National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Maria Federica Consiglio

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Portici
Tel: (39) 081-2539112
E-mail: federica.consiglio[at]


1994 Graduate in Agricultural Sciences - University of Bologna, Italy

1996 Postgraduate in Plant Biotechnology - University of Naples

2000 PhD in Plant Genetics and Breeding - University of Naples, italy

Current Position

2001 (December) Research Scientist at CNR-IBBR Portici, Italy


1994-1996 Postgraduate student at the University of Naples, Federico II

1996 Stage at the Biology Dept - University of North Carolina (USA) (2 months)

1996-1997 Fellowship at the CNR - Research Center of Vegetable Plant Breeding, Portici , Italy (7 months)

1997-2000 PhD Student at the University of Naples - Federico II

1998-1999 Visiting Scientist at the Horticulture Dept, Purdue University (USA)

1999-2000 Fellowship at the CNR - Research Center of Vegetable Plant Breeding, Portici (3 months)

2000 Post-doc at the Horticulture Dept, Purdue University (USA) (4 months)

2000-2001 Post-doc at the CNR - Research Center of Vegetable Plant Breeding, Portici (15 months)

Research Interests

We focus our research in understanding plant sexual reproduction, mainly working with the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and to some extent with crop species. Specifically, we are interested in:

- Epigenetic control of meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis

- Histone post-translational modifications and ovule development in Arabidopsis

- Identification of genes underlying sexual polyploidization in potato

- Epigenomics of tomato reproduction

Current Projects

EU- FP7 MeioSys, Systematic Analysis of Factors Controlling Meiotic Recombination in Higher Plants (2009-2014)

MiUR-PRIN 2012 Genetic and epigenetic control of ovule number and fertility in Arabidopsis (2014-2016)

MiUR-Epigen, Epigenomics Flagship Project (2013-2014). Sub-project 8.2: Histone modifications associated to meiotic recombination regions in Arabidopsis

MiUR-GenoPOM.PRO, Potenziamento della filiera pomodoro attraverso l’uso di piattaforme integrate di post-genomica (2012-2015). 1.2.1: EPITOM, Tomato Epigenomics

MiUR-GenHORT, Valorizzazione di produzioni ortive campane di eccellenza con strumenti di genomica avanzata (2012-2015). 2.3.2: Identification of genes underlying sexual polyploidization in potato

Main Recent Publications

Aiese Cigliano R, Cremona G, Paparo R, Termolino P, Perrella G, Gutzat R, Consiglio MF, Conicella C (2013) Histone deacetylase AtHDA7 is required for female gametophyte and embryo development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 163: 431-440

Aiese Cigliano R, Sanseverino W, Cremona G, Ercolano MR, Conicella C, Consiglio MF (2013) Genome-wide analysis of histone modifiers in tomato: gaining an insight into their developmental roles. BMC Genomics 14: 37-57

Barra L, Aiese-Cigliano R, Cremona G, De Luca P, Zoppoli P, Bressan RA, Consiglio MF, Conicella C (2012) Transcription Profiling of Laser Microdissected Microsporocytes in an Arabidopsis Mutant (Atmcc1) with Enhanced Histone Acetylation. J Plant Biology 55: 281-289

Aiese Cigliano R, Sanseverino W, Cremona G, Consiglio MF, Conicella C (2011) Evolution of Parallel Spindles Like genes in plants and highlight of unique domain architecture. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 78-91

Perrella G, Consiglio MF*, Aiese-Cigliano R, Cremona G, Sanchez-Moran E, Barra L, Errico A, Bressan RA, Franklin FC, Conicella C. (2010). Histone hyperacetylation affects meiotic recombination and chromosome segregation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 62:796-806. (* coauthor).

Orsini F, Paino D’Urzo M, Inan G, Serra S, Oh DH, Mickelbart MV, Consiglio F, Li X, Jeong JC, Yun DJ, Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA and Maggio A (2010). A comparative study of salt tolerance parameters in 11 wild relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 61 (13), 3787-3798.

Mang HG, Laluk KA, Parsons EP, Kosma DK, Cooper BR, Park HC, AbuQamar S, Boccongelli C, Miyazaki S, Consiglio F, Chilosi G, Bohnert HJ, Bressan RA, Mengiste T, Jenks MA (2009) The Arabidopsis RESURRECTION1 gene regulates a novel antagonistic interaction in plant defense to biotrophs and necrotrophs. Plant Physiology 151: 290-305.


Selected Publications

(full list available at CNR People)

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