National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Agriculture and Microbiomes towards the Future - New Perspectives between Research and Innovation

CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Roma • 18 ottobre 2024 • h. 8.30

Organizing Committee: Michela Zottini, Simonetta Scaccia (University of Padua) | Raffaella Balestrini, Francesco Carimi, Mauro Gamboni, Davide Pacifico, Luigi Pica, Federica Tenaglia (CNR - IBBR)


PDF version: PROGRAMMA 3_v7.pdf


8.30 - Registration
9.15 - Welcome by:

  • M. Gamboni, CNR, Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse
  • S. Riccaboni, Italian Secretariat PRIMA Programme

10.00 OPTIMUS PRIME: Optimal usage of natural product and biological priming agents to improve resilience of agrosystems to climate change

  • Vincent Arbona, University Jaume I - Castelló de la Plana - Overview and Achievements
  • Miguel González-Guzmán, University Jaume I - Castelló de la Plana - Transcriptional and metabolomic insights in the effects of multiple concurring stresses on tomato. Beneficial effects of seed priming.


11.30 PROSIT: Plant Microbiomes for a Sustainable Viticulture

  • Michela Zottini, Department of Biology, University of Padua - Investigating the role of endophytes in enhancing grapevine resilience to drought
  • Philippe Gallusci, University of Bordeaux - Grapevine response to drought stress: from DS priming to microbiota influence

12.30 REVINE: Regenerative agricultural approaches to improve ecosystem services in Mediterranean vineyards

  • Andreia Figueiredo, Biosystems and Integrative Sciences Institute, University of Lisbon. - Enhancing biotic and abiotic stress resilience in grapevine: innovative approaches with marine PGPB and pathogen-driven lipid elicitors
  • Luca Nerva, Researcher, CREA - Improving stress resilience and agroecosystem services exploiting beneficial microbes collected across Mediterranean environments

13.30 LUNCH

14.30 RESCHEDULE: Resilient to climate change extremes Mediterranean agricultural systems

  • Nikolaos Paranychianakis, Technical University of Crete - Overviews and Achievements
  • Thomas Reitz, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ - Halle - Climate change impact on agronomic plant parameters and the associated soil microbiome in agricultural systems of Germany and Italy

15.30 BENEFIT: Med Boosting technologies of orphan legumes towards resilient farming systems in the Greater Mediterranean Region: from bench to open field

  • Alma Balestrazzi, University of Pavia - Overviews and Achievements
  • Andrea Pagano, University of Pavia - Seed priming applied to orphan legumes: from bench to field

16.30 Closing Remarks

  • Davide Pacifico, CNR, Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse


The PRIMA programme is an Art. 185 initiative supported and founded under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation


by: Gabriele Bucci - Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024 (19:35)

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