Marco Scotti
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-5225726
E-mail: marco.scotti[at]
Marco Scotti - Curriculum vitae
Address: Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council of Italy
Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy
Phone: +39 055 522 5726
Personal data
Date of Birth: April 20, 1978
Place of Birth: Codogno (LO), Italy
Citizenship: Italian
Academic appointments
2022-present Researcher III level
Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, National Research Council of Italy
2020-2022 Principal Investigator
Ecosystem Modelling Working Group. Marine Evolutionary Ecology Research Unit, Marine Ecology Research Division, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
2018-2020 Research Scientist
Ocean EcoSystems Biology Research Unit, Marine Ecology Research Division, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
2014-2018 Research Scientist
Experimental Ecology - Food Webs Research Unit, Marine Ecology Research Division, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
2011-2014 Principal Investigator
Network Analysis Working Group. The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI), Rovereto, Italy
2010-2011 Junior Researcher
The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (COSBI), Trento, Italy
2008-2009 Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Network Science (CNS), Central European University (CAU), Budapest, Hungary
2006 Guest of the Rector
Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest, Hungary
Education and habilitation
Italian Scientific Habilitation (ASN) as Associate Professor in Ecology (05/C1 II fascia)
Validity from October 8, 2018 to October 8, 2024
Ph.D. in Ecology
University of Parma (January 2005 - March 2008). Dissertation: Single species features in ecological networks. Major advisor: Dr. Antonio Bodini. Committee: Dr. Stefano Allesina, Dr. Luis G. Abarca-Arenas; Dr. Chiara Naldi
M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences
University of Parma (November 1997 - March 2004). Dissertation: Linee Guida per il Calcolo delle Impronte Ecologiche Locali. - Guidelines for local Ecological Footprint calculation, in Italian - Advisors: Dr. Antonio Bodini, Dr. Cristina Bondavalli. Mark of 110/110 cum laude
Research articles
1. Scotti, M., Opitz, S., MacNeil, L., Kreutle, A., Pusch, C., Froese, R. 2022. Ecosystem-based fisheries management increases catch and carbon sequestration through recovery of exploited stocks: the western Baltic Sea case study. Frontiers in Marine Science, in press
2. Acevedo-Trejos, E., Cadier, M., Chakraborty, S., Chen, B., Cheung, S.Y., Grigoratou, M., Guill, C., Hassenrück, C., Kerimoglu, O., Klauschies, T., Lindemann, C., Palacz, A., Ryabov, A., Scotti, M., Smith, S.L., Våge, S., Prowe, F. 2022. Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal applications and data needs. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 975414
3. Scotti, M., Bondavalli, C., Rossetti, G., Bodini, A., 2022. Flow network indices signal a directional change in ecosystems: evidence from a small mountain lake (Lake Santo, northern Italy). Ecological Indicators 139, 108896.
4. Froese, R., Papaioannou, E., Scotti, M., 2022. Climate change or mismanagement? Environmental Biology of Fishes.
5. Trombetta, T., Vidussi, F., Roques, C., Mas, S., Scotti, M., Mostajir, B., 2021. Co-occurrence networks reveal the central role of temperature in structuring the plankton community of the Thau Lagoon. Scientific Reports 11, 17675
6. Niquil, N., Scotti, M., Fofack-Garcia, R., Haraldsson, M., Thermes, M., Raoux, A., Le Loc’h, F., Mazé, C., 2021. The merits of loop analysis for the qualitative modeling of social-ecological systems in presence of offshore wind farms. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 635798
7. Scotti, M., Pereira, D., Bodini, A., 2020. Understanding social ecological systems using loop analysis. Human Ecology Review 26, 39-58
8. Trombetta, T., Vidussi, F., Roques, C., Scotti, M., Mostajir, B., 2020. Marine microbial food web networks during phytoplankton bloom and non-bloom periods: warming favors smaller organism interactions and intensifies trophic cascade. Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 502336
9. Ito, M., Scotti, M., Franz, M., Barboza, F.R., Buchholz, B., Zimmer, M., Guy-Haim, T., Wahl, M., 2019. Effects of temperature on carbon circulation in macroalgal food webs are mediated by herbivores. Marine Biology 166, 158
10. Carcedo, M.C., Fiori, S.M., Scotti, M., Ito, M., Dutto, M.S., Carbone, M.E. 2019. Dominant bivalve in an exposed sandy beach regulates community structure through spatial competition. Estuaries and Coasts 42, 1912-1923
11. Kluger, L.C., Scotti, M., Vivar, I., Wolff, M. 2019. Specialization of fishers leads to greater impact of external disturbance: evidence from a social-ecological network modelling exercise for Sechura Bay, northern Peru. Ocean & Coastal Management 179, 104861
12. Olmo Gilabert, R., Navia, A.F., De La Cruz-Agüero, G., Molinero, J.C., Sommer, U., Scotti, M. 2019. Body size and mobility explain species centralities in the Gulf of California food web. Community Ecology 20, 149-160
13. Franz, M., Barboza, F.R., Hinrichsen, H.H., Lehmann, A., Scotti, M., Hiebenthal, C., Molis, M., Schütt, R., Wahl, M. 2019. Long-term records of hard-bottom communities in the southwestern Baltic Sea reveal the decline of a foundation species. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 219, 242-251
14. Picq, S., Scotti, M., Puebla, O. 2019. Behavioural syndromes as a link between ecology and mate choice: a field study in a reef fish population. Animal Behaviour 150, 219-237
15. Pansch, C., Scotti, M., Barboza, F.R., Al‐Janabi, B., Brakel, J., Briski, E., Bucholz, B., Franz, M., Ito, M., Paiva, F., Saha, M., Sawall, Y., Weinberger, F., Wahl, M. 2018. Heat waves and their significance for a temperate benthic community: a near‐natural experimental approach. Global Change Biology 24, 4357-4367
16. Sommer, U., Charalampous, E., Scotti, M., Moustaka-Gouni, M. 2018. Big fish eat small fish: implications for food chain length? Community Ecology 19, 107-115
17. Domin, H., Zurita-Gutiérrez, Y.H., Scotti, M., Buttlar, J., Hentschel Humeida, U., Fraune, S. 2018. Predicted bacterial interactions affect in vivo microbial colonization dynamics in Nematostella. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 728
18. Bodini, A., Rocchi, M., Scotti, M. 2018. Insights into the ecology of the Black Sea through the qualitative loop analysis of the community structure. Limnology and Oceanography 63, 968-984
19. Pizzol, M., Scotti, M., 2017. Identifying marginal supplying countries of wood products via trade network analysis. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22, 1146-1158
20. Misselbeck, K., Marchetti, L., Field, M.S., Scotti, M., Priami, C., Stover, P.J., 2017. A hybrid stochastic model of folate-mediated one-carbon metabolism: effect of the common C677T MTHFR variant on de novo thymidylate biosynthesis. Scientific Reports 7, 797
21. Rocchi, M., Scotti, M., Micheli, F., Bodini, A., 2017. Key species and impact of fishery through food web analysis: a case study from Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Marine Systems 165, 92-102
22. Caberlotto, L., Marchetti, L., Lauria, M., Scotti, M., Parolo, S., 2016. Integration of transcriptomic and genomic data suggests candidate mechanisms for APOE4-mediated pathogenic action in Alzheimer’s disease. Scientific Reports 6, 32583
23. Moustaka-Gouni, M., Kormas, K.A., Scotti, M., Vardaka, E., Sommer, U., 2016. Warming and acidification effects on planktonic heterotrophic pico-and nanoflagellates in a mesocosm experiment. Protist 167, 389-410
24. Gardi, C., Visioli, G., Conti, F.D., Scotti, M., Menta, C., Bodini, A., 2016. High Nature Value Farmland: assessment of soil organic carbon in Europe. Frontiers in Environmental Science 4, 47
25. Nyima, T., Müller, M., Hooiveld, G.J., Morine, M.J., Scotti, M., 2016. Nonlinear transcriptomic response to dietary fat intake in the small intestine of C57BL/6J mice. BMC Genomics 17, 106
26. Scott-Boyer, M.P., Lacroix, S., Scotti, M., Morine, M.J., Kaput, J., Priami, C., 2016. A network analysis of cofactor-protein interactions for analyzing associations between human nutrition and diseases. Scientific Reports 6, 19633
27. Jordán, F., Lauria, M., Scotti, M., Nguyen, T.-P., Praveen, P., Morine, M.J., Priami, C., 2015. Diversity of key players in the microbial ecosystems of the human body. Scientific Reports 5, 15920
28. Wahl, M., Buchholz, B., Winde, V., Golomb, D., Guy-Haim, T., Müller, J., Rilov, G., Scotti, M., Böttcher, M.E., 2015. A mesocosm concept for the simulation of near-natural shallow underwater climates: the Kiel Outdoor Benthocosms (KOB). Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 13, 651-663
29. Scotti, M., Jordán, F., 2015. The structural importance of less abundant species in Prince William Sound food web. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 61, 77-89
30. Jordán, F., Scotti, M., Mike, Á., Ortiz, M., 2014. Strong asymmetrical inter-specific relationships in food web simulations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 512, 89-98
31. Scotti, M., Ciocchetta, F., Jordán, F., 2013. Social and landscape effects on food webs: a multi-level network simulation model. Journal of Complex Networks 1, 160-182
32. Caberlotto, L., Lauria, M., Nguyen, T.-P., Scotti, M., 2013. The central role of AMP-kinase and energy homeostasis impairment in Alzheimer’s disease: a multifactor network analysis. PLOS ONE 8, e78919
33. Pizzol, M., Scotti, M., Thomsen, M., 2013. Network analysis as a tool for assessing environmental sustainability: applying the ecosystem perspective to a Danish Water Management System. Journal of Environmental Management 118, 21-31
34. Scotti, M., Stella, L., Shearer, E.J., Stover, P.J., 2013. Modeling cellular compartmentation in one-carbon metabolism. WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine 5, 343-365
35. Scotti, M., Gjata, N., Livi, C.M., Jordán, F., 2012. Dynamical effects of weak trophic interactions in a stochastic food web simulation. Community Ecology 13, 230-237
36. Jordán, F., Scotti, M., 2012. From C:P ratios to polar meta-ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 245, 1-2
37. Gjata, N., Scotti, M., Jordán, F., 2012. The strength of simulated indirect interaction modules in a real food web. Ecological Complexity 11, 160-164
38. Nguyen, T.-P., Scotti, M., Morine, M.J., Priami, C., 2011. Model-based clustering reveals vitamin D dependent multi-centrality hubs in a network of vitamin-related proteins. BMC Systems Biology 5, 195
39. Jordán, F., Scotti, M., Priami, C., 2011. Process algebra-based computational tools in ecological modelling. Ecological Complexity 8, 357-363 40. Scotti, M., Jordán, F., 2010. Relationships between centrality indices and trophic levels in food webs. Community Ecology 11, 59-67
41. Scotti, M., Bondavalli, C., Bodini, A., Allesina, S., 2009. Using trophic hierarchy to understand food web structure. Oikos 118, 1695-1702
42. Scotti, M., Bondavalli, C., Bodini, A., 2009. Linking trophic positions and flow structure constraints in ecological networks: energy transfer efficiency or topology effect? Ecological Modelling 220, 3070-3080
43. Scotti, M., Bondavalli, C., Bodini, A., 2009. Ecological Footprint as a tool for local sustainability: the municipality of Piacenza (Italy) as a case study. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 29, 39-50
44. Scotti, M., Podani, J., Jordán, F., 2007. Weighting, scale dependence and indirect effects in ecological networks: a comparative study. Ecological Complexity 4, 148-159
45. Scotti, M., Allesina, S., Bondavalli, C., Bodini, A., Abarca-Arenas, L.G., 2006. Effective trophic positions in ecological acyclic networks. Ecological Modelling 198, 495-505
1. Vedres, B., Scotti, M. (Eds.), 2012. Networks in Social Policy Problems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 300 p.
Book chapters
1. Scotti, M., Hartvig, M., Winemiller, K.O., Li, Y., Jauker, F., Jordán, F., Dormann, C., 2017. Trait-based and process-oriented modeling in ecological network dynamics. In: Moore, J.C., de Ruiter, P.C., McCann, K.S., Wolters, V. (Eds.), Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems (pp. 228-256). Cambridge University Press
2. Jordán, F., Scotti, M., Yule, C.M., 2017. Food web simulations: stochastic variability and systems-based conservation. In: Moore, J.C., de Ruiter, P.C., McCann, K.S., Wolters, V. (Eds.), Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems (pp. 342-351). Cambridge University Press
3. Scotti, M., Jordán, F., 2017. An individual-based simulation model to link population, community and metacommunity dynamics. In: Moore, J.C., de Ruiter, P.C., McCann, K.S., Wolters, V. (Eds.), Adaptive Food Webs: Stability and Transitions of Real and Model Ecosystems (pp. 352-371). Cambridge University Press
4. Scotti, M., Vedres, B., 2012. Supply security in the European natural gas pipeline network. In: Vedres, B., Scotti, M. (Eds.), Networks in Social Policy Problems (pp. 237-264). Cambridge University Press
5. Vedres, B., Scotti, M., 2012. Introduction. In: Vedres, B., Scotti, M. (Eds.), Networks in Social Policy Problems (pp. 1-12). Cambridge University Press
6. Scotti, M., 2012. The role of stochastic simulations to extend food web analyses. In: Lecca, P., Tulpan, D., Rajaraman, K. (Eds.), Systemic Approaches in Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology: Recent Advances (pp. 163-196). IGI Global
7. Scotti, M., 2008. Development capacity. In: Jørgensen, S.E., Fath, B.D. (Eds.), Ecological Indicators. Vol. [2] of Encyclopedia of Ecology (pp. 911-920). Elsevier
Conference proceedings
1. Cerone, A., Scotti, M., 2015. Research challenges in modelling ecosystems. Software Engineering and Formal Methods 8938, 276-293
2. Scotti, M., Jordán, F., 2007. On the relation between centralities and trophic positions in ecological networks. Proceedings of the Joint AIOL-SItE Meeting, Ancona, pp. 415-422
Selected talks
1. Scotti, M. Ecological limits to the exploitation of species: the case study of the southern North Sea, 2021-06-09: Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2021 - BSH
2. Scotti, M. Ecosystem-based fisheries management for the western Baltic Sea, 2020-11-09: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) Symposium
3. Scotti, M., Bondavalli, C., Rossetti, G., Bodini, A. Ecological network analysis reveals that climate change disrupted the ecological succession of a northern Apennine lake (Italy), 2019-10-03: The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019 (ISEM). Salzburg, Austria
4. Scotti, M. Ocean warming supports the spread of Mnemiopsis leidyi after invasion, 2019-06-05: BOREA - Biologie des ORganismes et Ecosystèmes Aquatiques, Normandie Université. Caen, France. Invited
5. Scotti, M. Qualitative assessment of human impacts on Black Sea ecosystem, 2019-04-24: 6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference. Tihany, Hungary. Keynote speaker, invited
6. Scotti, M. Qualitative assessment of human impacts on ecosystems: the case study of the Black Sea, 2018-09-20: Ecological Network Analysis (ENA) - Workshop. Bremen, Germany
7. Scotti, M., Pereira, D.F., Bodini, A. LevinsAnalysis: a package for loop analysis in R, 2018-07-08: XXIII International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology. Lisbon, Portugal
8. Scotti, M., Mittermayr, A., Sommer, U. The effect of phenology on the structure of a benthic food web, 2017-09-29: 1st International Conference on Community Ecology. Budapest, Hungary
9. Scotti, M., Mittermayr, A., Sommer, U. Phenology-mediated changes in the structure of a benthic food web, 2017-09-14: YOUMARES - Conference for Young Marine Researchers. Kiel, Germany. Invited
10. Scotti, M. Ecological Network Analysis (ENA) for assessing the security and sustainability of human systems, 2015-04-28: Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark. Invited
11. Scotti, M., Mittermayr, A. Temporal changes in the structure of a temperate Zostera marina food web, 2015-02-23: 2015 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain
12. Scotti, M. Workshop - Algorithms for ecological network analysis, 2014-03-12: 6th SIDEER Symposium, Sede Boqer Campus of Ben Gurion University, Israel. Invited
13. Scotti, M. The use of food web analysis for estimating the functional importance of species, 2014-03-11: 6th SIDEER Symposium, Sede Boqer Campus of Ben Gurion University, Israel. Keynote speaker, invited
14. Scotti, M. Intraspecific trait variation and food webs, 2013-11-13: The Symposium Food Webs: Science for Impact, Schloss Rauischholzhausen (University of Giessen), Germany. Invited
15. Scotti, M. Social and landscape effects on food webs: a multi-level network simulation model, 2013-11-13: The Symposium Food Webs: Science for Impact, Schloss Rauischholzhausen (University of Giessen), Germany. Invited
16. Scotti, M. Network science as the key for understanding complex problems at different spatial scales, 2013-09-18: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Invited
17. Scotti, M. Not only panda. The importance of species in ecosystems, 2013-07-28: Opening Ceremony of MUSE (Science Museum), Trento, Italy. Invited
18. Pizzol, M., Scotti, M., Thomsen, M., Vedres, B. Beyond eco-efficiency: measuring environmental sustainability by extending LCA with Network Analysis, 2012-11-27: SETAC Europe 18th LCA Case Studies Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark
19. Scotti, M. The spread of dynamical effects through weighted trophic interactions: the case of Prince William Sound food web, 2011-10-05: Conference of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE), Palermo, Italy
20. Scotti, M. Role of weak and strong trophic interactions in food webs, 2011-06-08: NetSci-2011, Budapest, Hungary
21. Scotti, M. Predicting secondary extinctions in weighted food webs, 2011-06-01: The 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, Riva del Garda, Italy
22. Scotti, M. Patterns of weak and strong interactions in food webs, 2010-09-28: Conference of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE), Rome, Italy
23. Scotti, M. Effects of diet shift on secondary extinctions in food webs, 2009-09-18: Conference of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE), Bolzano, Italy
24. Scotti, M. Linking trophic positions and flow structure constraints in ecological networks: efficiency or topology effect? 2007-11-30 (Poster session): The 6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, Trieste, Italy
25. Scotti, M. On the relation between centralities and trophic positions in ecological networks, 2007-09-20: Conference of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE), Ancona, Italy
26. Scotti, M. The higher the better? Linking trophic position and flow structure constraints in ecological networks, 2007-06-01: Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Invited
27. Scotti, M. Detecting ecosystem stress and tracing the sustainability of human settlements. A whole-system approach using network analysis, 2006-11-23: Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, Budapest, Hungary. Invited
1. 2021-2025 EcoScope - Ecocentric management for sustainable fisheries and healthy marine ecosystems (H2020, EU). 408.500 Euros
2. 2021-2024 iSeal - Trans- and interdisciplinary social-ecological network analysis based on long-term monitoring, experimental data and stakeholders’ assessment (DAM, BMBF). 430.773 Euros
3. 2021-2024 SpaCeParti - Coastal fishery, biodiversity, spatial use and climate change: a participative approach to navigate the western Baltic Sea into a sustainable future (DAM, BMBF). 189.278 Euros
4. 2021-2023 AWZFISH - Ökosystemgerechtes Fischereimanagement in der deutschen AWZ (Ecosystem-based fisheries management in the German EEZ) (BfN). 206.675 Euros
5. 2020-2023 balt_ADAPT - Adaptation of the western Baltic coastal fishery to climate change (FONA, BMBF). 296.291 Euros
6. 2016-2021 DECISIVE - A DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE (H2020, EU). 202.527 Euros
7. 2011-2012 Service agreement between The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences. 252.000 Euros
Honors and awards
1. Young Researcher Special Prize. Italian Society of Ecology September 29, 2010. Roma, Italy
2. “Roberto Marchetti” Prize. Italian Society of Ecology. September 20, 2007. Ancona, Italy
3. Ph.D. Scholarship. Italian Ministry of University and Research. 2005-2007
Teaching portfolio
1. 2020-2022. MNF-bioc-202 Advanced Practical Course in Biological Oceanography. Biological Oceanography programme at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
2. 2021. Course on network analysis and R programming in ecology at University of Parma (International Summer School - A Primer in Ecological Networks: Data and Theory)
3. 2019. Course on network analysis and R programming in ecology at University of Parma (International Summer School - A Primer in Ecological Networks: Data and Theory)
4. 2018. Network analysis for ecologists using R (NTWA02). Course organized by PR Statistics LTD (Glasgow, Scotland)
5. 2017. Course on network analysis and R programming in ecology at University of Parma (International Summer School - A Primer in Ecological Networks: Data and Theory)
6. 2017. Network analysis for ecologists using R (NTWA01). Course organized by PR Statistics LTD (Millport, Scotland)
7. 2016. Course on network analysis and R programming in ecology at University of Parma (International Summer School - A Primer in Ecological Networks: Data and Theory)
8. 2015. Course on ecological network analysis and R programming at University of Parma (International Summer School - A Primer in Ecological Networks: Data and Theory)
9. 2014-2019. Current topics. Lessons on ecological networks for M.Sc. students (Biological Oceanography programme at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel)
10. 2014. Course on network analysis in systems biology at University of Parma (International Summer School - A Primer in Ecological Networks: Data and Theory)
11. 2014. Lessons on network analysis and systems biology at University of Trento
12. 2008-2009. Short course on network analysis at Central European University
13. 2006-2008. Lessons on ecological network analysis at University of Parma
Conferences and workshops
1. Ecological Indicators. Workshop. Organizer of the Workshop on the “Use of indicators to quantify the response of ecosystems to multi-stressors”, online event, February 9, 2022
2. ComEc3. Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Conference on Community Ecology, online event from Budapest, December 13-14, 2021
3. MoKMaSD 2015. Member of the Program Committee of the 4th International Symposium on Modelling and Knowledge Management applications: Systems and Domains (MoKMaSD 2015), York, September 8, 2015
4. MoKMaSD 2014. Member of the Program Committee of the 3rd International Symposium on Modelling and Knowledge Management applications: Systems and Domains (MoKMaSD 2014), Grenoble, September 2, 2014
5. MoKMaSD 2013. Reviewer for the 2nd International Symposium on Modelling and Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development (MoKMaSD 2013), Madrid, September 24, 2013
6. BIBM 2012. Reviewer for the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Philadelphia, October 4-7, 2012
7. SAC ACM 2012. Reviewer for the 27th Symposium On Applied Computing, Riva del Garda, March 26-30, 2012
8. ECCS 2011. Reviewer for the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’11), Vienna, September 12-16, 2011
9. ECEM 2011. Member of the Organizing Committee for the 7th European Conference on Ecological Modelling (“Ecological hierarchy from the genes to the biosphere”), Riva del Garda, May 30 - June 2, 2011
10. The Unexpected Link - Using network science to tackle social problems. Organizer of the Conference. Central European University, Budapest, June 17-18, 2009
11. ECEM 2007. Reviewer for the 6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling (“Challenges for ecological modelling in a changing world: Global Changes, Sustainability and Ecosystem Based Management”), Trieste, November 27-30, 2007
Scientific cruises
1. Alkor 463. September 2015. Phytoplankton, micro, meso and macrozooplankton survey. Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerrak
2. Alkor 444. September 2014. Micro, meso and macrozooplankton survey. Baltic Sea and Kattegat
1. 2020-present Member of the Ecological Society of America
2. 2016-2018 Member of the Cluster of Excellence “Future Ocean”
Reviewer for ISI journals:
BMC Medical Genomics, BMC Systems Biology, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Community Ecology, Ecological Complexity, Ecological Modelling, Ecology Letters, Ecosystems, Environmental Engineering Science, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, Journal of Limnology, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Hydrobiologia, Marine Biology, Marine Policy, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Nature Communications, PLOS ONE, PNAS, Scientific Reports, Transactions on Computational Systems Biology
Editorial activities:
1. 2018 - ... Associate Editor of Food Webs
2. 2015 - ... Associate Editor of Community Ecology
3. 2012. Guest Editor of a Special Issue of Ecological Modelling ("Ecological hierarchy - from the genes to the biosphere"). Volume 245, 24 October 2012
4. 2012. Vedres, B., Scotti, M. (Eds.), 2012. Networks in Social Policy Problems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 300 p.
1. 2022-present Member of the ICES/HELCOM Working Group on Integrated Assessments of the Baltic Sea (WGIAB)
2. 2022 External reviewer for the Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
3. 2022 External reviewer for biodiversa+, EU
4. 2022 Reviewer for the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, Hungary
5. 2021-present National expert in the HELCOM Correspondence Group on Food webs
6. 2021-present Reviewer for the National Science Centre, Poland
7. 2021 External reviewer for the Icelandic Research Fund, expert panel on Natural and environmental sciences
8. 2020-present Member of the Modelling Different Components of Marine Plankton Biodiversity (MODIV) Working Group
9. 2020 Reviewer for the South Africa’s National Research Foundation
10. 2019 Reviewer for the Academia Sinica, Taiwan
11. 2018 Reviewer for NERC grant proposals, United Kingdom
Academic activities:
1. 2012 - 2016. Member in the Commission of the International Doctoral School in Biomolecular Sciences of the University of Trento
Reviewer and (co-)supervisor of Ph.D. theses:
1. 2022 Wen-Hsien Lin. Quantifying species uniqueness and functional diversity in food webs: a network approach. Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program, National Taiwan University. Reviewer
2. 2022 Pierre Olivier. Marine food webs: an exploration of past structure and function to prepare for the future. Environmental and Marine Biology, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University. Reviewer
3. 2017 - 2020 Daniel Filipe Da Silva Pereira. Qualitative modeling of ecological systems: extending calculation procedures and applications. Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Universities of Ferrara, Parma and Firenze. Co-Supervisor
4. 2015 - 2020 Francisco Rafael Barboza. Geographic biodiversity patterns across ecological scales: drivers and predictions in Baltic Sea hard-bottom communities along environmental gradients. Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography, Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel. Co-Supervisor
5. 2014 - 2017 Marta Rocchi. Ecosystem response to perturbations: insight from qualitative analysis. Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Universities of Ferrara and Parma. Co-Supervisor
6. 2016 Pasquale Bove. Development of extensions of P systems for modelling and simulation of population dynamics. University of Pisa. Reviewer
7. 2012 - 2016 Tenzin Nyima. Modulation of murine intestinal gene expression by dietary fat: spatial variation and saturation effect. Centre for Integrative Biology (CIBIO), University of Trento. Supervisor
Supervisor of M.Sc. thesis:
1. 2022 - present Samuel Morsbach. Contribution of fish stocks to carbon sequestration in the Western Baltic Sea under different fisheries management scenarios (provisional title). Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel. Co-Supervisor
2. 2022 - present Hannah Gaber. Ecological Network Analysis of the pelagic Sylt-Rømø Bight food web (provisional title). Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel. Co-Supervisor
3. 2022 Nikolina Radoš. Impact of gelatinous zooplankton on carbon circulation in the western Baltic Sea ecosystem. University of Split. Supervisor
4. 2021 - 2022 Nis Hansen. The ecological role of cephalopods in the pelagic food web of the NE Atlantic quantified via diet and trophic network analyses. Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel. Co-Supervisor
5. 2019 - 2021 Alberta Widhi Ananda Putri. Biodiversity patterns in presence of seagrass meadows under climate change. Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel. Co-Supervisor
6. 2018 - 2019. Rebecca Piontek. Evaluation of the potential and realized niche of Mnemiopsis leidyi by a comparative study of native and invasive populations in temperate waters. Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel. Co-Supervisor
Supervisor of internships:
1. 2022/03 - 2022/06 - Josefine Karnatz (M.Sc. student, Kiel University, Germany)
2. 2021/03 - 2021/09 - Hannah Gaber (M.Sc. student, Kiel University, Germany)
3. 2019/10 - 2020/09 - Érika E. Kokubun (M.Sc. student, Kiel University, Germany)
4. 2018/02 - 2018/04 - Daina Romeo (Ph.D. student, GSST fellowship, Aarhus University, Denmark)
5. 2017/09 - 2018/05 - Daniel Filipe Da Silva Pereira (Ph.D. student with fellowship from the Ph.D. Course in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, Universities of Ferrara, Parma and Firenze)
6. 2017/09 - 2017/11 - Cecilia Carcedo (Post-doctoral researcher, IADO-CONICET, Argentina)
7. 2017/03 - 2017/04 - Rubén Olmo Gilabert (M.Sc. student with funding of CICIMAR-IPN, Mexico)
8. 2016/06 - 2016/09 - Marta Rocchi (Ph.D. student with DAAD short stay fellowship)
9. 2015/08 - 2015/09 - Emmanuel Laurie (M.Sc. student, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)
10. 2015/02 - 2015/04 - Marta Rocchi (Ph.D. student with DAAD short stay fellowship)
Media coverage
2012 - Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. Interview on molecular nutrition and systems biology
2011 - Reports in RTTR (radio broadcast) on the 7th ECEM Conference
2011 - Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. Interview on the use of network analysis to study complex systems: from predicting secondary extinctions in food webs to identifying bottlenecks in the European natural gas pipeline network
Operating Systems: Mac OS, Windows, Linux, MS DOS Compiled and Scripting Languages: R Statistical Software, C/C++, FORTRAN, Turbo Pascal GIS Packages: ArcView 3.2, GRASS 6.0.2 Other: Bioconductor, Cytoscape, Gephi, Pajek, MS Office Suite, LaTeX, STELLA, COSBI LAB, BlenX, L, WALDO, Inkscape
Italian - Native speaker
English - Writing skills: excellent; Reading skills: excellent; Verbal skills: excellent
French - Writing skills: good; Reading skills: good; Verbal skills: good
Portuguese - Writing skills: basic; Reading skills: good; Verbal skills: basic
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Scientific knowledge gaps on the biology of non-fish marine species across European Seas
Abucay LR, Sorongon-Yap P, Kesner-Reyes K, Capuli EC, Reyes RB, Daskalaki E, Ferrà C, Scarcella G, Coro G, Ordines F, Sánchez-Zulueta P, Dakalov G, Klayn S, Celie L, Scotti M, Grémillet D, Lambert C, Gal G, Palomares ML, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC
Year: 2023
A simple framework for the exploration of functional biodiversity
Froese R, Coro G, Palomares ML D, Bailly N, Scotti M, Froese T, Garilao C, Pauly D
Year: 2023
Editorial: Ecocentric fisheries management in European seas: Data gaps, base models and initial assessments, volume I
Tsikliras AC, Coro G, Daskalov G, Grémillet D, Scotti M, Sylaios G
Year: 2023