National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Massimo Terzi

Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Bari
Tel: (39) 0805583400-212
E-mail: massimo.terzi[at]

Position: 2001- Research scientist at the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (IBBR) - Bari

  • Italian National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in the sector 05/A1 Botany
  • Ph.D. “Plant Biology and Ecology in Mediterranean Environment”, University of Catania (IT)
  • Postgraduate Specialized Training in “Energy and environmental management in industry”, CSEI/Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
  • Master’s degree in Natural Science, cum laude, University of Bari (IT)
  • Scientific high school degree, Di Cagno Abbrescia Institute, Bari (IT)

Research sectors:

  • Phytosociology, Syntaxonomy and Phytosociological nomenclature
  • Vegetation ecology
  • Biodiversity
  • Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral systems

Section Editor:

Section editor for the Journal Acta Botanica Croatica - traditional botanical journal of southern Europe - in the field of Phytosociology, Syntaxonomy and Phytosociological Nomenclature (


Member of the Eastern Alpine and Dinaric Society for Vegetation Ecology (EADSVE), Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione (SISV), Società Botanica Italiana (SBI: Apulian Regional Section, Group for Floristics, Systematics and Evolution, and Group for Vegetation), and International Association for Vegetation Science [IAVS: member of the Ecoinformatics Working Group, European Vegetation Survey (EVS) and European Vegetation Classification Committee (EVCC), Vegetation Classification Working Group (VCWG), Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) and GrassPlot Consortium),and Working Group for Phytosociological Nomenclature (WGPN)]


2021 Editors’ Award of the journal Vegetation Classification and Survey to the paper: Dembicz et al. 2021. Fine-grain beta diversity in Palaearctic open vegetation: variability within and between biomes and vegetation types. Vegetation Classification and Survey 2: 293-304. doi: 10.3897/VCS/2021/77193.

2015 Editors’ Award of the journal Phytocoenologia - Journal of Vegetation Ecology ( - to the paper: Terzi M. 2015. Numerical analysis of the order Scorzoneretalia villosae”. Phytocoenologia, 45:11-32.

Selected papers:

Terzi M, Di Pietro R, Theurillat J-P. 2022. Nomenclature of Italian Syntaxa of the Classes Festuco hystricis-Ononidetea striatae and Rumici-Astragaletea siculi. Plant Biosystems,

Dembicz et al. 2021. Fine-grain beta diversity in Palaearctic open vegetation: variability within and between biomes and vegetation types. Vegetation Classification and Survey 2:293-304.

Terzi M, Di Pietro R, Theurillat J-P. 2021. Request for a binding decision on the valid publication of the names Xerobromion and Mesobromion in Zoller 1954. Vegetation Classification and Survey, 233-235.

Terzi M, Ciaschetti G, Fortini P, Rosati L, Viciani D, Di Pietro R. 2021. New syntaxon names for the Italian Quercus cerris woods. Mediterranean Botany 42, e75592.

Biurrun et al. 2021. Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13050.

Terzi M, Fontaneto D, Casella F. 2021. Effects of Ailanthus altissima Invasion and Removal on High-Biodiversity Mediterranean Grasslands. Environmental Management 68:914-927.

Terzi M, Barca E, Cazzato E, D’Amico FS, Lasorella C, Fracchiolla M. 2021. Effects of Weed Control Practices on Plant Diversity in a Homogenous Olive-Dominated Landscape (South-East of Italy). Plants 10:1090.

Dembicz et al. 2021. Fine‐grain beta diversity of Palaearctic grassland vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science, e13045

Di Pietro R, Fortini P, Misano G, Terzi M. 2020. Phytosociology of Atractylis cancellata and Micromeria microphylla communities in southern Italy with insights on the xerothermic steno-Mediterranean grasslands high-rank syntaxa. Plant Sociology 58: 133-155.

Terzi M, Bogdanović S, D’Amico FS, Jasprica N. 2020. Rare plant communities of the Vis Archipelago (Croatia). Botany Letters 167: 241-254.

Di Pietro R, Fortini P, Ciaschetti G, Rosati L, Viciani D, Terzi M. 2020. A revision of the syntaxonomy of the Apennine-Balkan Quercus cerris and Q. frainetto forests and correct application of the name Melittio-Quercion frainetto. Plant Biosystems 154:887-909

Dengler et al. 2020. Species-area relationships in continuous vegetation: Evidence from Palaearctic grasslands. Journal of Biogeography 47:72-86.

Terzi M, Ciaschetti G, Fortini P, Rosati L, Viciani D, Di Pietro R. 2020. A revised phytosociological nomenclature for the Italian ’Quercus cerris’ woods. Mediterranean Botany 41: 101-120.

Terzi M, Jasprica N. 2020. Chasmophytic vegetation of the Centaureo cuspidatae-Portenschlagiellion ramosissimae (Southeastern Adriatic, Northeastern Mediterranean). Plant Biosystems 154: 9-16.

Tomaselli V, Terzi M. 2019. Rocky coastal vegetation of the Crithmo-Staticetea in the south-east of Italy. Acta Botanica Croatica 78: 46-56.

Terzi M, Jasprica N, Caković D, Di Pietro R. 2018. Revision of the central Mediterranean xerothermic cliff vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science 21:514-532.

Dengler et al. 2018. GrassPlot - a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands. Phytocoenologia 48:331-347.

Terzi M, Jasprica N, Caković D. 2017 Xerothermic chasmophytic vegetation of the central Mediterranean Basin: a nomenclatural revision. Phytocoenologia 47:365 - 382.

Di Pietro R, Terzi M, Fortini P. 2017. A revision of the high-altitude acidophilous and chionophilous grasslands of the Apennines (Peninsular Italy), a long-lasting intricate syntaxonomic issue. Phytocoenologia 47: 261-304. (Editors’ Choice for the 3rd issue, vol. 47, of the journal Phytocoenologia)

Theurillat J-P, Terzi M, Di Pietro R. 2017. Proposal (22): to conserve the name Mesobromion erecti (Braun-Blanquet & Moor 1938) Oberdorfer 1957 against the name Bromion erecti Koch 1926. Phytocoenologia 47:385-387.

Jasprica N, Terzi M. Limestone cliff vegetation of Portenschlagiello ramosissimae-Campanuletum portenschlagianae, Croatia. Natura Croatica 26:69-75.

Terzi M, Di Pietro R, Theurillat J-P. 2017. Proposal (21): to conserve the name Festucetalia valesiacae Braun-Blanquet et Tüxen ex Braun-Blanquet 1950 against the name Festucetalia Soó 1940. Phytocoenologia 47:305-307.

Fracchiolla M, Terzi M, D’Amico FS, Tedone L, Cazzato E. 2017. Conservation and pastoral value of former arable lands in the agro-pastoral system of the Alta Murgia National Park (SE-Italy). Italian Journal of Agronomy 12:124-132.

Terzi M, Di Pietro R, Theurillat J-P. 2016. Nomenclature of the class Festuco-Brometea in Italy and remarks on the interpretation of articles 1 and 2b ICPN. Botany Letters 163:307-319.

Terzi M, Di Pietro R. 2016. Nomenclatural remarks on the chasmophytic vegetation of the Centaureo-Campanuletalia. Plant Biosystems 150:1364-1369.

Terzi M, D’Amico FS. 2016. Dry grasslands of Hippocrepido glaucae-Stipion austroitalicae in the Pollino Massif (Calabria, Italy). Acta Botanica Croatica 75:89-98.

Di Pietro R, Theurillat J-P, Capelo J, Fernández-González F, Terzi M, Carni A, Mucina L. 2015. Nomenclature and syntaxonomic notes on some high-rank syntaxa of the European grassland vegetation. Lazaroa 36:79-106.

Fracchiolla M, Terzi M, Frabboni L, Caramia D, Lasorella C, De Giorgio D, Montemurro P, Cazzato E. 2016. Influence of different soil management practices on ground-flora vegetation in an almond orchard. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 31:300-308.

Terzi M. Numerical analysis of the order Scorzoneretalia villosae. Phytocoenologia 45:11-32.

Tomaselli et al. 2013. Translating land cover/land use classifications to habitat taxonomies for landscape monitoring: a Mediterranean assessment. Landscape Ecology 28: 905-930.

Terzi M. Nomenclatural revision for the order Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia. Folia Geobotanica 46:411-444

Terzi M, Di Pietro R, D’Amico FS. 2010. Application of Indicator Species Analysis to communities with Stipa austroitalica Martinovsky and relevant syntaxonomic problems [Analisi delle Specie Indicatrici applicata alle comunità a Stipa austroitalica Martinovsky e relative problematiche sintassonomiche]. Fitosociologia 47:3-28.

Terzi M, D’Amico FS. 2008. Chasmophytic vegetation of the class Asplenietea trichomanis in south-eastern Italy. Acta Botanica Croatica 67:147-174.

Forte L, Perrino VE, Terzi M. 2005. Stipa austroitalica Martinovsky austroitalica grasslands of Alta Murgia (Apulia) and Murgia Materana (Basilicata). [Le praterie a Stipa austroitalica Martinovsky ssp. austroitalica dell’Alta Murgia (Puglia) e delle Murge Materane (Basilicata)]. Fitosociologia 42:83-103.


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