Silvana Grandillo
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 081-2539489
E-mail: silvana.grandillo[at]
Born: 10/10/1960
Nationality: Italian
Professional Address: Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, UOS Portici
Via Università 133, 80055 Portici (Italy)
Job position: Principal Investigator/Senior Researcher
2007-present: Senior Researcher at the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (former Institute of Plant Genetics) Division of Portici
1998-2007: Researcher at CNR-IGV, Institute of Plant Genetics, Division of Portici
1996-1998: Post Doctoral Associate Dept. of Plant Breeding, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Labs: Dr. Steven D. Tanksley and Dr. Susan R. McCouch
Education, Principal training periods and Visits to other laboratories
1991-1996: Ph.D., Plant Breeding and Biometry, Cornell University
Advisor: Prof. Steven D. Tanksley
Oct. 1988- May 1989: Specialist Postgraduate Diploma in Plant Breeding. I.A.M.Z., Spain. Awarded by C.I.H.E.A.M., Paris, France (Cum Maxima Laude)
1987: B.S. Degree in Agricultural Sciences. Univ. of Naples, Portici, Italy (110/110 Cum Laude)
C.I.H.E.A.M Scholarship (1988/1989); EU Fellowship (June-August 1989); CNR Fellowship (1990/1991); The Samuel Lunenfeld Charitable Foundation (Canada) Fellowship (1992); Graduate Research Assistanship from Cornell University, USA (1993); CNR- R.A.I.S.A. Fellowship and Award (1994); Cornell Center for Advanced Technology in Biotechnology (Ithaca, NY, USA) Fellowship (1995).
Professional visits
Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, USA, Prof. Steven D Tanksley, CNR- Short Term fellowship (1998, 2006) and Short Mobility International Exchange Program Univ. of Naples (1999, 2008)
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research (BTI) Ithaca, NY, USA, Prof. James J Giovannoni CNR- Short Term fellowship (2004, 2006, 2009), Short Mobility International Exchange Program Univ. of Naples (2005, 2008) and “Formazione individuale Fase II a regime 2009” (2010)
Main Scientific Interests
- Development of mapped genetic resources in tomato, with special emphasis given to populations of marker-defined introgression lines (ILs) originating from interspecific crosses, for a more efficient exploitation of the natural biodiversity stored in unadapted germplasm. Current applications of these genetic resources include QTL analyses for fruit quality traits and integrative systems biology and genomic approaches to gain further insights into the networks regulating key fruit metabolic pathways underlying tomato flavour and nutritional quality.
- Identification and functional characterization of key genes involved in nutritional and merceological quality in pepper.
- Metabolic engineering of secondary metabolite pathways for the production of health-related compounds.
Research Projects (selection)
- MiUR PON02- /GenoPOM.PRO, Potenziamento della filiera pomodoro attraverso l’uso di piattaforme integrate di post-genomica (2012-2015). Project participant
- MiUR PON02/GenHORT, Valorizzazione di produzioni ortive campane di eccellenza con strumenti di genomica avanzata (2012-2015). Project participant
- MEF-CNR CISIA - Conoscenze Integrate per la Sostenibilità e l’Innovazione del made in Italy Agroalimentare. Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Legge n. 191/2009 (2011-2015). Project participant
- Bilateral project CNR-CSIC “Use of tomato introgression lines for the genetic analysis of sensory quality” in the framework of the bilaterla agreement CNR-CSIC (2011-2012). Spanish research group: Dr. AJ Monforte and Prof. AL Granell, IBMCP (CSCI-UPV), Valencia, Spain. Scientific Responsible of R.U
- EU-SOL (PL 016214-2) “High Quality Solanaceous crops for consumers, processors and producers by exploration of natural biodiversity” EU-FP6 (2006-2011). Scientific Responsible of CNR-IGV Research Unit (R.U.) and Coordinator of Work Package 4.1: Development of mapped genetic resources.
- MIUR-FIRB “National Laboratory for Genomics and Post Genomics of Organisms of Agronomic Interest. “Systematic RNAi in tomato of genes relevant for plant and fruit development and for the interaction with the environment” (2005-2011). Scientific Responsible of R.U.
- -RSTL “Study of the biosynthetic pathway of steroidal saponins and evaluation of their biological and anticholestelolemic activity” (2007). Scientific Responsible of R.U
- MIUR-FAR "GenoPOM, A genomics private-public laboratory for the innovation and the valorization of tomato” (2006-2011). Scientific Responsible of R.U. for Sub-project “Genes and gene functions for tomato organoleptic quality”.
- MiPAF-AGRONANOTECH “Structural and functional genomics in Solanaceae” (2004-2007). Scientific Responsible of R.U. for Sub-project “Sequencing part of the euchromatic region of tomato chromosome 12”.
Teaching of University Courses and Tutorial activity
- Teaching-assistant. Course: “Detection of Genomic Variation”. Prof. Bernie May. Dept. of Natural Resources, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, USA. (1993)
- Teaching-assistant. Course “Plant Genome Organization and Function. Prof. Steven D. Tanksley. Dept. of Plant Breeding and Biometry of Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, USA. (1995)
- “Laboratory of Molecular Markers in Plants” Faculty of Biotechnology, Univ. of Naples “Federico II”, Course: (2003-2005)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International PhD program in Agrobiodiversity, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy, (2007-present).
She has also given numerous seminars and invited lectures at the Univ. of Naples and elsewhere. She has been tutor of B.S. and PhD students at the Univ. of Naples (2000-present)
Other activities
Invited lectures and seminars
- Grandillo S “The Introgression line approach in the ’-omics’ era". Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, on March 26 (2010) (invited seminar)
- Grandillo S et al. “The Italian contribution to the International Solanaceae Genome Project (SOL)” presented at: i) 50° Annual Congress SIGA, Ischia, Italy, September 10-14 (2006); ii) Workshop “Tomato 2006: Genetics, Physiology and Technology”. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy, October 5-6 (2006); iii) Workshop “Tomato Genetics and Genomics: the Italian contribution”. Viterbo May 29-30 (2008)
- Grandillo S “Identification, utilization and cloning of economically valuable QTLs” presented at: i) “The 20th Annual Meeting of The Molecular Biology Society of Japan”, Kyoto, Japan, December 16-19 (1997); ii) 150th Annual Meeting of the AAAS, Philadelphia, PA, USA, February 12-17 (1998)
- Grandillo S “Advanced backcross QTL analysis: results and perspectives” presented at: i) Conference on “Molecular Plant Breeding” held at the Univ. of Aarhus, Danmark, December 9 (1996); ii) Meeting "In the wake of the Double Helix: from the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution", Bologna, Italy May 27-31 (2003)
P articipation to Editorial Boards, reviewer for International Journals and Grant proposals
Ad hoc Reviewer for: Theor & Appl Genet; Mol Breeding; J of Exp Botany; BMC Plant Biology; Genome; J of Am Soc of Hort Sci; J of Heredity; United States Israel Bi-national Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD).
Publications (selection)
Alseekh S, Ofner I, Pleban T, Tripodi P, Di Dato F, Cammareri M, Mohammad A, Grandillo S, Fernie AR, Zamir D (2013) Resolution by recombination: breaking up Solanum pennellii introgressions. Trends in Plant Science 8(10):536-8.
Piombino P, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Cammareri M, Genovese A, Lisanti MT, Mogno MR, Peparaio M, Termolino P, Moio L, Grandillo S (2013) Investigating physicochemical, volatile and sensory parameters playing a positive or a negative role on tomato liking. Food Research International 50(1): 409-419
Tomato Genome Consortium (2012) The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution. Nature 485(7400): 635-641
Causse M, Friguet C, Coiret C, Lépicier M, Navez B, Lee M, Holthuysen N, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Grandillo S (2010) Consumer preferences for fresh tomato at the European scale: a common segmentation on taste and firmness. Journal of Food Science 75 (9): S531-S541
Ballester AR, Molthoff J, de Vos R, Hekkert BL, Orzaez D, Fernández-Moreno JP, Tripodi P, Grandillo S, Martin C, Heldens J, Ykema M, Granell A, Bovy A (2010) Biochemical and molecular analysis of pink tomatoes: deregulated expression of the gene encoding transcription factor SlMYB12 leads to pink tomato fruit color. Plant Physiology 152: 71-84
Sinesio F, Cammareri M, Moneta E, Navez B, Peparaio M, Causse M, Grandillo S (2010) Sensory Quality of Fresh French and Dutch Market Tomatoes: a Preference Mapping Study with Italian Consumers. Journal of Food Science 75(1): S55-S67
Vrebalov J, Pan IL, Arroyo AJ, McQuinn R, Chung M, Poole M, Rose J, Seymour G, Grandillo S, Giovannoni J, Irish VF (2009) Fleshy fruit expansion and ripening are regulated by the tomato SHATTERPROOF gene TAGL1 Plant Cell 21(10): 3041-62
Prudent M, Causse M, Gerard M, Tripodi P, Grandillo S, Bertin N (2009) Genetic and ecophysiological analysis of tomato fruit weight and composition - Influence of carbon availability on QTL detection. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(3): 923-937
Li J, Xiao J, Grandillo S, Jiang L, Wan Y, Deng Q, Yuan L, McCouch SR (2004) QTL detection for rice grain quality trits using an interpecific backcross population derived from cultivated Asian (O. sativa L.) and African (O. glaberrima S.) rice. Genome 47: 697-704.
Frary A, Nesbitt TC, Frary A, Grandillo S, van der Knaap E, Cong B, Liu J, Meller J, Elber R, Alpert KB, Tanksley SD (2000) fw2.2: a quantitative trait locus key to the evolution of tomato fruit size. Science 289: 85-88
Ku H, Grandillo S, Tanksley SD (2000) fs8.1, a major QTL sets the pattern of carpel shape well before anthesis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 101 (5-6), 873-878
Fulton TM, Grandillo S, Beck-Bunn T, Fridman E, Frampton A, Lopez J, Petiard V, Uhlig J, Zamir D, and Tanksley SD (2000) Advanced backcross QTL analysis of a Lycopersicon esculentum x L. parviflorum cross. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 100: 1025-1042.
Xiao J, Li J, Grandillo S, Ahn S, Yuan L, Tanksley SD, McCouch SR (1998) Identification of trait-improving QTL alleles from a wild rice relative, Oryza rufipogon. Genetics 150: 899-909
Xiao J, Li J, Grandillo S, Ahn S, McCouch SR, Tanksley SD, Yuan L (1996) Genes from wild rice improve yield. Nature 384: 223-224
Grandillo S, Hsin-Mei Ku, Tanksley SD (1996) Characterization of fs8.1, a major QTL influencing fruit shape in tomato. Molecular Breeding 2: 251-260
Grandillo S, Tanksley SD (1996) QTL Analysis of horticultural traits differentiating the cultivated tomato from the closely related species Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 92: 935-951
Grandillo S, Tanksley SD (1996) Genetic analysis of RFLPs, GATA microsatellites and RAPDs in a cross between L. esculentum and L. pimpinellifolium. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 92: 957-965
Tanksley SD, Grandillo S, Fulton MT, Zamir D, Eshed Y, Petiard V, Lopez J, Beck-Bunn T (1996) Advanced backcross QTL analysis in a cross between an elite processing line of tomato and its wild relative L. pimpinellifolium. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 92: 213-224
Tanksley SD, Ganal MW, Prince JP, de Vincente MC, Bonierbale MW, Broun P, Fulton TM, Giovannoni JJ, Grandillo S, Martin GB, Messeguer R, Miller JC, Miller L, Paterson AH, Pineda O, Roeder MS, Wing RA, Wu W, Young ND (1992) High Density Molecular Linkage Maps of the Tomato and Potato Genomes. Genetics 132: 1141-1160
Books/Chapters (invited contributions)
Grandillo S (2013) Introgression libraries with wild relatives of crops. In: Genomics of Plant Genetics Resources (Tuberosa R, Graner A, Frison E eds.) Chapt 4, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, pp 87-122. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7575-6_4
Grandillo S*, Termolino P, van der Knaap E (2013) Molecular mapping of complex traits in tomato. In Genomics of fruit and vegetable crops. Editor C. Kole. Volume editors B.E. Liedl, J.A. Labate, A.J. Slade, S.R. Hurst, and J.R. Stommel. Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA: pp 150-227 (*corresponding author)
Grandillo S*, Chetelat R, Knapp S, Spooner D, Peralta I, Cammareri M, Perez O, Tripodi P, Termolino P, Chiusano ML, Ercolano MR, Frusciante L, Monti L, Pignone D (2011) Solanum sect. Lycopersicon. In Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources - Vegetables (C. Kole ed) Springer, The Netherlands: pp 129-215. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20450-0_9 (*corresponding author)
Grandillo S*, Tanksley SD, Zamir D (2008) Exploitation of natural biodiversity through genomics. In Genomics Assisted Crop Improvement: Vol I Genomics Approaches and Platforms (R.K. Varshney and R. Tuberosa eds) Springer, The Netherlands: pp 121-150 (*corresponding author)
Labate JA, Grandillo S, Fulton T, Muños S, Caicedo AL, Peralta I, Ji Y, Chetelat RT, Scott JW, Gonzalo MJ, Francis D, Yang W, v d Knaap E, Baldo AM, Smith-White B, Mueller LA, Prince JP, Blanchard NE, Storey DB, Stevens MR, Robbins MD, Wang J-F, Liedl BE, O’Connell MA, Stommel JR, Aoki K, Iijima Y, Slade AJ, Hurst SR, Loeffler D, Steine MN, Vafeados D, McGuire C, Freeman C, Amen A, Goodstal J, Facciotti D, Eck JV, Causse M (2007) Tomato. In Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants (C Kole ed.) Springer, Volume 5, Vegetables: pp1- 96.
Grandillo S*, Fulton TM (2002) “Approaches to gene mapping”. In Molecular Plant Biology: A Practical Approach (eds. Phil Gilmartin and Chris Bowler) Oxford University Press pp.101-136 (*corresponding author)
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Diversity and genetic architecture of agro-morphological traits in a core collection of European traditional tomato
Pons C, Casals J, Brower M, Sacco A, Riccini A, Hendrickx P, Figás Md, Fisher J, Grandillo S, Mazzucato A, Soler S, Zamir D, Causse M, Díez MJ, Finkers R, Prohens J, Monforte AJ, Granell A
Year: 2023
Natural overexpression of CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE 4 in tomato alters carotenoid flux
Yoo HJ, Chung MY, Lee HA, Lee SB, Grandillo S, Giovannoni JJ, Lee JM
Year: 2023
Multi-omics data integration provides insights into the post-harvest biology of a long shelf-life tomato landrace
Aiese Cigliano R, Aversano R, Di Matteo A, Palombieri S, Termolino P, Angelini C, Bostan H, Cammareri M, Consiglio FM, Della Ragione F, Paparo R, Valkov VT, Vitiello A, Carputo D, Chiusano ML, D’esposito M, Grandillo S, Matarazzo MR, Frusciante L, D’agostino N, Conicella C
Year: 2022
Atlas of phenotypic, genotypic and geographical diversity present in the European traditional tomato
Pons C, Casals J, Palombieri S, Fontanet L, Riccini A, Rambla JL, Ruggiero A, Figás Md, Plazas M, Koukounaras A, Picarella ME, Sulli M, Fisher J, Ziarsolo P, Blanca J, Cañizares J, Cammareri M, Vitiello A, Batelli G, Kanellis A, Brouwer M, Finkers R, Nikoloudis K, Soler S, Giuliano G, Grillo S, Grandillo S, Zamir D, Mazzucato A, Causse M, Díez MJ, Prohens J, Monforte AJ, Granell A
Year: 2022
Strategies to Modulate Specialized Metabolism in Mediterranean Crops: From Molecular Aspects to Field
Balestrini R, Brunetti C, Cammareri M, Caretto S, Cavallaro V, Cominelli E, De Palma M, Docimo T, Giovinazzo G, Grandillo S, Locatelli F, Lumini E, Paolo D, Patanè C, Sparvoli F, Tucci M, Zampieri E
Year: 2021
Multi-omics analysis sheds light on how shelf-life of tomato fruit is prolonged
Aiese Cigliano R, Aversano R, Bostan H, Di_Matteo A, Palombieri S, Paparo R, Termolino P, Valkov V, Bizzarri M, Cammareri M, Carputo D, Chiusano M, Consiglio MF, D’Agostino N, Della RagioneE F, D’Esposito M, Grandillo S, Grosso V, Matarazzo MR, Conicella C
Year: 2019
Genome-wide analysis of histone modifications and association with ripening-related genes during post-harvest in tomato fruit
Aiese Cigliano R, Termolino P, Bostan H, Palombieri S, Paparo R, Cammareri M, Della Ragione F, D’Esposito M, Grandillo S, Matarazzo M, Valkov V, Aversano R, Carputo D, Chiusano M, D’Agostino N, Di Matteo A, Consiglio FM, Conicella C
Year: 2019
Histone post-translational modification profiles during tomato fruit post-harvest
Termolino P, Aiese Cigliano R, Bostan H, Palombieri S, Paparo R, Cammareri M, Della Ragione F, D’Esposito M, Grandillo S, Matarazzo MR, Valkov V, Aversano R, Carputo D, Chiusano ML, D’Agostino N, Di Matteo A, Consiglio MF, Conicella C
Year: 2019
Multi-Omics analysis of tomato fruit senescence
Aiese Cigliano R, Aversano R, Bostan H, Di Matteo A, Palombieri S, Termolino P, Bizzarri M, Cammareri M, Carputo D, Chiusano ML, Consiglio MF, D’Agostino N, Della Ragione F, D’Esposito M, Grandillo S, Grosso V, Matarazzo MR, Conicella C
Year: 2018
A Multi-Omics approach to get insights into fruit senescence regulatory networks in a tomato landrace with long shelf-life.
Aiese Cigliano R, Termolino P, Aversano R, Bostan H, Di Matteo A, Palombieri S, Bizzarri M, Cammareri M, Carputo D, Chiusano ML, Consiglio MF, D’Agostino N, Della Ragione F, D’Esposito M, Grandillo S, Grosso V, Matarazzo MR, Conicella C
Year: 2018
Exploring wild tomato germplasm for resistance to Tuta absoluta
Cascone P, Carpenito S, Iodice L, Palombieri S, Cammareri M, Grandillo S, Guerrieri E
Year: 2018
Molecular mechanisms underlying morpho- physiological adaptation to combined salt/low nutrient stress in tomato
Ruggiero A, Batelli G, Venezia A, Lupini A, Nurcato R, Costa A, Van Oosten MJ, Palombieri S, Vitiello A, Mauceri A, Cammareri M, Abenavoli MR, Grandillo S, Sunseri F, Grillo S
Year: 2018
Insights into sequence variations underpinning key commercial traits in two tomato landraces
Tranchida-Lombardo V, Aiese Cigliano R, Anzar I, Landi S, Palombieri S, Colantuono C, Bostan H, Termolino P, Aversano R, Batelli G, Cammareri M, Carputo D, Chiusano ML, Conicella C, Consiglio MF, D’Agostino N, De Palma M, Di Matteo A, Grandillo S, Sanseverino W, Tucci M, Grillo S
Year: 2018
Functional Genomics of Tomato Fruit Nutritional Quality in Solanum habrochaites LA1777 introgression lines
Grandillo S, Cammareri M, Tripodi P, Fei Z, Xu Y, McQuinn R, Giovannoni J
Year: 2017
Comparison between traditional and modern fresh market tomato varieties: sensory evaluations and consumer preference studies in three European countries
Grandillo S, Navez B, Casals J, Causse M, Sinesio F, Cammareri M, Cottet V, Fontanet L, Jost M, Moneta E, Palombieri S, Peparaio M, Romero del Castillo R, Saggia Civitelli E, Simó J, Spigno P, Granell A
Year: 2017
Identification, introgression, and validation of fruit volatile QTLs from a red-fruited wild tomato species
Rambla JL, Medina A, Fernández-del-Carmen A, Barrantes W, Grandillo S, Cammareri M, López-Casado G, Rodrigo G, Alonso A, García-Martínez S, Primo J, Ruiz JJ, Fernández-Muñoz R, Monforte AJ, Granell A
Year: 2017
An integrated study of morphophysiological and molecular responses to combined salt/low nutrient stress of long storage tomato landraces
Ruggiero A, Batelli G, Venezia A, Lupini A, Ruggiero M, Nurcato R, Costa A, Van Oosten MJ, Palombieri S, Vitiello A, Abenavoli MR, Cammareri M, Sunseri F, Grandillo S, Grillo S
Year: 2017
Italian traditional tomato varieties: a focus on the Campania region
Sacco A, Cammareri M, Vitiello A, Palombieri S, Riccardi R, Spigno P, Grandillo S
Year: 2017
Traditional and modern fresh market tomato varieties: toward an integrated sensory, hedonic, physicochemical and genetic analysis
Sinesio F, Cammareri M, Moneta E, Palombieri S, Peparaio M, Riccardi R, Sacco A, Saggia Civitelli E, Spigno P, Vitiello A, Grandillo S
Year: 2017
Whole-genome re-sequencing of two Italian tomato landraces reveals sequence variations in genes associated with stress tolerance, fruit quality and long shelf-life traits
Tranchida-Lombardo V, Aiese Cigliano R, Anzar I, Landi S, Palombieri S, Colantuono C, Bostan H, Termolino P, Aversano R, Batelli G, Cammareri M, Carputo D, Chiusano ML, Conicella C, Consiglio F, D’agostino N, De Palma M, Di Matteo A, Grandillo S, Sanseverino W, Tucci M, Grillo S
Year: 2017
Toward metabolic engineering of apigenin pathway in Matricaria recutita
Vitiello A, Chiaiese P, Grandillo S, Cammareri M
Year: 2017
Identification of loci affecting accumulation of secondary metabolites in tomato fruit of a Solanum lycopersicum × Solanum chmielewskii introgression line population
Ballester AR, Tikunov Y, Molthoff J, Grandillo S, Viquez-Zamora M, de Vos R, de Maagd RA, van Heusden S, Bovy AG
Year: 2016
Gene mapping in tomato
Causse M, Grandillo S
Year: 2016
Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci in tomato
Grandillo S, Cammareri M
Year: 2016
Coding and non-coding RNAs in a long shelf-life tomato variety
Conicella C, Cammareri M, Consiglio FM, Grandillo S, Palombieri S, Termolino P, D’Esposito M, Matarazzo M, Della Ragione F, other co-authors participating to Consortium EPITOM
Year: 2015
An efficient protocol for genetic transformation and plant regeneration in pepper
Pecchia P, D’Agostino N, Grandillo S, Cammareri M
Year: 2014
Resolution by recombination: breaking up Solanum pennellii introgressions
Alseekh S, Ofner I, Pleban T, Tripodi P, Di Dato F, Cammareri M, Mohammad A, Grandillo S, Fernie AR, Zamir D
Year: 2013
Introgression libraries with wild relatives of crops
Grandillo S
Year: 2013
Molecular mapping of complex traits in tomato
Grandillo S, Termolino P, van der Knaap E
Year: 2013
Investigating physicochemical, volatile and sensory parameters playing a positive or a negative role on tomato liking
Piombino P, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Cammareri M, Genovese A, Lisanti MT, Mogno MR, Peparaio M, Termolino P, Moio L, Grandillo S
Year: 2013
The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution
Sato S, Tabata S, Hirakawa H, Asamizu E, Shirasawa K, Isobe S, Kaneko T, Nakamura Y, Shibata D, Aoki K, Egholm M, Knight J, Bogden R, Li C, Shuang Y, Xu X, Pan S, Cheng S, Liu X, Ren Y, Wang J, Albiero A, Dal Pero F, Todesco S, Van Eck J, Buels Rm, Bombarely A, Gosselin Jr, Huang M, Leto Ja, Menda N, Strickler S, Mao L, Gao S, Tecle Iy, York T, Zheng Y, Vrebalov Jt, Lee J, Zhong S, Mueller La, Stiekema Wj, Ribeca P, Alioto T, Yang W, Huang S, Du Y, Zhang Z, Gao J, Guo Y, Wang X, Li Y, He J, Li C, Cheng Z, Zuo J, Ren J, Zhao J, Yan L, Jiang H, Wang B, Li H, Li Z, Fu F, Chen B, Feng Q, Fan D, Wang Y, Ling H, Xue Y, Ware D, Mccombie Wr, Lippman Zb, Chia Jm, Jiang K, Pasternak S, Gelley L, Kramer M, Anderson Lk, Chang Sb, Royer Sm, Shearer La, Stack Sm, Rose Jk, Xu Y, Eannetta N, Matas Aj, Mcquinn R, Tanksley Sd, Camara F, Guigó R, Rombauts S, Fawcett J, Van De Peer Y, Zamir D, Liang C, Spannagl M, Gundlach H, Bruggmann R, Mayer K, Jia Z, Zhang J, Ye Z, Bishop Gj, Butcher S, Lopez-cobollo R, Buchan D, Filippis I, Abbott J, Dixit R, Singh M, Singh A, Pal Jk, Pandit A, Singh Pk, Mahato Ak, Gaikwad Vd, Sharma Rr, Mohapatra T, Singh Nk, Causse M, Rothan C, Schiex T, Noirot C, Bellec A, Klopp C, Delalande C, Berges H, Mariette J, Frasse P, Vautrin S, Zouine M, Latché A, Rousseau C, Regad F, Pech Jc, Philippot M, Bouzayen M, Pericard P, Osorio S, Fernandez Del Carmen A, Monforte A, Granell A, Fernandez-muñoz R, Conte M, Lichtenstein G, Carrari F, De Bellis G, Fuligni F, Peano C, Grandillo S, Termolino P, Pietrella M, Fantini E, Falcone G, Fiore A, Giuliano G, Lopez L, Facella P, Perotta G, Daddiego L, Bryan G, Orozco M, Pastor X, Torrents D, Van Schriek Mg, Feron Rm, Van Oeveren J, De Heer P, Daponte L, Jacobs-oomen S, Cariaso M, Prins M, Van Eijk Mj, Janssen A, Van Haaren Mj, Jungeun Kim Sh, Kwon Sy, Kim S, Koo Dh, Lee S, Hur Cg, Clouser C, Rico A, Hallab A, Gebhardt C, Klee K, Jöcker A, Warfsmann J, Göbel U, Kawamura S, Yano K, Sherman Jd, Fukuoka H, Negoro S, Bhutty S, Chowdhury P, Chattopadhyay D, Datema E, Smit S, Schijlen Eg, Van De Belt J, Van Haarst Jc, Peters Sa, Van Staveren Ma, Henkens Mh, Mooyman Pj, Hesselink T, Van Ham Rc, Jiang G, Droege M, Choi D, Kang Bc, Kim Bd, Park M, Kim S, Yeom Si, Lee Yh, Choi Yd, Li G, Gao J, Liu Y, Huang S, Fernandez-pedrosa V, Collado C, Zuñiga S, Wang G, Cade R, Dietrich Ra, Rogers J, Knapp S, Fei Z, White Ra, Thannhauser Tw, Giovannoni Jj, Botella Ma, Gilbert L, Gonzalez R, Goicoechea Jl, Yu Y, Kudrna D, Collura K, Wissotski M, Wing R, Meyers Bc, Gurazada Ab, Green Pj, Vyas Sm, Solanke Au, Kumar R, Gupta V, Sharma Ak, Khurana P, Khurana Jp, Tyagi Ak, Dalmay T, Mohorianu I, Walts B, Chamala S, Barbazuk Wb, Li J, Guo H, Lee Th, Wang Y, Zhang D, Paterson Ah, Wang X, Tang H, Barone A, Chiusano Ml, Ercolano Mr, D’agostino N, Di Filippo M, Traini A, Sanseverino W, Frusciante L, Seymour Gb, Elharam M, Fu Y, Hua A, Kenton S, Lewis J, Lin S, Najar F, Lai H, Qin B, Qu C, Shi R, White D, White J, Xing Y, Yang K, Yi J, Yao Z, Zhou L, Roe Ba, Vezzi A, D’angelo M, Zimbello R, Schiavon R, Caniato E, Rigobello C, Campagna D, Vitulo N, Valle G, Nelson Dr, De Paoli E, Szinay D, De Jong Hh, Bai Y, Visser Rg, Klein R, Beasley H, Mclaren K, Nicholson C, Riddle C, Gianese G
Year: 2012
Solanum sect. Lycopersicon
Grandillo S, Chetelat R, Knapp S, Spooner D, Peralta I, Cammareri M, Perez O, Termolino P, Tripodi P, Chiusano ML, Ercolano maria R, Frusciante L, Monti L, Pignone D
Year: 2011
Cloning and genomic characterization of tomato sterol methyl transferase 1 involved in sterol pathway
Iodice A, Termolino P, Grandillo S, Cammareri M
Year: 2011
Agrochemical use of alpha-tomatine and crude extracts of Solanum spp. to control phytopathogenic fungi
Zaccardelli M, Campanile F, Cammareri M, Grandillo S
Year: 2011
Consumer preferences for fresh tomato at the European scale: a common segmentation on taste and firmness
Causse M, Friguet C, Coiret C, Lépicier M, Navez B, Lee M, Holthuysen N, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Grandillo S
Year: 2010
Sensory quality of fresh French and Dutch market tomatoes: a preference mapping study with Italian consumers
Sinesio F, Cammareri M, Moneta E, Navez B, Peparaio M, Causse M, Grandillo S
Year: 2010
Biochemical and molecular analysis of pink tomatoes: deregulated expression of the gene encoding transcription factor SlMYB12 leads to pink tomato fruit color
Ballester AR, Molthoff J, de Vos R, Hekkert Bt, Orzaez D, Fernandez-Moreno JP, Tripodi P, Grandillo S, Martin C, Heldens J, Ykema M, Granell A, Bovy A
Year: 2009
A snapshot of the emerging tomato genome sequence
Mueller LA, Lankhorst RK, Tanksley SD, Giovannoni JJ, White R, Vrebalov J, Fei Z, van Eck J, Buels R, Mills AA, Menda N, Tecle IY, Bombarely A, Stack S, Royer SM, Chang SB, Shearer LA, Kim BD, Jo SH, Hur CG, Choi D, Li CB, Zhao J, Jiang H, Geng Y, Dai Y, Fan H, Chen J, Lu F, Shi J, Sun S, Chen J, Yang X, Lu C, Chen M, Cheng Z, Li C, Ling H, Xue Y, Wang Y, Seymour GB, Bishop GJ, Bryan G, Rogers J, Sims S, Butcher S, Buchan D, Abbott J, Beasley H, Nicholson C, Riddle C, Humphray S, Mclaren K, Mathur S, Vyas S, Solanke AU, Kumar R, Gupta V, Sharma AK, Khurana P, Khurana JP, Tyagi A, Sarita , Chowdhury P, Shridhar S, Chattopadhyay D, Pandit A, Singh P, Kumar A, Dixit R, Singh A, Praveen S, Dalal V, Yadav M, Ghazi IA, Gaikwad K, Sharma TR, Mohapatra T, Singh NK, Szinay D, de Jong H, Peters S, van Staveren M, Datema E, Fiers MW, van Ham RC, Lindhout P, Philippot M, Frasse P, Regad F, Zouine M, Bouzayen M, Asamizu E, Sato S, Fukuoka H, Tabata S, Shibata D, Botella MA, Perez-Alonso M, Fernandez-Pedrosa V, Osorio S, Mico A, Granell A, Zhang Z, He J, Huang S, Du Y, Qu D, Liu L, Liu D, Wang J, Ye Z, Yang W, Wang G, Vezzi A, Todesco S, Valle G, Falcone G, Pietrella M, Giuliano G, Grandillo S, Traini A, D’agostino N, Chiusano ML, Ercolano M, Barone A, Frusciante L, Schoof H, Jöcker A, Bruggmann R, Spannagl M, Mayer KX, Guigó R, Camara F, Rombauts S, Fawcett JA, Van de Peer Y, Knapp S, Zamir D, Stiekema W
Year: 2009
Genetic and physiological analysis of tomato fruit weight and composition: influence of carbon availability on QTL detection
Prudent M, Causse M, Génard M, Tripodi P, Grandillo S, Bertin N
Year: 2009
Fleshy fruit expansion and ripening are regulated by the tomato SHATTERPROOF gene TAGL1
Vrebalov J, Pan IL, Arroyo AJ, Mcquinn R, Chung M, Poole M, Rose J, Seymour G, Grandillo S, Giovannoni J, Irish VF
Year: 2009
Structural and functional genomics of tomato
Barone A, Chiusano ML, Ercolano MR, Giuliano G, Grandillo S, Frusciante L
Year: 2008
Exploitation of natural biodiversity through genomics
Grandillo S, Tanksley SD, Zamir D
Year: 2008
Tomato. In Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants
Labate JA, Grandillo S, Fulton T, Muños S, Caicedo AL, Peralta I, Ji Y, Chetelat RT, Scott JW, Gonzalo MJ, Francis D, Yang W, Van Der Knaap E, Baldo AM, Smith-White B, Mueller LA, Prince JP, Blanchard NE, Storey DB, Stevens MR, Robbins MD, Wang J-F, Liedl BE, O’Connell MA, Stommel JR, Aok K, Iijima Y, Slade AJ, Hurst SR, Loeffler D, Steine MN, Vafeados D, McGuire C, Freeman C, Amen A, Goodstal J, Facciotti D, Van Eck J, Causse M
Year: 2007
QTL detection for rice grain quality traits using an interspecific backcross population derived from cultivated Asian (O. sativa L.) and African (O. glaberrima S.) rice
Li J, Xiao J, Grandillo S, Jiang L, Wan Y, Deng Q, Yuan L, Mccouch SR
Year: 2004
Approaches to gene mapping
Grandillo S, Fulton T
Year: 2002
fw2.2: A quantitative trait locus key to the evolution of tomato fruit size
Frary A, Nesbitt TC, Frary A, Grandillo S, Van Der Knaap E, Cong B, Liu JP, Meller J, Elber R, Alpert KB, Tanksley SD
Year: 2000
Advanced backcross QTL analysis of a Lycopersicon esculentum × L. parviflorum cross
Fulton TM, Grandillo S, Beck-Bunn T, Fridman E, Frampton A, Lopez J, Petiard V, Uhlig J, Zamir D, Tanksley SD
Year: 2000
fs8.1, a major QTL, sets the pattern of tomato carpel shape well before anthesis
Ku HM, Grandillo S, Tanksley SD
Year: 2000