Maurizio Chiurazzi
Role: Research Director
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Naples
Tel: (39) 081-6132433-081-6132434
E-mail: maurizio.chiurazzi[at]
(page in preparation)
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Editorial: Nutrient dependent signaling pathways controlling the symbiotic nitrogen fixation process
Suzaki T, Valkov VT, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2021
The Lotus japonicus NPF3.1 Is a Nodule-Induced Gene That Plays a Positive Role in Nodule Functioning
Vittozzi Y, Nadzieja M, Rogato A, Radutoiu S, Valkov VT, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2021
The functional characterization of LjNRT2.4 indicates a novel, positive role of nitrate for an efficient nodule N2-fixation activity
Valkov VT, Sol S, Rogato A, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2020
Disruption of the Lotus japonicus transporter LjNPF2.9 increases shoot biomass and nitrate content without affecting symbiotic performances
Sol S, Valkov VT, Rogato A, Noguero M, Gargiulo L, Mele G, Lacombe B, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2019
The Hydrophobin HYTLO1 Secreted by the Biocontrol Fungus Trichoderma longibrachiatum Triggers a NAADP-Mediated Calcium Signalling Pathway in Lotus japonicus
Moscatiello R, Sello S, Ruocco M, Barbulova A, Cortese E, Nigris S, Baldan B, Chiurazzi M, Mariani P, Lorito M, Navazio L
Year: 2018
Ectopic Expression of PII Induces Stomatal Closure in Lotus japonicus
Parlati A, Valkov VT, D’Apuzzo E, Alves LM, Petrozza A, Summerer S, Costa A, Cellini F, Vavasseur A, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2017
The nitrate transporter family protein LjNPF8.6 controls the N-fixing nodule activity
Valkov VT, Rogato A, Alves LM, Sol S, Noguero M, Léran S, Lacombe B, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2017
Down-regulated Lotus japonicus GCR1 plants exhibit nodulation signalling pathways alteration
Rogato A, Valkov VT, Alves LM, Apone F, Colucci G, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2016
An In Vitro Procedure for Phenotypic Screening of Growth Parameters and Symbiotic Performances in Lotus corniculatus Cultivars Maintained in Different Nutritional Conditions
Valkov V, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2016
The effects of salt stress cause a diversion of basal metabolism in barley roots: Possible different roles for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase isoforms
Cardi M, Castiglia D, Ferrara M, Guerriero G, Chiurazzi M, Esposito S
Year: 2015
PII Overexpression in Lotus japonicus Affects Nodule Activity in Permissive Low-Nitrogen Conditions and Increases Nodule Numbers in High Nitrogen Treated Plants
D’Apuzzo E, Valkov VT, Parlati A, Omrane S, Barbulova A, Sainz MM, Lentini M, Esposito S, Rogato A, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2015
The diatom molecular toolkit to handle nitrogen uptake
Rogato A, Amato A, Iudicone D, Chiurazzi M, Ferrante MI, D’Alcalà MR
Year: 2015
The diatom molecular toolkit to handle nitrogen uptake
Rogato A, Amato A, Iudicone D, Chiurazzi M, Ferrante MI, D’Alcalà MR
Year: 2015
Nitrate transport and signaling
Valkov TV, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2014
Nitrate Transport and Signaling
Valkov VT, Chiurazzi M
Year: 2014