National Research Council of Italy

Institute of Biosciences and BioResources

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Satellite Meeting on Marine Nitrogen-Fixing Symbioses: A Model for Biotic Interactions in Marine Biota

Date: Tuesday 19th October 2021

Organisers: Ulisse Cardini, Alessandra Rogato, Maurizio Ribera D’Alcalà


The deadline for registration and abstract submission is Tuesday 31st August 2021.

The meeting is organized within the frame of the 14th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, online event hosted by Aarhus University, Denmark (22nd September - 22nd October 2021).


Understanding the functioning and relevance of symbiotic interactions among marine organisms is a growing research area in marine science. In particular, the interest in N2-fixing symbioses has exponentially increased in recent years, with new associations found in a wide array of organisms, from planktonic diatoms to scleractinian corals and chemosynthetic symbioses. The workshop “Marine Nitrogen-Fixing Symbioses” is designed to foster an interdisciplinary exchange covering disciplines such as microbiology, ecology, oceanography and marine biology, while seeking to attract scientists from different countries and fields of research. We aim to explore how symbioses involving N2-fixing microorganisms function and evolve in marine habitats, and to benefit from the participation of a broad audience including both marine and terrestrial scientists. The workshop will provide a forum for attendees to discuss recent achievements and trends
in a friendly and open environment, with the underlying goal of paving the way to a durable synergy between terrestrial and marine scientists.

The programme will consist of three sessions with invited speakers introducing each session and short oral presentations that will be selected from submitted abstracts. If you would like to attend the meeting, please register here. If you wish to give a short oral presentation at the workshop, you will have the opportunity to submit your abstract at the same link.

Meeting program:

  • Session 1: Planktonic N2-fixing symbioses and the Tara Ocean dataset
    Invited speaker: Dr Chris Bowler; Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (IBENS), Paris, France
  • Session 2: N2-fixing symbioses at the benthos: the role of the holobiont
    Invited speaker: Dr Jeroen van de Water; Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco
  • Session 3: Modeling N2-fixing symbioses
    Invited speaker: Dr Angela Landolfi; GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany

by: Gabriele Bucci - Last Updated: Jun 15, 2021 (18:56)

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