Maria Antonietta Ciardiello
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Naples
Tel: (39) 081-6132573
E-mail: mariaantonietta.ciardiello[at]
Name: Maria Antonietta Ciardiello
Role: Senior Researcher
Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Naples, National Research Council, - Via Pietro Castellino, 111 - 80131 Napoli, Italy,
Tel: ++39 081 6132573
Education and Training
1985: Degree in Biological Science at the University "Federico II" of Naples.
- 1985-1986 - Post-doctoral Fellow at the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, University "Federico II" of Naples.
- 1987-1991: Research fellow as PhD student at the Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, University "Federico II" of Naples.
- 1991: PhD in Biochemical Sciences, Department of Organic and Biological Chemistry, Universities of Naples and Bari.
- 1992-2001: Researcher (5-years ex art. 36 contract) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Protein Biochemistry and Enzymology (IBPE), Naples.
- 1997: Awarded a three-months EMBO short-term fellowship at the Laboratoire de Biochimie, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
- 1997: Awarded a fellowship, in the framework of the CNR Programme "short-term mobility", at the Laboratoire de Biochimie, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
- 2001: Permanent position as Researcher at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP), Naples.
- 2014 to date. Researcher at the CNR Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, UOS Naples.
Research Interests
Our research interest is the study of the structural and functional properties of food and environmental proteins and peptides, their physiological role and the impact on human health. New and already known proteins are purified from the natural source by classical biochemical methods and identified by direct amino acid sequencing. The protein characterisation includes the study of the primary, secondary and tertiary structure and post-translational modifications. The functional characterisation includes kinetic studies of enzymatic activities.
Keywards: structure/function of proteins, allergens, nutraceutical peptides, enzymes, food security, functional food, pollen, protein stability.
Current favorite research topics
Identification and purification of new allergenic proteins from the natural food or environmental sources.
- Structural and immunological characterisation of the molecules under investigation.
- Analysis of the protein and allergen profile in different foods.
- Stability of specific allergens under different environmental/experimental conditions, including heat stability and gastrointestinal digestion.
- Influence of several factors (ripening stage, post-harvest treatments, cultivar, etc) on the variation of the protein and allergen profiles in plant foods.
- Study of nutraceutical peptides from plant food. Currently our attention is focused on kissper, a peptide isolated from green kiwifruit and showing ion channeling activity in sinthetic membranes, as well as anti-inflammatory effect on human intestinal cells from patients suffering from Crohn’s disease.
Investigation of the protein biological activities, of their possible effects on human health and of their biomedical applications involves the collaboration with research groups having appropriate expertise in the fields of 3D-structure determination, physiology and clinics.
Current main collaborations
Prof. Adriano Mari, Associated Centers for Molecular Allergology (CAAM), Rome
Prof. Maksymilian Chruszcz, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA
Prof. Delia Picone, Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Napoli (
Dr Silvia Pasquariello, C.R.A. Research Unit on Fruit Trees, Caserta, Italy (
Prof. Carolina Ciacci, Gastrointestinal Unit, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Salerno
Please find the full list of my publications at the following URL:
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Toward the valorization of food waste:beneficial effects of tomato Industrial by-Productson the model systemDrosophila melanogaster
Carillo MR, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Taburrini M, Digilio FA
Year: 2022
Healthy biological activities in legume flours from industrial cooking
Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Tuppo L, Pasquariello MS, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2022
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) accumulation and allergenicity in response to nickel stress
Roccotiello E, Nicosia E, Pierdonà L, Marescotti P, Ciardiello MA, Giangrieco I, Mari A, Zennaro D, Dozza D, Brancucci M, Mariotti M
Year: 2022
Detection of Allergenic Proteins in Foodstuffs: Advantages of the Innovative Multiplex Allergen Microarray-Based Immunoassay Compared to Conventional Methods
Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Alessandri C, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2022
Are peas a safe food for lipid transfer protein allergic patients?
Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Ciancamerla M, Rafaiani C, Rafaiani C, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2021
Structural Characterization of Act c 10.0101 and Pun g 1.0101 Allergens from the Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Protein Family
O’malley A, Pote S, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Gawlicka-Chruszcz A, Kowal K, Ciardiello MA, Chruszcz M
Year: 2021
Pattern of sensitization to Juniperus oxycedrus 4EF-hand polcalcin, Jun o 4, compared with the 2EF-hand grass homolog Phl p 7 in a general Italian population of subjects suffering from pollinosis
Ricciardi T, Giangrieco I, Alessandri C, Rafaiani C, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Digilio AF, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2021
Molecular approach to a patient’s tailored diagnosis of the oral allergy syndrome
Alessandri C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ricciardi T, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2020
Potential allergenicity of Medicago sativa investigated by a combined IgE-binding inhibition, proteomics and in silico approach
Yakhlef M, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Fiume I, Mari A, Souiki L, Pocsfalvi G
Year: 2020
Prevalence and Impact IgE to CCD using multiple markers in multiplex in vitro test
Alessandri C, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2019
ENEA, a peach and apricot IgE-binding protein cross-reacting with the latex major allergen Hev b 5
Giangrieco I, Ricciardi T, Alessandri C, Farina L, Crescenzo R, Tuppo L, Ciancamerla M, Rafaiani C, Bernardi ML, Digilio AF, Cobucci-Ponzano B, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2019
ENEA, a peach IgE-binding protein cross-reacting with the latex major allergen Hev b 5
Giangrieco I, Ricciardi T, Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Ciancamerla M, Rafaiani C, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2019
Green kiwifruit extracts protect motor neurons from death in a spinal muscular atrophy model in Caenorhabditis elegans
Mazzarella N, Giangrieco I, Visone S, Santonicola P, Achenbach J, Zampi G, Tamburrini M, Di Schiavi E, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2019
Plant-Made Bet v 1 for molecular diagnosis
Santoni M, Ciardiello MA, Zampieri R, Pezzotti M, Giangrieco I, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Avesani L
Year: 2019
Isolation of cypress gibberellin-regulated protein: analysis of its structural features and IgE binding competition with homologous allergens
Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Ciancamerla M, Rafaiani C, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2019
Different sensitization profiles to mammalian serum albumins as detected by a new IgE detection multiplex assay
Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Samolinski B, Emeryk A, Nicolae CA, Miskovic S, Bosotina M, Wu A, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Majsiak E, Ciardiello MA, Mari, A
Year: 2018
A peptide from kiwifruit exerts anti-inflammatory effects in celiac disease mucosa
Russo I, Del Giorno C, Giangrieco I, Hajji N, Ciardiello MA, Iovino P, Ciacci C
Year: 2018
Identification of 2S albumin from pomegranate seeds as an IgE-binding protein
Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Tamburrini M, Giangrieco I, Ricciardi T, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2018
Pomegranate chitinase III: Identification of a new allergen and analysis of sensitization patterns to chitinases
Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Alessandri C, Ricciardi T, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2018
Diagnosing allergic sensitizations in the third millennium: why clinicians should know allergen molecule structures
Alessandri C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2017
Multiplex IgE diagnostic test: house dust mite sensitization dissected using six allergenic molecule groups
Alessandri C, Ferrara R, Ml, Bernardi, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari, A
Year: 2017
A multiplex diagnostic test: exploring IgE sensitization to tropomyosins and related sea foods and arthropods
Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2017
Multiplex IgE diagnostic test: the most comprehensive view on IgE sensitization to vegetables, fruits and seeds due to lipid transfer proteins
Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2017
Multiplex IgE diagnostic test: the broad view on IgE reactivity to seeds, legumes, nuts, and cereals
Alessandri C, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2017
FABER IgE diagnostic test: a useful help in understanding IgE sensitization to fishes
Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2017
Identification of the IgE-binding protein pommaclein, Pun g 7, in pomegranate fruit
Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2017
FABER IgE diagnostic test: the most comprehensive view on IgE sensitization to milks and meats
Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Giangrieco I, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2017
Multiplex IgE diagnostic test: IgE sensitization to furry animal dissected by allergenic molecules and extracts
Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Ciancamerla M, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2017
Multiplex IgE diagnostic test performances compared to singleplex
Mari A, Mitterer G, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Harwanegg C
Year: 2017
Introducing a multiplex IgE diagnostic test, a new nanobead-based tool for allergy diagnosis: reporting on IgE reactivity of single allergen preparations and reproducibility performances
Mari A, Mitterer G, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Harwanegg C
Year: 2017
Faber IgE test: a standard multiplex diagnostic tool to explore allergic sensitization across different European regions: Romania, Croatia, Italy
Miskovic S, Nicolae CA, Grgic P, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Ciardiello MA, Mari A, Alessandri C
Year: 2017
Faber IgE test: A standard multiplex diagnostic tool to explore allergic sensitization across Northern, Central and Southern areas in Italy
Rossi R, Minelli M, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Bernardi ML, Vergallo I, Maio D, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Tamburrini M, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Mari A, Alessandri C
Year: 2017
Pomegranate Cultivars: Identification of the New IgE-Binding Protein Pommaclein and Analysis of Antioxidant Variability
Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Pasquariello MS, Petriccione M, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2017
Variability of the allergen pattern in different pomegranate cultivars
Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Pasquariello S, Petriccione M, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Rafaiani C, Ciancamerla M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2017
Influence of pH on the Structure and Function of Kiwi Pectin Methylesterase Inhibitor
Bonavita A, Carratore V, Ciardiello MA, Giovane A, Servillo L, D’Avino R
Year: 2016
Influence of geographical location of orchards on green kiwifruit bioactive components
Giangrieco I, Proietti S, Moscatello S, Tuppo L, Battistelli A, La Cara F, Tamburrini M, Famiani F, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2016
Structural features, IgE binding and preliminary clinical findings of the 7kDa Lipid Transfer Protein from tomato seeds
Giangrieco I, Alessandri C, Rafaiani C, Santoro M, Zuzzi S, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, D’Avino R, Ciardiello MA, Mari A
Year: 2015
Elusive Structural, Functional, and Immunological Features of Act d 5, the Green Kiwifruit Kiwellin
Offermann LR, Giangrieco I, Perdue ML, Zuzzi S, Santoro M, Tamburrini M, Cosgrove DJ, Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Chruszcz M
Year: 2015
The Kiwifruit peptide Kissper displays anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in in vitro and ex vivo human intestinal models
Ciacci C, Russo I, Bucci C, Iovino P, Pellegrini L, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2014
Structure, stability, and IgE binding of the peach allergen Peamaclein (Pru p 7).
Tuppo L, Spadaccini R, Alessandri C, Wienk H, Boelens R, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Picone D, Ciardiello MA
Year: 2014