Marco Manzelli
Section: Technicians
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-5225741
E-mail: marco.manzelli[at]
During my career I dealt with different subjects related to agronomic/environmental research and professional activities.
I concluded my PhD in 2004 after a 4-years research program funded by EC and focused on crop biodiversity conservation and evaluation and seed security in the Somaliland (Somalia), also coordinating as agronomist all field activities aimed at recovering and strengthening local seed systems.
From 2005 to 2013 I focused my research and professional activity on bio-energy both in tropical and temperate countries. I participated to several research programs on energy plant cultivation, specifically on their exploitation in local energy supply chain and their integration in sustainable food production systems. Part of the research was dedicated to the evaluation of economic and environmental sustainability of short bio-energy chain.
In the same period, I worked as consultant for different companies providing assistance for feasibility studies, project identification and formulation, project implementation and coordination of agricultural activities, monitoring and evaluation, etc.
I have been also involved in higher education and technical training, both in Italy and abroad.
From 2013 to 2017 I worked in Senegal coordinating the Research and Development and technical component of two bilateral cooperation programs on behalf of the CNR.
From 2017 to 2019 I coordinated the regional project (Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal) of delegated cooperation "Integrated management of environmental problems connected to the water resources and the Nexus Water-Energy-Agriculture in the Senegal river basin (WEFE-SENEGAL) financed by the European Commission and co-financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).
Since 2019 I have been working at the IBBR collaborating in the activities of the Institute and continuing the technical and scientific collaboration with African partners in Senegal, Guinea Bissau, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Since March 2021 I have coordinated the international cooperation project "Brigade Verte pour l’Emploi et l’Environnement" funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) which aims to recover 3000 ha of degraded land in the Kayes region (Mali ).
Key qualifications and skills:
- Coordination and scientific, technical and financial management of rural development, R&D and international and inter-university cooperation programs
- Conception and organization of scientific and technical project initiatives
- Promotion of communication and visibility activities (conferences, publications, etc.)
- Tropical cropping systems and traditional seed systems and their structuring through the use of appropriate and sustainable technologies and the strengthening of organizational, technical and financial skills
- Dedicated energy crops cultivation, with a specific focus on tropical plants and their exploitation in local energy supply chains
- Food security issues especially regarding programs on seed security and conservation and exploitation of local agro-biodiversity
- Climate database analysis, evapotranspiration dataset analysis, crop water balance calculation and climate model development for tropical and temperate crops
- Laboratory skills (PCR, molecular markers, in vitro culture)
- Statistical methods for genetic and full field experimental analysis
- Monitoring and evaluation of rural development projects
- Feasibility studies realization and evaluation and environmental impact assessment
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
La filière étatique des semences de riz pluvial en Casamance (Sénégal) : fonctionnement, contraintes et perspectives de développement
Zucchini E, Manzelli M, Tarchiani V, Di Vecchia A
Year: 2020
Agrobiodiversity in Middle Casamance (South Senegal): collection and agro-morphological assessment of traditional rice landraces
Diop B, Manzelli M, Bamba B, Tendeng E, Djiba S, Fofana A, Drame KN
Year: 2019
Les vallées rizicoles de Sédhiou et Kolda : évaluation de la performance, de la réceptivité à l’innovation technique et de la propension à l’investissement dans la riziculture
Burrone S, Tarchiani V, Di Vecchia A, Fiorillo E, Manzelli M
Year: 2018
Innovation agricole et investissement dans la riziculture: 11 laboratoires de terrain dans la Casamance
Burrone S, Ngom MN, Zucchini E, Manzelli M, Tarchiani V, Di Vecchia A
Year: 2017
L’assistance technique dans les vallées de Sédhiou et de Kolda: bilan de la campagne 2016-1
Manzelli M, Tendeng S
Year: 2017
La filière et le marché de semences de riz pluvial dans la Moyenne et Haute Casamance: enjeux et perspectives
Zucchini E, Manzelli M, Tarchiani V, Di Vecchia A
Year: 2017
La stratégie de mise en valeur des vallées rizicoles : la recherche-action au service du développement. Résume et considérations des activités d’assistance technique conduites dans les vallées de Samiron et Djimbana
Manzelli M
Year: 2016
Caractérisation et test de variétés céréalières
Manzelli M, Djiba S
Year: 2016
Suivi des eaux et des sols dans les vallées vitrine (Samiron et Djimbana)
Seppoloni I, Manzelli M, Fiorillo E, Tarchiani V, Di Vecchia A
Year: 2016
La riziculture de bas-fond au sud du Sénégal (Moyenne Casamance) : enjeux et perspectives pour la pérennisation des actions de réhabilitation et de mise en valeur
Manzelli M, Fiorillo E, Bacci M, Tarchiani V
Year: 2015
La riziculture traditionnelle de bas-fond en Moyenne Casamance dans un contexte de changements globaux : enjeux et perspectives
Manzelli M, Seppoloni I, Zucchini E, Bacci M, Fiorillo E, Tarchiani V
Year: 2015
Analyse Socio-Economique et Agrotechnique de la Riziculture de Vallée : le cas de vallées de Samiron et Djimbana
Manzelli M, Seppoloni I, Zucchini E, Bacci M, Fiorillo E, Tarchiani V
Year: 2015
Analyse sur l’adoption de l’innovation technique par les productrices de riz dans les vallées vitrine de Samiron et Djimbana
Seppoloni I, Manzelli M, Tarchiani V, Di Vecchia A
Year: 2015
Le secteur semencier dans la moyenne Casamance aperçu sur l’organisation et les limitations de la filière des semences de riz
Manzelli M, Laghetti G
Year: 2014
Diagnostique de la riziculture de bas-fonds dans la region de Sedhiou
Manzelli M, Bacci M, Fiorillo E, Tarchiani V
Year: 2013
Produzioni erbacee in ambienti tropicali e subtropicali
Vecchio V., Manzelli M., Casini P., Pardini A.
Year: 2012
Typicity in potato: Characterization of geographic origin
Manzelli M, Romagnoli S, Ghiselli L, Benedettelli S, Palchetti E, Andrenelli L, Vecchio V
Year: 2010
The influence of tuber mineral element composition as a function of geographical location on acrylamide formation in different Italian potato genotypes
Whittaker A, Marotti I, Dinelli G, Calamai L, Romagnoli S, Manzelli M, Palchetti E, Vecchio V, Benedettelli S
Year: 2010
Aerobic rice: crop performance and water use efficiency
Grassi C, Bouman, BA M, Castaneda AR, Manzelli M, Vecchio, V
Year: 2009
Genetic diversity assessment in Somali sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) accessions using microsatellite markers
Manzelli M, Pileri L, Lacerenza N, Benedettelli S, Vecchio V
Year: 2007
Patata Rossa di Cetica: un esempio di valorizzazione dell’agro-biodiversità e del territorio
Vecchio V, Benedettelli S, Palchetti E, Manzelli M
Year: 2007
Agro-biodiversity in subsistence farming systems of South Somalia - Collection and agronomic assessment of Somali sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) germplasm
Manzelli M, Benedettelli S, Vecchio, V
Year: 2006
Colture energetiche - produzione e bilancio energetico in coltura di sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) da biomassa coltivato in Italia centrale
Palchetti E, Manzelli M, Vecchio V, Certosi G
Year: 2006
Qualità dei tuberi di due vecchie varietà di patata italiane: Viola Calabrese e Rossa di Cetica
Scazziota B, Palchetti E, Ieri F, Andrenelli L, Ghiselli L, Manzelli M, Vecchio V
Year: 2006
Agricultural biodiversity in Northwest Somalia - an assessment among selected Somali sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) germplasm
Manzelli M, Benedettelli S, Vecchio, V
Year: 2005
Effetto delle condizioni di coltura e della somma termica sullo stato di dormienza del tubero seme di nuovi cloni italiani
Vecchio V, Andrenelli L, Manzelli M, Ghiselli L, Palchetti E
Year: 2005
In vitro evaluation of tuberisation earliness and productive ability of new Italian potato clones
Vecchio V, Ghiselli L, Manzelli M, Andrenelli L, Palchetti E
Year: 2005
Produzione di tubero seme: tecniche di valutazione di nuovi cloni e di vecchie varietà di patata
Vecchio V, Manzelli M, Andrenelli L, Ghiselli L, Palchetti E
Year: 2005
Effect of temperature and sucrose on Ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas) microtuber production under neutral photoperiodic conditions
Manzelli M, Vecchio V, Benedettelli S, Andrenelli L
Year: 2004
Valorizzazione della qualità organolettica e nutrizionale della patata per il consumo fresco
Vecchio V, Andrenelli L, Benedettelli S, Ghiselli L, Manzelli M, Palchetti E
Year: 2004
Biomass production of six sorghum accessions from Northern Somalia
Innocente S, Manzelli M, Pardini A, Vecchio V
Year: 2003
Biodiversità: valorizzazione del germoplasma di alcune specie da radice e tubero della regione andina
Manzelli M, Andrenelli L, Vecchio V
Year: 1998