, Palmieri G. Identification and characterisation of a novel acylpeptide hydrolase from Sulfolobus solfataricus: structural and functional insights. PLoS One. (2012) (5), e37921.

G. Palmieri, M. Balestrieri, J. Peter-Katalinić, G. Pohlentz, M. Rossi, I. Fiume, G. Pocsfalvi Surface-exposed glycoproteins of hyperthermophilic Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 show a common N- glycosylation profile. J. Proteome Res. (2013), 12 (6), 2779-2790.

P.Bergamo, E. Cocca, R. Palumbo, M. Gogliettino, M. Rossi, G. Palmieri. RedOx status, proteasome and APEH: insights into anticancer mechanisms of t10,c12. Conjugated Linoleic Acid isomer on A375 melanoma cells. PLoS One (2013) 8(11), e80900.

M. Gogliettino, A. Riccio, M. Balestrieri, E. Cocca, A. Facchiano, T.M. D’Arco, C. Tesoro, M. Rossi, G. Palmieri. A novel class of bifunctional Acylpeptide Hydrolases: potential role in the antioxidant defense systems of the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii. FEBS J. (2014) 281, 401-415.

G. Mazzarella, P. Bergamo, F. Maurano, D. Luongo, V. R. Aufiero, G. Bozzella, G. Palmieri, R. Troncone, S. Auricchio, C. David and M. Rossi. Gliadin intake alters the small intestinal mucosa in indomethacin-treated HLA-DQ8 transgenic mice. AJP Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. (2014) 307, G9 -G11.

A. Sandomenico, V. Celentano, L.D. D’Andrea, G. Palmieri, M. Ruvo. Screening of β-hairpin peptide-engrafted 1.2,3- triazoles to identify APEH enzyme inhibitors. RSC Advances. (2015) RSC Adv. 5, 9965-9972

P. Bergamo, G. Palmieri, E. Cocca, I. Ferrandino, M. Gogliettino, A. Monaco, F. Maurano, and M. Rossi. Adaptive response activated by dietary cis9, trans11 Conjugated Linoleic Acid prevents distinct signs of gliadin-induced enteropathy in mice. Eur. J. Nutr. (2015) DOI 10.1007/s00394-015-0893-2

A. Riccio, M. Gogliettino, G. Palmieri, M. Balestrieri, A. Facchiano, M. Rossi, S. Palumbo, G. Monti and E. Cocca. A New APEH Cluster with Antioxidant Functions in the Antarctic Hemoglobinless Icefish Chionodraco hamatus. PLoS One (2015) 10(5), e0125594 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0125594


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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