What’s IBBR?

The buiding of the IBBR Division in Florence
The Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources (IBBR) comes from the reorganization and optimization of research centers recently carried out by Italian National Council of Research (CNR). IBBR has been recently founded (Nov 2013) by merging the the former IGV (Plant Genetics Institute) with part of the activies carried out at IGB (Institute of Genetics and Biophysics) and IBP (Institute of Protein Biochemistry). The headquarter is located in Bari (Apulia, Italy) and has 5 different divisions spread over national territory (Florence, Naples, Palermo, Perugia and Portici). Current director is Dr. Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin.
Research activities of the IBBR aim at the enhancement of basic knowledge in biology. Its main scientific commitment is to investigate the molecular and genetic basis of agro-food productions focusing on the sustainable management of bioresources in the biomedical, biochemical and environmental fields. These topics are basics for the European agricultural policy, the National Research Plan, and the R&D framework programmes of the EU, in particular for the VIII framework programme "Horizon 2020".

The building of the IBBR Division in Portici (NA)
The IBBR acts accordingly to the needs of a strategic sector of the Italian research and economy such as agriculture, in collaboration with several University departments, experiment Institutes (e.g., MiPAF, ENEA) and local administrations. People at the IBBR has long experience in the field of germplasm collection and management, and in the study and appraisal of the genetic variability of herbaceous, fruit and forest species.