Giuseppe Garfì
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578
E-mail: giuseppe.garfi[at]
Curriculum vitae
Name: Giuseppe Garfì
Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Palermo, National Research Council, - Corso Calatafimi, 414 - 90134 Palermo, Italy
Tel: ++39 091 6574578, Fax: ++39 091 423424
December 2001 to present: Permanent position as Researcher at the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources - Division of Palermo (from August 2005 to present) and at the Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean - Division of Cosenza (from December 2001 to August 2005).
Project Responsibility
2011-2016 - Scientific Responsible Project LIFE10 NAT/IT/000237: Zelkov@zione “Urgent actions to rescue Zelkova sicula from extinction”.
2013-2015 - Coordinator and Scientific Responsible Project PSR-Regione Siciliana - Misura 214/2°: “Recupero, conservazione e valorizzazione del germoplasma di vitigni minori (Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera) e vite selvatica (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) in Sicilia”.
2012-2013 - Scientific Responsible Project Institut Klorane, Fondation d’Entreprise pour la Protection et la Bonne Utilisation du Patrimoine Végétal (Laboratoires Pierre Fabre), Castres (France): “Sauvegarde des populations de Calendula maritima Guss., espèce menacée de la flore sicilienne”.
2002-2004 - Coordinator and Scientific Responsible Project P.O.N. Ricerca Scientifica, Sviluppo Tecnologico, Alta Formazione 2000-2006 - Mis. III.1 - Progetto n. 1131/321. High Training Course on “Esperti in Monitoraggio delle Risorse Forestali ai fini dell’attenuazione del Rischio Ambientale (MoRiFoA)”.
1998-2000: Postdoc fellowship, Department TeSAF, University of Padova.
March 1997: PhD in Biology of Populations and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University of Aix-Marseille III (France)
April 1988: Professional abilitation in Forestry.
January 1988: Master Degree (Laurea) in Forest Sciences at the University of Florence.
March 2003-May 2003 - Attendance to the course: “Spatial analysis of Environmental data - Statistic 2”. Programme of CNR Personnel Training, CNR-IRPI di Rende (CS).
June 2002-July 2002 - Attendance to the course: “Introduction to GIS ArcINFO”. Programme of CNR Personnel Training, CNR-IRPI di Rende (CS).
June 2000 - Attendance to the course: “Introduction to GIS ArcView 3.2”. INTEA s.r.l. Palermo.
December 1999 - Attendance to the short course: “Forestry and Wood arboriculture”, Project POM 1994-1999, MARBOLEG cod. A29. Villagrazia di Carini (PA).
March 1998 - Attendance to the “Workshop of Dendroecology”. Institut Méditerranéen d’Ecologie et de Paléoécologie, l’Université Aix-Marseille III (France).
August 1995 - Attendance to the “10th Fieldweek of Dendrochronology”. Centro di Ecologia Alpina di Monte Bondone (TN).
October 1994 - One month visiting at the University of Evora (Portugal) in the framework of young scientists exchange agreement between the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-Italy) and the Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (JNICT - Portugal). Project “Ecology, exploitation and management of Quercus suber forests in Gallura (Italy) and Alentejo (Portugal)”.
Teaching activity
October 2014 - Invited lecturer in the framework of the biogeography courses at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) on the topic: “Conservation biogeography of the Mediterranean Islands”
March 2010 - May 2010 - Course of Silviculture and Arboriculture, module “Dendrology”, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Palermo
March 1998 - May 2000 - Course of Forest Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Palermo
Academic appointments and activities
2006 to present - Member of the Mediterranean Islands Plant Specialist Group of SSC-IUCN
2010 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference: “La Gestion et la Conservation de la Biodiversité Continentale dans le Bassin Méditerranéen”. Tlemcen (Algérie), 11- 13 octobre 2010.
2001 - Member of the organising committee of the IUFRO International Conference “Collecting and Analyzing Information for Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Monitoring with Special Reference to Mediterranean Ecosystems”. Palermo, 4-7 December 2001.
Other work experience
2003: Independent Scientific Consultant within the Project POR Sicilia 2000-2006 - Misura 1.09, “Interventi di ripristino della funzionalità ecosistemica per la riduzione del rischio di desertificazione, l’incremento della biodiversità e la conservazione della popolazione endemica di Zelkova sicula, nel Bosco Pisano di proprietà del Comune di Buccheri”.
2000-2001: Independent contractor ( within the Project LIFE 99NAT/IT006279 “Verifica della Rete NATURA 2000 in Italia e modelli di gestione” at the Italian Academy of Forest Sciences.
1992-1993: Independent contractor ( within the Project “Nuovo Piano di Gestione Multicriteriale della Foresta di Vallombrosa (FI)” at the Institute of Forest Management and Technology, University of Florence.
Research Interest
- Conservation biology and ecology
- Forest dynamics and human impact
- Intra- and inter-specific interactions of forest species
- Response of forest species to biotic and abiotic stress
- Impact of forest management on water balance
- Indicators of sustainable forest management
- Forest management in Protected Areas and Nature 2000 site
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Biogeographic Overview of Ulmaceae: Diversity, Distribution, Ecological Preferences, and Conservation Status
Fragnière Y, Song YG, Fazan L, Manchester SR, Garfì G, Kozlowski G
Year: 2021
Translocation to prevent extinction in face of global change: the case of the sterile relict tree Zelkova sicula (Sicily, Italy)
Garfì G, Buord S, Carra A, Catalano C, Fazan L, Gautier C, Gristina AS, Livreri Console S, Motisi A, Perrotta G, Kozlowski G, Pasta S
Year: 2021
From glacial refugia to hydrological microrefugia: Factors and processes driving the persistence of the climate relict tree Zelkova sicula
Garfì G, Carimi F, Fazan L, Gristina AS, Kozlowski G, Livreri Console S, Motisi A, Pasta S
Year: 2021
Relict trees driving international cooperation, research and conservation - The example of Zelkova spp. (Ulmaceae)
Gratzfeld J, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Christe C, Buord S, Garfi G, Pasta S, Fournaraki Ch, Dimitriou D, Sklavaki P, Naciri Y, Dadashova A, Davitashvili N, Song Y
Year: 2018
The red list of Zelkova
Kozlowski G, Bétrisey S, Song Y, Fazan L, Garfì G
Year: 2018
First report of Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus in wild grapevines (Vitis vinifera spp. sylvestris) in Tunisia
Selmi I, Pacifico D, Harbi Ben Slimane M, Garfi G, Carimi F, Mahfoudhi N
Year: 2018
Zelkova sicula. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017
Garfì G, Pasta S, Fazan L, Kozlowski G
Year: 2017
Occurrence of grapevine virus A in wild grapevines (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris) in Tunisia
Selmi I, Pacifico D, Lehad A, Garfi G, Carimi F, Mahfoudhi N
Year: 2017
Securing the future of a unique Sicilian plant on the verge of extinction - population introduction of Zelkova sicula
Garfì G, Pasta S, Buord St, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Gratzfeld J
Year: 2016
Whither rare relict trees in a climate of rapid change?
Gratzfeld J, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Buord S, Garfi G, Pasta S, Gotsiou P, Fournaraki Ch, Dimitriou D
Year: 2015
Footprints of past intensive diversification and structuring in the genus Zelkova (Ulmaceae) in south-western Eurasia
Christe C, Kozlowski G, Frey D, Betrisey S, Maharramova E, Garfi G, Pirintsos S, Naciri Y
Year: 2014
The Tertiary relict tree Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae): distribution, population structure and conservation status on Crete
Kozlowski G, Frey D, Fazan L, Egli B, Bétrisey S, Gratzfeld J, Garfì G, Pirintsos S
Year: 2014
Fine-scale spatial patterns of the Tertiary relict Zelkova abelicea indicate possible processes contributing to its persistence to climate changes
Bosque M, Adamogianni M-I, Bariotakis M, Fazan L, Stoffel M, Garfì G, Gratzfeld J, Kozlowski G, Pirintsos S
Year: 2013
Habitat features and genetic integrity of wild grapevine Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (C.C. Gmel.) Hegi populations: A case study from Sicily
Garfì G, Mercati F, Fontana I, Collesano G, Pasta S, Vendramin GG, De Michele R, Carimi F
Year: 2013
Contrasting patterns of climatic changes during the Holocene in the Central Mediterranean (Italy) reconstructed from pollen data
Peyron O, Magny M, Goring S, Joannin S, de Beaulieu J-L, Brugiapaglia E, Sadori L, Garfi G, Kouli K, Ioakim C, Combourieu-Nebout N
Year: 2013
Relict species and the challenges for conservation: the emblematic case of Zelkova sicula Di Pasquale, Garfì et Quézel and the efforts to save it from extinction
Garfì G, Buord S
Year: 2012
Additional insights on the ecology of the relic tree Zelkova sicula Di Pasquale, Garfì et Quézel (Ulmaceae) after the finding of a new population
Garfì G, Carimi F, Pasta S, Rühl J, Trigila S
Year: 2011
Impact of thinning on the water balance of a catchment in Mediterranean environment
Callegari G, Ferrari E, Garfì G, Iovino F, Veltri A
Year: 2003