Sara Pinosio
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-52257-
E-mail: sara.pinosio[at]
March 2012: Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology at the University of Udine, discussing a thesis: “Building catalogues of genetic variation in poplar”.
July 2008: Master’s degree in medical biotechnology at the University of Udine.
January - April 2008: Training experience at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (University of Georgia, USA).
2005: Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology (curriculum Computational Biology) at University of Udine.
Work experience
January 2018 - December 2017: Postdoc research contract at Institute of Applied Genomics (Udine).
July 2016 - December 2017: Post-doctoral fellow at University of Udine.
January 2014 - June 2016: Post-doctoral fellow at Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR/CNR).
December 2011 - December 2013: Post-doctoral fellow at Istituto di Genetica Vegetale (IGV/CNR).
Main Research Interests
- Identification and characterization of structural variation in plant genomes.
- Study of the composition of plant pan-genomes.
- Genome-wide identification of molecular markers in forest trees.
- Plants genome and transcriptome de novo assembly and annotation.
- Study of the effects of domestication on genetic diversity.
- Development of bioinformatic pipelines for the analysis of genomic data.
S Olsson, S Pinosio, SC González-Martínez, F Abascal, M Mayol, D Grivet, GG Vendramin. De novo assembly of English yew (Taxus baccata) transcriptome and its applications for intra- and inter-specific analyses. Plant molecular biology, 1-9 (2018).
F Marroni, D Scaglione, S Pinosio, A Policriti, M Miculan, G Di Gaspero, M Morgante. Reduction of heterozygosity (ROH) as a method to detect mosaic structural variation. Plant biotechnology journal 15 (7), 791-793 (2017).
S Pinosio, S Giacomello, P Faivre-Rampant, G Taylor, V Jorge, MC Le Paslier, G Zaina, C Bastien, F Cattonaro, F Marroni, M Morgante. Characterization of the Poplar Pan-Genome by Genome-Wide Identification of Structural Variation. Molecular biology and evolution, 33 (10), 2706-2719 (2016).
W Sanseverino, E Hénaff, C Vives, S Pinosio, W Burgos-Paz, M Morgante, SE Ramos-Onsins, J Garcia-Mas, JM Casacuberta. Transposon Insertions, Structural Variations, and SNPs Contribute to the Evolution of the Melon Genome. Molecular biology and evolution, 32 (10):2760-2774 (2015).
MJ Karam, F Lefèvre, MB Dagher‐Kharrat, S Pinosio, GG Vendramin. Genomic exploration and molecular marker development in a large and complex conifer genome using RADseq and mRNAseq. Molecular ecology resources 15 (3), 601-612 (2015).
GA Wu, S Prochnik, J Jenkins, J Salse, U Hellsten, F Murat, X Perrier, M Ruiz, S Scalabrin, J Terol, MA Takita, K Labadie, J Poulain, A Couloux, K Jabbari, F Cattonaro, C Del Fabbro, S Pinosio, A Zuccolo, J Chapman, J Grimwood, FR Tadeo, LH Estornell, JV Muñoz-Sanz, V Ibanez, A Herrero-Ortega, P Aleza, J Pérez-Pérez, D Ramón, D Brunel, F Luro, C Chen, WG Farmerie, B Desany, C Kodira, M Mohiuddin, T Harkins, K Fredrikson, P Burns, A Lomsadze, M Borodovsky, G Reforgiato, J Freitas-Astúa, F Quetier, L Navarro, M Roose, P Wincker, J Schmutz, M Morgante, MA Machado, M Talon, O Jaillon, P Ollitrault, F Gmitter, D Rokhsar. Sequencing of diverse mandarin, pummelo and orange genomes reveals complex history of admixture during citrus domestication. Nature biotechnology 32 (7), 656-662 (2014).
S Pinosio, SC González-Martínez, F Bagnoli, F Cattonaro, D Grivet, F Marroni, Z Lorenzo, JG Pausas, M Verdú and GG Vendramin. First insights into the transcriptome and development of new genomic tools of a widespread circum-Mediterranean tree species, Pinus halepensis Mill. Molecular Ecology Resources 14 (4), 846-856 (2014).
F Marroni, S Pinosio, M Morgante. Structural variation and genome complexity: is dispensable really dispensable? Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 18, 31-36 (2014).
B Vanholme, I Cesarino, G Goeminne, H Kim, F Marroni, R Van Acker, R Vanholme, K Morreel, B Ivens, S Pinosio, M Morgante, J Ralph, C Bastien and W Boerjan. Breeding with rare defective alleles (BRDA): a natural Populus nigra HCT mutant with modified lignin as a case study. New Phytologist, 198(3):765-76 (2013).
F Marroni, S Pinosio, M Morgante. The quest for rare variants: pooled multiplexed next generation sequencing in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 3:133 (2012).
F Marroni, S Pinosio, E Di Centa, I Jurman, W Boerjan, N Felice, F Cattonaro and M Morgante. Large scale detection of rare variants via pooled multiplexed next generation sequencing: towards next generation Ecotilling. The Plant Journal, Volume 67, Issue 4, pages 736-745 (2011).
F Marroni, S Pinosio, G Zaina, F Fogolari, N Felice, F Cattonaro and M Morgante. Nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium in Populus nigra cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD4) gene. Tree Genetics & Genomes, Volume 7, Number 5, 1011-1023 (2011).
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Between but not within species variation in the Distribution of Fitness Effects
James J, Kastally C, Budde KB, González-Martínez SC, Milesi P, Pyhäjärvi T, Alizoti P, Alía R, Ambrosio O, Aravanopoulos FA, von Arx G, Audrey A, Auñón F, Avanzi C, Avramidou E, Bagnoli F, Bajc M, Ballesteros E, Barbas E, del Barrio JM, Bastias CC, Bastien C, Beffa G, Benavides R, Benoit V, Bernier F, Bignalet H, Bodineau G, Bouic D, Brodbeck S, Brunetto W, Buchovska J, Buret C, Buy M, Cabanillas-Saldaña AM, Carvalho B, Cavers S, Del Caño F, Cervantes S, Cheval N, Climent JM, Correard M, Cremer E, Danusevičius D, Dauphin B, Denou JL, Dokhelar B, Ducousso A, Fady B, Faivre-Rampant P, Farsakoglou AM, Fonti P, Ganopoulos I, Gilg O, De Girardi N, Graf R, Gray A, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Hartleitner C, Heer K, Hollenbach E, Hurel A, Issenhuth B, Jean F, Jorge V, Jouineau A, Kappner JP, Kesälahti R, Knutzen F, Kujala ST, Kumpula TA, Kärkkäinen K, Labriola M, Lalanne C, Lambertz J, Le-Provost G, Lejeune V, Lesur-Kupin I, Levillain J, Liesebach M, López-Quiroga D, Malliarou E, Marchon J, Mariotte N, Mas A, Matesanz S, Meier B, Meischner H, Michotey C, Morganti S, Myking T, Nievergelt D, Eskild Nilsen A, Notivol E, Ojeda DI, Olsson S, Opgenoorth L, Ostreng G, Pakull B, Perry A, Pinosio S, Piotti A, Plomion C, Poinot N, Pringarbe M, Puzos L, Raffin A, Ramírez-Valiente JA, Rellstab C, Remi D, Reutimann O, Richter S, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Rogier O, Sancho EM, Savolainen O, Scalabrin S, Schneck V, Schueler S, Scotti I, Segundo SS, Semerikov V, Slámová L, Spanu I, Sønstebø JH, Thevenet J, Tollefsrud MM, Turion N, Valladares F, Vendramin GG, Villar M, Westergren M, Westin J, Lascoux M
Year: 2023
Synchronous effective population size changes and genetic stability of forest trees through glacial cycles
Milesi P, Kastally C, Dauphin B, Cervantes S, Bagnoli F, Budde KB, Cavers S, Ojeda DI, Fady B, Faivre-Rampant P, González-Martínez SC, Grivet D, Gugerli F, Jorge V, Lesur-Kupin I, Olsson S, Opgenoorth L, Pinosio S, Plomion C, Rellstab C, Rogier O, Scalabrin S, Scotti I, Vendramin GG, Westergren M, Lascoux M, Pyhäjärvi T
Year: 2023
Diversity and enrichment of breeding material for resilience in European forests
Olsson S, Dauphin B, Jorge V, Grivet D, Farsakoglou AM, Climent J, Alizoti P, Faivre-Rampant P, Pinosio S, Milesi P, Scalabrin S, Bagnoli F, Scotti I, Vendramin GG, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Fady B, Aravanopoulus FA, Bastien C, Alia R
Year: 2023
De novo transcriptome assembly for Pachygrapsus marmoratus, an intertidal brachyuran crab
Pinosio S, Fratini S, Cannicci S, Oliva M, Pretti C, Baratti M
Year: 2020
A single polyploidization event at the origin of the tetraploid genome of Coffea arabica is responsible for the extremely low genetic variation in wild and cultivated germplasm
Scalabrin S, Toniutti L, Di Gaspero G, Scaglione D, Magris G, Vidotto M, Pinosio S, Cattonaro F, Magni F, Jurman I, Cerutti M, Suggi Liverani F, Navarini L, Del Terra L, Pellegrino G, Ruosi MR, Vitulo N, Valle G, Pallavicini A, Graziosi G, Klein PE, Bentley N, Murray S, Solano W, Al Hakimi A, Schilling T, Montagnon C, Morgante M, Bertrand B
Year: 2020
Single primer enrichment technology as a tool for massive genotyping: a benchmark on black poplar and maize
Scaglione D, Pinosio S, Marroni F, Di Centa E, Fornasiero A, Magris G, Scalabrin S, Cattonaro F, Taylor G, Morgante M
Year: 2019
De novo assembly of English yew (Taxus baccata) transcriptome and its applications for intra- and inter-specific analyses
Olsson S, Pinosio S, González-Martínez SC, Abascal F, Mayol M, Grivet D, Vendramin GG
Year: 2018
Reduction of heterozygosity (ROH) as a method to detect mosaic structural variation
Marroni F, Scaglione D, Pinosio S, Policriti A, Miculan M, Di Gaspero G, Morgante M
Year: 2017
Characterization of the poplar pan-genome by genome-wide identification of structural variation
Pinosio S, Giacomello S, Faivre-Rampant P, Taylor G, Jorge V, Le Paslier MC, Zaina G, Bastien C, Cattonaro F, Marroni F, Morgante M
Year: 2016
First insights into the transcriptome and development of new genomic tools of a widespread circum-Mediterranean tree species, Pinus halepensis Mill
Pinosio S, Gonzalez-Martinez SC Bagnoli F, Cattonaro F, Grivet D, Marroni F, Lorenzo Z, Pausas JG, Verdu M, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014