National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Vincenza Verde

Role: Research Director
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Naples
Tel: (39) 081-6132710
E-mail: cinzia.verde[at]

Personal profile


Tel: 081 6132710;;

Role in the institution

Research Director, National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (IBBR), Naples, Italy


1987: Degree in Biological Science with maximum rating and cum laude, University of Naples Federico II

Professional background

Verde is a marine biochemist. Her research is focused on studying the molecular basis of cold adaptation of oxygen-binding proteins in bacteria and fish. The results of this study are summarised in more than 130 publications (45 as corresponding author in ISI journals), in highly qualified international journals and book chapters, as well as invitations to contribute to prestigious Encyclopaedias.

Invited Co-author of each section of the 526-pp SCAR (Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research) 2009 Report “Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE)”, with 410 citations (2018 Google Scholar), SCAR Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, UK. Updates to the ACCE Report are presented annually to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.


  • Member of the Planning, Advisory and Scientific Group of the SCAR programme Antarctic Ecosystem: Adaptation, Thresholds and Resilience (AnT-ERA).
  • Qualified as “Entitled to perform the profession of Biologist”. Registry No. 16402 of the Bureau of Examinations of the State, University of Naples Federico II
  • Visiting Scientist” Department of Pathology, WHO, Immunology Research and Training Centre (Switzerland), Project “Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Ribonuclease”.
  • Fellowship: Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS). Approval letter of C. Gancedo, Chair of “FEBS Fellowships Committee, 26th December 1988.
  • Fellowship: Società Italiana di Biochimica (SIB). Approval letter of SIB Fellowships Committee


  • Health-Care Charge of Managing Executive of the 1st level (former X level), Health Care Dept of Laboratory Medicine (Prof F. Salvatore, Director), Policlinical Organisation, University of Naples Federico II (Certificate No. 64 in the registry of document release of the University Federico II, Policlinical Organisation, 09/08/2000, according to the Law No. 370, 23/08/1988). Protocol No. 6868, 23/10/1997. Resolutions of the General Director, No. 2649, 29/05/1997; and No. 2905, 13/06/1997


  • Visiting Scientist”, Northeastern University, Department of Biology, Boston, USA (CNR fellowship, “Short-Term Mobility”, 2004). Project: “Erythropoiesis”.


  • CNR Researcher and Group Leader of the Project “Globins”, Institute of Protein Biochemistry (CNR-IBP), Naples, Italy


  • CNR Senior Researcher and Group Leader of the Project “Globins” CNR-IBBR, Naples, Italy
  • CNR Research Director and Group Leader of the Project “Globins” CNR-IBBR, Naples, Italy


  • 1981: Classical High School Degree with maximum rating
  • 1987: Degree in Biological Science with maximum rating and cum laude, University of Naples Federico II
  • 1988: Qualified as “Entitled to perform the profession of Biologist”. Registry No. 16402 of the Bureau of Examinations of the State, University of Naples Federico II
  • 2014: Fully qualified for the position of Associate Professor in General Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry 05/E1 (Abilitazione nazionale Bando 2012 (DD n. 222/2012) (from 16.06.2014 to 10.04.2020).
  • 2015: Fully qualified for the position of Full Professor in General Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry 05/E1 (Abilitazione nazionale Bando 2013 (DD n.161/2013) (from 10.04.2015 to 10.04.2021).

Honours, Leadership/service

  • 2018: Member of the National Advisory Board of Extremophiles 2018, Ischia (Italy) 16-20 September 2018
  • 2018: Member of the Scientific Committee XX International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Barcelona (Spain) 3-7 September 2018
  • In 2016, SCAR achieved thepublication of Verde’s biography and CV in Wikipedia in recognition of her achievements in science, in particular protein structure and function
  • 2016: Member of the Committee for the public selection of a Researcher in Functional Genomics of Marine Organisms (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Bando n. 12 2016)
  • 2016: Member of the Scientific Committee XIXth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Hamburg (UK) 11-14 September 2016
  • 2016: Research Fellow Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn, Naples, Italy
  • 2014: Member of the Scientific Committee of the AnT-ERA Workshop on Molecular and genetic advances to understanding evolution and biodiversity in the polar regions -The legacy of EBA, IBBR, Naples. 2-3 October 2014
  • 2014: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XVIIIIth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Manchester (UK) 6-10 July 2014
  • 2012: Research Fellow Dept of Biology, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy. Decision taken in the Faculty Meeting of 30.05.2012
  • 2012: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XVIIth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Parma (Italy) 29 August-1 September
  • 2012-present: Member of the Planning and Scientific Group of SCAR Programme: Antarctic Thresholds - Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptation (AnT-ERA)
  • 2011: Member of the Scientific Committee of CAREX Conference on Life in Extreme environments, Dublin (Ireland) 18-20 October 2011
  • 2010: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Workshop Polar Marine and Lacustrine Organisms: Gene and Protein Evolution in a Changing Environment, in the framework of the SCAR Programme Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic - The Response of Life to Change (EBA) IBP, Naples. 24-25 May 2010
  • 2010: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XVIth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Antwerp (Belgium) 22-26 August 2010
  • 2009: Expert of Marine Biology in the Working Group 3: Environmental change and marine ecosystems. Marine observatories and ecosystem time series. Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS). SIOS: a Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support Actions for Construction of New Infrastructures - Preparatory Phase - funded by EU under INFRA-2010-2.2.3
  • 2008: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XV International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Aarhus (Denmark). 17-21 August 2008
  • 2008: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Workshop “The Polar and Alpine Environments: Molecular and Evolutionary Adaptations in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Organisms”, IBP, Naples. 29-30 May 2008
  • 2008: Associate Partner in “CAREX” (Coordination Action for Research Activities on Life in Extreme Environments) FP7 call ENV.2007.
  • 2007: Head of the Research Area “Polar Biology” (TA. P02.021.001, Department of Earth and Environment (DTA), CNR: “Life and adaptations in polar environments”
  • 2006-present: Invited Member and Participant, TUNU-Mafig (TUNU = East Greenland; MAFIG = MArine FIshes of N.E. Greenland), “Lead Project” of IPY
  • 2006-2012: Invited Member and Participant, EBA (Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic: the Response of Life to Change), Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
  • 2006-2012: Member of “SCAR-IPY ad hoc Steering Committee for Marine Biology”
  • 2006: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XIVth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Naples, (Italy). 3-7 September 2006
  • 2001: Vice-President of the CNR Network of Polar Research “Polarnet”
  • 2001: Coordinator of the Whole Sector Biological Sciences (PNRA) in Italy for the Theme: “Molecular bases of cold adaptation in Antarctic and Arctic organisms”, Project “Physiological, biochemical and molecular bases of evolutionary adaptation in teleosts”. Prot. N. 815. Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca. Commissione Scientifica Nazionale per l’Antartide.

Editorial Activity

  • 2016: Guest Editor of the Special issue, Marine Genomics “Navigating the Future: Cross Sector Marine Genomics” (Labes A, Reich M, Giuliano L, Verde C eds)
  • 2016: Guest Editor of the Special issue, Marine Genomics “Genome-powered perspectives in integrative physiology and evolutionary biology” (Berenbrink M, Cossins A, Verde C, eds)
  • 2016: Guest Editor of the Special issue, Biodiversity-Journal of Life on Earth “Evolution and Biodiversity in Polar Regions - Molecular and Genetic Advances” (di Prisco G, Giordano D, Gutt J, Verde C, eds)
  • 2015: Guest Editor of the Special issue, Marine Genomics “The Marine Genome: Structure, Regulation and Evolution” (Danovaro R, Costantini M, Verde C, eds)
  • 2012: Guest Editor of the Special issue, Marine Genomics “Molecular and genetic advances to understanding evolution and biodiversity in the polar regions” (Verde C, di Prisco G, Convey P, eds)
  • 2012: Editor From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY), C. Verde and G. di Prisco, eds, Vol 2, 239 pp. Springer
  • 2012: Editor From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY), G. di Prisco and C. Verde, eds, Vol 1, 222 pp. Springer
  • 2011: Guest Editor of the Oecologia Australis Special issue Antarctic-South American interactions in the marine environment (ASAI) Campos L, Bassoi M, Verde C, Gutt J, eds, Vol 15: 40-50. ISSN: 21776199
  • 2009: Editor of a Special issue of Marine Genomics devoted to the Workshop “The Polar and Alpine Environments: Molecular and Evolutionary Adaptations in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Organisms” (G. di Prisco, P. Luporini, L. Tutino, C. Verde, eds), Elsevier. Vol 2, Issue 1, pp 1-80 (March 2009). Vol 2, Issue 2, pp 81-148 (June 2009)
  • 2008-Present: Managing Editor of Marine Genomics (Elsevier)
  • 2008: Editor, “Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins”, Protein Reviews Series (M Bolognesi, G di Prisco, C Verde eds), Springer
  • 2007: Editor of a Special Issue of Gene, devoted to the “XIVth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins” (L Moens, M Bolognesi, G di Prisco, C Verde eds), Elsevier. Vol 398, Issues 1-2, pp 1-248


Reviewer of over 100 articles for top-level journals in marine biology and biochemistry

  • 2020: Reporter of the Consensus for the Project: Collection based MONitoring of FISh Health (...
  • 2020: Reviewer of the Project: Collection based MONitoring of FISh Health (COMONFISH). BRAIN-be 2.0 BELGIAN RESEARCH ACTION THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY NETWORKS 2018-2023
  • 2020: Reviewer of the Project: Habitability of the Western Indian Ocean: an ecosystem services-based approach to coastal zone management (BAHARI). BRAIN-be 2.0 BELGIAN RESEARCH ACTION THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY NETWORKS 2018-2023
  • 2020: Reviewer of the Project: Biologically active substances in arctic plants: isolation, metabolism, analytics and applications. «Mega-grants Program» Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  • 2019: Reviewer of the Projects of Italian Arctic Research Programme (PRA - Programma di Ricerche in Artico); Proposals 34, 41, 75.
  • 2019: Reviewer of the Project: Conservation management of polar ecosystems: using genomic approaches to study connectivity across spatial and functional scales. BRAIN-BE2.0-BELGIAN RESEARCH ACTION THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY NETWORKS Phase 2 - 2018-2023
  • 2014: Reviewer of the Project Pegasus- Short application to the Research Foundation Flanders-FWO. Structural and functional investigations into a tRNA-modifying enzyme complex tuned by GTP hydrolysis, A Pica, Coordinator
  • 2014: Reviewer of the Project NSF MCB/1112/1413141/, National Science Foundation Proposal: 1341661 Collaborative Research: Causes of parallel molecular evolution: insights from protein engineering Prof Jay Storz
  • 2013: Reviewer of the SCAR fellowship applications
  • 2013: Reviewer of the Project NSF 13-527, National Science Foundation Proposal: 1341661 Phylogenomic study of adaptive radiation in Antarctic fishes, Prof Thomas Near
  • 2013: Reviewer of the Project P 26465-B25, Biological and Medical Sciences Austrian Science Fund Proposal 1341661 Evolutionary dynamics of Eocene Antarctic cartilaginous fishes, Prof Jürgen Kriwet
  • 2013: Reviewer of the Project 14-27546S Czech Science Foundation Proposal Prokaryotic community composition of soils of the James Ross Island, Antarctica - a potential pool for biotechnology, Prof Ivo Sedlàček
  • 2012: Reviewer of the Project 5111, National Science Foundation Proposal: 1246181 Collaborative Research: Phylogenomics and the adaptive radiation of Antarctic notothenioid fishes (Teleostei: Percomorpha), Prof Thomas Near
  • 2012: Reviewer of the Project 09-612, National Science Foundation Proposal:1204260 Synthesis of genomic, structural biology, and molecular physiological analyses to understand adaptive mtDNA variation in polar species, Dr Michael Garvin
  • 2011: Reviewer of the Project “Hemoglobin layered nanoparticles”, ASTRID 2011, Agence National de la Recherche (ANR), France, Coordinator: Prof. Michael Marden
  • 2011: Reviewer of the Project “New tools and directions for the understanding of the effect of environmental changes on fish physiology”, Agence National de la Recherche (ANR), France, Programme for Post-docs
  • 2010: Reviewer of the Project “Phylogeny of the Cumacea (Crustacea) and the evolution of cumacen hemocyanin” RE 3160/1-1-DFG-Erstantrag (11.05.2010). DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) Coordinator: Dr. Peter Rehm
  • 2008: Present Reviewer of the National Science Foundation for Polar Research
  • 2008: Reviewer, Project 0839007, National Science Foundation, Proposal:08-535 “Antarctic organisms and ecosystems”, Coordinator: Prof. Thomas Near

Organisation of Conferences

  • 2020: Organiser of the Session Response to climate change: physiology and adaptation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean life -a Tribute to Guido di Prisco ( Open Science Conference Hobart, Tasmania 3-7 August 2020
  • 2020: Organiser of the Session Biodiversity and ecosystem functions in the New Arctic ASSW 2021 (website:, Lisboa, Portugal; 20-26 March, 2021. Co-Organisers: G Schaepman-Strub, C J. M. Hoppe, T T. Høye
  • 2020: Organiser of the Session Response and Adaptation - a Tribute to Guido di Prisco XXI International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Rome (Italy) 1-4 September 2020
  • 2018: Organiser of the Session Cardio-Respiratory Adaptations to Environmental Change, Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting Florence (Italy) 3-6 July 2018. Co-Organisers: M. Berenbrink & C. Verde. Funded by the Society
  • 2017: Organiser of the International Debate, Festival della Scienza: Life at sea ice/water contact: what we may lose, Genova (Italy) 26 October-5 November 2017. Funded by the Festival della Scienza
  • 2014: Organiser of the AnT-ERA Workshop on Molecular and genetic advances to understanding evolution and biodiversity in the polar regions - The legacy of EBA, IBBR, Naples. 2-3 October 2014
  • 2011: Chair and Organiser Side-Meeting Event Advances on Evolution and Biodiversity in Marine Antarctic Environment, World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Aberdeen (Scotland) 26-30 September
  • 2011: Organiser of the International Debate, Festival della Scienza: Un secolo dopo le imprese di Amundsen e Scott: il ruolo dell’Antartide nel Sistema Terra, Genova (Italy) 21 October-2 November 2011. Funded by the Festival della Scienza
  • 2010: Organiser of the Workshop Polar Marine and Lacustrine Organisms: Gene and Protein Evolution in a Changing Environment, in the framework of the SCAR Programme SCAR, IPY, Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic. The Response of Life to Change (EBA) IBP, Naples (Italy) 24-25 May 2010
  • 2008: Organiser of the International Debate, Festival della Scienza: Evoluzione e adattamenti molecolari negli ambienti polari, Genova (Italy). 23 October-4 November 2008. Funded by the Festival della Scienza
  • 2008: Organiser of the Workshop “The Polar and Alpine Environments: Molecular and Evolutionary Adaptations in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Organisms”, IBP-CNR, Naples. 29-30 May 2008
  • 2006: Organiser of the “XIVth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins”, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples (Italy). 3-7 September 2006

Chair/Convenor at Meeting Sessions

  • 2021: Chair of the Session Biodiversity and ecosystem functions in the New Arctic ASSW 2021 (website:, Lisboa, Portugal; 20-26 March, 2021. Co-Organisers: G Schaepman-Strub, C J. M. Hoppe, T T. Høye
  • 2020: Chair of the Session Response to climate change: physiology and adaptation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean life -a Tribute to Guido di Prisco ( Open Science Conference Hobart, Tasmania 3-7 August 2020
  • 2020: Chair of the Session Response and Adaptation - a Tribute to Guido di Prisco XXI International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Rome (Italy) 1-4 September 2020
  • 2018: Chair of Session 33 XXXV SCAR Biennial Meetings Arctic Science Summit Week 2018 & IASC Business Meetings-SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference 2018-Arctic Observing Summit Davos (Switzerland) 15-26 June 2018
  • 2018: Chair of Session XX International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Barcelona (Spain) 3-7 September 2018
  • 2017: Chair of Session, XII SCAR BIOLOGY Symposium, Leuven (Belgium): S08: Response to climate change: understanding bio resilience.10-14 July 2017
  • 2017: Chair of Session, XII SCAR BIOLOGY Symposium, Leuven (Belgium): Adaptation and processes in top predators. 10-14 July 2017
  • 2017: Chair of Session, XII SCAR BIOLOGY Symposium, Leuven (Belgium): Understanding Physiology (including “-omics” approaches); 10-14 July 2017
  • 2014: Chair of Session AnT-ERA Workshop Molecular and genetic advances to understanding evolution and biodiversity in the polar regions - The legacy of EBA, IBBR, Naples 2-3 October
  • 2014: Chair of Session XVIII International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Sheffield (UK) 6-10 July
  • 2014: Chair of Session XXXIII SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland (New Zealand), 23-31 August
  • 2013: Chair of Session XI SCAR BIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM. Barcelona, (Spain) 15-19 July
  • 2012: Chair of Session XVIIth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Parma (Italy). 29 August-1 September
  • 2012: Chair of session Evolutionary Adaptation to the Antarctic Environment, XXXII SCAR Open Science Conference, Portland, (USA) 13-25 July
  • 2011: Chair Side-Meeting Event Advances on Evolution and Biodiversity in Marine Antarctic Environment, World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Aberdeen (Scotland) 26-30 September
  • 2011: Chair Session 1 Advances on Evolution and Biodiversity in Marine Antarctic Environment, World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Aberdeen (Scotland) 26-30 September
  • 2011: Chair of Session CAREX Conference on Life in extreme environments, Dublin (Ireland) 18-20 October 2011
  • 2010: Chair of Session XVIth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Antwerp (Belgium). 22-26 August 2010
  • 2009: Chair of Session X SCAR International Biology Symposium, Sapporo, Hokkaido (Japan). 26-31 July 2009
  • 2008: Chair of Session XV International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Aarhus (Denmark). 17-21 August 2008

Invited Lectures

  • 2019: Invited Expert in the AnT-ERA Coimbra synthesis workshop Coimbra (Portugal). 24-27 June 2019
  • 2018: Invited Lecture, Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting Florence (Italy). 3-6 July 2018
  • 2017: Invited Lecture MicroArctic meeting, Akureyri (Iceland). 3-9 April 2017
  • 2016: Invited Lecture 41 CIESM Conf, Kiel (Germany). 12-14 September 2016
  • 2016: Keynote Lecture XXXIV SCAR Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). 20-30 August 2016
  • 2015: Lecture 6th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology, České Budějovice (Czech Republic). 6-10 September 2015
  • 2015: Lecture SCAR cross-program workshop, Barcelona (Spain). 16-18 September 2015
  • 2015: Lecture Society of Experimental Biology, Annual Meeting, Prague (Czech Republic). 30 June-3 July 2015
  • 2014: Lecture XXXIII SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland (New Zealand). 23-31 August 2014
  • 2014: Invited Lecture, Society of Experimental Biology, Annual Meeting, Manchester (UK). 1-4 July 2014
  • 2013: Lecture Society of Experimental Biology, Annual Meeting, Valencia (Spain). 3-6 July 2013
  • 2013: Lecture XI SCAR BIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM. Barcelona, (Spain). 15-19July 2013
  • 2013: Invited Lecture Convegno “Giornata Antartica” Università Roma 3, Roma (Italia). 15 March 2013
  • 2012: Invited Lecture Side-Meeting Event, XXXII SCAR Open Science Conference, Portland, (USA). 13-25 July 2012
  • 2012: Lecture Session: Bipolar Science: Connections with the Arctic, XXXII SCAR Open Science Conference, Portland, (USA). 13-25 July 2012
  • 2012: Lecture, IPY Conference Montreal, From Knowledge to Action, Montreal, (Canada) 22-27 April 2012
  • 2012: Invited Lecture Planet Under Pressure, Elsevier Conference, London (UK). 25-28 March 2012
  • 2011: Lecture Society of Experimental Biology, Glasgow, (Scotland) 30 June-4 July
  • 2011: Invited Expert European Science Foundation (ESF) “Brainstorming meeting: towards a wider scenario”, Cascais (Portugal). 10-11 February 2011
  • 2011: Lecture World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Aberdeen (Scotland) 26-30 September 2011
  • 2011: Lecture CAREX Conference on Life in extreme environments, Dublin (Ireland). 18-20 October 2011
  • 2011: Keynote Lecture International Debate, Festival della Scienza, Genova (Italy). 21 October-2 November 2011
  • 2010: Invited Lecture Workshop Polar Marine and Lacustrine Organisms: Gene and Protein Evolution in a Changing Environment, in the framework of the SCAR Programme SCAR-IPY, Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic. The Response of Life to Change (EBA) IBP, Naples (Italy). 24-25 May 2010
  • 2010: Invited Participant Workshop on the future of SCAR biology, Castiglioncello (Italy). 27-28 May 2010
  • 2010: Invited Lecture Society of Experimental Biology, Prague (Czech Republic). 30 June- 3 July 2010
  • 2010: Lecture The International Polar Year Science Conference, Oslo (Norway). 8-12 June 2010
  • 2010: Keynote Lecture Biodiversity: Life response to Changes, ESF Workshop, Strasbourg (France). 27 September 2010
  • 2009: Keynote Lecture X SCAR International Biology Symposium, Sapporo, Hokkaido (Japan). 26-31 July 2009
  • 2009: Invited Lecture European Community-CAREX - Laboratory Procedures Workshop, Viterbo (Italy). 25-26 June 2009
  • 2009: Invited Lecture, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting Conference, Nice (France). 25-30 January 2009
  • 2008: Invited Lecture European Community-CAREX - Identification of model ecosystems in extreme environments, Sant Feliu de Guixols (Spain). 30 November-2 December 2008
  • 2008: Keynote Lecture International Debate, Festival della Scienza, Genova (Italy). 23 October-4 November 2008
  • 2008: Invited Lecture Joint EC-US/CIESM Workshop on Marine Genomics: at the Interface of Marine Microbial Ecology and Biotechnological Applications, Montecarlo (Monaco). 12-14 October 2008
  • 2008: Invited Participant due to expertise and role in Marine Genomics Joint EC-US/CIESM Workshop on Marine Genomics: at the Interface of Marine Microbial Ecology and Biotechnological Applications, Montecarlo (Monaco). 12-14 October 2008
  • 2008: Invited Lecture Ciclo di seminari per i dottorandi della Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Polari, Università di Siena, Siena (Italy). 12 September 2008
  • 2008: Keynote Lecture XV International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Aarhus (Denmark). 17-21 August 2008
  • 2008: Invited Lecture XXX SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference, St. Petersburg (Russia). 5-7 July 2008
  • 2008: Keynote Lecture XVIII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica, Rome, (Italy). 7 March 2008
  • 2007: Keynote Lecture “Ny-Ålesund and IPY” Seminar, Cambridge (UK). 16-17 October 2007
  • 2007: Invited Speaker 6th PNRA Meeting on Antarctic Biology, Follonica (Italy). 7-9 June 2007
  • 2007: Keynote Lecture “Italy-Norway Meeting”, Rome (Italy). 11 May 2007
  • 2006: Invited Lecture Workshop on Antarctic Evolutionary Biology, Leuven (Belgium) 4-5 December 2006
  • 2006: Invited Participant Workshop on Antarctic Evolutionary Biology, Leuven (Belgium). 4-5 December 2006
  • 2006: Lecture Marine Genomics, Sorrento (Italy). 28 October-1 November 2006
  • 2006: Invited Lecture Conferenza Nazionale sulla Ricerca nelle aree Polari, Rome (Italy). 17-18 October 2006
  • 2006: Invited Lecture XIVth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Naples, (Italy). 3-7 September 2006
  • 2006: Invited Lecture XXIX SCAR Meeting and Open Science Conference, Hobart (Australia). 12-14 July 2006
  • 2005: Keynote Lecture Third International Symposium on the Arctic Research and Seventh Ny-Ålesund Scientific Seminary, Tokyo (Japan). 22-24 February 2005
  • 2005: Invited Lecture, The ICEFISH Symposium, Walpole, Maine (USA). 21-24 August 2005
  • 2005: Invited Lecture IX SCAR International Antarctic Biology Symposium, Curitiba (Brasil). 25-29 July 2005
  • 2005: Invited Lecture XVI riunione della sezione Sardegna della Società Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare, Sassari, (Italy). 24 June 2005
  • 2004: Lecture, Ecology of the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone, Final Symposium, Korčula (Croatia). 27 September-1 October 2004
  • 2004: Lecture XXVIII SCAR & COMNAP XVI: Evolution and Biodiversity of Life in Polar Regions, Bremen (Germany). 25-31 July 2004
  • 2002: Invited Lecture EVOLANTA 2nd Workshop: Adaptive Evolution of Antarctic Marine Organisms, Pontignano, Siena (Italy). 1-6 December 2002
  • 2002: Invited Lecture 9th Int Symp on Antarctic Science. Environmental changes in Antarctica: impacts and responses, Ansan-Seoul (South Korea). 8-10 October 2002
  • 2002: Invited Lecture 1st Korea-Italy Workshop on Polar Research, Ansan-Seoul (South Korea). 4 October 2002
  • 2002: Invited Participant 1st Korea-Italy Workshop on Polar Research, Ansan-Seoul (South Korea). 4 October 2002

Education: Tutoring

  • Two persons of the permanent staff are working directly with C Verde, and also assist graduate students (formally assigned to them) that contribute to the project
  • 2013-2016: Tutor of PhD student. Candidate: Giovanna Altomonte. PhD in BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES/XXIX cycle, Project: “Structural and functional characterization of globins in Arctic and Antarctic fish”. Roma Tre University
  • 2013-2014: Tutor of an experimental thesis for a master’s degree in Medical Biotechnologies, “Federico II Naples University”. Thesis: “Structural and functional characterisation of cytoglobins of the Antarctic fishes Chaenocephalus aceratus and Dissostichus mawsoni”.
  • 2009-2011: Tutor of PhD student. Candidate: Roberta Russo. PhD in Chemical Sciences /XXIV cycle, Project: “Structure and function of hemoproteins from cold-adapted organisms”. “Federico II Naples University”.
  • 2009-2011: Tutor of PhD student. Candidate: Alessia Riccio. PhD in Chemical Sciences XXIV cycle, Project: “Functional and comparative studies of hemoglobins of polar fish”. “Federico II Naples University”.
  • 2009-2011: Tutor of PhD student. Candidate: Daniela Coppola. PhD in Biotechnological Sciences/XXIV cycle, Project: “Structural and functional studies of hemoproteins from polar marine organisms”. “Federico II Naples University”.
  • 2004-2007: Tutor of PhD student. Candidate: Daniela Giordano. PhD in Biochemical studies of the proteome/XIX cycle “Structure, function and evolution of haemoglobins of polar fishes”. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University, Rome.
  • 2005-2008: Tutor of an experimental thesis for a master’s degree in Chemistry, “Federico II Naples University”. Thesis: “Struttura ed evoluzione dell’emoglobina troncata “two on two” del batterio antartico Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125”.
  • 2004-2006: Tutor of an experimental thesis for a master’s degree in Biological Sciences, “Federico II Naples University”. Thesis: “Il sistema di trasporto dell’ossigeno del teleosteo nototenioideo sub-antartico Cottoperca gobio”.
  • 2001-2003: Tutor of an experimental thesis for a master’s degree in Chemistry, “Federico II Naples University”. Thesis: “Struttura e funzione di emoglobine da specie adattate al freddo”.

Education: Teaching

  • 2018: Invited Lecturer for AnT-ERA SCAR international School: Biological Processes in Antarctic Ecosystems for PhD and Postdoc Students, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24-28 September 2018.
  • 2012: PhD school lectures in Chemistry “Studio di emoproteine con funzione protettiva da specie reattive dell’azoto e dell’ossigeno”, University Federico II, Naples, Italy
  • 2012: PhD school Ciclo di seminari per i dottorandi della Scuola di Dottorato per le SCIENZE della Terra, ambientali e POLARI. Invited Lecture on Evolutionary adaptations in polar marine organisms. The role of the time and oxygen. Academic Year 2011-2012
  • Didactic Integrative Activity in teaching Clinical Enzymology, School of Specialisation in Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II. Academic year: 1999-2000
  • Didactic Integrative Activity in teaching Clinical Enzymology, School of Specialisation in Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II. Academic year: 1988-1989
  • Didactic Integrative Activity, in the framework of the Degree in Biological Sciences,
  • practical and theoretical experimental lab activity in Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Naples Federico II. Academic years: 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990
  • Official Membership of the Committees for Examinations in Biological Chemistry for students of the Degree in Biological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Naples
  • Federico II. Academic years: 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1989-1990.
  • 1998-1999: Graduate degree programme in Neurophysiopathology for Biochemistry. University Federico II, Naples, Italy. Protocol N. 129 (Faculty Council 21 December 1998). University Federico II, Naples, Italy.

Research Grants

  • 2020: Coordinator of PNRA Project 2019 D.D. 20 del 17/01/2020 PNRA19_00040 - A2 -Adaptation and Acclimation in Southern Ocean Diatoms: Light harvesting/signaling and Nitrogen transport genes under Changing Environmental Conditions Total Funding EURO 276.560.00. Under Review.
  • 2020: Participant in the Project “Concorso Internazionale di Idee per il Disegno del Nuovo Paesaggio di Bagnoli” indetto da Invitalia, in qualità di Soggetto attuatore del “Programma di bonifica ambientale e rigenerazione urbana dell’area di rilevante interesse nazionale del comprensorio di Bagnoli-Coroglio nel Comune di Napoli”. Under Review.
  • 2017-2019: Coordinator of the PNRA Project Enzymes of a cold-active metabolic pathway for the biosynthesis of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids: biotechnological applications. Total Funding EURO 94.000.00
  • 2017-2019: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 2010/A1.08 Journey to the cold and back: comparative genomics and transcriptomics in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic notothenioids. Total Funding EURO 138.500.00 VERDE EURO 34.100.00
  • 2014-2020: Leading Investigator Theme 1: Physiological limits, bio-molecular processes, and thresholds for the international SCAR project AnT-ERA for communication, dissemination and coordination. Total funding in 2016: 20.000 USD
  • 2016: Associated Partner of WP 3: Polar microorganisms: responses to warming of model organisms and release of pathogens into the environment; EU Project MicroArctic Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Call: H2020-MSCA-ITN-20152016- ( Total funding 3.8 M EURO.
  • 2016: Participant in the Project “Premiale Photosynthesis 2.0 - Italia 2016. Coordinator: CNR
  • 2015: Participant in the Project “Cibo & Salute- Italia 2015. Coordinator: CNR
  • 2014: Partner in the Project Detrimental effects of oil exposure on polar cod investigated by genome-wide transcriptome analysis and enzyme assays of vital organs, coordinated by Dr. Øivind Andersen (Nofima; Norway).
  • 2013/2014: Coordinator of the Project CNR_CONICET (Argentina) Structure and function of hemoproteins from Antarctic microorganisms. Prot. N. 0005262 (28.01.2013). Total funding EURO 8000
  • 2013: Coordinator of the PNRA Project 2013/AZ1.20 “The emergent role of new globins of Antarctic fish in the defence against oxidative and nitrosative stress”.Prot.-n. 0048514. Total Funding EURO 58.000.00
  • 2013: Participant in the PNRA Project 2013/C1.04 “TUNU Euro‐Arctic Marine Fishes (TEAM‐Fish): Impact of climate change on biodiversity, adaptation, contaminant bioaccumulation. Comparison with Antarctic, coordinated by Dr. Simonetta Corsolini (Siena University). Total Funding EURO 70.000.00 VERDE EURO 26.000.00
  • 2013: Participant in the PNRA Project 2013/AZ1.10 “Response of Antarctic notothenioids to thermal stress: an integrated molecular approach to investigate the effects of increasing temperatures in Trematomus bernacchii and Chionodraco hamatus”, coordinated by Prof. Tomaso Patarnello (Padova University). Total Funding EURO 96.000.00
  • 2013: Participant in the Project PGR 00151 Italia-Argentina, Ministero degli Affari Esteri Il ruolo delle emoglobine nella rimozione delle specie reattive dell’ossigeno e dell’azoto” coordinated by Cristiano Viappiani (Parma University). Total Funding EURO 21.000.00 VERDE EURO 2000.00 + 10.000.00 for traveling
  • 2012: Partner in the project “Interaction of thermal stress and toxicant exposure in polar cod investigated by genome-wide transcriptome analysis” coordinated by Dr. Øivind Andersen (Nofima, Norway).
  • 2012: Co-Leader of a Research Team in the Project PRIN 2010 “Neuroprotection vs Neurodegeneration: Role of Estrogen-Induced Neuroglobin Expression”, coordinated by Prof. Paolo Ascenzi (Roma University). Prot. N.20109MXHMR. Total Funding EURO 752.892.00. VERDE EURO 50.000.00
  • 2012: Participant in the Project Italia-Argentina, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, “Il ruolo delle emoglobine nella rimozione delle specie reattive dell’ossigeno e dell’azoto” coordinated by Cristiano Viappiani (Parma University). Total Funding EURO 21.000.00 VERDE EURO 4.500.00 + 10.000.00 for traveling
  • 2011: Participant in the Project Italia-Argentina, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, “Il ruolo delle emoglobine nella rimozione delle specie reattive dell’ossigeno e dell’azoto” coordinated by Cristiano Viappiani (Parma University) Total Funding EURO 30.000.00 VERDE EURO 6.250.00 + 10.000.00 for traveling
  • 2010-2011: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 2010/A1.08 “Role of the Oxygen in the Evolution - Genes and Proteins of Polar Fishes”, coordinated by Ennio Cocca (CNR, Naples) Total Funding EURO 125.000.00 VERDE EURO 49.000.00
  • 2009-2010: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 2010/A2.02 “Biogeochemical characterization of sub-glacial Antarctic Lakes”, coordinated by Prof. Carlo Barbante (Venezia University) Total Funding EURO 150.000.00 VERDE EURO 21.000.00
  • 2007-2009: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PRIN Project 2007 SFZXZ7_001 “Structure, function and evolution of heme proteins from Arctic and Antarctic marine organisms: cold-adaptation mechanisms and acquisition of new functions”, coordinated by Prof. L. Mazzarella (Naples University) Prot. N. 12673 (09-02-2009) Total Funding EURO 257.400.00 VERDE EURO 50.000.00
  • 2006-2013: Participant in the EBA (Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic: the Response of Life to Change) SCAR programme. WP2 Evolutionary Adaptation to the Antarctic Environment. Total Funding $145.875
  • 2006: Group Leader and Coordinator of the International IPY Project: ICEFISH (“International Collaborative Expedition to collect and study Fish Indigenous to Sub-Antarctic Habitats”), chosen by the Steering Committee of ICSU-WMO (“International Council for Science-World Meteorological Organisation”) as “Lead Project” for the International Polar Year (IPY)
  • 2006: Group Leader and Coordinator of the CNR Project: “Bloodthirsty and erythropoiesis” CNR. Proposal number 971 Total Funding EURO 7.000.00
  • 2005-2007: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 2005/1.04 “Polar Aquarium”. Total Funding EURO 80.000.00 VERDE EURO 80.000.00
  • 2005-2007: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 2005/1.01 “Genomics and Proteomics of the Antarctic Psychrophilic Ciliate Euplotes focardii” coordinated by Prof. Cristina Miceli (Camerino University). Total Funding EURO 220.000.00 VERDE EURO 70.000.00
  • 2005-2007: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 2005/12.1 “Exploration and characterisation of Lake Concordia, East Antarctica” coordinated by Prof. Carlo Barbante (Venezia University). Total Funding EURO 300.000.00 VERDE EURO 47.800.00
  • 2004: Participant in the PNRA Project EVOLANTA (“Evolution of Antarctic organisms”). Total Funding EURO 20.000.00. VERDE EURO 20.000.00
  • 2004-2006: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 1.3 2004/2006 Evolution and molecular adaptation of the oxygen transport system in polar marine organisms. Structure, function and genes coordinated by Dr. Ennio Cocca (CNR, Naples). Total Funding EURO 600.000.00. VERDE EURO 250.000.00
  • 2002-2003: Participant in the PNRA Project 2002/1.09 “Transportation and maintenance of Antarctic fish”, coordinated by Elio Parisi (CNR, Naples). Total Funding EURO 50.000.00 VERDE EURO 25.000.00
  • 2002-present: Partner TUNU-MAFIG: Marine Fishes of NE Greenland - diversity and adaptation; (the research programme is funded and managed by the University of Tromsø since 2002 and comprises scientists from 10 nations, among which Italy, for participation in oceanographic expeditions)
  • 2000-2004: Group Leader of a Research Team in the Project “Erythrocyte functions, ion transport and hemoglobin-cell interaction in Arctic marine organisms” (CNR). Programme Strategico Artico CNR 2000; 2001; 2002-2003; 2003-2004. Prot. N. 176/04. Total Funding EURO 130.000.00 VERDE EURO 80.000.00
  • 2002-2003: Group Leader of a Research Team in the PNRA Project 1.2, 2000-2002 “Molecular bases of cold adaptation in Antarctic and Arctic organisms”, Project “Physiological, biochemical and molecular bases of evolutionary adaptation in teleosts” Total Funding EURO 400.000.00 VERDE EURO 160.188.00
  • 1999-2001: Participant in the PNRA Project: “Molecular bases of cold adaptation in Antarctic teleosts” (1.2, 1999-2001), coordinated by Maurizio Tamburrini (CNR, Naples) Total Funding EURO 273.206.00.

Research Interests

Molecular adaptations in models of prokaryotes and eukaryotes from extreme environments; vulnerability to climate change. Impacts on ecosystems of fast climate change occurring in the polar regions, and pressures arising from global change, invasive species, human impacts, and extreme events. Production of changes in individuals, populations and communities by synergistic stresses. Multidisciplinary studies of current biological processes in polar ecosystems, to define tolerance limits/thresholds and thereby determine resistance and resilience to environmental changes, also by means of structural/functional analysis of genes and proteins, in the framework of impacts on adaptations and evolution.

Interest on polar marine organisms: (i) they are amongst the most vulnerable species to climate change; (ii) micro/macro-organisms are a valuable source of natural products that can function as start structures of new molecules for drug discovery. New projects are aimed at taking advantage of biodiversity of marine organisms for the development of novel bioactive compounds.

Protein structure and function

From 2000 to now, I led work on protein structure/function, most importantly on observing that levels of structural flexibility were much higher at very low temperatures. My policy on publications with my staff is that, while I provide the scientific direction and drive for ongoing research, I encourage them to draft the papers in order to help them to develop as scientists. This means that I often appear as last author, even though I have led the intellectual components of the work. As leading and corresponding author, I significantly contribute to data interpretation and paper editing and revision.

My research focuses on two areas: molecular adaptations to polar marine environments and responses to environmental change. I have a leading international profile in both areas. My work is mainly experimental. My main focus in the last 5 years has been on characterising protein response to environmental conditions and how adaptation to environments affects this, aiming at safeguarding biodiversity from the impacts of current global warming. Since 2000, in collaboration with other authors, I demonstrated the hexa-coordination in fish hemoglobins. I then extended this research to Antarctic bacterial globins by incorporating novel technologies in this area, and used genomics in collaboration with Illinois University to characterise proteins such neuroglobin and cytoglobin (discovered by us in Antarctic fish) with important biomedical perspectives (including Alzheimer’s disease).

I am a leading science communicator, as shown by the number of lectures given in many international countries since 2000. My influence on policymakers comes from roles such as my membership in the Steering Committee of AnT-ERA, the Scientific Research Programme of SCAR for the exchange of knowledge and for the support of research on BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES at ecological time scales especially related to environmental change.

Future developments

In the immediate future and over the next 10 years, I will develop my main research theme of adaptation and responses to environmental change and new projects for the development of novel bioactive compounds from Antarctic microorganisms.


Refereed publications

  1. Gutt J, Isla E, Xavier J, Adams B, Ahn In-Y, Cheng C-H-C, Colesi C, Cummings V, di Prisco G, Griffiths H, Hawes I, Hogg I, McIntyre T, Meiners K, Pearce D, Peck L, Piepenburg D, Reisinger R, Saba G, Schloss I, Signori C, Smith C, Vacchi M, Verde C, Wall D 2020 Antarctic ecosystems in transition - life between stresses and opportunities. Biological Reviews IF: 10.7 (ISI Web of knowledge). In press
  2. Giordano D, Corti P, Coppola D, Altomonte A, Xue J, Russo R, di Prisco G, Verde C 2020 Regulation of globin expression in Antarctic fish under thermal and hypoxic stress. Marine Genomics IF: 1.67 (ISI Web of knowledge). In press
  3. Giordano D, Pesce A. Nardini M, Bruno S, Luque J, di Prisco G, Bolognesi M, Viappiani C, Dewilde S, Verde C 2020 Cytoglobin-1 of Antarctic fish: from function to structural properties. Computational and Structural Biotechnology 18: 2132-2144. Corresponding author, IF: 6.02 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  4. L Núñez-Pons L, Shilling A, Verde C, Baker BJ, Giordano D 2020 Marine terpenoids from polar latitudes and their potential applications in biotechnology Mar Drugs 18, 401 IF: 4.07 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  5. Daane JM, Giordano D, Coppola D, di Prisco G, Detrich III HW, Verde C 2020 Adaptations to environmental change: globin superfamily evolution in Antarctic fishes Marine Genomics 49: 100724 Corresponding author IF: 1.67 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  6. Giordano D, Boubeta F, Estrin DA, Viappiani C, di Prisco G, Smulevich G, Verde C 2020 Dynamics and flexibility drive cold adaptation in Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 globins. Antioxidant & Redox Signaling 32: 396-411. doi: 10.1089/ars.2019.7887 Corresponding author IF: 6.323 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  7. Balasco N, Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Verde C, Mazzarella L, Vergara A 2019 The unique structural features of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin from the sub-Antarctic fish Eleginops maclovinus. Scientific Report 9: 18987. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-55331-3. IF: 4.011 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  8. Bruno S, Coppola D, di Prisco G, Giordano D, Verde C 2019 Enzymes from marine polar regions and their biotechnological applications. Mar Drugs 17(10). pii: E544. doi: 10.3390/md17100544. Corresponding author IF: 4.07 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  9. Núñez-Pons L, Avila C, Romano G, Verde C, Giordano D 2018 UV-protective compounds in marine organisms from the Southern Ocean. Mar Drugs 16: 336; doi:10.3390/md16090336 2018 IF: 4.38
  10. Boubeta FM, Boechi L, Estrin D, Patrizi B, Di Donato M, Iagatti A, Giordano D, Verde C, Bruno S, Abbruzzetti S, Viappiani C 2018 Cold-adaptation signatures in the ligand rebinding kinetics to the truncated hemoglobin of the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. J Phys Chem DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b07682 2018 IF: 3.146
  11. Giordano D, Costantini M, Coppola D, Lauritano C, Núñez Pons L, Ruocco N, di Prisco G, Ianora A, Verde C 2018 Biotechnological applications of bioactive peptides from marine sources. Adv Microb Physiol 73: 171-220. Corresponding author 2019-2020 IF: 4.875
  12. Gutt J, Isla E, Bertler AN, Bodeker GE, Bracegirdle TJ, Cavanagh RD, Comiso JC, Convey P, Cummings V, De Conto R, De Master D, di Prisco G, d’Ovidio F, Griffiths HJ, Khan AL, López-Martínez J, Murray AE, Nielsen UN, Ott S, Post A, Ropert-Coudert Y, Saucède T, Scherer R, Schiaparelli S, Schloss IR, Smith CR, Stefels J, Stevens C, Strugnell JM, Trimborn S, Verde C, Verleyen E, Wall DH, Wilson NG, Xavier JC 2018 Cross-disciplinarity in the advance of Antarctic ecosystem research. Marine Genomics. doi: 10.1016/j.margen.2017.09.006. 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  13. Coppola D, Giordano D, Milazzo L, Howes BD, Ascenzi P, di Prisco G, Smulevich G, Poole RK, Verde C 2018 Coexistence of multiple globin genes conferring protection against nitrosative stress to the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. Nitric Oxide 73: 39-51. Corresponding author 2018 IF: 4.37
  14. Giuliano L, Labes A, Reich M, Verde C 2017 Navigating the Future: Cross-sector Marine Genomics. Marine Genomics 36: 1-2 Corresponding author 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  15. Cuypers B, Vermeylenb S, Hammerschmid D, Trashin S, Rahemi V, Konijnenberg A, De Schutter A, Cheng C-H C, Giordano D, Verde C, De Wael K, Sobott F, Dewilde S, Van Doorslaer S 2017 Antarctic fish versus human cytoglobins - the same but yet so different. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 173: 66-78 2017 IF: 3.205 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.063 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  16. Russo R, Giordano D, Paredi G, Francesco Marchesani F, Milazzo L, Altomonte G, Del Canale P, Abbruzzetti S, Ascenzi P, di Prisco G, Viappiani C, Fago A, Bruno S, Smulevich G, Verde C 2017 The Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus - hemoglobins and ligand-binding properties. PLoS ONE 12(10): e0186181. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186181. eCollection 2017. Corresponding author 2018 IF: 2.77 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  17. Berenbrink M, Verde C, Cossins AR 2016 Genome-powered perspectives in integrative physiology and evolutionary biology. Marine Genomics 30: 1-2 2016 IF: 1.88 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  18. Verde C, Giordano D, Bellas CM, di Prisco G, Anesio AM 2016 Polar marine microorganisms and climate change. Adv Microb Physiol 69: 187-215 Corresponding author 2019-2020 IF: 4.875 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  19. Fiocchetti M, Cipolletti M, Leone S, Naldini A, Carraro F, Giordano D, Verde C, Ascenzi P, Marino M 2016 Neuroglobin in breast cancer cells: effect of hypoxia and oxidative stress on protein level, localization, and anti-apoptotic function. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154959. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154959 2018 IF: 2.77 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  20. Ascenzi P, di Masi A, Leboffe L, Frangipani E, Nardini M, Verde C, Visca P 2015 Structural biology of bacterial haemophores. Adv Microb Physiol 67: 127-175 2015 IF: 3.41 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.45 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  21. Giordano D, Russo R, Coppola D, Altomonte G, di Prisco G, Bruno S, Verde C 2015 “Cool” adaptations to cold environments: globins in Notothenioidei. Hydrobiologia, Biology of the Ross Sea, 761: 293-312. ISSN: 0018-8158. doi: 10.1007/s10750-015-2306 Corresponding author 2015 IF: 2.66 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.16 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  22. Coppola D, Giordano D, Abbruzzetti S, Marchesani F, Balestrieri M, di Prisco G, Viappiani C, Bruno S, Verde C 2015 Functional characterisation of the haemoglobins of the migratory notothenioid fish Dissostichus eleginoides. Hydrobiologia, Biology of the Ross Sea, 761: 315-333. ISSN: 0018-8158 doi:10.1007/s10750-015-2439-2 Corresponding author 2015 IF: 2.66 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.16 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  23. Giordano D, Pesce A, Boechi L, Bustamante JP, Caldelli E, Howes BD, Riccio A, di Prisco G, Nardini M, Estrin D, Smulevich G, Bolognesi M, Verde C 2015 Structural flexibility of the heme cavity in the cold-adapted truncated hemoglobin from the Antarctic marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. FEBS J 282: 2948-2965. ISSN: 1742-464X. doi: 10.1111/febs.13335 Corresponding author 2015 IF: 4.24 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 4.53 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  24. Giordano D, Coppola D, Russo R, Denaro R, Giuliano L, Lauro F, di Prisco G, Verde C 2015 Marine microbial secondary metabolites: pathways, evolution and physiological roles. Adv Microb Physiol 66: 357-428. ISSN: 0065-2911 doi: 10.1016/bs.ampbs.2015.04.001 Corresponding author 2015 IF: 2.73 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.45 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  25. di Prisco G, Verde C 2015 The Ross Sea and its rich life: research on molecular adaptive evolution of stenothermal and eurythermal Antarctic organisms and the Italian contribution. Hydrobiologia, Biology of the Ross Sea, 761: 335-361(1). DOI: 10.1007/s10750-015-2425-8 2015 IF: 2.66 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.16 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  26. Mazzarella L, Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Verde C, di Prisco G, Peisach J, Vergara A 2014 Structural modifications induced by the switch from an endogenous bis-histidyl to an exogenous cyanomet hexa-coordination in a tetrameric haemoglobin. RSC Advances 4: 25852 2014 IF: 3.84 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.94 (ISI Web of Knowledge
  27. Giordano D, Coppola D, Russo R, Tinajero-Trejo M, di Prisco G, Lauro F, Ascenzi P, Verde C 2013 The globins of cold-adapted Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125: from the structure to the physiological functions. Adv Microb Physiol 63: 329-389 Corresponding author 2013 IF: 5.80 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.45 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  28. Russo R, Zucchelli S, Codrich M, Marcuzzi F, Verde C, Gustincich S 2013 Hemoglobin is present as a canonical α2β2 tetramer in dopaminergic neurons. Biochim Biophys Acta 1834: 1939-1943 Corresponding author 2013 IF: 3.19 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.61 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  29. Russo R, Giordano D, di Prisco G, Hui Bon Hoa G, Marden MC, Verde C, Kiger L 2013 Ligand-rebinding kinetics of 2/2 hemoglobin from the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. Biochim Biophys Acta 1834: 1932-1938 2013 IF: 3.19 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.61 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  30. Van Leuven W, Cuypers B, Desmet F, Giordano D, Verde C, Moens L, Van Doorslaer S, Dewilde S 2013 Is the heme pocket region modulated by disulfide-bridge formation in fish and amphibian neuroglobins as in humans? Biochim Biophys Acta 1834: 1757-1763 2013 IF: 3.19 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.61 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  31. Ronda L, Merlino A, Bettati S, Verde C, Balsamo A, Mazzarella L, Mozzarelli A, Vergara A 2013 Role of tertiary structures on the Root effect in fish hemoglobins. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1834: 1885-1893 2013 IF: 3.19 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.61 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  32. Coppola D, Giordano D, Tinajero-Trejo M, di Prisco G, Ascenzi P, Poole RK, Verde C 2013 Antarctic bacterial hemoglobin and its role in the protection against nitrogen reactive species. Biochim Biophys Acta 1834: 1923-1931 Corresponding author 2013 IF: 3.19 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.61 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  33. Gutt J, Adams B, Bracegirdle T, Cowan D, Cummings V, di Prisco G, Gradinger R, Isla E, McIntyre T, Murphy E, Peck L, Schloss I, Smith C, Suckling C, Takahashi A, Verde C, Wall DH, Xavier J 2012 Antarctic Thresholds - Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptation: a new SCAR-Biology Programme. Polarfoschung 82: 147-150 IF: NA
  34. Giordano D, Boron I, Abbruzzetti S, Van Leuven W, Nicoletti FP, Forti F, Bruno S, Cheng C.-H. C, Moens L, di Prisco G, Nadra AD, Estrin D, Smulevich G, Dewilde S, Viappiani C, Verde C 2012 Biophysical characterisation of neuroglobin of the icefish, a natural knockout for hemoglobin and myoglobin. Comparison with human neuroglobin. PLoS ONE 7(12): e44508. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044508 Corresponding author 2012 IF: 3.73 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.77 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  35. Coppola D, Abbruzzetti S, Nicoletti FP, Merlino A, Gambacurta A, Giordano D, Barry D. Howes BD, De Sanctis G, Vitagliano L, Bruno S, di Prisco G, Mazzarella L, Smulevich G, Coletta M, Viappiani C, Vergara A, Verde C 2012 ATP regulation of the ligand-binding properties in temperate and cold-adapted haemoglobins. X-ray structure and ligand-binding kinetics in the sub-Antarctic fish Eleginops maclovinus. Mol BioSystems 8(12): 3295-304. doi: 10.1039/c2mb25210d Corresponding author 2012 IF: 3.35 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.76 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  36. di Prisco G, Convey P, Gutt J, Cowan D, Conlan K, Verde C 2012 Understanding and Protecting the World’s Biodiversity: the Role and Legacy of the SCAR Programme Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic”. Marine Genomics Dec;8: 3-8. doi: 10.1016/j.margen.2012.04.001 Corresponding author 2012 IF: 1.34 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  37. Verde C, di Prisco G, Giordano D, Russo R, Anderson D, Cowan D 2012 Antarctic psychrophiles: models for understanding the molecular basis of survival at low temperature and responses to climate change. Biodiversity 13: 249-256 ISSN: 1488-8386, doi:10.1080/14888386.2012.706703 ISSN1488-8386 (Print), 2160-0651 (Online) Corresponding author IF: NA
  38. Verde C, Giordano D, di Prisco G, Andersen Ø 2012 The hemoglobins of polar fish: evolutionary and physiological significance of multiplicity in Arctic fish. Biodiversity 13: 228-233 ISSN1488-8386 (Print), 2160-0651 (Online) ISSN: 1488-8386, doi: 10.1080/14888386.2012.700345 Corresponding author IF: NA
  39. Gutt J, Zurell D, Bracegridle TJ, Cheung W, Clark MS, Convey P, Danis B, David B, De Broyer C, di Prisco G, Griffiths H, Laffont R, Peck L, Pierrat B, Riddle MJ, Saucede T, Turner J, Verde C, Wang Z, Grimm V 2012 Correlative and dynamic species distribution modelling for ecological predictions in the Antarctic: a cross-disciplinary concept. Polar Research 31: 11091 2012 IF: 1.62 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.50 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  40. Giordano D, Russo R, di Prisco G, Verde C 2012 Molecular adaptations in Antarctic fish and marine microorganisms. Marine Genomics 6: 1-6 Corresponding author 2012 IF: 1.34 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  41. Coppola D, Bruno S, Ronda L, Viappiani C, Abbruzzetti S, di Prisco G, Verde C, Mozzarelli A 2011 Low affinity PEGylated hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii, a model for hemoglobin-based blood substitutes. BMC Biochemistry 12: 66 2011 IF: 1.98 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.59 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  42. Boron I, Russo R, Boechi L, Cheng CH, di Prisco G, Estrin DA, Verde C, Nadra AD 2011 Structure and dynamics of Antarctic fish neuroglobin assessed by computer simulations. IUBMB Life 63: 206-213 2011 IF: 3.51 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.24 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  43. Howes BD, Giordano D, Boechi L, Russo R, Mucciacciaro S, Ciaccio C, Sinibaldi F, Fittipaldi M, Martí MA, Estrin DA, di Prisco G, Coletta M, Verde C, Smulevich G 2011 The peculiar heme pocket of the 2/2 hemoglobin of cold-adapted Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. J Biol Inor Chem 16: 299-311 2011 IF: 3.28 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.95 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  44. Merlino A, Howes BD, di Prisco G, Verde C, Smulevich G, Mazzarella L, Vergara A 2011 Occurrence and formation of endogenous histidine hexa-coordination in cold-adapted hemoglobins. IUBMB Life 63: 295-303 2011 IF: 3.51 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.24 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  45. Patarnello T, Verde C, di Prisco G, Bargelloni L, Zane L 2011 How will fish that evolved at constant sub-zero temperatures cope with global warming? Notothenioids as a case study. BioEssays 33: 260-268 (Invited Review) 2011 IF: 4.95 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 4.42 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  46. Giordano D, Russo R, Ciaccio C, Howes BD, di Prisco G, Marden MC, Hui Bon Hoa G, Smulevich G, Coletta M, Verde C 2011 Ligand- and proton-linked conformational changes of the ferrous 2/2 hemoglobin of Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. IUBMB Life 63: 566-573 Corresponding author 2011 IF: 3.51 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.24 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  47. Riccio A, Mangiapia G, Giordano D, Flagiello A, Tedesco R, Bruno S, Vergara A, Mazzarella L, di Prisco G, Pucci P, Paduano L, Verde C 2011 Polymerisation of hemoglobins in Arctic fish: Lycodes reticulatus and Gadus morhua. IUBMB Life 63: 346-354 Corresponding author 2011 IF: 3.51 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.24 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  48. Verde C, Giordano D, Russo R, Riccio A, Coppola D, di Prisco G 2011 Evolutionary adaptations in Antarctic fish: The oxygen-transport system, Oecologia Australis: Antarctic-South American interactions in the marine environment (ASAI) Special Issue 15(1): 40-50, doi:10.4257/oeco.2011.1501.04 Corresponding author IF: NA
  49. Giordano D, Russo R, Coppola D, di Prisco G, Verde C 2010 Molecular adaptations in hemoglobins of notothenioid fishes. J Fish Biol 76: 301-318 (Invited Review) Corresponding author 2010 IF: 1.33 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.70 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  50. Coppola D, Giordano D, Vergara A, Mazzarella L, di Prisco G, Verde C, Russo R 2010 The hemoglobins of sub-Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Polar Science 4: 295-308 2015 IF: 1.157 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.03 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  51. Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Balsamo A, Nicoletti F, Howes B, Giordano D, Coppola D, di Prisco G, Verde C, Smulevich G, Mazzarella L, Vergara A 2010 Crystallization, preliminary X-ray diffraction studies and Raman microscopy of the major hemoglobin from the sub-Antarctic fish Eleginops maclovinus in the carbomonoxy form. Acta Crystallographica Section F 66: 1536-1540 2010 IF: 0.56 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 0.99 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  52. Parrilli E, Giuliani M, Giordano D, Russo R, Marino G, Verde C, Tutino ML 2010 The role of a 2-on-2 haemoglobin in oxidative and nitrosative stress resistance of Antarctic Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. Biochimie 92: 1003-1009 2010 IF: 3.78 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.18 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  53. Russo R, Giordano D, Riccio A, di Prisco G, Verde C 2010 Cold-adapted bacteria and the globin case study in the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. Marine Genomics 3: 125-131 Corresponding author 2010 IF: 0.84 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  54. Russo R, Riccio A, di Prisco G, Verde C, Giordano D 2010 Molecular adaptations in Antarctic fish and bacteria. Polar Science 4: 245-256 2015 IF: 1.157 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.03 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  55. Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Sica F, Marino K, Verde C, di Prisco G, Mazzarella L 2010 An order-disorder transition plays a role in switching off the Root effect in fish hemoglobins. J Biol Chem 285: 32568-32575 2010 IF: 5.34 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 4.01 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  56. Giordano D, Boechi L, Vergara A, Martí MA, Samuni U, Dantsker D, Grassi L, Estrin DA, Friedman JM, Mazzarella L, di Prisco G, Verde C 2009 The hemoglobins of the sub-Antarctic fish Cottoperca gobio, a phyletically basal species. Oxygen-binding equilibria, kinetics and molecular dynamics. FEBS J 276: 2266-2277 Corresponding author 2009 IF: 3.04 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 4.53 (ISI Web of Knowledge)
  57. Cheng C-H, di Prisco G, Verde C 2009 The “icefish paradox”. Which is the task of neuroglobin Antarctic hemoglobin-less icefish? IUBMB Life 61: 184-188 Corresponding author 2009 IF: 3.58 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.24 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  58. Convey P, Bindschadler R, di Prisco G, Fahrbach E, Gutt J, Hodgson DA, Mayewski PA, Summerhayes CP, Turner J, the ACCE Consortium* 2009 Antarctic climate change and the environment. Antarctic Sci 21: 541-563 (*C Verde is in ACCE consortium) 2009 IF: 1.50 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.39 (ISI Web of knowledge) 147 Citations
  59. Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Howes BD, Verde C, di Prisco G, Smulevich G, Sica F, Vergara A 2009 Combined crystallographic and spectroscopic analysis of Trematomus bernacchii hemoglobin highlights analogies and differences in the peculiar oxidation pathway of Antarctic fish hemoglobins. Biopolymers 91: 1117-1125 2009 IF: 2.6 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.99 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  60. Vergara A, Franzese M, Merlino A, Bonomi G, Verde C, Giordano D, di Prisco G, Lee HC, Peisach J, Mazzarella L 2009 Correlation between hemichrome stability and Root effect in tetrameric hemoglobins. Biophys J 97: 866-874 2009 IF: 4.4 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  61. Verde C, Giordano D, Russo R, Riccio A, Vergara A, Mazzarella L, di Prisco G 2009 Hemoproteins in the cold. Marine Genomics 2: 67-73 (Invited Review) Corresponding author 2009 IF: 1.2 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  62. Cheng C-H, di Prisco G, Verde C 2009 Cold-adapted Antarctic fish: The discovery of neuroglobin in the dominant suborder Notothenioidei. Gene 433: 100-101 Corresponding author 2009 IF: 2.42 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  63. Verde C, Vergara A, Mazzarella L, di Prisco G 2008 The hemoglobins of fishes living at polar latitudes - Current knowledge on structural adaptations in a changing environment. Current Protein & Peptide Science 9: 578-590 (Invited Review) Corresponding author 2008 IF: 3.01 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.70 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  64. Vitagliano L, Vergara A, Bonomi G, Merlino A, Verde C, di Prisco G, Howes BD, Smulevich G, Mazzarella L 2008 Spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of a tetrameric haemoglobin oxidation reveals structural features of the functional intermediate R/T state. J Am Chem Soc 130: 10527-10535 2008 IF: 8.09 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 14.36 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  65. Merlino A, Verde C, di Prisco G, Mazzarella L, Vergara A 2008 Reduction of ferric hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii in a partial bis-histidyl state produces a deoxy coordination even when encapsulated into the crystal phase. Spectroscopy 22: 143-152 2008 IF: 0.82 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 0.84 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  66. Verde C, Giordano D, di Prisco G 2008 The adaptation of polar fishes to climatic changes: structure, function and phylogeny of hemoglobin. IUBMB Life 60: 29-40. (Invited Review) Corresponding author 2008 IF: 2.36 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.24 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  67. Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Verde C, di Prisco G, Mazzarella L 2008 Spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of bis-histidyl adducts in tetrameric hemoglobins. Meth Enzymol 436: 425-444 (Invited Review) 2008 IF: 2.31 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.98 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  68. Dettaï A, di Prisco G, Lecointre G, Parisi E, Verde C 2008 Inferring evolution of fish proteins: the globin case study. Meth Enzymol 436: 539-570 (Invited Review) Corresponding author 2008 IF: 2.31 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.98 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  69. Negrisolo E, Bargelloni L, Patarnello T, Ozouf-Costaz C, Pisano E, di Prisco G, Verde C 2008 Comparative and evolutionary genomics of globin genes in fish. Meth Enzymol 436: 511-538 (Invited Review) Corresponding author 2008 IF: 2.31 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.98 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  70. Giordano D, Vergara A, Lee H-C, Peisach J, Balestrieri M, Mazzarella L, Parisi E, di Prisco G, Verde C 2007 Hemoglobin structure/function and globin-gene evolution in the Arctic fish Liparis tunicatus. Gene 406: 58-68 Corresponding author 2007 IF: 2.87 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  71. Vergara A, Franzese M, Merlino A, Vitagliano L, Verde C, di Prisco G, Lee C-H, Peisach J, Mazzarella L 2007 Structural characterization of ferric hemoglobins from three Antarctic fish species of the suborder Notothenioidei. Biophys J 98: 2822-2829 2007 IF: 4.63 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  72. Giordano D, Parrilli E, Dettaï A, Russo R, Barbiero G, Marino G, Lecointre G, di Prisco G, Tutino L, Verde C 2007 The truncated hemoglobins in the Antarctic psychrophilic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. Gene 398: 69-77 Corresponding author 2007 IF: 2.87 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  73. di Prisco G, Eastman JT, Giordano D, Parisi E, Verde C 2007 Biogeography and adaptation of Notothenioid fish: hemoglobin function and globin-gene evolution. Gene 398: 143-155 Corresponding author 2007 IF: 2.87 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  74. Verde C, Vergara A, Giordano D, Mazzarella L, di Prisco G 2007 The Root effect - a structural and evolutionary perspective. Antarctic Sci 19: 271-278 (Invited Review) Corresponding author 2007 IF: 1.27 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.39 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  75. Verde C, Lecointre G, di Prisco G 2007 The phylogeny of polar fishes and the structure, function and molecular evolution of hemoglobin. Polar Biol 30: 523-539 (Invited Review) 2007 IF: 1.73 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.95 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  76. Giordano D, Grassi L, Parisi E, Bargelloni L, di Prisco G, Verde C 2006 Embryonic -globin in the non-Antarctic notothenioid fish Cottoperca gobio (Bovichtidae). Polar Biol 30: 75-82 Corresponding author 2006 IF: 1.50 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.95 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  77. Verde C, Balestrieri M, de Pascale D, Pagnozzi D, Lecointre G, di Prisco G 2006. The oxygen-transport system in three species of the boreal fish family Gadidae. Molecular phylogeny of haemoglobin. J Biol Chem 281: 22073-22084 2006 IF: 5.81 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 4.01 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  78. di Prisco G, Verde C 2006 Predicting the impacts of climate change on the evolutionary adaptations of polar fish. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol 5: 309-321. (Invited Review) IF: NA
  79. Verde C, Giordano, D, di Prisco G 2006 Molecular evolution of haemoglobins of polar fishes. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol 5: 297-308 (Invited Review) Corresponding author IF: NA
  80. Verde C, Parisi E, di Prisco G 2006 The evolution of thermal adaptation in polar fish. Gene 385: 137-145 (Invited Review) 2006 IF: 2.72 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  81. Mazzarella L, Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Merlino A, Bonomi G, Scala S, Verde C, di Prisco G 2006 High resolution crystal structure of deoxy hemoglobin from Trematomus bernacchii at different pH values: the role of histidine residues in modulating the strength of the Root effect. Proteins, Str Funct Bioinf 65: 490-498 2006 IF: 3.73 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.27 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  82. Verde C, Parisi E, di Prisco G 2006 Tracking adaptive evolution in the structure, function and molecular phylogeny of haemoglobin in non-Antarctic notothenioid fish species. Deep Sea Research 53: 1105-1114 2006 IF: 1.358 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.45 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  83. Mazzarella L, Bonomi G, Lubrano M, Merlino A, Riccio A, Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Verde C, di Prisco G 2006 Minimal structural requirements for Root effect: crystal structure of the cathodic hemoglobin isolated from the Antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi. Proteins, Str Funct Bioinf 62: 316-321 2006 IF: 3.73 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.27 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  84. Verde C, De Rosa MC, Giordano D, Mosca D, de Pascale D, Raiola L, Cocca E, Carratore V, Giardina B, di Prisco G 2005 Structure, function and molecular adaptations of haemoglobins of the polar cartilaginous fish Bathyraja eatonii and Raja hyperborea. Biochem J 389: 297-306 2005 IF: 4.22 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.86 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  85. Verde C, Howes B.D, De Rosa M.C, Raiola L, Smulevich G, Williams R, Giardina B, Parisi E, di Prisco G 2004 Structure and function of the Gondwanian hemoglobin of Pseudaphritis urvillii, a primitive notothenioid fish of temperate latitudes. Prot Sci 13: 2766-2781 2004 IF: 4.12 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.41 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  86. Verde C, di Prisco G 2004 Structure/function and phylogeny of hemoglobins of polar fishes. Micron 35: 77-80 (Invited Review) 2004 IF: 1.46 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.73 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  87. Verde C, Cocca E, de Pascale D, Parisi E, di Prisco G 2004 Adaptation and life style in polar marine environments: a biological challenge for the study of fish evolution. Polar Res 23: 3-10 (Invited Review) 2004 IF: 1.36 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.50 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  88. Verde C, Parisi E, di Prisco G 2004 Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic teleost haemoglobins: primary structure, function and phylogeny. Antarctic Sci 16: 59-69 Corresponding author 2004 IF: 0.91 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.39 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  89. Verde C, di Prisco G 2003 The oxygen-transport system of polar fish: evolution of hemoglobin. Ocean and Polar research 25: 617-623 Corresponding author IF: NA
  90. Verde C, Parisi E, di Prisco G 2003 The evolution of polar fish hemoglobin: a phylogenetic analysis of the ancestral amino acid residues linked to the Root effect. J Mol Evol 57: 258-267 2003 IF: 3.114 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.95 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  91. Pellegrini M, Giardina B, Verde C, Carratore V, Olianas A, Sollai L, Sanna MT, Castagnola M, di Prisco G 2003 Structural-functional characterisation of the cathodic haemoglobin of the conger eel, Conger conger. Molecular modelling study of an additional phosphate-binding site. Biochem J 372: 679-686 2003 IF: 4.101 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 3.86 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  92. Verde C, Carratore V, Riccio A, Tamburrini M, Parisi E, di Prisco G 2002 The functionallydistinct hemoglobins of the Arctic spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor. J Biol Chem 277: 36312-36320 2002 IF: 6.696 (ISI Web of Knowledge) 2018 IF: 4.01 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  93. Simonelli F, Zarrilli F, Mazzeo S, Verde C, Romano N, Savoia M, Testa F, Vitale DF, Rinaldi M, Sacchetti L 2002 Serum oxidative and antioxidant parameters in a group of Italian patients with age-related maculopathy. Clin Chim Acta 320: 111-115 2002 IF: 2.96 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.93 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  94. Tamburrini M, Verde C, Corda M, Olianas A, Serra S, Giardina B, di Prisco G, Pellegrini M 2001 The hemoglobin system of the brown moray Gymnothorax unicolor. Structure/function relationships. Eur J Biochem 268: 4104-4111 Currently FEBS J 2018 IF: 4.53 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  95. Moltedo O, Verde C, Capasso A, Parisi E, Remondelli P, Bonatti S, Alvarez-Hernandez X, Glass J, Leone A 2000 Zinc transport and metallothionein secretion in the intestinal human cell line CaCo-2. J Biol Chem 275: 31819-31825 2000 IF: 7.34 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 4.01 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  96. Scudiero R, Verde C, Carginale V, Kille P, Capasso C, di Prisco G & Parisi E 2000 Tissue specific regulation of metallothionein and metallothionein mRNA accumulation in the Antarctic notothenioid Notothenia coriiceps. Polar Biol 23: 17-23 2000 IF: 1.067 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.95 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  97. Verde C, Pascale MC, Martire G, Lotti LV, Torrisi MR, Helenius A, Bonatti S 1995 Effect of ATP depletion and DTT on the transport of membrane proteins from the E.R. to the Golgi complex. Eur J Cell Biol 67: 267-274 2018 IF: 2.95 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  98. Parente A, Verde C, Malorni A, Montecucchi PC, Aniello F, Geraci G 1993 Amino acid sequence of the cooperative dimeric myoglobin from the radular muscles of the marine gastropod Nassa mutabilis. Biochim Biophys Acta 1162: 1-9 2018 IF: 2.609 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  99. Tamburrini M, Scala G, Verde C, Parente A, Venuta S, D’Alessio G 1990 Immunosuppressive activity of bovine seminal ribonucleasi on T-cell proliferation. Eur J Biochem 190: 145-148 Currently FEBS J. 2018 IF: 4.53 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  100. Verde C, Malorni A, Parente A 1989 The primary structure of papaya mosaic virus coat protein: a revision. J Prot Chem 8: 795-805. Currently The Protein Journal 2018 IF: 1.13 (Journal Citation Reports)


  1. Verde C, Giordano D, Gutt J, di Prisco G 2016 Editor’s corner Molecular-genetic studies of polar biodiversity - Preface. Biodiversity 17: 1-3 Corresponding author IF: NA
  2. Danovaro R, Costantini M, Verde C 2015 The marine genome: structure, regulation and evolution. Marine Genomics. Nov 7. pii: S1874-7787(15)00135-X. doi: 10.1016/j.margen.2015.11.002 Corresponding author 2015 IF: 1.88 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  1. Arnone MI, Bowler C, Verde C, Glöckner FO 2014 Editor’s message. Marine Genomics 13: iii-iv 2014 IF: 1.80 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  2. Verde C, di Prisco G, Convey P 2012 Editors’ Comment. Marine Genomics 8:1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.margen.2012.11.001 Corresponding author 2012 IF: 1.34 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  3. Arnone MI, Verde C, Bowler C, Glöckner FO 2012 A new Editorial Team and Scope for Marine Genomics. Marine Genomics 5: iii-iv 2012 IF: 1.34 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  4. di Prisco G, Luporini P, Tutino L, Verde C 2009 Preface, Editor’s Comment. Special issue devoted to “The Polar and Alpine Environments: Molecular and Evolutionary Adaptations in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Organisms”. Marine Genomics 2: 1-1. doi: 10.1016/S1874-7787/ (09)00045-2 Corresponding author 2009 IF: 1.2 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 1.94 (ISI Web of knowledge)
  5. Moens L, Bolognesi M, di Prisco G, Verde C 2007 Preface, Editor’s comment Special issue devoted to “XIVth International Conference on Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins”. Gene 398: 1-1 DOI:10.1016/j-gene.2007.05.012 Corresponding author 2007 IF: 2.87 (ISI Web of knowledge) 2018 IF: 2.49 (ISI Web of knowledge)

Encyclopaedia (peer reviewed)

  1. Verde C, Giordano D, Russo R, di Prisco G 2011“Erythropoiesis in fishes”. In: on-line Encyclopaedia of Fish Physiology, from Genome to Environment (Ed. Farrell T.) Vol 2, pp. 992-997. San Diego: Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-1237-4553-8.00268-9 (Invited Review) ISBN: 9780123745453 - Corresponding author
  2. Verde C, Giordano D, Russo R, di Prisco G 2011 “Hemoglobin differentiation in fishes”. In: on-line Encyclopaedia of Fish Physiology, from Genome to Environment (Farrell T ed) Vol 2, pp. 944-950. San Diego: Academic Press. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-1237-4553-8.00111-8 (Invited Review) ISBN: 9780123745453 - Corresponding author
  3. di Prisco G, Verde C 2006 FISHES Encyclopedia of the Antarctic (Routledge publisher), Taylor and Francis Books, Inc., New York (Invited Review). ISBN: 10-0-415-97024-5 - Corresponding author

Chapters of SCAR ACCE REPORT 2009

  1. Ainsley D, Barrett P, Bindschadler R, Clarke A, Convey P, Fahrbach E, Gutt J, Hodgson D, Meredith M, Murray A, Pörtner H-O, di Prisco G, Schiel S, Speer K, Summerhayes C, Turner J, Verde C, Willems A 2009 The Antarctic Environment in the Global System. Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment, edited by John Turner, Robert Bindschadler, Pete Convey, Guido di Prisco, Eberhard Fahrbach, Julian Gutt, Dominic Hodgson, Paul Mayewski, Colin Summerhayes, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, UK, pp. 1-32. ISBN 978-0-948277-22-1 ( (Invited Review)
  2. Arbetter T, Arthern R, Barbante C, Bargagli R, Bergstrom D, Bertler N, Bindschadler R, Bockheim J, Boutron C, Bromwich D, Chown S, Clarke A, Comiso J, Convey P, Cook A, di Prisco G, Fahrbach E, Fastook J, Fleming A, Gugliemin M, Gutt J, Hellmer H, Hennion F, Heywood K, Holland D, Huiskes A, Jenkins A, Jones A, Lenton A, Hodgson D, Hong S, Jacobs S, Linse K, Marshall G, Mayewski P, Meredith M, Metzl N, Monaghan A, Naveira-Garabato A, Rintoul S, Roscoe H, Shanklin J, Scambos T, Sparrow M, Speer K, Stevens M, Summerhayes C, Turner J, van der Veen K, Vaughan D, Verde C, Wang Z, Webb D, Woodworth P, Worby T, Worland R, Yamanouchi T 2009 Observations, Data Accuracy and Tools. Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment, edited by John Turner, Robert Bindschadler, Pete Convey, Guido di Prisco, Eberhard Fahrbach, Julian Gutt, Dominic Hodgson, Paul Mayewski, Colin Summerhayes, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, UK, pp. 33-113. ISBN 978-0-948277-22-1 ( (Invited Review)
  3. Abram N, Anderson J, Bargelloni L, Barrett P, Bentley M.J, Bertler N.A.N, Chown S, Clarke A, Convey P, Crame A, Crosta X, Curran M, di Prisco G, Francis J.E, Goodwin I, Gutt J, Hodgson D, Massé G, Masson-Delmotte V, Mayewski P, Mulvaney R, Peck L, Pörtner H-O, Röthlisberger R, Stevens M, Summerhayes C, van Ommen T, Verde C, Verleyen E, Vyverman W, Wiencke C, Zane L 2009 Antarctic climate and environment history in the pre-instrumental period. Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment, edited by John Turner, Robert Bindschadler, Pete Convey, Guido di Prisco, Eberhard Fahrbach, Julian Gutt, Dominic Hodgson, Paul Mayewski, Colin Summerhayes, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, UK, pp. 115-180. ISBN 978-0-948277-22-1 ( (Invited Review)
  4. Adams B, Arthern R, Atkinson A, Barbante C, Bargagli R, Bergstrom D, Bertler N, Bindschadler R, Bockheim J, Boutron C, Bromwich D, Chown S, Comiso J, Convey P, Cook A, di Prisco G, Fahrbach E, Fastook J, Forcarda J, Gili J-M, Gugliemin M, Gutt J, Hellmer H, Hennion F, Heywood K, Hodgson D, Holland D, Hong S, Huiskes A, Isla E, Jacobs S, Jones A, Lenton A, Marshall G, Mayewski P, Meredith M, Metzl N, Monaghan A, Naveira-Garabato A, Newsham K, Orejas C, Peck L, Pörtner H-O, Rintoul S, Robinson S, Roscoe H, Rossi S, Scambos T, Shanklin J, Smetacek V, Speer K, Stevens M, Summerhayes C, Trathan P, Turner J, van der Veen K, Vaughan D, Verde C, Webb D, Wiencke C, Woodworth P, Worby T, Worland R, Yamanouchi T 2009 The Instrumental Period. Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment, edited by John Turner, Robert Bindschadler, Pete Convey, Guido di Prisco, Eberhard Fahrbach, Julian Gutt, Dominic Hodgson, Paul Mayewski, Colin Summerhayes, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, UK, pp. 183-293. ISBN 978-0-948277-22-1 ( (Invited Review)
  5. Barnes D, Bergstrom D, Bindschadler R, Bockheim J, Bopp L, Bracegirdle T, Chown S, Convey P, di Prisco G, Fahrbach E, Forcada J, Frenot Y, Goosse H, Gutt J, Hodgson D, Huiskes A, Jones A, Leaper R, Lefebvre W, Lenton A, Lynch A, Metzl N, Murray A, O’Farrell S, Peck L, Pörtner H-O, Roscoe H, Smale D, Smetacek V, Summerhayes C, Turner J, Vanreusel A, Vaughan D, Verde C, Wang Z 2009 The Next 100 Years. Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment, edited by John Turner, Robert Bindschadler, Pete Convey, Guido di Prisco, Eberhard Fahrbach, Julian Gutt, Dominic Hodgson, Paul Mayewski, Colin Summerhayes, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, UK, pp. 299-383. ISBN 978-0-948277-22-1 ( (Invited Review)

Book chapters

  1. di Prisco G, Ademollo N, Ancora S, Christiansen JS, Coppola D, Corsolini S, Ferrando S, Ghigliotti L, Giordano D, Lynghammar A, Nielsen J, Pisano E, Russo R, Steffensen JF, Verde C 2020 “Physiological traits of the Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus obtained during the TUNU-Expeditions to Northeast Greenland”. Chapter 3 in Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability (di Prisco G, Elster J, Huiskes A, Edwards H. eds), British Ecological Society Cambridge Univ Press
  2. Clark M, Verde C, Fineschi S, Loreto F, Peck L, di Prisco G, 2020 “Life in the extreme environments of our Planet under pressure: climate-induced threats and exploitation opportunities”. Chapter 11 in Life in Extreme Environments: Insights in Biological Capability (di Prisco G, Elster J, Huiskes A, Edwards H. eds), British Ecological Society Cambridge Univ Press
  3. di Prisco G, Verde C 2017 “The unique haemoglobin system of migratory Pleuragramma antarctica: correlation of hematological and biochemical adaptations with mode of life”. The Antarctic silverfish-a keystone species in a changing ecosystem (Vacchi M, Pisano E, Ghigliotti L. eds), Springer
  4. Verde C, di Prisco G 2013 “Preface” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 2. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (Verde C, di Prisco G, eds), Springer, pp. v-vi.
  5. Verde C, di Prisco G 2013 “Editorial Introduction” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 2. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY), (Verde C, di Prisco G, eds), Springer, pp. ix-xix.
  6. Verde C, di Prisco G 2013 “Conclusions” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 2. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY), (Verde C, di Prisco G, eds), Springer, pp. 231-232.
  7. Verde C, di Prisco G 2013 “Perspectives and Implications” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 2. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (Verde C, di Prisco G, eds), Springer, pp. 233-239.
  8. di Prisco G, Verde C 2012 “Preface” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 1. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (di Prisco G, Verde C, eds), Springer, pp. v ISSN 2193-7338 ISBN 978-3-642-27351-3.
  9. di Prisco G, Verde C 2012 “Editorial Introduction” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 1. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (di Prisco G, Verde C, eds), Springer, pp. ix-xx ISSN 2193-7338. ISBN 978-3-642-27351-3
  10. di Prisco G, Verde C 2012 “Conclusions” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 1. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (di Prisco G, Verde C, eds), Springer, pp. 215 ISSN 2193-7338 - ISBN 978-3-642-27351-3.
  11. di Prisco G, Verde C 2012 “Perspectives and Implications” From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 1. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (di Prisco G, Verde C, eds), Springer, pp. 217-222 ISSN 2193-7338 ISBN 978-3-642-27351-3.
  12. di Prisco G, Giordano D, Russo R, Verde C 2012 “The challenges of low temperature in the evolution of bacteria”. From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments Volume 1. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (di Prisco G, Verde C, eds), Springer, pp. 183-195 ISSN 2193-7338 ISBN 978-3-642-27351-3
  13. Verde C, Giordano D, Russo R, di Prisco G 2012 “The Adaptive evolution of polar fishes. Lesson from the function of hemoproteins”. From Pole to Pole, Adaptation and evolution in marine environments. A book series on the scientific achievements of environmental research during the International Polar Year (IPY) (di Prisco G, Verde C, eds), Springer, pp. 197-2013 ISSN 2193-7338 ISBN 978-3-642-27351-3
  14. Verde C, Giordano D, Russo R, di Prisco G 2011 Antarctic climate change and the marine habitat In Rassegna delle attività di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica del CNR nell’ambito del mare e delle sue risorse Eds Daniela Beatrici and Luigi Mazari Villanova, Dip. Terra e Ambiente, CNR. No COPY of the publication in attach
  15. di Prisco G, Giordano D, Russo R, Verde C 2011 Haemoproteins in cold enviroments-an evolutionary view. In: Hemoglobin: Recent Developments and Topics. (Nagai M ed) Research Signpost pp.211-229 (Invited Review) ISBN 978-81-308-0443-9
  16. Vergara A, Verde C, di Prisco G, Mazzarella L 2008 Bis-histidyl ferric adducts in tetrameric haemoglobins. In: Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Protein Reviews Series (M Bolognesi, G di Prisco, C Verde, eds). Springer, Milan, Italy, pp 93-105 (Invited Review). ISBN: 978-88-470-0806-9.
  17. Verde C, Berenbrink M, di Prisco G 2008 Evolutionary physiology of oxygen secretion in the eye of fishes of the suborder Notothenioidei. In: Dioxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins, Protein Reviews Series (M Bolognesi, G di Prisco, C Verde, eds.) Springer, Milan, Italy, pp 49-65 (Invited Review). ISBN: 978-88-470-0806-9.
  18. Verde C, di Prisco G 2007 Cambiamenti climatici e vita negli ambienti estremi. Struttura, funzione ed evoluzione delle emoglobine ei pesci polari. Clima e Cambiamenti Climatici In Rassegna delle attività di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica del CNR nell’ambito del mare e delle sue risorse Eds B Carli, G Cavarretta, M Colacino, S Fuzzi, Dip. Terra e Ambiente, CNR.

Articles for the common reader

  1. Verde C Feature Article “Ageing-The long and Short of It” for the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) 2016 March Bulletin Magazine.
  2. Ramirez-Llodra E, Le Bris N, Cunha MR, Baker MC, Roberts JM, Verde C, di Prisco G, Clark MS, Peck L, Lauro FM 2015 Chapter 3: Dynamics of Ecosystems under Global Change. Sailing through Changing Oceans: Ocean and Polar Life and Environmental Sciences on a Warming Planet. Science Position Paper, Pub. European Science Foundation
  3. di Prisco G, Verde C, Convey P 2011 A living and changing Antarctic International Innovation (Research Media Ltd). Issue 1: 104-107. ISSN 2041-4552
  4. di Prisco G, Verde C 2010 Fishing for clues in the Antarctic notothenioid population. International Innovation (Research Media Ltd). March 2010: 86-89. ISSN 2041-4551
  5. Verde C, di Prisco G 2009 EBA (Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic: the Response of Life to Change) International Innovation (Research Media Ltd). December 2009: 50-51. ISSN 2041-4551


  1. Giordano D, Coppola D, Russo R, di Prisco G, Verde C, Altomonte G 2016 Protein stability and dynamics in changing environments. Structural constraints and evolution at low temperature. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. XXXIV Giornata dell’Ambiente Strategie di Adattamento al Cambiamento Climatico. 8 November 2016.
  2. Verde C, Balestrieri M, Giordano D, Carratore V, Raiola L, Pagnozzi D, di Prisco G 2004 Physiological, biochemical and molecular bases of evolutionary adaptation in polar fish. Structure, function and molecular evolution of haemoglobin in Antarctic and Arctic species. Proceedings of the Fifth PNRA Meeting on Antarctic Biology. Polarnet Technical Report - PTR (P Luporini & M Morbidoni eds) On-line version ISSN 1592-5072
  3. Mazzarellla L, Vergara A, Vitagliano L, Bonomi G, Franzese M, Merlino A, Verde C, di Prisco G 2004 Structural peculiarity of Antarctic fish hemoglobins. Proceedings of the Fifth PNRA Meeting on Antarctic Biology. Polarnet Technical Report - PTR (P Luporini & M Morbidoni eds) On-line version ISSN 1592-5072
  4. Verde C, Parisi E, de Pascale D, Riccio A, di Prisco G 2003 The hemoglobin system of the Arctic spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor: comparison of northern and southern polar marine environments. In Proceedings of the SCAR 8th International Biology Symposium “Antarctic Biology in A Global Context” (AHL Huiskes, WWC Gieskes, J Rozema, RML Schorno, SM van der Vies, WJ Wolff, eds.) Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp 187-192. ISBN: 90-5782-079-X.
  5. Sollai L, Olianas A., Verde C, Sanna MT, Carratore V, Giardina B, di Prisco G, Pellegrini M 2001 Structural-functional relationships in the cathodic hemoglobin from Conger conger. Italian Journal of Biochemistry 50: 127-128
  6. D’Alessio G, Di Donato A, Parente A, Piccoli R, Ciardiello MA, De Nigris F, Grumetto L, Mastronicola R, Russo N, Verde C 1990 RNAases and RISBASES. Minerva Biotecnologica 2: 4. Edizioni Minerva Medica
  7. Piccoli R, Ciardiello MA, De Nigris F, Grumetto L, Mastronicola R, Russo G, Russo N, Verde C, Di Donato A, Furia A, Parente A, Pietropaolo T, D’Alessio G 1991 Engineering of seminal RNAse: First steps towards the construction of chimaeric ribonucleases. In “Structure, Mechanism and Function of Ribonucleases”. (Cuchillo CM, deLlorens R, Nogues MV & Pares X, eds.) pp 131-137. ISBN: 84-6040638-5
  8. Verde C, Malorni A, Parente A 1988 The NH2-Terminal amino acid residue of the coat protein of papaya mosaic virus is acetylated. Ital J Biochem 37: 329-330

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