National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Loredana Abbate

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578
E-mail: loredana.abbate[at]

Curriculum vitae

Name: Loredana Abbate
Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Division of Palermo, National Research Council, - Calatafimi, 414 - 900129 Palermo, Italy,
Tel: ++39 091 6574578, Fax: ++39 091 423424

Education and Training

Aug 2001: Permanent position as CTER at the “Istituto di Ricerca per la Genetica degli Agrumi” CNR in Palermo, Italy. (former Centro di Studio per il Miglioramento Genetico degli Agrumi of Palermo), now named IBBR Divison of Palermo;
March 1997: Graduated in Agricultural Science at the University of Palermo
1993-1996: Volunteer at the “Centro di Studio per il Miglioramento Genetico degli Agrumi of Palermo”, National Research Council “working on "Protoplast fusion and regeneration of Citrus somatic hybrids”
1991-1993 technical scholarship at the “Centro di Studio per il Miglioramento Genetico degli Agrumi of Palermo”, National Research Council “working on "Protoplast fusion and regeneration of Citrus somatic hybrids”

Research interests and laboratory experience

Plant tissue culture;
Chemical mutagenesis and isolation of induced mutants;
Cytology and Flow cytometry:
Analysis of isozymes by electrophoresis and histochemical staining;
Protoplast fusion and regeneration of somatic hybrids;
Good laboratory practice resulting from many years of experience. Good practice of the main instruments and laboratory equipment.
Partecipation course “6°PQRST Agenzia APRE” (Roma 4-5 marzo 2002);
Partecipation course “Cytology - GIC Urbino”
Partecipation course “Flow cytometry - Olomouc (Repubblica Ceca) at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic;

Main activities and responsibilities

Responsible of the laboratory of In Vitro Cultures and Technologies
(RUP) dell’Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse UOS Palermo

  • Supervisor experimental of the Institute of Bioscience and BioResources (IBBR - CNR), Collesano, Palermo.
  • Supervisor of the collections of "citrus fruit" subject to protection and conservation preserved at the experimental site located in c.da Pozzetti Collesano (Pa)
  • Supervisor of the collections of "olive tree" preserved at the experimental site located in c.da Pozzetti Collesano (Pa))
  • Tutor of project “Programma di formazione plurisettoriale Scienze per la Diplomazia
  • Tutor of project “Tecnologie e processi per il miglioramento della shelf-life dei prodotti del comparto agroalimentare attraverso l’uso di film edibili innovativi a base pectinica

List of publication

  1. De Lorenzis G., Mercati F., Bergamini C., Cardone M.F., Lupini A., Mauceri A., Caputo A.R., Abbate L., Barbagallo M.G., Antonacci D., Sunseri F., Brancadoro L. (2018) SNP genotyping elucidates the genetic diversity of Magna Graecia grapevine germplasm and its historical origin and dissemination BMC Plant Biology
  1. Faddetta T., Abbate L*., Renzone G., Palumbo Piccionello A., Maggio A., Oddo E., Scaloni A., Puglia A.M., Gallo G., Carimi F., Fatta Del Bosco S., Mercati F. (2018) An integrated proteomic and metabolomic study to evaluate the effect of nucleus-cytoplasm interaction in a diploid citrus cybrid between sweet orange and lemon Plant Molecular Biology -#Primo nome in co-authorship
  2. Abbate L, Panno S, Mercati F, Davino S, Fatta Del Bosco S (2018) Citrus rootstock breeding: response of four allotetraploid somatic hybrids to Citrus tristeza virus induced infections. European Journal of Plant Pathology, doi: 10.1007/s10658-018-1599-0
  3. Raji M.R., Lotfi M., Tohidfar M., Zahedi B., Carra A., Abbate L., Carimi F. (2018) Somatic embryogenesis of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) and genetic stability assessment of regenerants using flow cytometry and ISSR markers Protoplasma (2018) 255:873 -883
  4. Fatta Del Bosco S, Napoli E, Mercati F, Abbate L., Carimi F, Ruberto G (2017). Somatic cybridization for Citrus: polyphenols distribution in juices and peel essential oil composition of a diploid cybrid from Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tan.) and sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.). Genet Resour Crop Evol, 64(2):261-275, doi: 10.1007/s10722-015-0348-x
  5. Harkess A, Mercati F, Abbate L, McKain M, Pires JC, Sala T, Sunseri S, Falavigna A, Leebens-Mack J (2016) Retrotransposon proliferation coincident with the evolution of dioecy in Asparagus. G3 - Genes Genomes Genetics, doi:10.1534/g3.116.030239Retrotransposon proliferation coincident with the evolution of dioecy in Asparagus
  6. Carra A., Sajeva M., Abbate L, Siragusa M., Pathirana R., e Carimi F. Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis in eight Italian grapevine cultivars and the genetic stability of embryo-derived regenerants as assessed by molecular markers. Scientia Horticulturae 204 (2016) 123-127
  7. Catalano C., Abbate L, Fatta Del Bosco S., Motisi A. and Carrubba A. Micropropagation and in vitro Culture of Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium ) (2014) Natural Products: Research Reviews Vol. 2
  8. Fatta Del Bosco S., Abbate L., Tusa N., Strano T., Renda A., Ruberto G. (2013) Genetic improvement of Citrus fruits: The essential oil profiles in a Citrus limon backcross progeny derived from somatic hybridization. Food Research International Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 344-350 doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2012.10.041
  9. Carra A., Sajeva M., Abbate L., Siragusa M., Sottile F., Carimi F. (2012) In vitro plant regeneration of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from floral explants and genetic stability of regenerants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture May 2012, Volume 109, Issue 2, pp 373-381;doi: 10.1007/s11240-011-0102-9
  10. Abbate L., Tusa N., Fatta Del Bosco S., Strano T., Renda A., Ruberto G. (2012) Genetic improvement of Citrus fruits: New somatic hybrids from Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb. and Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F. Food Research International Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 284-290
  11. Carimi F., Mercati F., Abbate L., Sunseri F. Microsatellite analyses for evaluation of genetic diversity among Sicilian grapevine cultivars. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution (2010), Volume 57, Issue 5, pp 703-719 DOI 10.1007/s10722-009-9506-3;
  12. Ferrante S.P., Lucretti S., Reale S., De Patrizio A., Abbate L., Tusa N., Scarano M-T (2010) Assessment of the origin of new citrus tetraploid hybrids (2n = 4x) by means of SSR markers and PCR based dosage effects. Euphytica Volume 173, Issue 2, pp 223-233; DOI 10.1007/s10681-009-0093-3
  13. Siragusa M., De Pasquale F., Abbate L., Martorana L.and Tusa N. (2008) The Genetic Variability of Sicilian Lemon Germplasm Revealed by Molecular Marker Fingerprints. JASHS March vol. 133 no. 2 pp242-248
  14. Tusa N., Abbate L., Renda A. and Ruberto G. (2007) Polyphenols Distribution in Juices from Citrus Allotetraploid Somatic Hybrids and Their Sexual Hybrids. J. Agric. Food Chem., 55 (22), pp 9089-9094 doi: 0.1021/jf0705466
  15. Siragusa M., De Pasquale F., Abbate L., and Tusa N. (2006) Identification of Sour Orange Accessions and Evaluation of Their Genetic Variability by Molecular Marker Analyses. HortScience 41 no. 1 pp 84-89
  16. Scarano MT., Tusa N., Abbate L., Lucretti S., Nardi L., Ferrante S. (2003) Flow Cytometry, SSR and modified AFLP markers for the identification of zygotic plantlets in backcrosses between ‘Femminello’ lemon cybrids (2n and 4n) and a diploid clone of ‘Femminello’ lemon (Citrus limon L. Burm. F.) tolerant to mal secco disease. Plant Science. 164(6): 1009-1017; doi:10.1016/S0168-9452(03)00088-8
  17. Scarano MT:, Abbate L., Ferrante S., Lucretti S., Tusa N. (2002) ISSR-PCR technique: a useful method for characterizing new allotetraploid somatic hybrids of mandarin. Plant Cell Reports. 20:1162-1166
  18. Tusa N., Abbate L., Ferrante S., Lucretti S., Scarano MT. (2002) Identification of zygotic and nucellar seedlings in Citrus interploid crosses by means of isozymes, flow cytometry abd ISSR-PCR. Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters. 7:703-708;

Book Chapters

  1. Citrus Genetic Improvement: New Citrus Hybrids from Breeding Procedures and Evaluation of Their Genetic and Phytochemical Aspects. Citrus Fruits: Production, Consumption and Health Benefits. Napoli E, Ruberto G, Abbate L, Mercati F, Fatta Del Bosco S. (2016) ISBN: 978-1-63484-078-1 Editors: Daphne Simmons
  2. Abbate L, Ben Hadj Alouane RB, Askri F, Ben Mohamed H, Bouamama B, Carimi F, et al. (2016) Carte génétique des principales vignes autochtones Siciliennes et Tunisiennes. Arti Grafiche Campo s.r.l. - Alcamo, pp. 58;

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