Salvatore Pasta
Role: Researcher
Section: Researchers and Technologists
Division: Palermo
Tel: (39) 091-6574578
E-mail: salvatore.pasta[at]
Curriculum vitae
Name: Salvatore Pasta
Address: Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, Unit of Palermo, National Research Council, - Corso Calatafimi nr. 414, I-90129 Palermo, Italy
Tel: +39 091 6574578, Fax: +39 091 423424
Mobile phone: ++39-379-1905914
ORCID id: 0000-0003-3265-9072
December 2018 to present: Permanent position as Researcher at the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources
July 1997: PhD in Plant Biosystematics and Ecology, University of Florence (Italy)
March 1993: Master Degree in Natural History Sciences at the University of Palermo (Italy)
Scientific research products
Author or co-author of 123 PAPERS on peer-reviewed international and national Journals provided with ISSN code (LAST UPDATE: APRIL 1, 2021)
Author or co-author of 99 BOOKS, MONOGRAPHS, ABSTRACTS of oral communications or posters provided with ISBN code (LAST UPDATE: APRIL 1, 2021)
Teaching activity
January 2021 to present: involved in research and tutorial activities in collaboration with the Zürcher Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW = Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland) on topics like on Urban Ecology, Citizen Science, Urban native and alien Vascular Flora and Vegetation)
October 2014: Invited lecturer in the framework of the biogeography courses at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) on the topic: “Conservation biogeography of the Mediterranean Islands”
October 2004-January 2005: Contract professor of the course of Ecology for the bachelor students of Ecology and Landscape Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Palermo (Italy)
October 2005-January 2006: Contract professor of the course of Forest Systems Management (‘Gestione dei Sistemi Forestali’ for the master students of Ecology and Landscape Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Palermo (Italy)
Academic appointments and activities
January 2016 to present: Member of the Mediterranean Islands Plant Specialist Group (MIPSG) of IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) ( (vice-chair since October 2016)
October 2013 to present: Member of the COREGE (Comité de Recherche et Gestion = research and Management Committee) of the PIM (Petites Iles de la Méditérranée) Initiative initially promoted by the Conservatoire National du Littoral of Aix-en-Provence (France) and since September 2016 by PIM-ONG; member of the Scientific Committee since March 2019 (
Research Interests
- Conservation biology
- Landscape dynamics and human impact
- Floristics and Vegetation Science
- Urban Ecology
- Ethnobotany
- Palaeo- and Archaeobotany
- Island Biogeography
Selected Publications
(full list available at CNR People)
Trait variability in diaspores and fruits of Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae) across its distribution range
Fazan L, Certini D, Pasta S, Remoundou I, Ghosn D, Garfì G, Kozlowski G
Year: 2023
Propagation of Calendula maritima Guss. (Asteraceae) through biotechnological techniques for possible usage in phytotherapy
Catalano C, Abbate L, Carimi F, Carra A, Gristina AS, Motisi A, Pasta S, Garfì G
Year: 2022
Understanding the factors influencing the growth of Zelkova abelicea in browsing exclosures
Fazan L, Remoundou I, Ghosn D, Nikoli T, Pasta S, Garfì G, Kozlowski G
Year: 2022
Leaf differentiation of extinct and remnant species of Zelkova in Western Eurasia
JasiÅàska AK, RuciÅàska B, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Garfì G, Pasta S, Bétrisey S, Gerber E, Safarov H, Sâm HV, BoratyÅàska K, Manchester SR, BoratyÅàski A
Year: 2022
IDPlanT: the Italian database of plant translocation
Abeli T, D’agostino M, Orsenigo S, Bartolucci F, Accogli R, Albani Rocchetti G, Alessandrelli C, Amadori A, Amato F, Angiolini C, Assini S, Bacchetta G, Banfi E, Bonini I, Bonito A, Borettini ML, Brancaleoni L, Brusa G, Buldrini F, Carruggio F, Carta A, Castagnini P, Cerabolini BE, Ceriani RM, Ciaschetti G, Citterio S, Clementi U, Cogoni D, Congiu A, Conti F, Crescente MF, Crosti R, Cuena A, D’antraccoli M, Dallai D, De Andreis R, Deidda A, Dessì C, De Vitis M, Di Cecco V, Di Cecco M, Di Giustino A, Di Martino L, Di Noto G, Domina G, Fabrini G, Farris E, Fiorentin R, Foggi B, Forte L, Galasso G, Garfì G, Gentile C, Gentili R, Geraci A, Gerdol R, Gheza G, Giusso del Galdo G, Gratani L, La Placa G, Landi M, Loi T, Luzzaro A, Alfredo M, Magnani C, Magrini S, Mantino F, Mariotti MG, Martinelli V, Mastrullo S, Medagli P, Minuto L, Nonis D, Palumbo ME, Paoli L, Pasta S, Peruzzi L, Pierce S, Pinna MS, Rainini F, Ravera S, Rossi G, Sanna N, Santini C, Sau S, Schettino A, Schicchi R, Sciandrello S, Sgarbi E, Gristina AS, Troia A, Varone L, Villa M, Zappa E, Fenu G
Year: 2021
Free behind bars: Effects of browsing exclusion on the growth and regeneration of Zelkova abelicea
Fazan L, Ghosn D, Remoundou I, Gotsiou P, Thanos C, Pasta S, Garfì G, Kozlowski G
Year: 2021
Translocation to prevent extinction in face of global change: the case of the sterile relict tree Zelkova sicula (Sicily, Italy)
Garfì G, Buord S, Carra A, Catalano C, Fazan L, Gautier C, Gristina AS, Livreri Console S, Motisi A, Perrotta G, Kozlowski G, Pasta S
Year: 2021
Translocation to prevent extinction in face of global change: the case of the sterile relict tree Zelkova sicula (Sicily, Italy)
Garfì G, Buord S, Carra A, Catalano C, Fazan L, Gautier C, Gristina AS, Livreri Console S, Motisi A, Perrotta G, Kozlowski G, Pasta S
Year: 2021
From glacial refugia to hydrological microrefugia: Factors and processes driving the persistence of the climate relict tree Zelkova sicula
Garfì G, Carimi F, Fazan L, Gristina AS, Kozlowski G, Livreri Console S, Motisi A, Pasta S
Year: 2021
Taxonomic relationships and population differentiation of the south-western Eurasian Zelkova species inferred in leaf morphology
JasiÅàska AK, RuciÅàska B, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Garfì G, Pasta S, Bétrisey S, Gerber E, BoratyÅàska K, BoratyÅàski A
Year: 2021
First report of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 in wild vines (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris) in Tunisia
Mahfoudhi N, Selmi I, Elair M, Garfi G, Pasta S, Carimi F, Pacifico D
Year: 2021
Floristic and Vegetation Changes on a Small Mediterranean Island over the Last Century
Sciandrello S, Cambria S, Giusso del Galdo GG, Guarino R, Minissale P, Pasta S, Tavilla G, Cristaudo A
Year: 2021
More nature in the city
Capotorti G, Bonacquisti S, Abis L, Aloisi I, Attorre F, Bacaro G, Balletto G, Banfi E, Barni E, Bartoli F, Bazzato E, Beccaccioli M, Braglia R, Bretzel F, Brighetti M, Brundu G, Burnelli M, Calfapietra C, Cambria V, Caneva G, Canini A, Caronni S, Castello M, Catalano C, Celesti-Grapow L, Cicinelli E, Cipriani L, Citterio S, Concu G, Coppi A, Corona E, Del Duca S, Del Vico E, Di Gristina E, Domina G, Faino L, Fano E, Fares S, Farris E, Farris S, Fornaciari M, Gaglio M, Galasso G, Galletti M, Gargano M, Gentili R, Giannotta A, Guarino C, Guarino R, Iaquinta G, Iiriti G, Lallai A, Lallai E, Lattanzi E, Manca S, Manes F, Marignani M, Marinangeli F, Mariotti M, Mascia F, Mazzola P, Meloni G, Michelozzi P, Miraglia A, Montagnani C, Mundula L, Muresan A, Musanti F, Nardini A, Nicosia E, Oddi L, Orlandi F, Pace R, Palumbo M, Palumbo S, Parrotta L, Pasta S, Perini K, Poldini L, Postiglione A, Prigioniero A, Proietti C, Raimondo F, Ranfa A, Redi E, Reverberi M, Roccotiello E, Ruga L, Savo V, Scarano P, Schirru F, Sciarrillo R, Scuderi F, Sebastiani A, Siniscalco C, Sordo A, Suanno C, Tartaglia M, Tilia A, Toffolo C, Toselli E, Travaglini A, Ventura F, Venturella G, Vincenzi F, Blasi C
Year: 2020
Amaryllis belladonna L. (Amaryllidaceae, Amaryllidoideae), first record as naturalized geophyte in Tunisia and continental North-Africa
El Mokni R, Pasta S, Pacifico D
Year: 2020
An updated checklist of the Sicilian native edible plants: preserving the traditional ecological knowledge of century-old agro-pastoral landscapes
Pasta S, La Rosa A, Garfì G, Marcenò C, Gristina AS, Carimi F, Guarino R
Year: 2020
Overcoming sexual sterility in conservation of endangered species: the prominent role of biotechnology in the multiplication of Zelkova sicula (Ulmaceae), a relict tree at the brink of extinction
Carra A, Catalano C, Badalamenti O, Carimi F, Pasta S, Motisi A, Abbate L, La Bella F, Fazan L, Kozlowski G, Garfì G
Year: 2019
Relict trees driving international cooperation, research and conservation - The example of Zelkova spp. (Ulmaceae)
Gratzfeld J, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Christe C, Buord S, Garfi G, Pasta S, Fournaraki Ch, Dimitriou D, Sklavaki P, Naciri Y, Dadashova A, Davitashvili N, Song Y
Year: 2018
Zelkova sicula. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017
Garfì G, Pasta S, Fazan L, Kozlowski G
Year: 2017
Human disturbance, habitat degradation and niche shift: the case of the endemic Calendula maritima Guss. (W Sicily, Italy)
Pasta S, Garfì G, Carimi F, Marcenò C
Year: 2017
Vegetation and fire history of coastal north-eastern Sardinia (Italy) under changing Holocene climates and land use
Beffa G, Pedrotta T, Colombaroli D, Henne PD, van Leeuwen JF, Süsstrunk P, Kaltenrieder P, Adolf C, Vogel H, Pasta S, Anselmetti FS, Gobet E, Tinner W
Year: 2016
In-vitro regeneration of Calendula maritima Guss. (Asteraceae), a threatened plant endemic to western Sicily
Carra A, Bambina M, Pasta S, Garfi G, Badalamenti O, Catalano C, Carimi F, Sajeva M
Year: 2016
Securing the future of a unique Sicilian plant on the verge of extinction - population introduction of Zelkova sicula
Garfì G, Pasta S, Buord St, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Gratzfeld J
Year: 2016
A methodological protocol for Annex i Habitats monitoring: the contribution of vegetation science
Gigante D, Attorre F, Venanzoni R, Acosta AT R, Agrillo E, Aleffi M, Alessi N, Allegrezza M, Angelini P, Angiolini C, Assini S, Azzella MM, Bagella S, Biondi E, Bolpagni R, Bonari G, Bracco F, Brullo S, Buffa G, Carli E, Caruso G, Casavecchia S, Casella L, Cerabolini BE L, Ciaschetti G, Copiz R, Cutini M, Del Vecchio S, Del Vico E, Di Martino L, Facioni L, Fanelli G, Foggi B, Frattaroli AR, Galdenzi D, Gangale C, Gasparri R, Genovesi P, Gianguzzi L, Gironi F, Del Galdo GG, Gualmini M, Guarino R, Lasen C, Lastrucci L, Maneli F, Pasta S, Paura B, Perrino EV, Petraglia A, Pirone G, Poponessi S, Prisco I, Puglisi M, Ravera S, Sburlino G, Sciandrello S, Selvaggi A, Spada F, Spampinato G, Strumia S, Tomaselli M, Tomaselli V, Uzunov D, Viciani D, Villani M, Wagensommer RP, Zitti S
Year: 2016
Fitting the stocking rate with pastoral resources to manage and preserve mediterranean forestlands: a case study
Bianchetto E, Buscemi I, Corona P, Giardina G, La Mantia T, Pasta S
Year: 2015
Whither rare relict trees in a climate of rapid change?
Gratzfeld J, Kozlowski G, Fazan L, Buord S, Garfi G, Pasta S, Gotsiou P, Fournaraki Ch, Dimitriou D
Year: 2015
Reviving extinct Mediterranean forest communities may improve ecosystem potential in a warmer future
Henne PD, Elkin C, Franke J, Colombaroli D, Calo C, La Mantia T, Pasta S, Conedera M, Dermody O, Tinner W
Year: 2015
Habitat features and genetic integrity of wild grapevine Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (C.C. Gmel.) Hegi populations: A case study from Sicily
Garfì G, Mercati F, Fontana I, Collesano G, Pasta S, Vendramin GG, De Michele R, Carimi F
Year: 2013
Additional insights on the ecology of the relic tree Zelkova sicula Di Pasquale, Garfì et Quézel (Ulmaceae) after the finding of a new population
Garfì G, Carimi F, Pasta S, Rühl J, Trigila S
Year: 2011
An Overview on the Human Exploitation of Sicilian Native Edible Plants
Pasta S, Garfì G, La Bella F, Rühl J, Carimi F
Year: 2011