Roberto Mariotti
Section: Technicians
Division: Perugia
Tel: (39) 075-5014809
E-mail: roberto.mariotti[at]
I’m working as Technician on olive (Olea europaea) genetics and molecular biology.
The Olive group of CNR-IBBR in Perugia works, at international level, on different topics related to Olea europaea genetics, genomics and molecular biology, including genome and transcriptome sequencing, functional genomics, germplasm conservation and evaluation.
Research interests:
- Development and analysis of chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers;
- Genotyping of varieties, wild species, related subspecies of olive trees through molecular markers, genomic and metagenomic sequences;
- Use of different bio-informatic softwares (identity-similarity, evolution, population analyses, pedigree);
- Association mapping QTL and genome wide association studies GWAS;
- Nucleic acid extraction from different matrices (food, fatty matrices etc.);
- Molecular traceability of olive oils and detection of varietal composition;
- Breeding of olive cultivars and control by Marker Assisted Selection (MAS);
- Technical expert for olive cultivation: planting, pruning, harvesting and oil production;
- Expert on organoleptic detection of extravirgin olive oil.
DNA extraction from fatty matrices
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
OeBAS and CYP716C67 catalyze the biosynthesis of health-beneficial triterpenoids in olive ( Olea europaea ) fruits
Alagna F, Reed J, Calderini O, Thimmappa R, Cultrera NG, Cattivelli A, Tagliazucchi D, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Osbourn A, Baldoni L
Year: 2023
Meta-analysis of transcriptome reveals key genes relating to oil quality in olive
Asadi A, Shariati V, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Hosseini Mazinani M
Year: 2023
How Temperatures May Affect the Synthesis of Fatty Acids during Olive Fruit Ripening: Genes at Work in the Field
Contreras C, Pierantozzi P, Maestri D, Tivani M, Searles P, Brizuela M, Fernández F, Toro A, Puertas C, Trentacoste ER, Kiessling J, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Mousavi S, Fernandez P, Moschen S, Torres M
Year: 2023
Cold stress resilience of Iranian olive genetic resources: evidence from autochthonous genotypes diversity
Karamatlou I, Navabpour S, Nezhad KZ, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Hosseini-Mazinani M
Year: 2023
Genealogical tracing of Olea europaea species and pedigree relationships of var. europaea using chloroplast and nuclear markers
Mariotti R, Belaj A, de la Rosa R, Muleo R, Cirilli M, Forgione I, Valeri MC, Mousavi S
Year: 2023
The Ancient Olive Trees (Olea europaea L.) of the Maltese Islands: A Rich and Unexplored Patrimony to Enhance Oliviculture
Passeri V, Sammut C, Mifsud D, Domesi A, Stanzione V, Baldoni L, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Pandolfi S, Cinosi N, Famiani F, Bufacchi M
Year: 2023
Volatile Olfactory Profiles of Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oils and Their Discrimination through MOX Chemical Sensors
Mariotti R, Núñez-Carmona E, Genzardi D, Pandolfi S, Sberveglieri V, Mousavi S
Year: 2022
Bioactive Compound Profiling of Olive Fruit: The Contribution of Genotype
Mousavi S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Mastio V, Azariadis A, Passeri V, Valeri MC, Baldoni L, Bufacchi M
Year: 2022
Thermal regime and cultivar effects on squalene and sterol contents in olive fruits: Results from a field network in different Argentinian environments
Torres M, Pierantozzi P, Contreras C, Stanzione V, Tivani M, Mastio V, Gentili L, Searles P, Brizuela M, Fernández F, Toro A, Puertas C, Trentacoste E, Kiessling J, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Bufacchi M, Baldoni L, Maestri D
Year: 2022
Exploring Olive Genetic Diversity in the Maltese Islands
Valeri MC, Mifsud D, Sammut C, Pandolfi S, Lilli E, Bufacchi M, Stanzione V, Passeri V, Baldoni L, Mariotti R, Mousavi S
Year: 2022
Diallelic self-incompatibility is the main determinant of fertilization patterns in olive orchards
Mariotti R, Pandolfi S, De Cauwer I, Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Rossi M, Baglivo F, Baldoni L, Mousavi S
Year: 2021
Characterization and validation of olive FAD and SAD gene families: expression analysis in different tissues and during fruit development
Contreras C, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Baldoni L, Guerrero C, Roka L, Cultrera N, Pierantozzi P, Maestri D, Gentili L, Tivani M, Torres M
Year: 2020
EST-SNP study of olea Europaea L. Uncovers functional polymorphisms between cultivated and wild olives
Mariotti R, Belaj A, De La Rosa R, Leon L, Brizioli F, Baldoni L, Mousavi S
Year: 2020
Genetic mapping of the incompatibility locus in Olive and development of a linked sequence-tagged site marker
Mariotti R, Fornasiero A, Mousavi S, Cultrera NG, Brizioli F, Pandolfi S, Passeri V, Rossi M, Magris G, Scalabrin S, Scaglione D, Di Gaspero G, Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Alagna F, Morgante M, Baldoni L
Year: 2020
The paradox of self-fertile varieties in the context of self-incompatible genotypes in Olive
Alagna F, Caceres ME, Pandolfi S, Collani S, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Baldoni L, Barcaccia G
Year: 2019
High levels of variation within gene sequences of Olea europaea L.
Cultrera NG, Sarri V, Lucentini L, Ceccarelli M, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Mousavi S, Ruiz CG, Baldoni L
Year: 2019
Plasticity of fruit and oil traits in olive among different environments
Mousavi S, de la Rosa R, Moukhli A, El Riachy M, Mariotti R, Torres M, Pierantozzi P, Stanzione V, Mastio V, Zaher H, El Antari A, Ayoub S, Dandachi F, Youssef H, Aggelou N, Contreras C, Maestri D, Belaj A, Bufacchi M, Baldoni L, Leon L
Year: 2019
Physiological, epigenetic and genetic regulation in some olive cultivars under salt stress
Mousavi S, Regni L, Bocchini M, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Mancuso S, Googlani J, Chakerolhosseini MR, Guerrero C, Albertini E, Baldoni L, Proietti P
Year: 2019
Behavior of four olive cultivars during salt stress
Regni L, Del Pino AM, Mousavi S, Palmerini CA, Baldoni L, Mariotti R, Mairech H, Gardi T, D’amato R, Proietti P
Year: 2019
Usefulness of a New Large Set of High Throughput EST-SNP Markers as a Tool for Olive Germplasm Collection Management
Belaj A, De la Rosa R, Lorite IJ, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Beuzón CR, González-Plaza JJ, Muñoz-Mérida A, Trelles O, Baldoni L
Year: 2018
Venetian olive (Olea europaea) germplasm: disclosing the genetic identity of locally grown cultivars suited for typical extra virgin oil productions
Hmmam I, Mariotti R, Ruperti B, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Barcaccia G
Year: 2018
Olive oil quality in crossbred progeny of "Leccino"
Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Breidi M, Vanacore S, Baglivo F, Aggelou N, Mencuccini M, Bufacchi M
Year: 2018
Biochemical and molecular profiling of unknown olive genotypes from central Italy: determination of major and minor components
Mousavi S, Stanzione V, Mencuccini M, Baldoni L, Bufacchi M, Mariotti R
Year: 2018
Survey of over 4.500 monumental olive trees preserved on-farm in the northeast Iberian Peninsula, their genotyping and characterization
Ninot A, Howad W, Aranzana MJ, Senar R, Romero A, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Belaj A
Year: 2018
The eastern part of the Fertile Crescent concealed an unexpected route of olive (Olea europaea L.) differentiation
Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Bagnoli F, Costantini L, Cultrera NG M, Arzani K, Pandolfi S, Vendramin GG, Torkzaban B, Hosseini-Mazinani M, Baldoni L
Year: 2017
The first molecular identification of an Olive collection applying standard simple sequence repeats and novel expressed sequence tag markers
Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Regni L, Nasini L, Bufacchi M, Pandolfi S, Baldoni L, Proietti P
Year: 2017
Elucidation of the genetic architecture of self-incompatibility in olive: Evolutionary consequences and perspectives for orchard management
Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Vekemans X, Billiard S, Gallina S, Essalouh L, Mhaïs A, Moukhli A, El Bakkali A, Barcaccia G, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Pandolfi S, Rossi M, Khadari B, Baldoni L
Year: 2017
Transcript Analysis and Regulative Events during Flower Development in Olive (Olea europaea L.)
Alagna F, Cirilli M, Galla G, Carbone F, Daddiego L, Facella P, Lopez L, Colao C, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Rossi M, Barcaccia G, Baldoni L, Muleo R, Perrotta G
Year: 2016
Overexpression of the olive acyl carrier protein gene (OeACP1) produces alterations in fatty acid composition of tobacco leaves
De Marchis F, Valeri MC, Pompa A, Bouveret E, Alagna F, Grisan S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Year: 2016
Characterizing ancient and local olive germplasm from Montenegro
Lazović B, Adakalić M, Pucci C, Perović T, Bandelj D, Belaj A, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Year: 2016
Development, evaluation, and validation of new EST-SSR markers in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Mariotti R, Cultrera NG, Mousavi S, Baglivo F, Rossi M, Albertini E, Alagna F, Carbone F, Perrotta G, Baldoni L
Year: 2016
Increased oleic acid content in tobacco leaves due to the expression of an olive acyl carrier protein
De Marchis F, Valeri MC, Pompa A, Bouveret E, Alagna F, Grisan S, Stanzione V, Mariotti R, Cultrera N, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Year: 2015
Polymorphisms in the AOX2 gene are associated with the rooting ability of olive cuttings
Hedayati V, Mousavi A, Razavi K, Cultrera N, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Hosseini-Mazinani M, Baldoni L
Year: 2015
Machine Learning Based Classification of Microsatellite Variation: An Effective Approach for Phylogeographic Characterization of Olive Populations
Torkzaban B, Kayvanjoo AH, Ardalan A, Mousavi S, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Ebrahimie E, Ebrahimi M, Hosseini-Mazinani M
Year: 2015
Isolation and molecular characterization of three acyl carrier protein genes in olive (Olea europaea L.)
Cultrera NGM, Alagna F, Mariotti R, De Marchis F, Pompa A, Bellucci M, Baldoni L
Year: 2014
Current status of conservation, evaluation and usefulness of wild olive germplasm
De La Rosa R, Klepo T, Arias-Calderon R, Toumi A, Dominguez-Garcia MC, Leon L, Belaj A, Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Satovic Z, Atienza SG, Martin A
Year: 2014
Molecular and morphological characterization of Golestan (Iran) olive ecotypes provides evidence for the presence of promising genotypes
Mousavi S, Hosseini Mazinani M, Arzani K, Ydollahi A, Pandolfi S, Baldoni L, Mariotti R
Year: 2014
Overexpression of an olive acyl carrier protein (ACP) in tobacco tissuues.
De Marchis F, Pompa A, Cultrera N, Mariotti R, Alagna F, Baldoni L, Bellucci M
Year: 2013
Olive phenolic compounds: metabolic and transcriptional profiling during fruit development
Alagna F, Mariotti R, Panara F, Urbani S, Veneziani G, Esposto S, Taticchi A, Rosati A, Rao R, Perrotta G, Servili M, Baldoni L
Year: 2012
Current status of the exploitation of the olive genetic resources.
Belaj A, León L, De La Rosa R, Cultrera NG M, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Year: 2010
Exploring allelic variation and functionof acyl carrier protein loci in olive
Cultrera NG M, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Baldoni L
Year: 2010
Identification of new polymorphic regions and differentiation of cultivated olives (Olea europaea L.) through plastome sequence comparison
Mariotti R, CULTRERA NG M, MUÑOZ DÍEZ C, Baldoni L, Rubini A
Year: 2010
Varietà ed ecotipi di olivo del Lazio
Pandolfi S, De Angelis S, Paoletti A, Baldoni L Cultrera NG, Mariotti R, Perri E, Pannelli G
Year: 2010
Evaluation of the Iranian olive germoplasma by SSR and chloroplast
Sheikh-Hassani M, Torkzaban B, Hosseini Mazinani M, Baldoni L, Pandolfi S, Cultrera NG M, Mariotti R
Year: 2010
A consensus list of microsatellite markers for olive genotyping
Baldoni L, Cultrera N, Mariotti R, Ricciolini C, Arcioni S, Vendramin GG, Buonamici A, Porceddu A, Sarri V, Ojeda M, Trujillo I, Rallo L, Belaj A, Perri E, Salimonti A, Muzzalupo I, Casagrande A, Lain O, Messina R, Testolin R
Year: 2009
Characterization of the acyl carrier protein gene in olive
Mariotti R, Baldoni L, Alagna F, Cultrera NG M, Sarri V
Year: 2008
Determinazione della composizione varietale degli oli di oliva extra vergine mediante marcatori molecolari
Mariotti R, Damiani P, Anastasi V, Arcioni S, Cultrera NG M, Baldoni L
Year: 2008
Impiego di marcatori molecolari per risalire alla composizione varietale degli oli di oliva e per determinare la presenza di olio di altre specie
Mariotti R, Paolocci F, Arcioni S, Cultrera NG, Servili M, Baldoni L
Year: 2008
NPs detection on Olea europaea candidate genes and their potential use in oil traceability
Sarri V, Baldoni L, Arcioni S, Alagna F, Mariotti R, Cultrera NG
Year: 2008