National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Marta Gogliettino

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Naples
Tel: (39) 081-6132291
E-mail: marta.gogliettino[at]

• Education

2014 PhD in Applied Biology at University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy.
2006 Approval to the profession of Chemist.
2005 Approval to the profession of Pharmacist.
2005 Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology achieved at the University of Naples “Federico II”, final mark: 110/110.

• Employment and experience

2006 Research training at Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP), National Council of
Research (CNR), Naples.

2006-2011: Fellow at IBP, CNR, Naples.

2011-2014: Research fellow at IBP, CNR, Naples.

2015: Researcher at Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR), CNR, Naples

• Teaching

Since 2007, Dr. Gogliettino has assisted in the preparation of the thesis many students in biology, chemistry and biotechnology. She has given several seminars.

• Brief description of research activities

Dr. Marta Gogliettino has achieved her master degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Naples and she became PhD in Applied Biology at University of Naples “Federico II” in 2014. Since 2015 she is researcher at the National Research Council (CNR). Her scientific and research activity has been focused on the study of the structure/function relationship of proteins from different sources. After spending many years at the CNR, she has acquired considerable expertise in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology with particular reference to the study of enzymes from prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Specifically, the research activity has allowed her to get a consolidated know-how concerning the protein purification procedures as well as kinetic, chemical-physical, and structural characterization of enzymes. Moreover, Dr. Gogliettino has contributed to 13 research articles published on peer-reviewed journals. Moreover, her research activities produced about 18 contributions to conference proceedings and she has participated in national and international congresses.
The main lines of her research are: A. Study of the activity of molecules able to regulate the function of target enzymes involved in protein turnover and in the antioxidant defense mechanisms in vitro and in vivo models; B. Study of proteases from hyperthermophilic and eukaryotic organisms; C. Identification of protease inhibitors; D. Study of ‘Oligopeptide binding proteins’ belonging to ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters in hyperthermophilic microorganisms

• Peer-reviewed Publications

A. Riccio, M. Gogliettino, M. Balestrieri, E. Cocca, A. Facchiano, M. Rossi, S. Palumbo, G. Monti, G. Palmieri. A new APEH cluster with antioxidant functions in the Antarctic hemoglobinless icefish Chionodraco hamatus. PLoS One (2015); 10(5):e0125594.

P. Bergamo, G. Palmieri, E. Cocca, I. Ferrandino, M. Gogliettino, A. Monaco, G. Mazzarella, F. Maurano, C. David and M. Rossi. Adaptive response activated by dietary cis9, trans11 Conjugated Linoleic Acid prevents distinct signs of gliadin-induced enteropathy in mice. EJN (2015) DOI 10.1007/s00394-015-0893-2.

M. Gogliettino, A. Riccio, E. Cocca, M. Rossi, G. Palmieri and M. Balestrieri. A New Pepstatin-Insensitive Thermopsin-Like Protease Overproduced in Peptide-Rich Cultures of Sulfolobus solfataricus. IJMS (2014); 15: 3204-3219.

P. Bergamo, E. Cocca, R. Palumbo, M. Gogliettino, M. Rossi, G. Palmieri. RedOx status, proteasome and APEH: insights into anticancer mechanisms of t10,c12-Conjugated Linoleic Acid isomer on melanoma cell lines. PLoS One (2013); 8: e80900.

Gogliettino M, Riccio A, Balestrieri M, Cocca E, Facchiano A, D’Arco TM, Tesoro C, Rossi M, Palmieri G. A novel class of bifunctional acylpeptide hydrolases--potential role in the antioxidant defense systems of the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii. FEBS J. (2014); 281(1):401-15.

M. Gogliettino, M. Balestrieri, E. Cocca, S. Mucerino, M. Rossi, M. Petrillo, E. Mazzella, G. Palmieri. Identification and characterisation of a novel acylpeptide hydrolase from Sulfolobus solfataricus: structural and functional insights. PLoS One (2012); 7(5): e37921.

A. Sandomenico, A. Russo, G. Palmieri, P. Bergamo, M. Gogliettino, L. Falcigno, M. Ruvo. Small peptide inhibitors of acetyl-peptide hydrolase having an uncommon mechanism of inhibition and a stable bent conformation. J Med Chem (2012), 8;55(5): 2102-11.

P. Bergamo, M. Gogliettino, G.Palmieri, E. Cocca, F. Maurano, R. Stefanile, M. Balestrieri, G. Mazzarella, C. David,¶ and M. Rossi. Conjugated Linoleic Acid protects against gliadin-induced depletion of intestinal defenses. Mol Nutr Food Res (2011), 55: S248-S256.

G. Palmieri, P. Bergamo, A. Luini, M. Ruvo, M. Gogliettino, E. Langella, M. Saviano, R. Hegde, A. Sandomenico, and M. Rossi. Acylpeptide hydrolase inhibition as targeted strategy to induce proteasomal down-regulation. Plos One (2011), 6(10):e25888.

M. Balestrieri, M. Gogliettino, I Fiume, G. Catara, G. Marino, M. Rossi and G. Palmieri. Structural and functional insights into Aeropyrum pernix OppA, a member of a novel archaeal OppA subfamily. J Bac (2011) 193: 620 - 630.

G. Palmieri, E. Langella, M. Gogliettino, M. Saviano, G. Pocsfalvi and M. Rossi. A novel class of protease targets of phosphatidylethanolamine-binding proteins (PEBP): a study of the acyl peptide hydrolase and the PEBP inhibitor from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Mol BioSyst (2010), 6:2498-2507.

M. Gogliettino, M. Balestrieri, G. Pocsfalvi, I. Fiume, L. Natale, M. Rossi, and G. Palmieri. A highly selective oligopeptide binding protein from the Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. J Bac (2010) 192 (12): 3123-3131.

G. Palmieri, G. Catara, M. Saviano, E. Langella, M. Gogliettino, and M. Rossi. First archaeal PEBP-serine protease inhibitor from Sulfolobus solfataricus with noncanonical amino acid sequence in the reactive-site loop. J Proteome Res (2009) 8(1): 327-334.


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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