National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Marco Manzelli

Section: Technicians
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-5225741
E-mail: marco.manzelli[at]

During my career I dealt with different subjects related to agronomic/environmental research and professional activities.

I concluded my PhD in 2004 after a 4-years research program funded by EC and focused on crop biodiversity conservation and evaluation and seed security in the Somaliland (Somalia), also coordinating as agronomist all field activities aimed at recovering and strengthening local seed systems.

From 2005 to 2013 I focused my research and professional activity on bio-energy both in tropical and temperate countries. I participated to several research programs on energy plant cultivation, specifically on their exploitation in local energy supply chain and their integration in sustainable food production systems. Part of the research was dedicated to the evaluation of economic and environmental sustainability of short bio-energy chain.

In the same period, I worked as consultant for different companies providing assistance for feasibility studies, project identification and formulation, project implementation and coordination of agricultural activities, monitoring and evaluation, etc.

I have been also involved in higher education and technical training, both in Italy and abroad.

From 2013 to 2017 I worked in Senegal coordinating the Research and Development and technical component of two bilateral cooperation programs on behalf of the CNR.

From 2017 to 2019 I coordinated the regional project (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal) of delegated cooperation "Integrated management of environmental problems connected to the water resources and the Nexus Water-Energy-Agriculture in the Senegal river basin (WEFE-SENEGAL) financed by the European Commission and co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).

Since 2019 I have been working at the IBBR collaborating in the activities of the Institute and continuing the technical and scientific collaboration with African partners in Senegal, Guinea Bissau, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Since March 2021 I have coordinated the international cooperation project "Brigade Verte pour l’Emploi et l’Environnement" funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) which aims to recover 3000 ha of degraded land in the Kayes region (Mali ).

Key qualifications and skills:

  • Coordination and scientific, technical and financial management of rural development, R&D and international and inter-university cooperation programs
  • Conception and organization of scientific and technical project initiatives
  • Promotion of communication and visibility activities (conferences, publications, etc.)
  • Tropical cropping systems and traditional seed systems and their structuring through the use of appropriate and sustainable technologies and the strengthening of organizational, technical and financial skills
  • Dedicated energy crops cultivation, with a specific focus on tropical plants and their exploitation in local energy supply chains
  • Food security issues especially regarding programs on seed security and conservation and exploitation of local agro-biodiversity
  • Climate database analysis, evapotranspiration dataset analysis, crop water balance calculation and climate model development for tropical and temperate crops
  • Laboratory skills (PCR, molecular markers, in vitro culture)
  • Statistical methods for genetic and full field experimental analysis
  • Monitoring and evaluation of rural development projects
  • Feasibility studies realization and evaluation and environmental impact assessment

Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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