Mariella Baratti
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-522-5786
E-mail: mariella.baratti[at]
(Page in preparation)
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Ticks in the box: Argas persicus occurrence in nest boxes of secondary cavity-nesting bird species in Italy
Monti F, Baratti M, Viviano A, Mori E
Year: 2023
Beavers are not alone: parasitic assessment of released Eurasian beavers in Central Italy
Turillazzi F, Mori E, Viviano A, Baratti M, Pucci C, Gobbi M, Sassera D, Bisaglia B, Romeo G, Lombardo A, Mariacher A, Domanico MG, Roversi PF, Mazza G
Year: 2023
Genetic insights into an Apennine population of the Italian red deer
Giovannelli F, Mori E, Zaccaroni M, Dessì-Fulgheri F, Baratti M
Year: 2022
Investigation of mechanisms underlying chaotic genetic patchiness in the intertidal marbled crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Brachyura: Grapsidae) across the Ligurian Sea
Iannucci A, Cannicci S, Caliani I, Baratti M, Pretti C, Fratini S
Year: 2020
Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the widespread serpulid Ficopomatus enigmaticus: Developmental responses to carbon nanotubes
Oliva M, De Marchi L, Vieira Sanches M, Pires A, Cuccaro A, Baratti M, Chiellini F, Morelli A, Freitas R, Pretti C
Year: 2020
De novo transcriptome assembly for Pachygrapsus marmoratus, an intertidal brachyuran crab
Pinosio S, Fratini S, Cannicci S, Oliva M, Pretti C, Baratti M
Year: 2020
Relationship between wild-caught organisms for bioassays and sampling areas: Widespread serpulid early-development comparison between two distinct populations after trace element exposure
Sanches MV, Oliva M, Pires A, De Marchi L, Cuccaro A, Freitas R, Baratti M, Pretti C
Year: 2020
Molecular and taxonomic analyses in troglobiotic Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) species from the Dinaric Karst (Isopoda: Trichoniscidae)
Bedek J, Taiti S, Bilandžija H, Ristori E, Baratti M
Year: 2019
A genetic analysis of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus): an applicative case study to support its eradication from Pianosa Island (Tuscan Archipelago)
Iannucci A, Baccetti N, Giannini F, Gotti C, Baratti M
Year: 2019
Effects of copper on larvae of the marbled crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Decapoda, Grapsidae): Toxicity test and biochemical marker responses
Oliva M, De Marchi L, Cuccaro A, Casu V, Tardelli F, Monni G, Freitas R, Caliani I, Fossi M, Fratini S, Baratti M, Pretti C
Year: 2019
Host plant budburst and male-biased dispersal affect the genetic structure of the green oak leaf roller moth, Tortrix viridana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Serra G, Maestrale GB, Tore S, Casula S, Baratti M
Year: 2019
Effect of ammonia on the gene expression levels of the freshwater cyclopoid Eucyclops serrulatus
Di Lorenzo T, Melita M, Cifoni M, Galassi DM, Iannucci A, Biricolti S, Gori M, Baratti M
Year: 2017
Multilocus approach reveals an incipient differentiation process in the Stone-curlew, Burhinus oedicnemus around the Mediterranean basin
Mori A, Giunchi D, Rodríguez-Godoy F, Grasso R, Baldaccini NE, Baratti M
Year: 2017
Bioenergetic cost of living in polluted freshwater bodies: Respiration rates of the cyclopoid Eucyclops serrulatus under ammonia-N exposures
Di Lorenzo T, Cannicci S, Spigoli D, Cifoni M, Baratti M, Galassi DMP
Year: 2016
Transcriptome resources for two non-model freshwater crustacean species
Baratti M
Year: 2015
Investigating the puzzling genetic structure of mallard populations (Anas platyrhynchos L.) in Italy
Baratti M, Baccetti N, Cordaro M, Mori A, Dessì-Fulgheri F
Year: 2015
Genomic Resources Notes Accepted 1 October 2014-30 November 2014
Baratti M, Cattonaro F, Di Lorenzo T, Galassi DM, Iannilli V, Iannucci A, Jensen J, Larsen PF, Nielsen RO, Pertoldi C, Postolache D, Pujolar JM, Randi E, Ruiz-Gonzalez A, Thirstrup JP, Vendramin GG, Zalewski A
Year: 2015
Temperature effect on the sensitivity of the copepod Eucyclops serrulatus (Crustacea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida) to agricultural pollutants in the hyporheic zone
Di Lorenzo T, Di Marzio WD, Cifoni M, Fiasca B, Baratti M, Saenz ME, Galassi DMP
Year: 2015
Metabolic rates of a hypogean and an epigean species of copepod in an alluvial aquifer
Di Lorenzo T, Di Marzio WD, Spigoli D, Baratti M, Messana G, Cannicci S, Galassi DM
Year: 2015
Sensitivity of hypogean and epigean freshwater copepods to agricultural pollutants
Di Lorenzo T, Di Marzio WD, Sáenz ME, Baratti M, Dedonno AA, Iannucci A, Cannicci S, Messana G, Galassi DM
Year: 2014
A first assessment of genetic variability in the Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus
Mori A, Baldaccini NE, Baratti M, Caccamo C, Dessì-Fulgheri F, Grasso R, Nouira S, Ouni R, Pollonara E, Rodriguez-Godoy F, Spena MT, Giunchi D
Year: 2014
Characterisation of microsatellite markers in the stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus
Mori A, Dawson DA, Horsburgh GJ, Giunchi D, Baldaccini NE, Baratti M
Year: 2014
Genetic variation in Sardinian populations of the Green oak leaf roller Tortrix viridana L. (Lepidoptera,Tortricidae)
Serra G, Maestrale GB, Baratti M, Lentini A
Year: 2014
MHC genotype predicts mating preferences in the ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus
Baratti M, Dessì-Fulgheri F, Ambrosini R, Bonisoli-Alquati A, Caprioli M, Goti E, Matteo A, Monnanni R, Ragionieri L, Ristori E, Romano M, Rubolini D, Scialpi A, Saino N
Year: 2012
Data from: MHC genotype predicts mate choice in the ring-necked pheasant Phasianus colchicus
Baratti M, Dessi-Fulgheri F, Ambrosini R, Bonisoli-Alquati A, Caprioli M, Goti E, Matteo A, Monanni R, Ragionieri L, Ristori E, Romano M, Rubolini D, Scialpi A, Saino N
Year: 2012
Complex genetic patterns in the mangrove wood-borer Sphaeroma terebrans Bate, 1866 (Isopoda, Crustacea, Sphaeromatidae) generated by shoreline topography and rafting dispersal
Baratti M, Filippelli M, Messana G
Year: 2011
Effects of egg testosterone on female mate choice and male sexual behavior in the pheasant
Bonisoli-Alquati A, Matteo A, Ambrosini R, Rubolini D, Romano M, Caprioli M, Dessì-Fulgheri F, Baratti M, Saino N
Year: 2011
Are large wattles related to particular MHC genotypes in the male pheasant?
Baratti M, Ammannati M, Magnelli C, Massolo A, Dessì-Fulgheri F
Year: 2010
Molecular phylogenetic relationships among some stygobitic cirolanid species (Crustacea, Isopoda)
Baratti M, Filippelli M, Nardi F, Messana G
Year: 2010
Argas (Persicargas) persicus (Oken, 1818) (Ixodida: Argasidae) in Sicily with considerations about its Italian and West-Mediterranean distribution
Pantaleoni R, Baratti M, Barraco L, Contini C, Cossu C, Filippelli M, Loru L, Romano M
Year: 2010
Current status of the Sardinian partridge (Alectoris barbara) assessed by molecular markers
Scandura M, Iacolina L, Apollonio M, Dessì-Fulgheri F, Baratti M
Year: 2010
Molecular and ecological characterization of urban populations of the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos L.) in Italy
Baratti M, Cordaro M, Dessì-Fulgheri F, Vannini M, Fratini S
Year: 2009
Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the marine isopod Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea, Isopoda)
Baratti M, Filippelli M, Messana G, Papetti C, Patarnello T, Zane L
Year: 2009
Subterranean ecological research and multivariate statistics: a review (1945-2006)
Herrando-Pérez S, Baratti M, Messana G
Year: 2008
La variabilità genetica ai loci MHC: confronto tra popolazioni in diverse classi di vertebrati per identificare il ruolo dei processiselettivi e demografici
Baratti M
Year: 2007
L’ecosistema sotterraneo insulare come modello di studio della biodiversità
Baratti M
Year: 2007
MHC variation and mate choice in pheasant
Baratti M, Ammannati M, Dessi-Fulgheri F
Year: 2006
Introgression of chukar genes into a reintroduced red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) population in central Italy
Baratti M, Ammannati M, Magnelli C, Dessì-Fulgheri F
Year: 2005
High level of genetic differentiation in the marine isopod Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea Isopoda Sphaeromatidae) as inferred by mitochondrial DNA analysis
Baratti M, Goti E, Messana G
Year: 2005
Genetic diversity in the Carabodes marginatus species group (Acarida, Oribatida, Carabodidae) as inferred from allozymes
Avanzati AM, Salomone N, Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 2004
Microevolutionary processes in the stygobitic genus Typhlocirolana (Isopoda Flabellifera Cirolanidae) as inferred by partial 12S and 16S rDNA sequences
Baratti M, Yacoubi Khebiza M, Messana G
Year: 2004
Taxonomic revision of Amerus troisi (Berlese, 1883) (Acari, Oribatida, Ameridae) using morphological and biochemical characters
Avanzati AM, Salomone N, Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 2003
Analysis of genetic variability of stygobitic isopod populations (Stenasellus racovitzai, Crustacea, Isopoda) with RAPD markers and comparison to allozyme data
Baratti M, Argano R, Burchi A Messana G
Year: 2003
Genetic and morphological analysis of some European species of the "coriaceus group" of Carabodes (Acari, Oribatida, Carabodidae) and description of C. tyrrhenicus sp. nov.
Salomone N, Avanzati AM, Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 2003
Pongycarcinia xiphidiourus n. gen. n. sp., a new Brazilian Calabozoidae (Crustacea Isopoda)
Messana G, Baratti M, Benvenuti, D
Year: 2002
Polymorphic microsatellites developed by cross-species amplifications in common pheasant breeds
Baratti M, Alberti A, Groenen M, Veenendaal T, Fulgheri FD
Year: 2001
Effetto dell’innevamento artificiale sugli Acari Oribatei (Acari, Oribatida) delle piste sciabili del Monte Bondone (Trentino, Italia)
Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 2000
Detection of genetic variability in stygobitic isopods using RAPD markers
Baratti M, Bazzicalupo M, De Filippo C, Messana, G
Year: 1999
Inferring phylogenetic history of five taxa of the genus Typhlocirolana (Isopoda Cirolanidae) by 12 S sequence. Preliminary data
Baratti M, Burchi A, Messana G, Yacoubi-Khebiza M
Year: 1999
New reports of Carabodes chirtlus Mahunka, 1987 in the western mediterranean and the synonymization of Carabodes foliatus Morell, 1990 (Acari, Oribatida)
Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 1996
Taxonomic revision of Carabodes affinis Berlese, 1913 (Acari: Oribatida: Carabodidae). Notulae Oribatologicae LXVIII
Baratti M, Avanzati AM, Salomone N, Bernini F
Year: 1995
Oribatids mites (Acari, Oribatida) of the Farma Valley (Southern Tuscany). Notulae Oribatologicae LXV
Bernini F, Avanzati AM, Baratti M, Migliorini M
Year: 1995
Molecular and morphological differentiation between steganacarid mites (Acari: Oribatida) from the Canary islands
Avanzati AM, Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 1994
Notulae Oribatologicae LIX. Taxonomy and biogeography of the genus Steganacarus Ewing, 1917 (Acari, Oribatida) in Italy
Avanzati AM, Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 1994
Odontocepheus oglasae n.sp. (Acari, Oribatida, Carabodidae) from Montecristo Island (Tuscan Archipelago)
Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 1994
Taxonomic revision of Carabodes coriaceus Koch,Vl, 1836 and C. arduinii Valle, 1955 (Acari, Oribatida)
Baratti M, Bernini F
Year: 1994
Memorie dell’Accademia Lunigianese delle Scienze "Giovanni Cappellini"
Fanciulli PP, Avanzati AM, Baratti M Dallai R
Year: 1992
Biochemical and morphological systematics in the genus Amerus (Acarida, Oribatida)
Bernini F, Avanzati AM, Baratti M
Year: 1991
Notulae Oribatologicae LIII. Carabodes intermedius Willmann, 1951 (Acarida, Oribatida) new findings in Italy
Bernini F, Baratti M
Year: 1991
Notulae Oribatologicae LIV. Cosmogneta cassolai a new species from western mediterranean countries
Bernini F, Baratti M, Avanzati AM
Year: 1991
An Asellid from the subterranean waters of the Apuan Alps: Proasellus micropectinatus n.sp. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota
Baratti M, Messana G
Year: 1990
Redescription of Feiderzetes latus (Schweizer, 1956) with redefinition of Feiderzetes (Acarida, Oribatida, Mycobatidae)
Bernini F, Baratti M
Year: 1990