National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Maria Cammareri

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 081-2539490
E-mail: maria.cammareri[at]


2008-present: Permanent position as Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Research Division: Portici (NA), Italy

Education, Training and visits to other Institutions

2012: Visiting Scientist at Instituto de Biologia Molecular y Celular de Plantas (CSIC-UPV), Valencia, Spain

2004: Ph.D. in Plant Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

2005: Stage on Bioinformatic applications for DNA Sequence Analysis at CRIBI Biotechnology Center, University of Padova

2004: Stage on Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) at Laboratory of Genetics, Wageningen University

1999: Master in Plant Biotechnology, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

1996: B.S. in Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples-Federico II, Italy

Teaching activities

Supervisor for first degree thesis and PhD dissertations in plant genetics and biotechnology.

Seminars for students and PhD students in the School of Plant Biotechnology and Agricultural Sciences at the Univ. of Naples Federico II, Italy.

Research Area

My research activity is currently focused on the following topics:

  • Development, characterization and use of new mapped genetic resources in tomato
  • Genomic approaches to identify regulatory networks underlying tomato fruit quality during ripening and post-harvest
  • Identification and functional characterization of key genes involved in nutritional and merceological quality in pepper
  • Metabolic engneering of secondary metabolite pathways for the production of health-related compounds

Research Projects (selection)

  • EU, H2020: “Traditional tomato varieties and cultural practices: a case for agricultural diversification with impact on food security and health of European population (TRADITOM) (2015-2018).
  • MiUR PON02-GenoPOM.PRO, Potenziamento della filiera pomodoro attraverso l’uso di piattaforme integrate di post-genomica (2012-2015).
  • MiUR PON02-GenHORT, Valorizzazione di produzioni ortive campane di eccellenza con strumenti di genomica avanzata (2012-2015).
  • Regione Campania L.R. n. 5/2002 Annualità 2008 “Studio in Matricaria recutita del pathway metabolico dell’apigenina: composto ad attività antinfiammatoria da impiegare nella cura delle malattie reumatiche croniche” (2014-2015).
  • O.R. Campania FESR 2007-2013, Obiettivo Operativo 2.1 (Interventi su Aree Scientifiche di Rilevanza Strategica) ”Biotecnologie vegetali per la qualità ambientale e lo sviluppo di bioprodotti” nell’ambito del Progetto Bio Industrial Pro cesses (BIP) (2013-2015).
  • MEF-CNR CISIA - Conoscenze Integrate per la Sostenibilità e l’Innovazione del made in Italy Agroalimentare. Funded by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Legge n. 191/2009 (2011-2015).
  • Bilateral project CNR-CSIC “Use of tomato introgression lines for the genetic analysis of sensory quality” in the framework of the bilateral agreement CNR-CSIC (2011-2012). Spanish research group: Dr. AJ Monforte and Prof. AL Granell, IBMCP (CSCI-UPV), Valencia, Spain.
  • EU-SOL (PL 016214-2) “High Quality Solanaceous crops for consumers, processors and producers by exploration of natural biodiversity” EU-FP6 (2006-2011).
  • MIUR-FAR "GenoPOM, A genomics private-public laboratory for the innovation and the valorization of tomato” (2006-2011).
  • MIUR-FIRB “National Laboratory for Genomics and Post Genomics of Organisms of Agronomic Interest. “Systematic RNAi in tomato of genes relevant for plant and fruit development and for the interaction with the environment” (2005-2011).

Selected Publications

Tranchida-Lombardo V, Aiese Cigliano R, Anzar I, Landi S, Palombieri S, Colantuono C, Bostan H, Termolino P, Aversano R, Batelli G, Cammareri M, Carputo D, Chiusano ML, Conicella C, Consiglio F, D’Agostino N, De Palma M, Di Matteo A, Grandillo S, Sanseverino W, Tucci M, Grillo S (2018) Whole-genome re-sequencing of two Italian tomato landraces reveals sequence variations in genes associated with stress tolerance, fruit quality and long shelf-life traits. DNA Research 25(2): 149-160

Rambla JL, Medina A, Fernández-del-Carmen A., Barrantes W., Grandillo S., Cammareri M, López-Casado G, Rodrigo G, Alonso A, García-Martínez S, Primo J, Ruiz J J, Fernández-Muñoz R, Monforte A J, Granell A (2017) Identification, introgression, and validation of fruit volatile QTLs from a red-fruited wild tomato species. Journal of Experimental Botany 68 (3): 429-442

Alseekh S, Ofner I, Pleban T, Tripodi P, Di Dato F, Cammareri M, Mohammad A, Grandillo S, Fernie AR, Zamir D (2013) Resolution by recombination: breaking up Solanum pennellii introgressions. Trends in Plant Science 8(10):536-8

Piombino P, Sinesio F, Moneta E, Cammareri M, Genovese A, Lisanti MT, Mogno MR, Peparaio M, Termolino P, Moio L, Grandillo S (2013) Investigating physicochemical, volatile and sensory parameters playing a positive or a negative role on tomato liking. Food Research International 50(1): 409-419

Pecchia P, Cammareri M, Malafronte N, Consiglio MF, Gualtieri MJ, Conicella C (2011) Quinic Acids from Aster caucasicus and from Transgenic Callus Expressing a β-Amyrin Synthase. Natural Product Communications 6: 1665-1669

Sinesio F, Cammareri M, Moneta E, Navez B, Peparaio M, Causse M, Grandillo S (2010) Sensory Quality of Fresh French and Dutch Market Tomatoes: a Preference Mapping Study with Italian Consumers. J Food Sci 75(1): S55-S67

Confalonieri M, Cammareri M, Biazzi E, Pecchia P, Fevereiro MPS, Balestrazzi A, Tava A, Conicella C (2009) Enhanced triterpene saponin biosynthesis and root nodulation in transgenic barrel medic (Medicago truncatula Gaertn.) expressing a novel amyrin synthase (AsOXA1) gene. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 7:172-182

Cammareri M, Consiglio MF, Pecchia P, Corea G, Lanzotti V, Ibeas JI, Tava A, Conicella C (2008) Molecular characterization of b-amyrin synthase from Aster sedifolius L. and triterpenoid saponin analysis. Plant Science 175 (3): 255-261

Cammareri M, Tiseo MS, Errico A, Conicella C (2006) Occurrence of pollen tetrads in Aster foliaceus Lindl. (Asteraceae). J Genet & Breed 59: 165-167

Errico A, Cammareri M, Conicella C (2005) Meiotic nuclear restitution mechanisms in a triploid Lily. Caryologia 58 (4): 367-373

Cammareri M, Errico A, Sebastiano A, Conicella C (2004) Genetic relationships among Aster species by multivariate analysis and AFLP markers. Hereditas 140: 193-200

Corea G, Iorizzi M, Lanzotti V, Cammareri M, Conicella C, Laezza C, Bifulco M (2004) Astersedifolioside A-C, three new oleane-type saponins with antiproliferative activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 12: 4909-4915

Cammareri M, Zaccardelli M, Monti LM, Grandillo S (2004) In vitro activities of crude extracts from Lycopersicon esculentum ecotypes against phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria. J. of Plant Pathology 84 (4, Special Issue)

Conicella C, Capo A, Cammareri M, Errico A, Shamina N, Monti LM (2003) Elucidation of meiotic nuclear restitution mechanisms in potato through analysis of microtubular cytoskeleton. Euphytica 133: 107-115

Conicella C, Cremona G, Cammareri M, Errico A, Monti LM (2003) Phosphorylation dynamics in male meiosis: MPM-2 colocalizzation with microtubule cytoskeleton. Cell Biology International 27:183-184

Capo A, Cammareri M, Della Rocca F, Errico A, Zoina A, Conicella C (2002). Evaluation for chipping and tuber soft rot (Erwinia carotovora) resistance in potato clones from unilateral sexual polyploidization (2x x 4x). Amer J of Potato Res 79 (2): 139-145

Cammareri M, Errico A, Filippone E, Esposito S, Conicella C (2002) Induction of variability in chimeric Aster cordifolius “White Elegans” through somaclonal variation. Euphytica 128: 19-25

Cammareri M, Errico A, Filippone E, Conicella C (2002) Screening of Aster wild germplasm for in vitro response to regeneration. J Genet Breed 55: 279-282

Alfano F, Cammareri M, Errico A, Frusciante L, Conicella C (1999) 2n gametes in Solanum tuberosum dihaploids. Am Potato J 76: 281-285

Book chapters

Grandillo S, Chetelat R, Knapp S, Spooner D, Peralta I, Cammareri M, Perez O, Tripodi P, Termolino P, Chiusano Ml, Ercolano Mr, Frusciante L, Monti L, Pignone D (2011) Solanum sect. Lycopersicon. In: Wealth of Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources Vegetables (C Kole ed.) Springer, Springer, The Netherlands: pp 129-215

Grandillo S, Cammareri M (2016) Molecular Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci in Tomato. In: Causse M, Giovannoni J, Bouzayen M, Zouine M (eds) The Tomato Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 39-73


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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