National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Pasquale Termolino

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 0812539025
E-mail: pasquale.termolino[at]

Born: Pompei (Italy), October 27th 1977

Nationality: Italian

Professional Address:

Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, UOS Portici Via Università 133 80055 Portici (Italy)


2) Researchgate:

Tel: 0812539112

SKYPE: paciof


2012-today: Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Research Division: Portici (NA), Italy.

Main interests

1) Genetics and epigenetics of plant sexual reproduction in Arabidopsis thaliana model plant and Solanaceae crops.

2) Functional genomics of quality traits in Arabidopsis thaliana model plant and Solanaceae crops.

3) Transcriptome analysis of Solanaceae mainly focusing on Solanum lycopersicon

4) Toxicity of natural and synthetic substances and impact on plants and the environment

Work experiences

2012-today: Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Research Division, Institute of Plant Genetics (today IBBR), Research Division of Portici (NA).

2011: Research fellowship in plant biology and agriculture at University of Naples Federico II.

2008: Research scholar for high throughput molecular cloning at PSB-VIB in Dr. Pierre Hilson’s laboratories (Institute of Plant Systems Biology, University of Ghent - Belgium).

2006 - 2011: Post-doctoral fellow at CNR, Institute of Plant Genetics (today IBBR), Research Division of Portici (NA). FIRB project.

2004 - 2006: PhD fellow in plant biotechnology at University of Naples Federico II.

2003 - 2005: PhD fellow in transcriptome analysis at Cornell University in James J. Giovannoni’s laboratories (Ithaca, NY - USA).


2006 - PhD in Plant Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II

2002 - Degree in Plant Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II

Research projects

  • MIUR PON02_00395_3082360 - “GenoPOM-pro”: Potenziamento della filiera pomodoro attraverso applicazioni integrate di post-genomica. 2012-2015
  • European project - “MEIOSYS”: Systematic Analysis of Factors Controlling Meiotic Recombination in Higher Plants. 2009-2014
  • MIUR DM 17732 - “GenoPOM”: Laboratorio di Genomica per l’innovazione e la valorizzazione della filiera pomodoro. 2006-2010
  • MIUR FIRB “Laboratorio nazionale di genomica e postgenomica degli organismi di interesse agrario”. 2006-2011
  • MIPAF - “ECOPOM”: Tecniche innovative per l’identificazione di marcatori molecolari associati alla tipicità del pomodoro campano 2001-2005


International ISI journals:

Mazzoleni S, Bonanomi G, Incerti G, Chiusano ML, Termolino P, Mingo A, Senatore M, Giannino F, Cartenì F, Rietkerk M, Lanzotti V. 2014. Inhibitory and toxic effects of extracellular self-DNA in litter: a mechanism for negative plant-soil feedbacks? Article ACCEPTED. New Phytologist.

Incerti, G., Romano, A., Termolino, P., Lanzotti, 2013.V. Metabolomic fingerprinting using nuclear magnetic resonance and multivariate data analysis as a tool for biodiversity informatics: A case study on the classification of Rosa x damascene. Plant Biosystems, 147 (4), pp. 947-954.

Cigliano, R.A., Cremona, G., Paparo, R., Termolino, P., Perrella, G., Gutzat, R., Consiglio, M.F., Conicella, C. 2013 Histone deacetylase AtHDA7 is required for female gametophyte and embryo development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 163 (1), pp. 431-440.

Incerti G, Capodilupo M, Senatore M, Termolino P, Scala F, Mazzoleni S, Bonanomi G, 2013.Biochemical changes assessed by 13C-CPMAS NMR spectroscopy control fungal growth on water extracts of decaying plant litter, Mycoscience, Volume 54, Issue 6, 449-457, ISSN 1340-3540,

Incerti, G., Giordano, D., Stinca, A., Senatore, M., Termolino, P., Mazzoleni, S., Bonanomi, G. 2013. Fire occurrence and tussock size modulate facilitation by Ampelodesmos mauritanicus. Acta Oecologica, 49, pp. 116-124.

Piombino, P., Sinesio, F., Moneta, E., Cammareri, M., Genovese, A., Lisanti, M.T., Mogno, M.R., Peparaio, M., Termolino, P., Moio, L., Grandillo, S. 2013. Investigating physicochemical, volatile and sensory parameters playing a positive or a negative role on tomato liking. Food Research International, 50 (1), pp. 409-419.

The Tomato Consortium. The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature, 485 (7400), pp. 635-641.

Lanzotti, V., Termolino, P., Dolci, M., Curir, P. 2012. Paviosides A-H, eight new oleane type saponins from Aesculus pavia with cytotoxic activity. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 20 (10), pp. 3280-3286.

Iodice A., Termolino P., Grandillo S., Cammareri M., 2011. Cloning and genomic characterization of tomato sterol methyl transferase 1 involved in sterol pathway - MINERVA BIOTEC 2011;23 Suppl. 1 to No. 2:59-61

Iodice A., Termolino P., Grandillo S., Camamreri M., 2010. Cloning and expression analysis of a tomato cycloeucalenol cycloisomerase gene (CYC1) putatively involved in α-tomatine pathway - MINERVA BIOTEC 2010;22 Suppl. 1 to No. 2:36-7

Book chapters:

GRANDILLO S, CHETALAT R., KNAAP S., SPOONER D., PERALTA I., CAMMARERI M., PEREZ O., TRIPODI P., TERMOLINO P., CHIUSANO M. L., ERCOLANO M. R., FRUSCIANTE L., MONTI L., PIGNONE D. (2010) Solanum sect.Lycopersicon (tomatoes) and allied species. In Wealth of Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources (C Kole ed.) Springer, Vol 5. Vegetables.

GRANDILLO S, TERMOLINO P, VAN DER KNAAP E. (2010): Molecular mapping of complex traits. In Genomics of fruit and vegetable crops. Editor C. Kole. Volume editors B.E. Liedl, J.A. Labate, A.J. Slade, S.R. Hurst, and J.R. Stommel. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA.

Not ISI journals:

Termolino P. Histone acetylation and sex-specific recombination variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Invited lecture at FISV XIII Congress, Pisa 24-27 September 2014

Termolino P., Paparo R., Cremona G., Coniglio A., Barra L., Losacco D., Consiglio M.F., Conicella C. Changes in the chromosome structure influence meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the 58th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Alghero, Italy - 15/18 September, 2014

Barra L., Termolino P., Cremona G., Coniglio A., Paparo R., Consiglio M.F., Conicella C. Meiotic nuclei isolation by INTACT (Isolation of Nuclei Tagged in specific Cell Types) for profiling histone modifications at recombination stage in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the 58th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Alghero, Italy - 15/18 September, 2014

Paparo R., Termolino P., De Palma M., Aiese Cigliano R., Barra L., Cremona G., Coniglio A., Consiglio M.F., Conicella C. Strategies for functional characterization of Parallel Spindles Like (PSL) genes in potato. Proceedings of the 58th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Alghero, Italy - 15/18 September, 2014

Coniglio A., Termolino P., Ianniello C., Paparo R., Barra L., Cremona G., Aiese Cigliano R., Conicella C., Consiglio M.F. Meiotic recombination: from Arabidopsis to tomato. Proceedings of the 58th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Alghero, Italy - 15/18 September, 2014

Senatore G., Vitiello A., Termolino P., Grandillo S., Cammareri M. Identification and characterization of candidate genes controlling fruit shape and size in pepper. Proceedings of the 58th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Alghero, Italy - 15/18 September, 2014

EPITOM Consortium. EPITOM: an integrated study of epigenomics in tomato fruit during post-harvest. Proceedings of the 58th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Alghero, Italy - 15/18 September, 2014

AIESE CIGLIANO R.*, CREMONA G.*, PAPARO R.*, TERMOLINO P.*, PERRELLA G.*, GUTZAT R.**, CONSIGLIO M.F.*, CONICELLA C. SILENCING OF HISTONE DEACETYLASE 7 AFFECTS GROWTH AND FERTILITY IN ARABIDOPSIS. Proceedings of the 57th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Foggia, Italy - 16/19 September, 2013

CREMONA G., AIESE CIGLIANO R., TERMOLINO P., PAPARO R., CONSIGLIO M.F., CONICELLA C. HISTONE HYPERACETILATION AFFECTS RECOMBINATION IN ARABIDOPSIS MALE MEIOSIS. Proceedings of the 56th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Perugia, Italy - 17/20 September, 2012


IODICE A. DI DATO F.*, ANDOLFI A.**, TERMOLINO P.*, EVIDENTE A.**, GRANDILLO S.*, CAMMARERI M. ENHANCEMENT OF α-TOMATINE CONTENT IN S. LYCOPERSICUM VIA METABOLIC ENGINEERING. Proceedings of the 56th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Perugia, Italy - 17/20 September, 2012

DI DATO F.*, FULTON T.**, TERMOLINO P.*, CAMMARERI M.*, EANNETTA N.***, XU Y.****, TANKSLEY S.D.***, GRANDILLO S. ADVANCED BACKCROSS QTL ANALYSIS IN A SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM X SOLANUM HABROCHAITES (acc. LA1721) CROSS. Proceedings of the 56th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Perugia, Italy - 17/20 September, 2012

BALLOTTARI M.*, TERMOLINO P.**, DI DATO F.**, CAMMARERI M.**, BOSSI S.***, BASSI R.*, MAFFEI M.***, GRANDILLO S. BIOCHEMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PSBS GENE SILENCING BY RNAi IN SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM. Proceedings of the 56th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Perugia, Italy - 17/20 September, 2012

TERMOLINO P., IODICE A., DI DATO F., CAMMARERI M., GRANDILLO S. GENE SILENCING TO INVESTIGATE THE ROLES OF LEXYL1 IN α-TOMATINE CATABOLISM. Proceedings of the 54th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Matera, Italy - 27/30 September, 2010

IODICE A., TERMOLINO P., GRANDILLO S., CAMMARERI M. DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION OF TWO ALTERNATIVE TRANSCRIPTS OF A TOMATO CYCLOARTENOL SYNTHASE GENE (CAS1). Proceedings of the 54th Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress Matera, Italy - 27/30 September, 2010

BALLOTTARI M., TERMOLINO P., BIANCO L., ALBORESI A., CAMMARERI M., GRANDILLO S., BASSI R. - Proteomics and functional genomics approaches to explore chloroplast-chromoplast transition in tomato fruit. 53° Annual Congress, Società Italiana di genetica Agraria, 18-21 Settembre 2009

TERMOLINO P., IODICE A., VITIELLO A., CAMMARERI M., GRANDILLO S. - Identifying gene targets for the metabolic engineering of alpha-tomatine biosynthesis in tomato. 53° Annual Congress, Società Italiana di genetica Agraria, 18-21 Settembre 2009

CAMMARERI M., TERMOLINO P., IODICE A., DI DATO F., VITIELLO A., GRANDILLO S. 2009. Cloning and characterization of genes involved in α-tomatine pathway. Plant Biology 2009. Hawaii, 18-22 Luglio: 385.

CAMMARERI M., TERMOLINO P., BORRELLI F., AVIELLO G., CAMPANILE F., ZACCARDELLI M., CAPASSO F., AND GRANDILLO S. 2008. Alpha tomatine in Solanum species: characterization of its content and biosynthetic pathway. International PSE Symposium on Natural Products in Cancer Therapy. Napoli, 23-26 settembre.

TERMOLINO P., CAMMARERI M., MASSARELLI I., RAIMONDI G., GIOVANNONI J., MAGGIO A., GRANDILLO S. 2006. Physiological and molecular response to salt stress in Solanum lycopersicum. PAA Solanaceae 2006 - Madison (Wis), USA 23-27 Luglio

TERMOLINO P., ALBA R., GIOVANNONI J., MANFREDONIA A., MUSTILLI A., MONTI L., BOWLER C., GRANDILLOS. 2005. Transcriptional profiling of fruit ripening in traditional italian tomato varieties. 2nd Solanaceae Genome Workshop - Ischia, Italy 25-29 Settembre

GRANDILLO S., ADUCCI P., CAMONI L., GARUFI A., GENOVESE A., GIORDANO I., GIOVANNONI J., LISANTI MT., MANFREDONIA A., MARRA M., MOIO L., MONETA E., MORELLI G., MUSTILLI A., PARISI M., PIOMBINO P., ROCCO M., SINESIO F., TERMOLINO P., TONELLI C., BOWLER C. 2005. A multidisciplinary approach to assess fruit quality of traditional italian tomato varieties. 2nd Solanaceae Genome Workshop - Ischia, Italy 25-29 Settembre.

TERMOLINO P. 2005. Uso di tecniche innovative per l’identificazione di geni coinvolti nella qualità organolettica e nutrizionale del pomodoro e nella sua risposta allo stress osmotico. - Tesi di dottorato nell’ambito del Dottorato XVIII ciclo in Scienze Biotecnologiche indirizzo Agrario Vegetale dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.

TRIPODI P., TERMOLINO P., ALBANO R., FRUSCIANTE L., GRANDILLO S. 2004. Utilizzo di tecniche innovative per il trasferimento di caratteri quantitativi da specie selvatiche a pomodoro coltivato. Giornate Scientifiche del Polo delle Scienze e delle Tecnologie per la Vita 20-21 Maggio

GRANDILLO S., GENOVESE A., GIORDANO I., MOIO L., MUSTILLI A., PARISI M., PIOMBINO P., SINESIO F., TERMOLINO P., BOWLER C. 2003. A multidisciplinary approach to assess fruit quality of traditional italian ecotypes of tomato. 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology - Barcellona, Spain 23-28 Giugno

TERMOLINO P., TRIPODI P., ALBANO R., GRANDILLO S. 2003. Uso di QTL di origine selvatica per il miglioramento genetico della qualità organolettica e nutrizionale del pomodoro. Giornate Scientifiche del Polo delle Scienze e delle Tecnologie per la Vita 5-6 Giugno

TERMOLINO P., GRANDILLO S. 2002. Use of wild QTLs for the improvement of tomato fruit quality. XLVI Annual Congress, Società Italiana di genetica Agraria, 18-21 Settembre


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