Rosella Giunta
Section: Technicians
Division: Bari
Tel: (39) 39-0805583400-233
E-mail: rosella.giunta[at]
Current position
Since 2023 she has been assigned a permanent position as Technician (C.T.E.R) Level VI at CNR- Institute of Biosciences and BioResources
March 2017: Ph.D in “Agriculture and Environmental Sciences” at the University of Florence - Faculty of Agriculture
April 2012: M.S. in “Tropical Rural Development” 110/110 cum laude at the University of Florence - Faculty of Agriculture
April 2010: B.S. in “Agricultural Science for Food Security and Environmental Safety in Tropical and Subtropical Areas” 110/110 cum laude University of Florence - Faculty of Agriculture
Work experience
May 2023 - July 2023: permanent position as Officer III Level at the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Rome
September 2020 - April 2023: Mathematics and Science Teacher in secondary schools in Bari
June 2013 - June 2016: Technical support to the International Cooperation Program “PAPSEN” funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to ensure experimental research activities on horticulture and conservation of local plant genetic resources in the regions of Thies, Diourbel and Fatick (Senegal) at IBBR, Bari.
October 2012 - June 2013: Programme of Transnational Mobility of the Tuscany Region, in support of the RER2011 project on the horticultural sector in Casamance (Senegal) with COSPE NGO
November 2011 - December 2012: Consultant at Treedom s.r.l in Florence
February 2011 - June 2011: Consultant for the development of a traceability system for fresh mangoes under FairTrade certification label at APAD (Association des Planteurs et des Apiculteurs de Diouloulou) in Casamance (Senegal) for COSPE NGO
February 2009 - April 2009: Research activity on the wild flora of ouadis at Al Tahadi University of Syrt (Libya) within the project “Research centre for applied experimentation on animal husbandry and forage production in the Shabiyah of Syrt” of the Agronomic Institute for Overseas (IAO) funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Fellowships and Awards
In 2017 she was awarded of a one-year UN Fellowship at FAO for the technical support on monitoring & evaluation of rural development projects, particularly on aspects related to nutrition, food losses and waste, together with the resource mobilization country strategy, the country programming framework and South-South Cooperation projects.
Laboratory activities
- Inspection and cleaning of seed samples from explorations, donations and collecting activities.
- Recording, coding, storing and checking of exploration and field sheets for passport data and characterization of PGRs.
- Germination tests and sample preparation for multiplication activities or short-term/long -term storage.
- Support to the distribution and exchange of accessions with several national and international institutions;
- Propagation and Conservation of rare and endangered species.
- Support to the management activities in the Germplasm Bank.
Research interests
- Biodiversity conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture/In situ and ex situ conservation/Seed production/Seed physiology
- Neglected and underutilized crop species/Ethnobotany and traditional knowledge/ Analysis and management of agricultural production systems in tropical and subtropical areas
- Economic, sociological and environmental aspects in scientific research/Formulation and implementation of international cooperation projects for rural development
2015: Summer School of Floriculture “Tradition and innovation in the sector of aromatic and medicinal crops” organized by Società di Orticoltura Italiana (SOI), Sanremo (Italia)
2014: International Training Course "Climate change impacts on agricultural systems in Africa" organized by CNR-IBIMET, Firenze
2012: Training course on “From the Project Cycle Management to the Project Reporting" organized by COOPI NGO, Firenze
2012: Training course on “GIS Technician” organized by MummuAcademy, Firenze
2007: Certificate of Acheivement - International School of English, Malta University
2006: CAE C1 - Certificate in Advanced English - British Institute, Firenze
2006: DELF B2 - Diplôme d’études en langue française - Institut Français, Firenze
List of publications
- Direnzo P., Laghetti G., Piergiovanni A.R., Fracchiolla M., Giunta R., Centoducati G. Lenticchia di Altamura: una risorsa del passato per la produttività e sostenibilità degli agro-ecosistemi attuali. 1° Incontro Gruppo Leguminose, FAO-Roma, 9-10 novembre 2017
- Giunta R., Kane P.D., Direnzo P., Diatte M., Diop F., Laghetti G., 2016 “Étude préliminaire sur l’horticolture dans les Régions de Thiès Diourbel et Fatick”. Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse, CNR Ed., Bari (Italia). ISBN 9788898674046
- Cerbino D, Illiano M., Di Napoli A., Cirigliano M., Zienna P., Gallo S., Laghetti G., De Lisi A., Sonnante G., Nigro D., Losavio F.P., Stimolo L., Giunta R...Hammer K, 2016. Le melanzane dell’area sud della Basilicata. I quaderni dell’ALSIA N°13 del supplemento di Agrifoglio n°58 del 14 Aprile 2016
- Pardini A., Battaglia M., Giunta R., 2016. Multipurpose plants in the rangeland area of Syrt (Northern Libya) In: Kyriazopoulos A.P. (ed.), López-Francos A. (ed.), Porqueddu C. (ed.), Sklavou P. (ed.). Ecosystem services and socio-economic benefits of Mediterranean grasslands. Zaragoza: CIHEAM, 2016. 541 p. (Options Méditerranéennes: Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 114).15th Meeting of the Mediterranean Sub-Network of the FAO-CIHEAM International Network for the Research and Development of Pastures and Fodder Crops, 12-14/04/2016, Orestiada (Greece).
- Cerbino D., Illiano M., Di Napoli A., Cirigliano M., Zienna P., Gallo S., Laghetti G., De Lisi A., Direnzo P., Giunta R., Losavio F.P., Stimolo L., Negro D., Sarli G. Figliuolo G., 2016. Le antiche varietà di patata del Pollino. I quaderni dell’ALSIA N°12 del supplemento di Agrifoglio n°55 del 15 Gennaio 2016
- Giunta R., Laghetti G., Direnzo P., Pignone D., 2014. Ricerca e sviluppo del settore orticolo nel Bacino Arachidiero del Senegal”. Atti del X Congresso Nazionale sulla Biodiversità” (Alba E, Benedetti A, Bucci G, Ciaccia C, Pacucci C, Pinzari F, Scarascia Mugnozza G eds). CNR (Roma, Italy) 3-5 Set 2014 ISBN 978-88- 97081-76-0
- Giunta R., Laghetti G., Direnzo, P., Vignaroli P., Valori F., Tarchiani V., Pignone D, 2014. Research and Development for a Modern Horticulture in the Groundnut Basin of Senegal. In: “Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources”, ed. E. Tielkes, Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague, 17-19 Sept.2014).
- Giunta R., Mugnai E. 2011. Sistemi agro-silvo-pastorali in Africa. In: "Sistemi agro-silvo-pastorali nel mondo" di Pardini A., ed. Aracne, 2011
- Pardini A., Stipp Paterniani M.L., Baldi A., Grassi C., Giunta R., Mugnai E. 2010. Effect of plant density on Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni water consumption” Adv. Hort. Sc., 2010 24(3): 212-217
- Pardini A., Battaglia M., Adrawi M., Giunta R., Cafolla F., 2009. Composizione botanica e presenza di piante multiuso nel territorio della Libia settentrionale; Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Agronomia a cura di Marco Bindi, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 21-23 Settembre 2009
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Lenticchia di Altamura: una risorsa del passato per la produttività e sostenibilità degli agro-ecosistemi attuali
Direnzo P, Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Fracchiolla M, Giunta R, Centoducati G
Year: 2017
Le antiche varietà di patata del Pollino
Cerbino D, De Lisi A, Giunta R, Montesano V, Losavio F, Direnzo P, Stimolo L, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Figliuolo G, Laghetti G
Year: 2016
Le antiche varietà di patata del Pollino
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Cirigliano M, Di Napoli A, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Direnzo P, Giunta R, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Negro D, Sarli G, Di Paola A, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
Le melanzane dell’area sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Sonnante G, Nigro D, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Giunta R, Piergiovanni AR, Morgese A, Hammer K, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
Le melanzane dell’area sud della Basilicata
Cerbino D, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Laghetti G, De Lisi A, Sonnante G, Nigro D, Losavio FP, Stimolo L, Giunta R, Piergiovanni AR, Morgese A, Hammer K, Figliuolo G
Year: 2016
Étude préliminaire sur l’horticulture dans les Régions de Thiès, Diourbel et Fatick.
Giunta R, Kane PD, Direnzo P, Diatte M, Diop F, Laghetti G
Year: 2016
La valorizzazione degli agroecotipi di melanzana del Parco Nazionale del Pollino: caratterizzazione morfo-agronomica, biochimica e molecolare
Laghetti G, Cerbino D, De Lisi A, Piergiovanni AR, Sonnante G, Giunta R, Negro D, Losavio F, Morgese A, Stimolo L, Illiano M, Di Napoli A, Cirigliano M, Zienna P, Gallo S, Figliuolo G, Hammer K
Year: 2016