Gabriele Bucci
Role: Senior Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Florence
Tel: (39) 055-5225722
E-mail: gabriele.bucci[at]
Personal Info
Born: Parma (Italy), May 15th 1964.
Nationality: Italian
Sex: Male
Professional Address:
Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse - Sezione di Firenze
v. Madonna del Piano 10,Building D - Room D082
I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze (Italy)
Personal Address:
v. di Catro 504/c
I-55058 S. Maria del Giudice, Lucca (Italy)
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Main Research Interests
- Microevolutionary processes, with special emphasis on the role of mating system and environmental heterogeneity in determining the spatial distribution of genetic variation in plant populations.
- Plant genome structure and organization, with special attention to linkage analysis, epistatic interactions between molecular markers in natural populations and linkage to quantitative traits involved in the resistance to stress factors.
- Molecular evolution, in particular in the validation of the hypothesis that repetitive sequences might play an important role in evolution at the molecular level (e.g., molecular drive sensu Dover) and might be involved in speciation.
- Reconstruction of evolutionary history of forest tree species by genetic methods, studies about the migration routes of forest species after the last ice-age in Europe, recognition of genetic reservoirs as a useful source of genetic resources for plant breeding and amelioration of adaptive traits
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Progetto Biomemory/CNR-DiSBA - Relazione II semestre
Bucci G, Ianigro M
Year: 2023
Progetto Biomemory/CNR-DiSBA - relazione I semestre
Bucci G, Ianigro M
Year: 2022
Impatto bibliometrico delle riviste italiane "peer-reviewed" nel settore forestale
Plutino M, Borghetti M, Bucci G, Chiavetta U, Ciancio O, Mori P, Nocentini S, Paletto A, Corona P
Year: 2019
Assessing the bibliometric productivity of forest scientists in Italy
Giannetti F, Chirici G, Paoletti E, Borghetti M, Corona P, Bucci G
Year: 2016
Mediterranean Germplasm Database
Bucci G, Scarascia M, Cataldo P, Ianigro M, Laghetti G, Vendramin GG
Year: 2014
Manuscript Processing System (MPS) Database ver. 2.1
Bucci G
Year: 2012
Role of domestication in shaping Castanea sativa genetic variation in Europe
Mattioni C, Cherubini M, Micheli E, Villani F, Bucci G
Year: 2008
Range-wide phylogeography and gene zones in Pinus pinaster Ait. revealed by chloroplast microsatellite markers
Bucci G, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Leprevost G, Plomion C, Ribeiro MM, Sebastiani F, Alia R, Vendramin GG
Year: 2007
Complexity of gene resources conservation and utilisation of a differently managed multipurpose tree species (Castanea sativa Mill.): What, where and how to conserve
Villani F, Eriksson G, Bucci G, Aravanoupoulos P, Botta R, Diamandis S, Fernandez Lopez J, Garrod G, Robin C, Romane F, Russell K, Vannini A, Akkak A, Alizoti E, Barreneche T, Blanco Silva R, Buck E, Casasoli - M, Cherubini M, Drouzas A, Grandianny M, Grossman A, Kremer A, Lauteri M, Marinoni D, Mattioni C, Mavrogiannis M, Monteverdi C, Perlerou H, Pliura A, Sansotta A, Scarpa R, Spalato F, Vettraino A, Zas R
Year: 2006
Molecular Population genetics and Dynamics of Chestnut (Castanea sativa) in Europe: Inferences for gene conservation and tree improvement
Aravanoupoulus FA, Bucci G, Akkak A, Blanco Silva R, Botta R, Buck E, Cherubini M, Drouzas AD, Fernandez-Lopez J, Mattioni C, Marinoni D, Papadima A, Russell K, Zas R, Villani F
Year: 2005
Diversità genetica delle specie arboree forestali
Bucci G, Scarascia-Mugnozza G, Villani F
Year: 2005
Management of genetic resources of the multi-purpose tree species Castanea sativa Mill
Eriksson G, Pliura A, Fernández-López J, Zas R, Blanco Silva R, Villani F, Bucci G, Casasoli M, Cherubini M, Lauteri M, Mattioni C, Monteverdi C, Sansotta A, Garrod G, Mavrogiannis M, Scarpa R, Spalato F, Aravanoupoulos P, Alizoti E, Drouzas A
Year: 2005
Management of genetic resources of the multi-purpose tree species Castanea sativa Mill.
Eriksson G, Pliura A, Fernandez-Lopez J, Zas R, Silva RB, Villani F, Bucci G, Casasoli M, Cherubini M, Lauteri M, Mattioni C, Monteverdi C, Sansotta A, Garrod G, Mavrogiannis M, Scarpa R, Spalato F, Aravanoupoulos P, Alizoti E, Drouzas A, Robin C, Barreneche T, Kremer A, Rornane F, Grandjanny M, Grossman A, Botta R, Marinoni D, Akkak A, Diamandis S, Perlerou H, Vannini A, Vettraino AM, Russell K, Buck, E
Year: 2005
Spatial autocorrelation and linkage of Mendelian RAPD markers in a population of Picea abies Karst
Bucci G, Menozzi P
Year: 2002
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA linkage relationships in different Norway spruce populations
Troggio M, Kubisiak TL, Bucci G, Menozzi P
Year: 2001
Delineation of genetic zones in the European Norway spruce natural range: preliminary evidence
Bucci G, Vendramin, GG
Year: 2000
Chloroplast microsatellite analysis reveals the presence of population subdivision in Norway spruce (Picea abies K.)
Vendramin GG, Anzidei M, Madaghiele A, Sperisen C, Bucci G
Year: 2000
Aspetti genetici del faggio in Italia
Bucci G, Raddi S, Vendramin GG, Leonardi S, Giannini R, Menozzi P
Year: 1999
Adaptability of relic populations: a case study in Pinus leucodermis Ant
Bucci G, Vendramin GG
Year: 1999
Detection of haplotypic variation and natural hybridization in halepensis-complex pine species using chloroplast simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
Bucci G, Anzidei M, Madaghiele A, Vendramin GG
Year: 1998
The genus Pinus
Bucci G, Giannini R
Year: 1998
A new set of PCR-based, locus-specific markers for Picea abies (L.) Karst
Scotti I, Troggio M, Soranzo N, Vendramin GG, Bucci G
Year: 1998
Distribution of genetic diversity in Pinus pinaster Ait. as revealed by chloroplast microsatellites
Vendramin GG, Anzidei M, Madaghiele A, Bucci G
Year: 1998
Norway spruce genetic resources in Italy
Bucci G
Year: 1997