National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

DISBA logo CNR logo
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4 / 6 (© Wilma Sabetta)
5 / 6 (© Aurora Storlazzi)
6 / 6 (© Mariarosaria De Falco)

  IBBR Highlights

MGD: Mediterranean Germplasm Database

The Mediterranean Germplasm Database is the reference database for the agro-food plant germplasm collection stored at the IBBR/CNR in Bari, Italy. The collection contains some 59,000 accessions belonging to more than 100 genera and over 700 species. Over 13,000 samples have been directly collected by exploration teams of the IBBR, while others have been acquired from other Institutions through exchange activities.

IBBR Webinars

Starting from Oct 21, 2020, on-line open webinars given by IBBR researchers and other collegues are scheduled every two weeks. Visit the calendar 2022/2023 to check the full list of scheduled webinars.

IBBR Bioresources / Research Collections

IBBR maintains several important in vivo and ex-situ research collections of hundreds of different organisms (crop species, crop wild relatives, forest and fruit trees, bacteria, fungi, nematoda, etc.) with the aim of studying and preserving their functional biodiversity, and assessing their response to biotic and abiotic environmental factors. IBBR collections are part of the national network of biological research collections "BioMemory" (CNR/DiSBA) and are being indexed by the European Research Infrastructure "DiSSCo" (Distributed System of Scientific Collections).

Download the IBBR Brochure

The IBBR brochure can be freely downloaded in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat Reader - 1.0 MB). The brochure summarizes the main activities, facilities, and research initiatives of the institute, which are illustrated by colorful pictures taken from the research activities carried out at the IBBR.

FABER®: p-Friendly Allergy nano-BEad aRray

FABER is a multiplex nanotechnology-based allergy diagnostic test. It is produced by the CNR-IBBR in collaboration with the Associated Centers for Molecular Allergology (CAAM) and Allergy Data Laboratories S.r.l. (ADL) which develops and maintains the Allergome platform. ADL and CNR are the owners of the FABER brand.

Climate-DT (Downscaling Tool)

Climate-DT is a geo-web service aimed at downscaling a number of climatic variables and indexes from multiple climatic scenarios on a 5km grid using the UKCP18 datasets (1900-2098). The system combines a bilinear interpolation of climatic data and a dynamic lapse rate adjustment to implement scale-free queries over Europe.

  IBBR News


NOTTE EUROPEA DELLE RICERCATRICI E DEI RICERCATORI 2024Reggia di Portici, Piazza Carlo di Borbone 1 - Portici Venerdì 27 e Sabato 28 settembre

Agriculture and Microbiomes towards the Future

CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma • 18 ottobre 2024 • h. 8.30 Organizing Committee: Michela Zottini, Simonetta Scaccia (University of Padua) | Raffaella Balestrini, Francesco Carimi, Mauro Gamboni, Davide Pacifico, Luigi Pica, Federica...

European Biotech Week 2024, XII Edizione - 1 Ottobre 2024

European Biotech Week 2024 - XII EdizioneBreve viaggio nelle biotecnologie per la salute, l’agricoltura e l’ambiente 1 ottobre 2024Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse - Sede di NapoliVia Pietro Castellino, 111 Napoli Organizzazione: CNR-IBBR,...

Launch of the Plant Extracellular Vesicles Farming (FarmEVs) project

FarmEVs is a project funded by European Research Executive Agency (REA) within REA.A - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions & Support to Experts, A.3 - HORIZON TMA MSCA Staff Exchanges action. It was subjected to HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01 call, HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01-01...

Evoluzione del miglioramento genetico delle piante: dagli incroci alle modificazioni dirette dei genomi

Evoluzione del miglioramento genetico delle piante: dagli incroci alle modificazioni dirette dei genomi - Convegno in memoria del Prof. Luigi Maria Monti - Roma, 12 marzo 2024

Una giornata con la ricerca (2a edizione)

Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse, Via Pietro Castellino, 111, Napoli 20 Febbraio 2024 - ore 9.00 - 13.00 Introduzione all’evento: Dott.ssa Mariarosaria De Falco Dott.ssa F. Monica Vella Interventi: CRISPR-CAS: la scoperta di un sistema immunitario...


19/12/2023 dalle 09:30 alle 13:30 presso il piazzale E. Fermi, 1 a Portici (NA) si svolgerà l’evento "SOSTENIBILITA’ A TAVOLA: IL CNR LO SPIEGA "A STREET" A STREET nell’ambito dell’iniziativa NOTTE EUROPEA DEI RICERCATORI "Dove le culture si incontrano"

Workshop "Biotecnologie in Agricoltura: dalle Piante Transgeniche alle Tecnologie di Evoluzione Assistita"

12/12/2023 - Università di Napoli Federico II, Diparmento di Agraria, Sala Cinese - Piazza Carlo di Borbone 1 Portici (Napoli). L’evento prende spunto da tre innovazioni che hanno avuto un forte impatto per lo sviluppo delle...

IBBR diventa Centro Nazionale per la Conservazione della Biodiversità Forestale

L’Istituto di Bioscienze e BioRisorse (IBBR) del CNR è stato riconosciuto come Centro nazionale per lo studio e la conservazione della biodiversità forestale, con la funzione di coadiuvare i Ministeri interessati nel monitoraggio del patrimonio...

  IBBR Video

IBBR Webinars / A One-Health perspective to tackle antibiotic resistance spread and impact in agri-food ecosystems

 More(Sep 20, 2023)

IBBR Webinars / Spatiotemporal genetic structure and population demographic history of Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and its relationship with recolonization of beech-oak forest in Japan

 More(Aug 01, 2023)

IBBR Webinars / Dynamics and mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 through the lens of computational methods

 More(Apr 19, 2023)

IBBR Webinars / Scent of a symbiont: the personalized genetic relationships of rhizobium-plant interaction

 More(Mar 22, 2023)

IBBR Webinars / Endobacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, plants: a symbiotic hub

 More(Jan 25, 2023)

IBBR Webinars / Conventional and unconventional approaches to edit higher plant genomes

 More(Dec 14, 2022)

Progetto "Lucan Cereals" - Gruppo Operativo "Cerealia"

 More(Dec 12, 2022)

IBBR Webinars / Biocontrol of Halyomorpha halys in Italy: overview and current state

 More(Dec 07, 2022)

IBBR webinars / Quality of vegetable seeds in the global market: a phytosanitary challenge for supporting sustainable agriculture and food security

 More(Nov 23, 2022)


Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR/CNR)
Via G. Amendola 165/A, I-70126 Bari (Italy)
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