National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Davide Pacifico

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578
E-mail: davide.pacifico[at]

Personal information


Telephone: (+39) 349 0981170


Nationality: Italian

Date and place of birth: 04-02-1980, RIVOLI (TO)


Researcher at IBBR/CNR UOS Palermo

The main research activity is involved in programs for the genetic and sanitary selection of grapevine and other Mediterranean crops, detection and characterization of pathogens (viruses and bacteria), and development of sanitation protocols through in vitro culture of plant tissues.

Work experience

2005-2008: PhD Student at the University of Turin.

2007-2011: Post-doc at the Institute of Plant Virology-CNR (IPSP from 2014), Research Unit of Turin, working on the project “Integrated technology platform supporting the quality and safety of typical wines of Piedmont-Italy (Tech4Wine)”.

2011-2012: Post-doc at the Institute of Plant Virology-CNR (IPSP from 2014), Research Post-doc presso l’Istituto di Virologia Vegetale-CNR (IPSP from 2014), Unità di Ricerca di Torino nell’ambito del progetto Unit of Turin.“Studies on the environmental factors influencing Flavescence dorèe epidemics and development of control strategies (FLADO)”.

2012-20013: Post-doc at the Institute of Plant Virology-CNR (IPSP from 2014), Research Unit of Turin, working on the project “Study of plant-pathogen interaction in the grapevine and in the model species A. thaliana.”

2013- : Researcher at Institute of Plant Genetics (IBBR from 2013), Research Unit of Palermo.

Education and Training

2004: Degree in Biotechnology, University of Turin.

2005 - 2006: PhD student at Institut de Biologie Végétale Moléculaire (IBVM) INRA-Bordeaux, France.

2008: Ph. Doctorate in Agricultural, Forestry and Food Science, University of Turin.

Main Research interest

  • Genomic and transcriptomic applied to the study of plant-pathogen interaction. Development of molecular protocols for pathogen (virus and bacteria) detection and characterization in plants and insects.

  • Studies on the environmental factors influencing the plant-pathogen interactions and development of control strategies.

  • Screening for plant genotypes resistant/tolerant to viruses and bacteria in artificial (greenhouse) and field conditions.

  • Field collection and identification of plant pathogens (fungi, bacteria and viruses). Techniques for the maintenance of bacteria and viruses in artificial conditions.


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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