National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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IBBR Project #200

Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator
Project ID 200
ID -
Acronym IBISBA
Project acronym and title Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator
Contract 730976
Description The overarching aim of IBISBA 1.0 is to support and accelerate the uptake of industrial biotechnology as a ket enabling technology for advanced manufacturing. To do this, IBISBA 1.0 will promote a distributed network of research infrastructure facilities to promote R&D in bioprocess development and support the bioeconomy KET. The facilities cover a variety of experimental and in silico operations and disciplines, and together represent the R&D continuum in the range TRL2 to 6 needed to build quality biomanufacturing processes for industrialisation. In addition to hardware, IBISBA 1.0 will operate an ICT platform, linking all project events occurring on facilities, and external data repositories, and provide users with end-to-end project management and access to a wide variety of research assets. Together, these developments create the basis for a future Pan-European research infrastructure for industrial biotechnology, the feasibility of which will be established during the project. Through IBISBA 1.0, the participant facilities will be opened for transnational access, thus providing cutting edge technologies to a cross section of Europés researchers, including early career stage
UOS Napoli
Role Work Package Leader
Signatory Francesco Loreto
Contact Person Cobucci-Ponzano Beatrice
Project Web SIte
Starting of activities 2017
Ending of activities 2022
Extension -
Amount (euro) 5000000.00
Technological Area -
Technological Field Intensificazione sostenibile delle produzioni agroalimentari e forestali
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Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR/CNR)
Via G. Amendola 165/A, I-70126 Bari (Italy)
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