National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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IBBR publication #1793

SaVeGraINPuglia for safeguarding legume, cereal and forage landraces from Apulia region (Italy)

Laghetti G, Piergiovanni AR, Margiotta B

In: “Crop diversification in a changing world - Mobilizing the green gold of plant genetic resources. EUCARPIA Genetic Resources conference”. Montpellier (France), 08-11/05/2017. pp. 99-99. (2017)

SaVeGraINPuglia, is the acronym of the regional safeguard project established from Apulia within the framework of the European Agricultural Programs for Rural Development. The primary objective of the project, was the collection, safeguard and preliminary evaluation and valorization of legume, cereal and forage old landraces still cultivated in the Apulia region. These landraces, well adapted to the climatic conditions of the Region, are from long time threatened by genetic erosion resulting from the gradual spread of more productive varieties. About 200 landraces were collected in different habitats outside and inside protected areas where traditional agricultural practices still survive. The collected germplasm was stored and safeguarded both ex situ and in situ through the application of appropriate international protocols. The project activities, coordinated by the Institute of Biosciences and Bio-Resources of the National Research Council (IBBR-CNR) was carried out in collaboration with 20 partners operating in the regional territory and belonging to public research organizations, universities, parks, private companies and associations. The research activities concerned the collection of historical documents, morphological, genetic and nutritional characterization of the landraces preserved in situ by local farmers and/or preserved ex situ in the CNR-IBBR seed bank. The results emphasize the potential use of landraces for the promotion of local products and the development of sustainable agriculture

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Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR/CNR)
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