National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Luigi De Masi

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) -081-2539-494
E-mail: luigi.demasi[at]

Dr Luigi De Masi is research scientist at National Research Council (CNR) c/o Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR) of Portici (Naples), Italy.

Main Research Interests

  • Development and application of molecular markers for detecting DNA polymorphisms in plant genetic resources.
  • Genetic diversity analysis and reliable identification of plant species and varieties by molecular markers.
  • Characterization of plant genetic resources with particular reference to traditional varieties of local relevance.
  • Evaluation of plant bioresources for molecules of potential interest for human nutrition and health.
  • Identification of reservoirs of plant genetic diversity for conservation and exploitation of agrobiodiversity.


Plant Agrobiodiversity; Genetic and Chemical Variability; Plant Genetic Resources; Molecular Characterization; Biomolecular Resources; DNA-based Molecular Markers; Biosequences; DNA Polymorphisms; Bioinformatics; Protein Function Prediction; Nutrition and Health; Natural Products; Secondary Metabolites; Bioactive Molecules; Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.

Education and Research Experiences

Dr De Masi obtained the degree in Biological Sciences cum laude at the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of University of Naples Federico II.

From 1998 to 2001, Dr De Masi was research fellow and consultant, first at the School of Medicine, Second University of Naples (SUN) and after at the CE.IN.GE. Advanced Technologies, Naples.

In 1999, he was at Laboratory of Genetic Diversity of Dr A. Karp, Long Ashton Research Station (LARS), Institute of Arable Crops Research (IACR), Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bristol (UK).

From 2001 to 2006, he was member of the permanent research staff at Experimental Station for Industry in Reggio Calabria (Italy).

Since 2006 Dr De Masi is member of the permanent research staff at CNR-IBBR of Portici (ex CNR-IGV).

Dr De Masi achieved a PhD in Agrobiology and Agrochemistry at University of Naples Federico II. He discussed a PhD thesis dealing with the study of tomato plant response to the interaction with beneficial fungi of Trichoderma genus.

His scientific production consists of 65 papers of international and national interest, one patent for invention, three monographs, eight book’s chapters and more than 55 communications to international and national conferences.

Further personal information and publications are available on the following webpages:

Principal Investigator (PI) of Recent Research Programs

  • 2024 to 2025: Dr De Masi is PI for CNR-IBBR of the innovation project "KASTRACK", Regione Campania, PSR 2014-2020, M16.1.1 Az.2: KASTRACK
  • 2021 to 2023: Dr De Masi was PI of the innovation project "IDENTIQUA", Regione Campania, PSR 2014-2020, M16.1.1 Az.2: IDENTIQUA
  • 2018 to 2019: Dr De Masi was PI of the innovation project "CASTARRAY", Regione Campania, PSR 2014-2020, M16.1.1 Az.1: CASTARRAY

Guest Editor for Recent Special Issues

Main Scientific Publications

  • Capasso L, De Masi L, Sirignano C, Maresca V, Basile A, Nebbioso A, Rigano D, Bontempo P (2025) Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG): Pharmacological Properties, Biological Activities and Therapeutic Potential. Molecules, 30(3): 654.
  • Maresca V, Capasso L, Rigano D, Stornaiuolo M, Sirignano C, Piacente S, Cerulli A, Marallo N, Basile A, Nebbioso A, Giordano D, Facchiano A, De Masi L, Bontempo P (2024) Health-Promoting Effects, Phytochemical Constituents and Molecular Genetic Profile of the Purple Carrot ‘Purple Sun’ (Daucus carota L.). Nutrients 16(15): 2505.
  • Bontempo P, Capasso L, De Masi L, Nebbioso A, Rigano D (2024) Therapeutic Potential of Natural Compounds Acting through Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cardiovascular Diseases: Current Findings and Future Directions. Nutrients 16(15): 2399.
  • Nicoletti R, De Masi L, Migliozzi A, Calandrelli MM (2024) Analysis of Dieback in a Coastal Pinewood in Campania, Southern Italy, through High-Resolution Remote Sensing. Plants 13(2): 182.
  • Bontempo P, De Masi L, Rigano D (2023) Functional Properties of Natural Products and Human Health. Nutrients 15(13): 2961.
  • Giordano D, Scafuri B, De Masi L, Capasso L, Maresca V, Altucci L, Nebbioso A, Facchiano A, Bontempo P (2023) Sirtuin Inhibitor Cambinol Induces Cell Differentiation and Differently Interferes with SIRT1 and 2 at the Substrate Binding Site. Biomedicines 11(6): 1624.
  • Calandrelli MM, Nunziata A, De Masi L (2023) Pilot Study on the Geographical Mapping of Genetic Diversity among European Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Cultivars in Southern Italy. Plants 12(4): 917.
  • AA.VV. (2022) Trasferimento di innovazione per la valorizzazione del castagno da frutto. Curatori: Calandrelli MM, De Masi L. CNR Edizioni, ISBN 978-88-8080-366-9.
  • Sharifi-Rad J, Quispe C, Salgado Castillo CM, Caroca R, Lazo-Vélez MA, Antonyak H, Polishchuk A, Lysiuk R, Oliinyk P, De Masi L, Bontempo P, Martorell M, Daştan SD, Rigano D, Wink M, Cho WC (2022) Ellagic Acid: A Review on Its Natural Sources, Chemical Stability, and Therapeutic Potential. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2022, Article ID 3848084.
  • De Masi L, Facchiano A (2022) Molecular Aspects of Spike-ACE2 Interaction. Encyclopedia Platform Entry. Available online:
  • De Masi L, Argenio MA, Giordano D, Facchiano A (2022) Molecular Aspects of Spike-ACE2 Interaction. Encyclopedia 2(1): 96-108.
  • Giordano D, De Masi L, Argenio MA, Facchiano A (2021) Structural Dissection of Viral Spike-Protein Binding of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 to the Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) as Cellular Receptor. Biomedicines 9(8): 1038.
  • Bontempo P, Stiuso P, Lama S, Napolitano A, Piacente S, Altucci L, Molinari AM, De Masi L, Rigano D (2021) Metabolite Profile and In Vitro Beneficial Effects of Black Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Polar Extract. Nutrients 13(8): 2771.
  • Scafuri B, Bontempo P, Altucci L, De Masi L, Facchiano A (2020) Molecular Docking Simulations on Histone Deacetylases (HDAC)-1 and-2 to Investigate the Flavone Binding. Biomedicines 8(12): 568.
  • Rispo M, De Masi L, Calandrelli MM (2020) Assessment of allergenic potential in urban forests: a case study of the Royal Park of Portici in Southern Italy. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry 13(5): 376-381.
  • Nunziata A, Ruggieri V, Petriccione M, De Masi L (2020) Single nucleotide polymorphisms as practical molecular tools to support European chestnut agrobiodiversity management. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(13): 4805.
  • De Masi L, Bontempo P, Rigano D, Stiuso P, Carafa V, Nebbioso A, Piacente S, Montoro P, Aversano R, D’Amelia V, Carputo D, Altucci L (2020) Comparative phytochemical characterization, genetic profile, and antiproliferative activity of polyphenol-rich extracts from pigmented tubers of different Solanum tuberosum varieties. Molecules 25(1): 233.
  • Cautela D, Balestrieri ML, Savini S, Sannino A, Ferrari G, Servillo L, De Masi L, Pastore A, Castaldo D (2020) The ancient Neapolitan sweet lime and the Calabrian Lemoncetta Locrese belong to the same Citrus species. Molecules, 25(1): 113.
  • Vella FM, De Masi L, Morana A, Calandrelli R, Laratta B (2019) Valorization of the agro-forestry wastes from Italian chestnut cultivars for the recovery of bioactive compounds. European Food Research and Technology 245(12): 2679-2686.
  • Laratta B, Vella FM, De Masi L, Morana A, La Cara F (2019) Biochemical characterization of leaves, burs and shells of ‘Bouche de Bétizac’ chestnut cultivar. Acta Horticulturae 1242: 575-579.
  • Facchiano A, Pignone D, Servillo L, Castaldo D, De Masi L (2019) Structure and ligands interactions of Citrus tryptophan decarboxylase by molecular modeling and docking simulations. Biomolecules 9(3): 117.
  • De Masi L, Vella FM, Laratta B, Volpe MG, Tiseo M, La Cara F (2017) Biochemical and genetic characterization of a red fig cultivar (Ficus carica) from Southern Italy. Acta Horticulturae 1173: 81-86.
  • De Masi L, Castaldo D, Pignone D, Servillo L, Facchiano A (2017) Experimental evidence and in silico identification of tryptophan decarboxylase in Citrus genus. Molecules 22(2): 272.
  • Bontempo P, De Masi L, Carafa V, Rigano D, Scisciola L, Iside C, Grassi R, Molinari AM, Aversano R, Nebbioso A, Carputo D, Altucci L (2015) Anticancer activities of anthocyanin extract from genotyped Solanum tuberosum “Vitelotte”. Journal of Functional Foods 19: 584-593.
  • De Masi L, Adelfi MG, Pignone D, Laratta B (2015) Identification of Doris verrucosa mollusc via mitochondrial 16S rDNA. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 58: 21-29.
  • Laratta B, De Masi L, Sarli G, Pignone D (2013) Hot peppers for happiness and wellness: a rich source of healthy and biologically active compounds. Breakthroughs in the Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, in Proceedings of the XV EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, Eds S. Lanteri and G. L. Rotino, pp. 233-240.
  • Tucci M, Ruocco M, De Masi L, De Palma M, Lorito M (2011) The beneficial effect of Trichoderma on tomato is modulated by the plant genotype. Molecular Plant Pathology 12(4): 341-354.
  • Laratta B, De Masi L, Minasi P, Giovane A (2008) Pectin methylesterase in Citrus bergamia: purification, biochemical characterization and sequence of the exon related to the enzyme active site. Food Chemistry 110(4): 829-837.
  • De Masi L, Siviero P, Castaldo D, Cautela D, Esposito C, Laratta B (2007) Agronomic, chemical and genetic profiles of hot peppers (Capsicum annuum ssp.). Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 51(8): 1053-1062.
  • De Masi L, Siviero P, Esposito C, Castaldo D, Siano F, Laratta B (2006) Assessment of agronomic, chemical and genetic variability in common basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). European Food Research and Technology 223: 273-281.
  • De Masi L, Castaldo D, Galano G, Minasi P, Laratta B (2005) Genotyping of fig (Ficus carica L) via RAPD markers. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85(13): 2235-2242.
  • De Masi L, Cipollaro M, Di Bernardo G, Galderisi U, Galano G, Cascino A, Grassi G, Pavone E, Simeone A (2003) Clonal selection and molecular characterization by RAPD analysis of the fig (Ficus carica) “Dottato” and “Bianco del Cilento” cultivars in Italy. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 605: 65-68.
  • Cipollaro M, Di Bernardo G, Forte A, Galano G, De Masi L, Galderisi U, Guarino FM, Angelini F, Cascino A (1999) Histological analysis and ancient DNA amplification on human bone remains found in Caius Iulius Polybius house in Pompeii. Croatian Medical Journal 40(3): 392-397.
  • Galderisi U, Cipollaro M, Di Bernardo G, De Masi L, Galano G, Cascino A (1999) Identification of the Edible Fig ‘Bianco del Cilento’ by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis. HortScience 34(7): 1263-1265.
  • Galderisi U, Cipollaro M, Di Bernardo G, De Masi L, Galano G, Cascino A (1999) Identification of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) cultivars by RAPD analysis. Plant Cell Reports 18: 652-655.
  • Galderisi U, Cipollaro M, Di Bernardo G, De Masi L, Galano G, Cascino A (1998) Molecular typing of Italian sweet chestnut cultivars by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 73(2): 259-263.

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(full list available at CNR People)

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