Teodoro Cardi
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 0812539102
E-mail: teodoro.cardi[at]ibbr.cnr.it
Short CV and research interests
Graduated in Agriculture Sciences at the University of Naples Federico II (1983). Qualified to practice as Dr. Agronomist at the Univ. of Naples "Federico II" (1984). CNR Researcher at the Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (since 1986). Director of the CREA Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (2010 - 2021). Adjunct Professor at the Univ. of Naples Federico II and the Univ. of Molise (1994 - 2009). Associated Researcher at the CREA Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (since 2022). Visiting Scientist in the Netherlands, the USA and Ireland. Italian National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor of Agricultural Genetics in 2014. Expertise in Plant Genetics and Biotechnology applied to breeding of vegetables. Recent research interests include genome editing approaches in tomato and other vegetable crops.He coordinated or participated as PI in several national or international projects of Italian National Research Council, Ministry of University and Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Campania Region, NATO, EU Commission, and others. Former Associate Editor of “In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant” and “BMC Biotechnology”. Current Associate Editor of “Plant Cell Reports”. Foreign honorary member of the Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (ASAS) - Section of Horticulture. Former member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Society of Agricultural Society. Author of more than 300 publications, one third of which in journals or books indexed in Scopus and/or WoS.
Recent publications
- Navarro A., Nicastro N., Costa C., Pentangelo A., Cardarelli M., Ortenzi L., Pallottino F., Cardi T., Pane C. 2022 Sorting biotic and abiotic stresses on wild rocket by leaf‑image hyperspectral data mining with an artificial intelligence model. Plant Methods 18: 45 (https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-022-00880-4)
- Galieni A., Nicastro N., Pentangelo A., Platani C., Cardi T., Pane C. 2022 Surveying soil‑borne disease development on wild rocket salad crop by proximal sensing based on high‑resolution hyperspectral features. Scientific Reports 12: 5098 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-08969-5)
- Esposito S., Aiese Cigliano R., Cardi T., Tripodi P. 2022 Whole‑genome resequencing reveals genomic footprints of Italian sweet and hot pepper heirlooms giving insight into genes underlying key agronomic and qualitative traits. BMC Genomic Data 23:21 (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12863-022-01039-9)
- Cuccurullo A., Nicolia A., Cardi T. 2022 Resistance against broomrapes (Orobanche and Phelipanche) in vegetables: a comprehensive view on classical and innovative breeding efforts. Euphytica 218: 82 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-022-03035-7)
- Tripodi P., Figàs M. R., Leteo F., Soler S., Díez M.J., Campanelli G., Cardi T., Prohens J. 2022 Genotypic and Environmental Effects on Morpho-Physiological and Agronomic Performances of a Tomato Diversity Panel in Relation to Nitrogen and Water Stress Under Organic Farming. Plant Sci. 13: fpls-13-936596 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.936596)
- Liu Y., Andersson M., Granell A., Cardi T., Hofvander P., Nicolia A. 2022 Establishment of a DNA‑free genome editing and protoplast regeneration method in cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Plant Cell Rep. 41: 1843-1852 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-022-02893-8I)
- Dalla Rosa M., Gatta G., Giuliani M.M., Gagliardi A., Falsone G., Marzadori C., De Luca F., Troccoli A., Fanelli E., Cardi T., Monarca D., Moscetti R., Mazzoni E., Severini C. 2022 Intensificazione sostenibile nella filiera del pomodoro da industria. I Quaderni di AISSA Vol. 3, pag. 78-113 (ISBN: 978-88-945925-2-8)
- Nicolia A., Andersson M., Hofvander P., Festa G., Cardi T. 2021 Tomato protoplasts as cell target for ribonucleoprotein (RNP)‑mediated multiplexed genome editing. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 144: 463-467 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-020-01954-8)
- Giovannini A., Laura M., Nesi B., Savona M., Cardi T. 2021 Genes and genome editing tools for breeding desirable phenotypes in ornamentals. Plant Cell Rep. 40: 461-478 (DOI: 10.1007/s00299-020-02632-x)
- Manganiello G., Nicastro N., Caputo M., Zaccardelli M., Cardi T., Pane C. 2021 Functional Hyperspectral Imaging by High-Related Vegetation Indices to Track the Wide-Spectrum Trichoderma Biocontrol Activity Against Soil-Borne Diseases of Baby-Leaf Vegetables. Front. Plant Sci. 12: 630059 (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.630059)
- Pane C., Manganiello G, Nicastro N., Cardi T., Carotenuto F. 2021 Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe cruciferarum on Wild Rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia): Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning Modeling for Non-Destructive Disease Detection. Agriculture 11: 337 (https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11040337)
- Valkov V.T., Gargano D., Scotti N., Cardi T. 2021 Plastid transformation in potato: An Important Source of Nutrition and Industrial Materials. In: Maliga P. (ed.), Chloroplast Biotechnology: Methods and Protocols. Second Edition. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2317. Springer, pp. 247-256 (ISBN 978-1-0716-1472-3)
- Natalini A. Acciarri N., Cardi T. 2021 Breeding for Nutritional and Organoleptic Quality in Vegetable Crops: The Case of Tomato and Cauliflower. Agriculture 11: 606 (https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11070606)
- Tripodi P., Soler S, Campanelli G., Diez M.J., Esposito S., Sestili S., Figàs M.R., Leteo F., Casanova C., Platani C., Soler E., Bertone A., Pereira‑Dias L., Palma D., Burguet R., Pepe A., Rosa‑Martìnez E., Prohens J., Cardi T. 2021 Genome wide association mapping for agronomic, fruit quality, and root architectural traits in tomato under organic farming conditions. BMC Plant Biol. 21: 481 (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-021-03271-4)
- Pane C., Manganiello G., Nicastro N., Ortenzi L., Pallottino F., Cardi T., Costa C. 2021 Machine learning applied to canopy hyperspectral image data to support biological control of soil-borne fungal diseases in baby leaf vegetables. Cont. 164: 104784 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2021.104784)
- Pane C., Pallottino F., Cortellino G., Amodio M.L., Cardi T., Costa C. 2021 Nelle baby-leaf la tecnologia incontra la filiera. Colture Protette n. 07 - luglio 2021: 26 - 29
- Cardi T., Filippone E., Volpi C. 2021 Colture orticole: le TEA per rispondere ai cambiamenti. Tecnologie di Evoluzione Assistita, la nuova via per la sostenibilità dell’agricoltura italiana. Supplemento all’Informatore Agrario n. 27/2021 - 2 settembre 2021: 17 - 20
- Esposito S., Carputo D., Cardi T., Tripodi P. 2020 Applications and Trends of Machine Learning in Genomics and Phenomics for Next-Generation Breeding. Plants 9: 34 (doi:10.3390/plants9010034)
- Guijarro-Real C., Navarro A., Esposito S., Festa G., Macellaro R., Di Cesare C., Fita A., Rodríguez-Burruezo A., Cardi T., Prohens J., Tripodi P. 2020 Large scale phenotyping and molecular analysis in a germplasm collection of rocket salad (Eruca vesicaria) reveal a differentiation of the gene pool by geographical origin. Euphytica 216: 53 (doi.org/10.1007/s10681-020-02586-x)
- Tamburino R., Sannino L., Cafasso D., Cantarella C., Orrù L., Cardi T., Cozzolino S., D’Agostino N., Scotti N. 2020 Cultivated Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Suffered a Severe Cytoplasmic Bottleneck during Domestication: Implications from Chloroplast Genomes. Plants 9: 1443 (doi:10.3390/plants9111443)
- Esposito S., Cardi T., Campanelli G., Sestili S., Díez M.J., Soler S., Prohens, J., Tripodi P. 2020 ddRAD sequencing-based genotyping for population structure analysis in cultivated tomato provides new insights into the genomic diversity of Mediterranean ‘da serbo’ type long shelf-life germplasm. Hort. Res. 7: 134 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41438-020-00353-6)
- Massa D., Venezia A., Burchi G., Cardi T. 2020 Acqua, plastica, trasporto: le molteplici sfide della ricerca. Terra e Vita 17-2020: 26-30
- Massa D., Venezia A., Burchi G., Cardi T. 2020 Acqua, plastica e trasporto le nuove sfide. Colture Protette n. 7 - 2020: 2-4
- Cardi T., Nicolia A., Tripodi P. 2020 Vecchie e nuove biotecnologie per le specie ortofloricole. Colture Protette n. 10 - 2020: 48-53
- Tripodi P., Ficcadenti N., Rotino G.L., Festa G., Bertone A., Pepe A., Caramanico R., Migliori C.A., Spadafora D., Schiavi M., Cardi T., Lo Scalzo R. 2019 Genotypic and environmental effects on the agronomic, health-related compounds and antioxidant properties of chili peppers for diverse market destinations. Sci. Food and Agric. 99: 4550-4560 (DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.9692)
- Colonna V., D’Agostino N., Garrison E., Albrechtsen A., Meisner J., Facchiano A., Cardi T., Tripodi P. 2019 Genomic diversity and novel genome-wide association with fruit morphology in Capsicum, from 746k polymorphic sites. Rep. 9: 10067 (doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-46136-5)
- Cardi T., D’Agostino N., Cantarella C., Colonna V., Greco B., Tamburino R., Taranto F., Scotti N., Tripodi P. 2019 Next generation sequencing technologies for the development of molecular markers and the analysis of genome diversity in Capsicum Acta Hortic. 1242. ISHS 2019. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1241.123 Proc. III Int. Symp. on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016 Eds.: P. Kalaitzis, K.N. Blazakis, G.A. Manganaris
- Varré J.-S., D’Agostino N., Touzet P., Gallina S., Tamburino R., Cantarella C., Ubrig E., Cardi T., Drouard L., Gualberto J. M. Scotti N. 2019 Complete Sequence, Multichromosomal Architecture and Transcriptome Analysis of the Solanum tuberosum Mitochondrial Genome. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20: 4788 (doi:10.3390/ijms20194788)
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Next generation sequencing technologies for the development of molecular markers and the analysis of genome diversity in Capsicum spp.
Cardi T, D’Agostino N, Cantarella C, Colonna V, Greco B, Tamburino R, Taranto F, Scotti N, Tripodi P
Year: 2019
Complete sequence, multichromosomal architecture and transcriptome analysis of the Solanum tuberosum mitochondrial genome
Varré J-S, D’Agostino N, Touzet P, Gallina S, Tamburino R, Cantarella C, Ubrig E, Cardi T, Drouard L, Gualberto JM, Scotti N
Year: 2019
The Complete Plastome Sequences of Eleven Capsicum Genotypes: Insights into DNA Variation and Molecular Evolution
D’agostino N, Tamburino R, Cantarella C, De Carluccio V, Sannino L, Cozzolino S, Cardi T, Scotti N
Year: 2018
Opportunities for genome editing in vegetable crops
Cardi T, Batelli G, Nicolia A
Year: 2017
The HIV-1 Pr55gag polyprotein binds to plastidial membranes and leads to severe impairment of chloroplast biogenesis and seedling lethality in transplastomic tobacco plants
Scotti N, Sannino L, Idoine A, Hamman P, De Stradis A, Giorio P, Maréchal-Drouard L, Bock R, Cardi T
Year: 2015
La cellula vegetale e i suoi genomi
Cardi T, Aversano R, D’Agostino N, Grillo S, Leone A, Scossa F, Scotti N
Year: 2014
Le piante come biofabbriche per la produzione di molecole di interesse industriale
Rigano MM, Cardi T, Scotti N
Year: 2014
Unsolved problems in plastid transformation
Rigano MM, Scotti N, Cardi T
Year: 2014
Transgene-induced pleiotropic effects in transplastomic plants
Scotti N, Cardi T
Year: 2014
Plastid transformation in potato: Solanum tuberosum
Valkov VT, Gargano D, Scotti N, Cardi T
Year: 2014
Schede valutative di alcuni genotipi di carciofo realizzate nell’ambito del progetto MiPAAF "CAR-VARVI-Valorizzazione di germoplasma di carciofo attraverso la costituzione varietale e il risanamento da virus
Saccardo F, Pagnotta MA, Temperini O, Colla G, Mondini L, Rey N, Ciancolini A, Tavazza R, Crinò P, Barba M, Pasquini G, Dragone I, Morone-Fortunato I, Ruta C, Tagarelli A, Rodio A, Perrini R, Campanelli A, Ferrari V, Ficcadenti N, Campanelli G, Bertone A, Piccinini E, Pepe R, Trotta N, Rofrano G, Vivone A, Tedesco P, De Vivo G, Mennella G, D’Alessandro A, Francese G, Cardi T, Giovanni M, Mario M, Angelo L, Antonino R, Grazia LAM, Alessia R, Rosario M, Sara L, Gaetano P, Sebastiano S, Vincenzo C, Graifenberg A, Pardossi A, Ceccarelli N, Picciarelli P, Curadi M, Botrini L, Granchi G, Lanteri S, Portis E, Sonnante G, De Lisi A, Sarli G, Tucci M, De Masi L, Sonnante G, El-Bahrawy A, Calabrese N, Boari F, Cantore V, Di Venere D, Pieralice M, De Palma E, Linsalata V, Pietro S, Sumerano P, Cadinu M, Pisanu AB, Repetto A, Baghino L, Mallica G, Munton M, Maiani G
Year: 2013
The chloroplasts as platform for recombinant proteins production
Scotti N, Bellucci M, Cardi T
Year: 2013
The chloroplasts as platform for recombinant proteins production
Scotti N, Bellucci M, Cardi T
Year: 2013
Expression profiling of organellar genes
Cardi T, Giegé P, Kahlau S, Scotti N
Year: 2012
Genome-wide analysis of plastome sequence variation and development of plastidial CAPS markers in common potato and related Solanum species
Gargano D, Scotti N, Vezzi A, Bilardi A, Valle G, Grillo S, Cozzolino S, Cardi T
Year: 2012
Interspecific somatic hybrids between Solanum bulbocastanum and S. tuberosum and their haploidization for potato breeding
Iovene M, Aversano R, Savarese S, Caruso I, Di Matteo A, Cardi T, Frusciante L, Carputo D
Year: 2012
Unsolved problems in plastid transformation
Rigano Mm, Scotti N, Cardi T
Year: 2012
Plastid transformation as an expression tool for plant-derived biopharmaceuticals
Scotti N, Cardi T
Year: 2012
Plastid transformation as an expression tool for plant-derived biopharmaceuticals
Scotti N, Cardi T
Year: 2012
Production of foreign proteins using plastid transformation
Scotti N, Rigano MM, Cardi T
Year: 2012
Plastid transformation as a tool for plant-based production of vaccines and therapeutic proteins
Buonaguro FM, Lenzi P, Scotti N, Maliga P, Cardi T
Year: 2011
Plant-derived anti-HIV-1 proteins
Buonaguro FM, Scotti N, Buonaguro L, Tornesello ML, Cardi T, Buonaguro FM
Year: 2011
Improvement of plastid transformation efficiency in potato by using vectors with homologous flanking sequences
Scotti N, Valkov VT, Cardi T
Year: 2011
Transformation of the plastid genome in higher plants
Scotti N., Gargano D., Lenzi P., Cardi T.
Year: 2011
High efficiency plastid transformation in potato and regulation of transgene expression in leaves and tubers by alternative 5
Valkov VT, Gargano D, Manna C, Formisano G, Dix PJ, Gray JC, Scotti N, Cardi T
Year: 2011
Plant-based anti-HIV-1 strategies: vaccine molecules and antiviral approaches
Scotti N, Buonaguro L, Tornesello ML, Cardi T, Buonaguro FM
Year: 2010
La pianta come biofabbrica per la produzione di prodotti naturali e proteine eterologhe di interesse farmaceutico
Leone A., Scotti N., Grillo S., Monti L., Cardi T.
Year: 2009
High-level expression of the HIV-1 Pr55gag polyprotein in transgenic tobacco chloroplasts
Scotti N, Alagna F, Ferraiolo E, Formisano G, Sannino L, Buonaguro L, De Stradis A, Vitale A, Monti L, Grillo S, Buonaguro FM, Cardi T
Year: 2009
Genome-Wide Analysis of Plastid Gene Expression in Potato Leaf Chloroplasts and Tuber Amyloplasts: Transcriptional and Posttranscriptional Control
Valkov VT, Scotti N, Kahlau S, Maclean D, Grillo S, Gray JC, Bock R, Cardi T
Year: 2009
Transplastomic tobacco plants expressing a fatty acid desaturase gene exhibit altered fatty acid profiles and improved cold tolerance
Craig W, Lenzi P, Scotti N, De Palma M, Saggese P, Carbone V, Mcgrath Curran N, Magee AM, Medgyesy P, Kavanagh TA, Dix PJ, Grillo S, Cardi T
Year: 2008
Translational fusion of chloroplast-expressed human papillomavirus type 16 L1 capsid protein enhances antigen accumulation in transplastomic tobacco
Lenzi P, Scotti N, Alagna F, Tornesello ML, Pompa A, Vitale A, De Stradis A, Monti L, Grillo S, Buonaguro FM, Maliga P, Cardi T
Year: 2008
Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome composition of Solanum bulbocastanum (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrids
Iovene M, Savarese S, Cardi T, Frusciante L, Scotti N, Simon PW, Carputo D
Year: 2007
Molecular tailoring and boosting of bioactive secondary metabolites in medicinal plants
Leone A, Grillo S, Monti L, Cardi T
Year: 2007
Direct gene transfer in potato: A comparison of particle bombardment of leaf explants and PEG-mediated transformation of protoplasts
Craig W, Gargano D, Scotti N, Nguyen TT, Lao NT, Kavanagh TA, Dix PJ, Cardi T
Year: 2005
Organelle DNA variation in parental Solanum spp. genotypes and nuclear-cytoplasmic interactions in Solanum tuberosum ( ) S. commersonii somatic hybrid-backcross progeny
Scotti N, Monti L, Cardi T
Year: 2003