National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Francesco Paolo Losavio

Section: Technicians
Division: Bari
Tel: (39) 0805583400-237
E-mail: francescopaolo.losavio[at]

Losavio Francesco Paolo since April 1998 is technician at Germplasm Institute.
He collaborates in the laboratory activities using molecular biology techniques, in microscopy focusing on cytogenetic, including C-banding and in situ fluorescence.
It carries out technical/experimental support in multiplication of plant genetic material in situ and ex situ.
He is a technical manager of experimental field assays, has followed the experimental farm called "P. Martucci" at Valenzano (BA), in charge of the organization, data collection in the field, and leadership of the personnel involved.
He participates in the exploration team of linguistic populations, and keep contacts with rural communities, produces archives of data and does image processing of the material/information acquired in the collecting mission.
Actually he is involve in PSR project for the safeguard of agrobiodiversity in Apulia region.


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