Teresa Docimo
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 0812539223
E-mail: teresa.docimo[at]ibbr.cnr.it
URL: http://ibbr.cnr.it
PhD on” Biochemistry and Pathology of Drug’s Action”, University of Salerno, 2008
Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Naples, Federico II, 2003
Work experiences
2004-2008: Ph. D Student at the University of Salerno
2006-2007: Ph. D visiting scientist at the Washington State University, Pullman, laboratories of Prof. Rodney Croteau
2008 - 2011: Post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena, Biochemistry Department Director Prof. Jonathan Gershenzon
2011-2013: Post-doctoral fellow at CNR, IBBA, laboratories of Doctor Monica Mattana
2013-2017: Post-doctoral fellow at CNR-IBBR, Research Division of Portici
April 2018-December 2018: researcher technologist at L’Incanto s. r. l, Paris
2018-Researcher at CNR-IBBR, Research Division of Portici
Main research topics
My research activity within the “Genetics and biotechnologies for the improvement of agro-industrial productions” group at CNR-IBBR in Portici is focused on the investigation of the biosynthetic pathways leading to plant specialized metabolites production, including their regulation and evolution.
Others focus regard
- Study of molecular mechanisms and regulatory networks underlying plant-environmental interactions
- Selection and characterization of genotypes with higher nutritional commercial, nutraceutical quality
- Characterization and improvement of genotypes of ligno-cellulosic biomass crops with increased tolerance to drought and salt stress
Transcriptome reprogramming, epigenetic modifications and alternative splicing orchestrate the tomato root response to the beneficial fungus Trichoderma harzianum. Monica De Palma, Maria Salzano, Clizia Villano, Riccardo Aversano, Matteo Lorito, Michelina Ruocco, Teresa Docimo, Anna Lisa Piccinelli, Nunzio D’Agostino, and Marina Tucci. Horticulture Research. DOI: 10.1038/s41438-018-0079-1
Metabolic and Molecular Changes of the Phenylpropanoid Pathway in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Lines Carrying Different Solanum pennellii Wild Chromosomal Regions. Rigano, MM; Raiola, A; Docimo, T; Ruggieri, V; Calafiore, R; Vitaglione, P; Ferracane, R; Frusciante, L; Barone, A Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X Volume: 7 , 2016. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01484
Insights in the fruit flesh browning mechanisms in Solanum melongena genetic lines with opposite post-cut behavior. Docimo T, Francese G, De Palma M, Mennella D, Toppino L, Lo Scalzo R, Mennella G, Tucci M. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b00662.
Phenylpropanoids accumulation in eggplant fruits: characterization of biosynthetic genes and regulation by a MYB transcription factor. Docimo T, Francese G., Ruggiero A., Batelli G., De Palma M., Bassolino L,Toppino L, Rotino G.L, Mennella G, Tucci M. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01233.
Influence of medium and elicitors on the production of cocaine, amino acids and phytohormones by Erythroxylum coca calli. Docimo T, A. J. Davis, K. Luck, C. Fellenberg, M. Reichelt, M. Phillips, J. Gershenzon, J. C. D’Auria. Plant Cell and Tissue Organ Culture, 120 (3), 1061-1075, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s11240-014-0660-8
Characterization of edestin gene family in Cannabis sativa L. Docimo T, Caruso I, Ponzoni E, Mattana M, Galasso I. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 84, 142-148, 2014. doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2014.09.011
Role of Arabidopsis UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 in plant growth reduction under osmotic stress. Fasano R, Gonzalez N, Tosco A, Dal Piaz F, Docimo T, Serrano R, Grillo S, Leone A and Inzé D. Molecular Plant. 2014 doi:10.1093/mp/ssu002
Early phenylpropanoid biosynthetic steps in Cannabis sativa: link between genes and metabolites. Docimo T, Consonni R, Coraggio I, Mattana M. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013, doi:10.3390/ijms140713626
Selection and validation of reference genes for quantitative gene expression studies in Erythroxylum coca. Docimo T, Schmidt G W, Luck K, Delaney S K, D’Auria J C. F1000 Research 2013, 2:37 , doi: 10.3410/f1000research.2-37. v1)
Ectopic expression of the Osmyb4 rice gene enhances synthesis of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in tobacco and clary sage. Docimo T, Mattana M, Fasano R, Consonni R., De Tommasi N, Coraggio I, Leone A. Biologia Plantarum. 2013. doi: 10.1007/s10535-012-0257-1.
Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton: honey bee forage and preliminary results on the metabolic profiling by NMR spectroscopy. Consonni R, Cagliani L. R, Docimo T, Abderrahmane R, Ferrazzi P. Natural Product Research. 12/2012; doi:10.1080/14786419.2012.751598
The first step in the biosynthesis of cocaine in Erythroxylum coca: the characterization of arginine and ornithine decarboxylases. Docimo T, Reichelt M, Schneider B, Kai M, Kunert G, Gershenzon J, D’Auria J C. Plant Molecular Biology. 02/2012; 78(6): 599-615. doi: 10.1007/s11103-012-9886-1
The MAP kinase MpkA controls cell wall integrity, oxidative stress response, gliotoxin production and iron adaptation in Aspergillus fumigatus. Jain R, Valiante V, Remme N, Docimo T, Heinekamp T, Hertweck C, Gershenzon J, Haas H, Brakhage A A. Molecular Microbiology. 08/2011; 82(1): 39-53. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2011.07778.x.
Scalarane metabolites of the nudibranch Glossodoris rufomarginata and its dietary sponge from the South China Sea. Gavagnin M, Mollo E, Docimo T, Guo YW, Cimino G. Journal of Natural Products. 2004 Dec; 67(12):2104-7. doi: 10.1021/np040087s
Book chapter
In Vasil Georgiev, Atanas Pavlov Salvia Biotechnology Vincenzo D’Amelia, Alessandra Ruggiero, Valentina Tranchida-Lombardo, Antonietta Leone,Marina Tucci, Teresa Docimo. Biosynthesis of Salvia specialized metabolites and biotechnological approaches to increase their production ISBN: 9783319738994 , 2017.
Diamond Congress Ltd. XVI. Conference paper: Proceedings of XVIth EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Working Group Meeting Docimo T, Francese G, Ruggiero A., Batelli G., De Palma M., Bassolino L., Toppino L., Rotino G.L. Mennella G., Tucci M. Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and regulation in Solanum melongena cv Lunga Napoletana. pp.506-513 ISBN 9786155270277201
Da antiche culture materiali e prodotti per il futuro. T. Docimo, R. Consonni, L.R. Cagliani, G. Lesma, V. Vito, C. Remuzzi, G. Roda, A. Silvani, A. Genga, F. Locatelli, I. Coraggio, M. Mattana Fenilpropanoidi in canapa e lino: via biosintetica e metaboliti prodotti. (ISBN o ISSN)978-88-907569-1-7, 2014
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Changes in rhizosphere bacterial community and plant morpho-physiological traits as signature of tomato response to recurrent drought stress.
De Palma M, Bubici G, Aurilia V, Docimo T, Guarino G, Ruocco M, Cellini F, Summerer S, Petrozza A
Year: 2023
Enzyme-Based Biostimulants Influence Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Lactuca sativa L.
Tamburino R, Docimo T, Sannino L, Gualtieri L, Palomba F, Valletta A, Ruocco M, Scotti N
Year: 2023
Abiotic Stresses Elicitation Potentiates the Productiveness of Cardoon Calli as Bio-Factories for Specialized Metabolites Production
D’alessandro R, Docimo T, Graziani G, D’amelia V, De Palma M, Cappetta E, Tucci M
Year: 2022
Strategies to Modulate Specialized Metabolism in Mediterranean Crops: From Molecular Aspects to Field
Balestrini R, Brunetti C, Cammareri M, Caretto S, Cavallaro V, Cominelli E, De Palma M, Docimo T, Giovinazzo G, Grandillo S, Locatelli F, Lumini E, Paolo D, Patanè C, Sparvoli F, Tucci M, Zampieri E
Year: 2021
Onion peel: turning a food waste into a resource
Celano R, Docimo T, Piccinelli AL, Gazzerro P, Tucci M, Di Sanzo R, Carabetta S, Campone L, Russo M, Rastrelli L
Year: 2021
Specialized metabolite profiling of different Glycyrrhiza glabra organs by untargeted UHPLC-HRMS
Celano R, Docimo T, Piccinelli AL, Rizzo S, Campone L, Di Sanzo R, Carabetta S, Rastrelli L, Russo M
Year: 2021
Specialized Metabolites and Valuable Molecules in Crop and Medicinal Plants: The Evolution of Their Use and Strategies for Their Production
D’amelia V, Docimo T, Crocoll C, Rigano MM
Year: 2021
Transcriptome modulation by the beneficial fungus Trichoderma longibrachiatum drives water stress response and recovery in tomato
De Palma M, Docimo T, Guida G, Salzano M, Albrizio R, Giorio P, Ruocco M, Tucci M
Year: 2021
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cardoon cell cultures allows alteration of the phenylpropanoid pathway
Paolo D, Locatelli F, Cominelli E, Pirona R, Graziani G, Docimo T, Tucci M, Sparvoli F
Year: 2021
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cardoon cell cultures allows alteration of the phenylpropanoid pathway
Paolo D., Locatelli F., Cominelli E., Pirona R., Graziani G., Docimo T., Tucci M., Sparvoli F.
Year: 2021
Towards a Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var. altilis)-Based Biorefinery: A Case Study of Improved Cell Cultures via Genetic Modulation of the Phenylpropanoid Pathway
Paolo, D.; Locatelli, F.; Cominelli, E.; Pirona, R.; Pozzo, S.; Graziani, G.; Ritieni, A.; De Palma, M.; Docimo, T.; Tucci, M.; Sparvoli, F.
Year: 2021
Genome-wide identification of Dof transcription factors in cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var altilis)
Cappetta E, Esposito S, D’Alessandro R, De Palma M, Docimo T, Tucci M
Year: 2020
Changes in transcription and metabolic fluxes induced by cold and salt in cardoon calli differ with stress duration and intensity
D’Alessandro R, Cappetta E, Sparvoli F, De Palma M, Docimo T, Tucci M
Year: 2020
Physiological, biochemical, and metabolic responses to short and prolonged saline stress in two cultivated cardoon genotypes
Docimo T, De Stefano R, Cappetta E, Piccinelli AL, Celano R, De Palma M, Tucci M
Year: 2020
Transcriptional, metabolic and DNA methylation changes underpinning the response of Arundo donax ecotypes to NaCl excess
Docimo T, De Stefano R, De Palma M, Cappetta E, Villano C, Aversano R, Tucci M
Year: 2020
Changes in phenolics and fatty acids composition and related gene expression during the development from seed to leaves of three cultivated cardoon genotypes
Graziani G, Docimo T, De Palma M, Sparvoli F, Izzo L, Tucci M, Ritieni A
Year: 2020
Transcriptome reprogramming, epigenetic modifications and alternative splicing orchestrate the tomato root response to the beneficial fungus Trichoderma harzianum
De Palma M, Salzano M, Villano C, Aversano R, Lorito M, Ruocco M, Docimo T, Piccinelli AL, D’agostino N, Tucci M
Year: 2019
BOBCAt: BiOtechnologies for sustainable production of Bio-based commodities and specialty products in a CArdoon-based biorefinery
Tucci M, Docimo T, De Palma M, Ritieni A, Martello A, Langellotti AL, Graziani G, Rizzo M, Antonello V, Re I, D’Imporzano G, Baldoni E, Cominelli E, Sparvoli F
Year: 2019
Biosynthesis of Salvia specialized metabolites and biotechnological approaches to increase their production
D’Amelia V, Ruggiero A, Tranchida-Lombardo V, Leone A, Tucci M, Docimo T
Year: 2017
Metabolic and molecular changes of the phenylpropanoid pathway in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) lines carrying different solanum pennellii wild chromosomal regions
Rigano MM, Raiola A, Docimo T, Ruggieri V, Calafiore R, Vitaglione P, Ferracane R, Frusciante L, Barone A
Year: 2016